Monday, June 3, 2024

Masebo fumes at Permanent Secretaries and Directors organsing UNWTO for their laziness


TOURISM and Arts Minister Sylvia Masebo speaking during the United Nations World Organisation (UNWTO) general assembly local and National organism committee at Courtyard Hotel in Livingstone yesterday. On her right is Southern Province Permanent Secretary Bernard Namachila and Director of Tourism Ambassador Albert Muchanga (left)
TOURISM and Arts Minister Sylvia Masebo speaking during the United Nations World Organisation (UNWTO) general assembly local and National organism committee at Courtyard Hotel in Livingstone. On her right is Southern Province Permanent Secretary Bernard Namachila and Director of Tourism Ambassador Albert Muchanga (left)

TOURISM and Arts Minister Silvia Masebo has warned some Permanent Secretaries and Directors tasked to organise the in the 20th session of United Nations World Tourism Organisation (UNWTO) General Assembly that they risk getting fired if they continue to exhibit signs of laziness in organising the event.

Ms Masebo said some Permanent Secretaries and Directors were failing to perform as regards to preparations for the UNWTO conference saying such people risked losing their jobs.

She said the UNWTO conference was an important international event that the Republican President Michael Sata was interested to see that it was successfully hosted.

Ms Masebo said was speaking at Courtyard Victoria Falls Hotel in Livingstone yesterday when she met representatives of the national and local organising committees for the UNWTO General Assembly.

[pullquote] “If you fail to host this event successful and want me to fail, you will go before I go, if you’re a Director or Permanent Secretary and you want to knock off at 17hours when you report for work at 8hrs even when you know there is a lot to do , you will go,” Ms Masebo said.[/pullquote]

“If you fail to host this event successful and want me to fail, you will go before I go, if you’re a Director or Permanent Secretary and you want to knock off at 17hours when you report for work at 8hrs even when you know there is a lot to do , you will go,” Ms Masebo said.

Ms Masebo said hosting the UNWTO was not child play matter as the event would give Zambia an opportunity to host even bigger conferences in future.

She said time had come for people to learn from their mistakes and improve on them because there was no need to keep people who where failures in the system.

“This is the time to learn from our mistakes and improve on them. We are not going to keep people in positions who fail to perform.

There are a lot of people out there who are looking for jobs, so if you want to sit there and do nothing and say I am a Director or a PS you will go before I go,” she said.

The Minister also said she wanted to know what the two utility companies namely ZESCO and Southern Water and Sewerage Company (SWASCO) had done to ensure that Livingstone especially the seven Hotels had constant supply of electricity and water.

During the same meeting, representatives of Hotels also gave their status in terms of bookings and said most of them were already fully booked and that they would have few bed spaces for delegates only when the conferences shifted to Zimbabwe.

Ms Masebo advised Hotels to be ready in terms of facilities and ensure that their premises were sprayed against Mosquitoes to prevent Malaria.


  1. we have already failed to host a successful event. market not ready, bus top not ready and so on. time for shouting should have been a year ago. you failed to plan madam minister and your failed pf.

    • Can someone remind Masebo that she’s been camped in Livingstone at taxpayers expense pretending to make preparations for the UNWTO. Surely if the conference preparations were to fail or be substandard she is the one who has to take responsibility. And if need be even resign.

    • Masebo should not start shifting responsibility to others in the eleventh hour. If that event fails she will be 100% responsible. She has camped in Livingstone for over a year now, if out of greedy she was not delegating duties….she should be to blame

  2. Bad leadership Madam. You should have had the speech 12 months ago when something could have been done about it. Nothing can be changed in one week. We need better planners in ZM who can get the job done, not just make threats. Most of these chaps are just there for a paycheck anyway so why should she be surprised at their low capacity.

    • Indeed we said this exactly 12 months ago about preping then and what powers has she got to firing civil servants at will. Leadership is not about threats its about inspiring and motivating its too late for finger pointing madam…if you have not laid solid foundations do not expect the building to hole when the rains come simple as that.

    • A seasoned civil servant knows that the most harm she can do to them is either transfer them to an outpost or demotion….firing is out of the question.

  3. Masebo mukali zoona, the bafoons seating in these offices want to fail you madam, let them go first. Banyafye amasushi muma offices and ask for allowances without doing anything

  4. I think you are just looking for someone to blame. as the minister responsible, you have the overall accountability. If your directors and PS fail, you fail.

  5. Zambian politics is on another level, even failing has now become political. So you wait a whole year and then suddenly you want to make yourself look like an angel? Super Kambwili would have sorted this mess out. Masebo you are the weakest link here and if this thing falls through then Madam…YOU ARE FIRED.

  6. Threats threats threats! That’s what PF does when it runs out of steam.

    Sata threatening chiefs, opposition, his own ministers at swearing in ceremonies and so on. PSs and Directors are technocrats and highly educated, then you have this politician screaming at you in front of cameras. I can understand their agony.

    • My friend, civil servants are in living in hell. if the Minister of Labour and Social Security, a custodian of labour standards, shouts and insults civil servants, what more with Masebo. in fact, farting has become an offence now. Some people are simply uncultured and no matter how much noise you make on their language, nothing will change. CIVIL SERVANTS CANT EVEN OFFER PROFESSIONAL ADVISE.


  8. At the last minute?. First of all, the facilities and infrastructure in an economically strategic town such as Livingstone should never have been allowed to deteriorate to the current levels. This goes for all other economically strategic cities towns on the Copperbelt and Solwezi. You can not have an ad hoc approach to development, otherwise your competitiveness becomes eroded. I MEAN WELL.

  9. watching from the tower.
    watchtower nangula mboni za yehova.
    1 week kikikikikikikiki…mwasebana its
    like sata threatened this madam to be
    fired if things go wrong.

  10. Please don’t end there. Givem them time frames to attain all set goals. If not done in the time frame, fire in the name of incompetence!

    • Madam,just go through the task schedule which I hope the organizing committee prepared at the time the planning to host this function was made.This TASK SCHEDULE has all that is required to be done and completed at set target dates and indicating who is responsible for achieving it.By going through this ( that is if this was prepared ),those who have failed to achieve their goals are the ones to be admonished.Generalizing about firing PSs and Directors would indicate serious lack of planning on Madam Masewo’s Ministry for which she stands to blame and nobody else.

  11. Don`t boss people and threaten them by dismissal take it easy or is it pressure you`re feeling mama Masebo,Kapasa issue awaits

  12. …and you want to knock off at 17hours when you report for work at 8hrs…

    But surely, conditions of service state that you start work at 08:00hrs and knock-off at 17:00hrs. Lord have mercy!

    Solola Bye!

    • Great attitude – what do the “conditions of service” say about getting the job done?

      You ask for mercy?

      Well, yes! Zambia surely does need “mercy” from people like you who think work and development are about putting in the basic hours and nothing more. Shame that you believe PSs and Directors should behave like an hourly employee with no more responsibility than a cleaning boy.

  13. Masebo must calm down. Threats don’t work. This simply shows that she did not plan well. She was too vocal and pledged to resign if things did not work out. As early as December 2012 she used to claim and I qoute: “Even if the date of hosting the UNWTO was brought forward to tomorrow, we would be ready to host” end of quote. Now I am wondering where the outburst is coming from.Typical of people who talk too much; they have very little action. Talking is their major defensive mechanism. Masebo talks like she knows everything. Now the heat is catching up and she has seen that the whole thing has not gone according to the utterances she used to make then. Madam, dont resort to threats; just face up to it. You used to boast a lot. You will be judged as well and we are all waiting to see.

    • Politics should have been subtracted from the management of this event. A cross-functional team should have been given this task from conception to completion before handing-over to the tourism minister. As it is, she was micro-managing the process, without letting the professionals to do their part.

  14. I thought PS are appointed by Sata not Silvia Murambiwa Masebo. How can she fire them? I see, when she opens her burnt legs to Wynter and Sata, they listen and act accordingly.

  15. Namachila is sick, tired and uninterested.Please Masebo understand the fellow.Why do you want to strain him with a lot of work ? Even if you fired him today,UPND will take care of him in 2016.Stop troubling our member o.k.Stop childish complaints.

  16. Is it true that Chilanga District Council is constructing their Civic Center and government complex downwind of the Lafarge Cement plant which will expose them to silicosis and other pulmonary complications as a direct result of fumes issuing from the cenent plant?

    Communities in the area are on record as having complained about this ‘dust” of which the Environmental Agency is aware. Not sure if he council has a directorate of public health yet..
    ..and not sure also if Chilanga Council have no alternative land to site their offices.

    • That plant has been there since the fifties with no settlement nearby. People moved there themselves and now blame the plant for every speckle of dust on their roofs.

  17. “This is the time to learn from our mistakes and improve on them. We are not going to keep people in positions who fail to perform.”
    If only this were true…

  18. Masebo you are the failure trying to threaten and blame everybody except yourself.
    The buck stops with you, just quit.

  19. It is hard to be a civil servant! Anyway, both guys in the picture are past retirement age and have enough property to retire comfortably. Leave for others esp your children. The Minister is known for lambasting people and I think Mr Namachila is now immune to this.

  20. Am very disappointed with most of you bloggers on this issue and yet i thought you were sensible beings MAsebo has been working tooth,nail and booty to make sure the UNWATO is hosted successfully,so imwe ba chimbwi kapena simuziba Zambia is more tourism marketed today like never before.And what gives you the Notion preparations havent been completed?and some fool is talking about bus stops please!The hotels rest houses selected for this event are equipped with modern facilities including the perfect internet facilities in colaboration with Zamtel not to mention state of the art clean central located resturants which ofcourse is not for you Jims and Jacks to go to,security is at its top with CCTV everywhere.Game reserves in livingstone is now serene Such that one can freely walk and view..

    • Silvia did not build the restaurants, did she???? She did not install the CCTV cameras, did she ???? She did not bring the satellite for our internet facilities, did she she???? We invested our own money for these improved facilities !!!! So iwe gorilla uleti shani???? Is she your sugar mama !!!!

  21. I gather that up 86% of the delegates to Unwto made revervations for full board and lodge, return flights, car hires and excursions with foreign owned airlines, international hotel chains and international car hire companies. The only forex they will in Zambia and Zimbabwe is change for mineral water and curios.

    Not much revenue comes from tourism as we thought.

    • This is what happens when you give Hunting & Tour Operator Concessions to your bazungus when you are minister of Tourism – all you get back are a few cheap wines & you think they love you!!!!! They give you a few kwacha ,which is hardly change for them.Yet when a Zambian tries to set these up, you on them – Carry on BARKING madam!!!! None of the forex you were boasting about is coming to you !!!!

  22. This is what happens when you appoint cadres. They spend time politiking and jostling for land. They want to be seen by everybody. You reap what you soar. JUST TO REMIND YOU MADAM, YOU PROMISED TO RESIGN IF AND IF THIS ALL THING IS A FLOP. We will hold you to yuor word.

  23. I hope that this article is fiction. I dont expect a minister to be so unprofessional in speech to make business appear as though its personal matter. An event like this one should provide an opportunity to unit people than the other way round. Pomp and bullying must be ‘detasted’ by those who move in the corridors of power.

  24. Threats, threats, threats….that’s all they know!! How about being a motivator and rally the troops to deliver? Kabimba and Masebo make me sick……and so does their boss……puke!!!

    • The know no other leadership style, the world has moved on and they are still stuck in the iron age. I don’t envy any of those directors and PS as they are completely powerless working with such arrogant leaders. If only these people took refresher leadership courses and one month internship in the corporate world it would do wonders to our nation.

  25. This is why its important to follow proper procurement and tender procedures if you award contracts to the best suited companies.You are in essence transferring the workload to them and only have timescale to worry about. Masebo personally flew all over the world in the last 12 months to Germany and the far east and prepped herself (when she didn’t need to travel herself) on organising such events at our expense. Its premature and frankly unprofessional for her to turn around and start issuing last minute threats.
    I wonder what is happening on the other side of the Victoria falls. Its a shame our journalists take no pride in their work to give us a more detailed report of preparations on both sides.

  26. As someone has rightly said, Masebo had plenty of time to prepare for this event. She traveled the world over and now she wants to blame her workforce?!? If Sata does take time to read what the people of Zambia say then he should know that its “head” that should role if the event fails. The only person that should bare the consequences is Masebo, period!!!

  27. inchito yi ma ni nene.Aikona kunyufwila beshi kutamoka.Amwe musebese owa chena chena.Mwatalika kendi pa UNWTO fyonse nifi kabe owa chena.Aikona kunguma ba Honourable.U R A GENIUS.

  28. Zambians need a real dictator who can kick their bottoms.When it comes to lazyness and stealing they are is both in public and private sectors.Pf must go on a very serious programme to bring in new people.

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