Friday, May 31, 2024

Budget without windfall tax is useless and Guy Scott should resign as Veep – HH


United Party for National Development (UPND) president Hakainde Hichilema
United Party for National Development (UPND) president Hakainde Hichilema

United Party for National Development (UPND) leader Hakainde Hichilema says the 2013 national budget to be presented to parliament by finance minister Alexander Chikwanda this afternoon will be useless if it will not include the re-introduction of the windfall tax.

Mr. Hichilema said the party is expecting Mr. Chikwanda to explain to the nation why government has opted to borrow the $750 million Eurobond when the money can be raised through windfall tax.

Speaking at a media briefing in Lusaka this morning, Mr. Hichilema said Mr. Chikwanda should also give a clear explanation of how government intends to create jobs for young people instead of just giving statements.

He said creation of jobs should not just be about talking but should be followed by action.

Finance minister Alexander Chikwanda is this afternoon expected to present to parliament the 2013 national budget, the first, crafted by the Patriotic Front government amid high expectations from stakeholders.

And Mr. Hichilema has called for the immediate resignation of vice president Guy Scott.

He said it is pointless for Dr. Scott to continue serving as vice president when he cannot act as president in the absence of President Michael Sata.

Mr. Hichilema stated that it is better that Mr. Chikwanda takes over as vice president because he always acts in the absence of President Sata.



  1. Shup up HH – You have no vision. You sold Mufumbwe seat to MMD. We the people of Zambia rejected MMD. When will UPND take the nation and adpot the 150 MPs of their own. Its not about having more members in the oppostion but making UPND a bigger party and stop associating himself with MMD.

    • You are right Bo Litunga. HH should just tame his mouth than talk to much like Sata. No wonder he is called under -five.

  2. How silly and moronic is that? rendering the all budget useless just because it misses one thing before reading it, is just utter shallowness. When will God give us reasonable opposition?

  3. hey guys remember this is not a site for insults pliz . just say what you want to say minus insulting anyone pliz .

  4. when people say ama Zambians balishipula it is true we need more exposure if the arab thing did not hit close to home.
    Seriously we have a VEEP who never acts as president in absence of HEAD OF STATE but enjoying all the benefits of the office WHY?????

    And how to you describe government structure in term of abapamulu nabakonkapo seriously ba president is senior followed by his trusted VEEP then others nomba when he goes the VEEP answers to someone Junior unless you tell me FM has always been higher than VEEP. in any case ukushipola abena Zambia yaba anyway its your tax money kaili you like saying it that way

    • @Derrick, be informed that it’s the stupid and archaic constitution that “half inch pint size” Chiluba came up with in 1996 that bars Dr Scott from acting on the basis that he’s not Zambian enough being born in Zambia all because his parents where of british origin. Once the new constitution is passed, Dr Scott will be allowed to act as president. In any case, the president has the prerogative to appoint any MP to act as President. And HH is liar because GBM has also acted as president and not only Dr Chikwanda. A new Zambia is coming soon.

  5. I think, he is right, I don’t expect anyone with a good grasp of common sense to agree with him
    The man will probably be ridiculed by anyone short sighted not fit to be a man

    He is right in his call for windfall tax, and i am talking as a prospective and soon would be PhD student

    If you deny what he is saying consider yourself obsequious, because HH is thinking of posterity 

    Thank you

    • This is the only time I agree wit you, and I hope I am right seeing we are on the same side of the fence sort to say

    • Was reading LT articles from the archives from the year 2007; whose name pops up in the comments thread? You are a very sick lonely sad pathetic boy! 

    • PHD. Ba Mushota; bawesu you are not the first one to go PHD. Grow up push forward your arguments not academic qualifications. Masses will tell you do ve to tell them about your acamedic qualification. I willreally doubt you.

  6. Does this guy understand the constitution? How can guy Scott act as a president? He really need rehabilitation so that he can realise that he can never be president if he talks aimlessly he has to be a contractive opposition not someone who just opens his mouth unnecessarily

    • man are you serious to ask what the veep does in this country? PF has their own way of doing things.jast because he doesnt act means he has to resign????? jobs are hard to come by.

    • He’s barred by the current archaic constitution that equally barred Dr Kaunda from contesting the 1996 elections. This was a constitution tailored to suit ka kafupi chiluba to stop the founding father Dr Kaunda from contesting the 1996 elections by virtue of his parents not being born zambians. Things will change soon. 

  7. Attention seeker, wanting to milk the limelight just before the budget. If u want to be on the lenses all the time, maaay be join the wwe wrestling, they are on every single week!! And there u can talk and talk. Only difference is wen u talk too much someone will be on the wings to shut your mouth well well

  8. just shup the F*K UP iwe Hakaivotela Heka. you are a useless politician with no vission. no wonder your party in just in southern province

  9. @ mushota, you are just a useless whole who is f*cked by the whites every single night in you f*king stinking a*ss.

  10. Mushota please dont blog with sense like that, you are departing from what we know about you!
    Coming to the point of HH I think those insulting him are lunatics like their relative AC, indeed why would someone go and borrow money at great cost when he can get the same from his natural resources???? Even his poitn on Guy Scott is spot on, this man is a principle less white fool who can be tossed about without a whim. If he has any morals he should just resign than waste our money being paid as VP when he never gets the chance to cover his boss whenever he goes out!

    • Read the constitution Mukango before you expose your ignorance about Guy Scot acting as president. On borrowing, check your facts and the sources coz your blog is worrisome .

  11. HH is barking again why talk of budget and switch to VP.The man is still envying VP position which could have been hisSHAME HH.

  12. Objectivity PF cadres … I know u don’t know what it means but think before throwing stones.HH is acting on your behalf.

    • WHOSE BEHALF??? he talks of how the govt will create employment without telling how he would do it when he comes to power? sata won our hearts by telling us exactly what he was going to do. not jast yell and gruntle

  13. a thief will never dine with a priest but the priest will continue to bring him near but the thief will always hate the priest VIVA HH abash …….????????””..,;-=

  14. Hakainde has a valid point as regards to Guy Scot being Veep..what’s the point of being in that office if you can not step up in the absence of the President. Its a sheer waste of resources..this practice is now the norm in Zambia where the incumbent appoints a weak or toothless veep.
    As for windfall tax as much as i would like it to be implemented, I do not see it happening today with this gov’t as most of these mine owners have by now signed lengthy developmental agreements with the gov’t to keep tax constant in return for further investment in infrastructure…that boat has already sailed try in 2016.

  15. Of course now people cannot express their opinions becouse Satan…sorry i mean Sata is in power. If you dont like what someone’s saying better shut up. HH has the right to express his opinion. Bitter my foot! But wait you havent seen bitter yet. We will see who will laugh last. People (PF) are busy building nests on your heads and all you are concerned about is HH’s bitterness. Please move on…Winning an election is not an end, it is what we do with the responsibility you are charged with that matters. The problem is that our politicians are paupers so being elected into office means a meal ticket. That is why you will always think people are bitter even when it is clear you are making a BIG fool of yourself becouse you dont know what you are doing.

    • if hh isnt jast politicking why doesnt he ever give tangible advise instead of sabotaging comments everytime. thats why people dont take him seriously except you cadres. who jast think want to be on his side

    • Lucky, you are right. They are calling it freedom of thinking. Never in the history of our beloved country have we seen such hatred being exhibited today because there was never such tribal gabbage when I was growing up in the 60s and 70s.

    • Unfortunately, it’s not limited to this site, or to Zambian news sites alone. The internet seems to bring out the worst in people, whether it’s vanity and narcissism on social media sites, or vile comments on news articles. I blame many news outlets for their own style, and I stick to PBS mostly when in the States. These news sites might be better served by requiring people to post their real full names with their comments; people tend to be on better manners when they’re not anonymous. And many people don’t like to do it voluntarily (e.g. me).

  16. The bitter-man has spoken.Iwe ka Hichilema this windfall tax you keep on singing about is not practically a good thing coz the whole thing depends on copper prices.What guarantee is there that the mines will continue making a profit ? Muleibwelamo limo yaba.

  17. HH has a serious point for the nation. We cannot continue throwing away our young people into a rubbish pit by doing nothing about their plight. I think that the PF government is not fit to be in office because it is failing to address the NEEDS of the vast majority of our people.
    Finally, Windfall Tax must be implemented because copper prices have been highest since Zambia’s independence, and our labour costs are lowest in the world.

    • hey its not a threshhold but an increase to the tax they deduct from your salary the increase is ten percent. unless you getting 2m then you dont have to be affected as it is 0% payee

  18. mmm, Bo HH please sometimes try to smile when advising PF. Not always being emotional man. Further, don’t always come negative but try to praise where it is due. Dr. Scot can’t resign coz he has not violated the Zambian constitution by not acting as president when the encumbered president is out. The constitution allows any MP to act. So why being concerned that Dr. Scoty does not act? Thats why they label you a bitter and frustrated person. Behave like a presidential aspirant  you HH, what is the problem with you?

  19. Are you GS? Have you heard GS complain to you that he does not act as President when Mr Sata is out of the country? Mind your own businesses.

  20. you poor failure(pf)why do you hate hh like this.hh has points here.pls do not insult an innocent man with high caliba like hh. pls let us talk issues effecting our youth.


  22. HH: and why would the hard-working Guy Scott resign, perchance? Because reasons for his non- assumption of acting president have been given umpteen times.

  23. If the PF dedided to introduce windfalls tax this boy will still come up with “points” why the winfall tax is bad. The difference between HH and Narep is that NAREP is objective while HH is always opposing. If PF were to say that HH keeps his wife prisoner and hinden to the public he will still oppose but has anyone see HH’s wife? I miss Mazoka

  24. this govt is not a listening one..HH has a point..Guy Scott is wasting our money ..the budget is useless so far i can’t see any tax relief..its just a pf budget without solving our problems..

    • Man read the real Budget not the reported one. Go to and down load the whole budget speech. Then come and rant as usual.

    • He’s an elected Zambian and an MP who has been barred by the current archaic kafupi induced constitution used to bar Dr Kaunda in 1996 due to the parentage clause. That’s why the draft constitution is trying to correct this ill conceived anomaly. Debate the budget and leave Dr Scot alone.

  25. Tonga man HH I m impressed  you speaking sence  now tell these jigga boos how work for the country and for real guy Scott  needs to resign he’s a liability he serves no purpose Infact he should get back to farming maybe he ll speak for the farmers because he ll know what’s what for real I m shocked that even if his a farmer himself he’s such a let down 

  26. To the majority of those who live in the urban area,HH is their public enemy number one,understandably so,but he’s got a point on this one. I personally don’t like HH,but for once let’s be objective in the way we analyse our politicians.

  27. H.H you know very well that it’s not easy to implement windfall tax. Economic Polices in African countries are dictated by others( and this you know very well) what the PF saw when they were in opposition is totally different from what they found on the ground. Ask your pact partners ( MMD) why they had to do away with windfall tax.Introducing windfall tax will work against us immediately it’s re-introduced IMF and World bank who most likely gave loans to the companies mining our copper in Zambia will come up with measures which will work against us.

    H.H don’t pretend as if you don’t know all this i expect you to be the first one educating your supporters on why we can’t re-introduce windfall tax

  28. HH – why don’t you lead by example and resign from UPND. Clearly the party has failed under your leadership

  29. So much insulting language from this disgruntled people.they must be very desperate. planted by PF to destroy Zambia.

  30. Opposition dont offer solutions anywhere. They bring out what is wrong that is all. It is up to government to bring solutions. In any case this article contains solutions 1. Implement the windfall tax 2. Fire the vice president. Are these not solutions? I think some people are very dull. If he gave you all the solutions what is he going to campaign on? Most people have no analytical abilities hence their usual clamour to insults. There can never be opposition without opposing. Infact PF was the worst opposition that Zambia has ever had. They opposed anything without suggesting the way forward. Is it not Given Lubinda and Kambwili who were always on the floor of the House agitating for windfall tax. I think PF members are brain washed like the Taliban.

  31. # 55 IMF and World Bank dont lend to Private enterprise. They lend to Governments. You can implement any policy you want as long as you are very clear with the benefits. Stop lying.

    • Heya yes IMF don’t directly lend to to private companies do you know that IMF and world bank own other banks which they use to lend money to private companies

    • Heya, just shut up! They do led to private companies. Acquaint yourself with the International Finance Corporation! You lot are so ignorant it is frightening!

  32. The isue of windfall tax is always suported by opposition but when they come into power, they fell to implement it.Mwanawasa tried it and he failed. Sata talked about it and he has failed to introduce it.

  33. HH is just becoming crap. this w fall tax is not everything. and as events have proved if he were president today he would not reintroduce it. in any case at least he reminds me of msc in the recent past

  34. Brian @ # 55, thank you for elaborating that HH is just being naughty on windfall tax. The government is moving in the right direction with targeted sector support through budgeting such as has been unveiled for tourism and dentists. Most of HHs’ supporters on this blog were as vicious last year before September as they are today. They cheered him on to standing alone away from the pact until it happened. He lost the elections and they still keep encouraging him to misbehave. Why should vice president Guy Scott resign? The segregative constitution that hinders him from acting is being repealed. Has HH checked and realised that within the next 6 months Guy Scott will be able to act as president without any segregation, through a PF supported but people driven constitution? Wake up under5!

    • You could not have said it better brother. I am beginning to believe this man Hakaivotela Humwine is probably possessed of hatred. He expects the same mining companies now embarking on social services and infrastructure reconstruction as well as paying regular taxes as companies to even go ahead and pay windfall taxes. I think he’s just possessed with hatred because like everyone else, he knows why Dr Scot cannot act.

  35. # 34 My brother/Sister BITTERNESS is the new catch phrase for PF. As you know Mmembe coins the words and all of them parrot them at libidum. They are vuvuzelas so get used to this word until Mmembe comes up with a new one. PF cadres will never analyse issues. They will just parrot. Three quarters of them cannot understand what Chikwanda presented in parliament so they will just be shouting yaayaah! nothing tangible will come out. Just wait for Debates to start and you will see that majority of debators will be from UPND and MMD while PF cadres will just be shouting Yaa yaaH!

  36. Typical HH-always condemning even before he listens to the budget. One wonders if this man has a bright side. Opposition is not always rumour peddling & bitterness, offer practical checks and balances.

  37. All those insulting HH, U are fo-ols who are tribalisic id-iots, masipa , minungu is what u are. HH will rule Zambia. Yes i agree HH made a blunder by allowing MMD to contest in mufumbwe. The marriage between mmd and UPND must end,mmd like pf is evil. I thank u.

  38. None of the Mining houses paid a dime when windfall tax was introduced during the Mwanawasa regime. What makes you bloggers here think they would pay. Think of other ways not failed ideas. Dont we have technocrats who can think outside the box.

  39. Yes we were vicious and we will remain vicious as we believe in him. The pact was a dead issue from beginning. In fact I was one the people that opposed it vehemently because it was meant to make UPND an appendix of PF. HH lost nothing by withdrawing from the pact. He was not a job seeker. If he had agreed, he could have been part of this directionless leadership. I dont mind remaining in opposition for ever if the quality of leadership we are seeing in PF is the standard.

  40. We all have brains just like any other human being in the world. How you use your brains determines the level of your development. Based on comments above, majority of pipo in Zambia are just carrying their brains in their skulls without using them. Infact, there could be no difference even if they were to give out their brains. The challenge really would be to find buyers for such brains. I would rather buy a dog’s brains!

  41. Hey HH has never bin n government b4 so he cant say anything constructive about the mine coz that windfall tax pf talked about it but wen they entered govt. they realied that its not easy to do wat HH is advocating.No.2. the creation of jobs is not an overnyt adventure it will take more than 3 yrs for pf to provide realist jobs to citizens No. 3 its not HH’s duty to evaluate y G.S does not act as president wen the incumbent is away as long as the one appointed can deliver i have no problem its about deliverly here coz may be even if he acted there will be no difference so y make it an issue lets be objective.HH u r owez against try to be realistic like chipimo.

  42. PF cadres as usual expressing their hatred towards Zambia’s next president before engaging their brains. Think you cowards, think before you blog. HH is the man, he always talks sense. Only intelligent PF cadres like Mushota can appreciate what HH is saying.

  43. This you man has lost direction.High time he was brought back to his senses.Wait a minute…i thought this is why William Banda was hired to do.To bring back HH back to reality

  44. This young man has lost direction.High time he was brought back to his senses.Wait a minute…i thought this is why William Banda was hired to do.To bring back HH back to reality

  45. I was googling around for a copy of the Zambian Budget. Could not find it anywhere. Not from BoZ site, Zambian-Economist site, not ZRA, Parliament etc. Actually the first analysis of the 2013 Zambian Budget came from REUTERS!!!!!!!! Guys doesn’t this show our lack of seriousness? How can a foreign web site be the first to tell the world about our Budget!!

    • Go to . while there search for 2013 Budget, then down load it. It was scanned one but i think now they have uploaded the original. Peace to Zambia.

  46. I agree with HH. Guy Scott should either resign or ask Sata to make him Minister without portfolio, and become the coordinating minister, the way Sata worked under Chiluba. It is pointless and embarrassing to have a VP who cannot act in the absence of the president. The other solution is to change the current which does not allow a person like Guy Scoot to act.

    • Lack of thinking,
      An acting President is matter of administrative convenience. An acting President cannot set policy or appoint. So what is the big deal. The office of VP has a lot of other administrative functions.

  47. The issue about Guy Scott is relevant, whether he acts or not it does not add value to peoples lives. These are petty politics, HH should instead work with GOV in trying to create jobs. Guy Scott is Veep, period, press the GOV on windfall tax

  48. You people that are saying HH is the next president amaze me. How do you win an election with votes from only Tongas? HH said UPND can only be ruled by a Tonga. The rest of Zambia got scared of UPND and will never take a risk of voting for HH because he may just say Zambia can only be ruled by a Tonga. Watch the next election it will be southern province vs the rest.

  49. Why are some bloggers saying that GS can’t be Veep and that his salary is a waste of money. That does not make sense because even if Chikwanda was made vice he will be drawing the same salary and getting acting allowance at the same rate, then someone else will have chikwanda’s current job. Currently Guy Scott draws the salary for the veep and when chikwanda acts as president he gets the acting allowance, how is that an extra cost to Zambia. Leave Guy alone he is hard working and has so far made some of us proud

  50. Hand off Guy Scot. He is Zambian. You know it. If it wasn’t for the current constitution which was intended to bar KK by Chiluba, you wouldn’t be saying what you are saying. You are criticising because of his parents. Guy is Zambian. 

  51. With the knowledge I have gained in the post-graduate studies I am undertaking, I think HH might need inner healing.Certain inner wounds of the past can block authentic growth.Hence, we can trace some form of bitterness in manner of speech or practice.Unless this is done, problems might arise in the future especially when one has to deal with many people of complex backgrounds.

    • A post graduate degree in witchcraft mentality and jealousy will not take you any where bro/sis. Try to undertake studies in subjects that add value to your life.

  52. HH is right in pointing out that it makes no sense for the government to borrow by creating this eurobond (which has to be paid back by the Zambian taxpayer, with interest), when it can collect as much if not more on a yearly basis from the mining sector. Which is without strings attached, and you actually RECEIVE interest on it while the money has not been spent.

    Now it is clear that the IMF/World Bank likes it this way, and they encourage all the governments they control to get into debt.

    However, the problem is that HH would do exactly the same thing if he was in power, because his new best friends the MMD would and have done the same thing over the past two decades.

  53. The office of Vice President is a constitutional one whose functions have to be as clear to all Zambians as that of the republican president. As usual majority of Zambians are vaive as to what a vice president is to a nation. Zambia is the only government in the world where a president is a lame dack, unable to function as such. The honourable thing PF govt is to replace the VP. This has gone unchallenged in Zambia confirming our naivety to take our national governance wholistically. If PF govt fell into a legal hitch over VP, they needed to remedy it by giving Zambians a functioning vice president. Legal explanation does not suffice or replace a functioning VP. Lets demand it as Zambians and not fall pey to Donchi Kubeba.

  54. There is much I find wrong with the current government’s implementation of some policies and failure to implement others. PF needs to have people of other tribes and provinces in office (and not relatives). And personally, I think there should be a windfall tax because there will always be people willing to mine, despite whatever threats they make to the contrary. But I’ve been unimpressed with HH, first with him making noise about PF and LGBTI issues last year, and his recent misogynistic comments.

  55. Leave Guy Scott alone; he tends to be the least combative and most reasonable of PF’s top people. One reason I’m proud of Zambia is that they have an elected white VP who was not a colonialist and isn’t engaged in divisive racial politics (e.g. the DA’s Helen Zille in SA), and whose election was not characterized by racial hatred. By this, I don’t intend to argue that whites are victims of racism in Zambia, but that his election was remarkable for being so unremarkable. Now, if only PF would have more tribal and provincial diversity, they would be able to respond more effectively to UPND’s critiques. Guy Scott isn’t who UPND should be attacking; they need to pick their battles more carefully or risk looking foolish.

  56. Sick bembas who do not clean they ass hate HH for being such an intelligent person. to hell with your rotten teeth and burnt lips. viva HH. UPND for govt.

    • Thats what lack of analysis capacity does…insulting innocent people, bitterness, frustration and hatred against a certain group. Have a life my bro.

  57. Double standards. Some bloggers talking about the Veep are also very negatively vocal when demanding dual citizenship recognition. How many have kids whose current nationality is not Zedian? In those countries you expect your kid or self if you switched nationality, to be completely given all the rights accorded to others. Then when it comes to Zed, you ignore the dodgy rules that prevent someone Zambian born being able to be equal under the law. This issue affects people across the color spectrum. A little less hypocrisy from ‘the diaspora’ :)

  58. I think this site should change it’s name from Lusaka Times to Bemba Times. I mean, what HH is saying about the windfall tax as a better option to kaloba makes a lot of sense, only low life primates from the Ituri jungle would opt for debt when they can raise the same amount from their very won resources.

    About Guy Scott, it is honestly becoming most embarrassing that he should continue serving as Veep when every time CNP is out of the country, Chikwanda is the one acting. This is bad for Kabimba and Inonge too because in the PF structure, they are seniot to Chikwanda. Maybe it’s the family jungle, it reigns supreme above all!

  59. HH makes sense sadly most bloggers on here are full of hate and lack objectivity. A budget is not just about expenditure, it first requires that you identify sources of income before you spend and windfall tax is one big source of income. PF strongly campaigned that windfall tax will be re-introduced and PF had good reasons for that but why they changed only God knows. Anyway, PF has failed to fulfil most of the campaign promises so I can understand them.

  60. Species PF42 is out in force. These tribalists surviving on taxpayers money always come out in force at the mention of HH. These tribalist parasites do indeed see the writing on the wall that is why they come out unhinged at the mention of Hakainde. Your Christmas will be shortlived , dear species PF42.

  61. This is a sight for stupid Bembas. They are so uneducated and foolish. They do not understand that HH is trying to help *****s them. Stupid Bembas

  62. Why always talking about Bembas you guys? Are you so inferior to them? Always blaming Bembas and insulting Bembas, why?  It will not help you win elections by hating Bembas, in fact you yourselves are looking more tribal than them coz you always provoke them unnecessary. Just debate without mention any tribe. Who told you that who ever blogs against HH is a Bemba? This is dull thinking people. Shaaa. 

    • Iwe ngwere, why don’t you say the same about the bemba i.diots who insult tongas. Just read through the above comments and count the number of blogs that refer to tongas. Are you just confirming that you are inferior to them?

  63. HH’s has eyes but does not see, he has ears but does not listen. His comments are all driven by lack of foresight. How can you condemn the budget before it is even presented. I have heard staunch members of the UPND appreciating the budget as focussed on growth and where does that leave him. I am resigning from UPND if this man continues on this path. The Govt he was saying they are CNP look more organised and sailing in the right direction 

  64. Good fortune coming from HH will be snubbed by paya farmers. Its amazing how one can choose not to be saved all because the help is coming from one HH. SAD :((

  65. It’s very good and timely that HH is warning young generation in our Country about the debt they will inherit. A debt which can be avoided currently. Our copper is currently selling at over US$8,000/Tonne at LME (compare that with US$2,500/Tonne on a good day during ZCCM days, and we even held inter-Division sports festivals). At least the future generations will not look back to this day and say how come no qualified and time-served economist in the Country raised this issue. It is also good and timely that HH is asking for a clear plan of action for job creation for the young generation, because among other things they are the ones who will have to pay for this avoidable debt in addition to their normal sustenance. 

    • Logic. If we can raise the money from taxes now then we can raise it later to pay for the debt. HH’s argument is flawed. Interest, well let us worry about that. I built my house using a loan. I am living in it now but still paying for the loan. The oposite is what HH wants: to live in the street while raising money for the house just because I want to avoid paying interest. 

    • Dear Ed, How is that logical? If you have a unique formula on how to 1.)  Keep on mining copper in perpetuity into the future without it running out, 2.) Hold the Copper prices at the current selling price of USD8,000/Tonne and above till we eventually decide to implement the Windfall Tax, and 3.) Stop the current rapid substitution of Copper cables World-wide with Fibre Optics to keep the future Copper demand at the current high selling price, then your ‘logic’ is logical.   ….Cont’d

    • ….Cont’d…..In particular, with regards to point 3.) i.e. Fibre Optics, even small villages are now demanding for the substitution. Last Friday I drove to a small village of Aspley Heath MK17 to check on some gadgets, and the villagers I spoke to had one common message:- They need more bandwidth. So, Ed, what formulae will you use to keep copper prices high for Zambia when the substituted copper cables are being re-melted and re-sold?

  66. Strange nation, whatever, HH says is condemned. When he told us that the Euro bond was putting us in reverse gear he was called names! Now he is telling us to get more from the mines which in my view is suppossed to be our demand. Copper is finishing and we are smilling whilst China take it away for free!

  67. sponsored PF thugs on this site i will never see any sense from HH. even if they know the facts. all what they do is insult him. typical of kaponyas behavior. you cant extract anything sensible from a kaponya brain

  68. @Truth Hates#102
    Hey my little son/girl your analysis scares the hell out of you, why ? Relax boy/girl, no one wants anything bad about them Bembas. Chill boy, them people are not comfortable with figures who impose their views on others. Yeya, one love and one people. PEACE to all Zambians. Big love, heya

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