Sunday, June 9, 2024

Demands for Jobs by PF Youths in Kalulushi intensify


Demands for jobs by patriotic front-PF youths in Kalulushi have intensified with more voicing out their anger over the failure by authorities to create jobs for them as per pre-2011 election campaign promise.

Kalulushi District PF vice Youth Chairperson Jonathan Kunda says the people on the grassroots have not enjoyed any fruits that go with supporting the ruling party.

Mr Kunda is disappointed that none of the youths in all the five wards in Kalulushi have been employed.

He was speaking in Chibuluma ward when a group of PF youths gathered to air their cries for employment.

Last month, some youths from Luapula Ward of Kalulushi also came out to express the same disappointment.


    • Ifikala chimbwi tefikala inama iyikata. Support a non dreamer and that’s what u get. Chimba warned you imwe ati awe nipabwato. Alo obeni pamulundu tumone.

    • How sad to listen to the complaints of my unemployed youths in Kalulushi, irrespective of what party they belong. Yali migon’ga PF. The government needs to diversify and look at other sectors to create jobs like agriculture. We have land, and if only money can be poured into irrigation projects for crop/horticultural production for export. The youth should be prepared to relocate so as to engage in some economic activity.

    • Is that the DC who can not articulate issues. Youth Chair and Councilor.
      Appoint qualified Civil servants to be DC not those Cadres.

    • You should be the last person to say anything about youth employment because for 20 years the MMD failed lamentably to create any jobs for the youths.All the MMD did was make corruption acceptable at all levels!!You must be ashamed of yourself man!!

    • Keep quiet !! what good did u do the whole period you were in power?PF has just been in power for only 2 yrs and you want fruits from that period? Be fair……

  1. Am sorry but President Sata needs to come out of hibernation, he needs show leadership for once before anarchy sets in. Epompelele

    • Any wonder why alot of people dont want to endorse him for 2016? The search for the next leader is on. If that thought cant smoke him out, then we know Sata has run out of steam.

  2. Jobs! for youths? Ha! forget it. 65 years of retirement means in the next ten years no one will leave space for you. Buteko bwa ba KOTE. The old will continue to use the youths to protect the interest of the party. They are door mats. They are and will be used as tools of violence which anyone with money can hire. Currently it is GBM using them. Kabimba used them on Given. They are just dogs of war.

  3. Unemployment is a national crisis which PF cannot afford to bury its head in useless political theater the country is seeing. It is a time boom on the faces of leaders who may see no peace until serious issues are addressed.

  4. Remove all familiar red tapes in every public institution. Urgently replace all corrupt incompetent cadres Government has placed in public institutions only to be holding the country at ransom due to selfishness.

    Immediately open up the country to local and foreign direct investment in every sector from the under performing Tourism, Agriculture to produce for a hungry world, get more investments in reviving of our Manufacturing sector, transform our Communication, science & technology sector as well as the mining industry by policing the sector with value adding investment against exporting of raw materials. Unemployment is a clear and present danger we cannot afford to ignore with constraining attitudes in offices that ought to fuel investments and development.

  5. Please lets avert a an eminent revolution now. Otherwise, posterity is bound to judge us harshly. Do less politics more strategic planning and implementation. Zambia can take off if we could see the consequences of inaction, lack of vision and political will to transform this country.

    The sooner people are taken serious as God’s creation deserving better than the current state of despair across the country, the better. Every Zambian is tired of useless politics people want qualitative and quantitative solutions now for their lives.

  6. This is going to be the mother of all political backlashes. I would strongly urge all politicians in our Country to pay attention and learn from this backlash as it plays out in the coming months and years. lying does not pay.

    • …And well done ba LT for including a video clip. This is how you should report contentious issues because no one in their normal mind will accuse you of adding things to the story.

  7. I don’t support any politcal party in Zambia yet, but I know there is only one Zambia with one president. Reading what is going on in the rulling party makes me begin to think something wrong is going on. I hope the president can show some action to calm the situation between the semingly two rival camps of his party. A rulling party must be very organised and good leadership within it a virtual.
    Youth must never be used to bring confussion. Remeber it is old people who start wars and young people go to the battle front to fight and die. let us all work towrads building our country. We only have one Zambia remember.

  8. I don’t think they even understand the problem. PF has boasted of what, creating something like 300,000 new jobs (mainly in the “arts”) since coming to office? Great, but compare that with a population growth of 2.8% and the truth is there are almost a million more Zambians now than in September 2011 alone! This means the total population now is pushing past 14 million of which the 2010 census said around 21% were between 15-24 years old (i.e. young job seekers) equal to almost 3,000,000 people in total. Even if we believe the claim of creating 300,000 new jobs, this only enough jobs for 10% of NEW job seekers and NO JOBS for all the unemployed out there already!

  9. it is time for these youth to start sending their children to school and do reputable courses. We lecturers in Engineering and Biomedical sciences, automobile. Come on guys. get to school. Scholarship are been increased from here am flying to Canada through Dublin.

  10. This feels like a Nigerian scam. they take your votie and disappear
    oh charlie next time think before you vote, a lot of wolf in sheep’s skin
    thank God i don’t think these people will be fooled twice

  11. Watching the clip shows what trouble is coming ahead. You have a ward chairman of a party who does not know his boss, the area MP. Something is wrong with PF and it is so wrong to a point no leadership can make amends. And the youths in question are looking for jobs where the qualification is a National Registration Card, no wonder they believed the 90 days theory.

  12. Don’t expect anything to change…the boat is on autopilot until 2016 unless it hits an iceberg. For the youths…this time around you fished a dry one from your Akabwato.

  13. These youth were hoodwinked about the 90 days jobs creation now they are smelling the coffee. Best they can do is take a blood test and prove they are Sata relatives then bingo jobs will land at their feet.

  14. only an ***** would believe that 90days nonsence because any normal human being questions anything that sounds that stupid

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