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Monday, May 6, 2024
Liquidation Online Auction

Government assures the nation


VICE president George Kunda arrives at the disaster management and mitigation unit to receive relief donations from the Nigerian government
VICE president George Kunda

Vice President George Kunda has assured the nation that government will not spare any efforts to mitigate the hunger being experienced in the country.

Mr. Kunda says government through his office has devised an effective mechanism aimed at mitigating hunger in the country.

The Vice President told ZANIS in an interview in Lusaka yesterday that his office has since dispatched a team of inspectors to ascertain the extent of hunger cited in some parts of the country.

Mr. Kunda further disclosed that he will today issue a comprehensive statement regarding to the extent of hunger in the country.

The Vice President has since called on Zambians to concentrate on growing more food rather than resorting to holding demonstrations saying that the escalating of mealie-meal prices and other essential commodities were a global challenge.

Mr. Kunda said growing more food was a measure aimed at addressing the various challenges of soaring mealie-meal prices and other essential commodities that the country was facing.


  1. How do we get from a situation of plenty to zero? Can someone enlighten me on this! The FRA and rest need to engage with the public and explain in detail!

  2. How about empowering the subsistence farmers, that in fact account for over 80% of the maize production in Zed? We need to analyse the situation a bit more rigorously and institute long-lasting solutions. Please politicians consult with members of the public and experts on this. Believe me it is a very easy problem to solve! Forget the commercial farmers, these will not solve the problem

  3. yes hunger indeed – this is a wake up call for rural voters – up to now they dont understand election tactics – these politicians have access to money and food – twalachula – ubunga ni k75pin do you think they care whrn they get hefty allowances – lelo

  4. what happened to the bumper harvest? All the maize is finding it’s way to DR Congo go to kasumbalesa border post and see what is going on.

  5. Mr Kunda How can we grow more food when you are failing to pay our retired fathers his dues, When do we get the money to buy fertilizer and other inputs please wake up sir.

  6. Mr Kunda by now you should know that there is hunger in Zambia. People want results and solutions and reports of hunger affected areas. What you should do is tell the nation that there is 1000s tones of maize coming into the country next week. This is the kind of news that can avoid demonstrations.
    People are working hard this farming season but what are they going to eat between now and the next harvest.
    FRA please give the a deatil report on what happened to the bumper harvest we have had in the past six years.

  7. Talk is cheap we need urgent action. We are more interested in the practical rather than the theoretical aspects of hunger management.It is easy for the overfed to talk about hunger in abstract terms while ignoring the urgent need for putting food on peoples tables now.Give the people food.

  8. What effort are they talking about when people are alresdy dying of hunger? Lundani has failed to govern Zambia period.

  9. Wrong strategy you minister. People should not grow enough to feed the country. In every country that is successful, there are farmers who produce on large scale to feed the country. People have other things to do man. Do you mean people are so backwards in zambia that they should leave their work and go to grow maize to feed the country. This nonsense has been going on now for sometime. there is no way and it is not appropriate to tell people to grow maize to curb hunger. That is governments job to make sure that proper farmers have what it takes to produce for the country. Imwe, when are you going to learn simple things sure???

  10. I know this may sound crazy,but I have to share it with you guys.Yesterday for going to bed I had to spend some time complaining to God about my complicated relationship.So I asked God for an option.Hey He(God) showed me all the bloggers on LT,of course Female bloggers.Hey guys BabyC,Supergal,Sweet Thang,Sarah Jones,Lisa,Norah and Girly Nimbama.Its like when God was creating them He had to Involve Jesus as His chief Engineer,and the Holy Spirit as a Chief architecture.I ended up ukufilwa be contd

  11. I am sure you dont even know how much food Zambia consumes every year??? and therefore there is always a shotfall. No planning, it is always sending teams to assess the situstion. Which assessement sure????. You dont assesss when you did not plan. Are they going house by house in those Villages. Please tell us the criteria they are using. Are they going to count skin people or ask them when they had Inshima?????

  12. George Kunda: talk is cheap. Have you ever had to go to bed hungry? Have you ever wondered where your next meal will come from? Have you ever had to make major sacrifices to ensure that your family had food on the table? I guess your answers to all these questions will be no. This Mwadya Mweka Dadi (MMD) govt has taken us for a ride and the next 3years will be hell.

  13. I also had a Chance to see my fellow gentelemeni,I tell you Rashid is handsome as if he is one of the angels in heaven,Sony Eric Phiri very handsome chap,the only problem he had tail ya mbeba inthe mouth,Nine Chale naba Chewe Hey the guys are handsome as if they are Jesus’brothers,Pumpy naba Moze are very beau…oh sorry handsome,if you are not careful you might think ni nkece.Father Christmas This guy is handsome he looks like all the pictures of Jesus.Unfortunately I didnt see myself.This was a vision in form of a dream.Good day guys.

  14. Now instead of doing your proper Job, you are just assessing people who are starving???. Ok, you go and count them and get the correct number of those who did not eat last night???

  15. These guys always want to talk about anything they speak a lot and say nothing. There are three things they promised at the campaigns 1. Reduced input as well as fertilizer. 2. Reduce price of fuel. 3. Reduce melie meal price. They made a blanket commitment and partially reduced the prices of listed commodities. Earlier in the year we heard pronouncements of a bumper harvest. My question is, did we spend all our harvest at the funeral or what? Because nowadays the funeral is the common excuse

  16. Matworld-Nice guy!, Morning my bro. Baby C is vry much on demand so you need to work very hard to get her, no wonder i was scarwed to propose her hence she is now my sister cause i hate competing for girls. I have no hope in this government. I think they are just making noise

  17. 21. Ba Lusaka please dont think like that Ze biggy.Iam just trying to sharec what I saw.I can assure you you are 10000000000000000000% safe my dear.

  18. Ia great Ba Rashid,I also know that Baby C is on demand,and am fasting for her and other gals mentioned above.Hope God will give me one of for this govt I have decided to denounce is not my govt,but I will remain a proudly and truly Zambian

  19. #9 I wish you were in Zed, you would have seen how the retirees wept at Cabinet Office on Muvi Tv. I cried like a baby. Mulungu wanga life si ili faya. It very sad Mwandini.

  20. Hey, Mr Vice president how would those guys grow maize where they don´t have inputs. You see now, you are talking without reasoning so you think we will keep quiet while we are starving. If you don´t want them to go to the streets do something the food prices.

    If you are to eliminate poverty in Zed first work on the food security for the country and make sure that everyone has access to a meal. That will make our fellow countryman to concentrate on other important matters.

  21. Father Christmas, condolences. I hope that you are bringing enough pounds for the funeral costs and the for Christmas presents for us as well.

  22. Matworld-Nice guy!, caution my bro. Before you talk to Baby C,you need to ask Ba Moze cause she is so much into Ba Moze. Lundani is always weeping in State house cause he thought it was going to be very easy to govern the country. He is very stuck and doesnt know where to start from and tha is why he has directed Situmbeko to fly to London and talk to some firm to come and take over Luanshya Mines.

  23. Matworld, am glad to hear that am sooooooo safe. But am I safe as a man or as a woman, seeing the lengths you are going to to get one of the blogging sisters? I know that ’tis the season to be merry but how can one be merry when they are cold and lonely? Good luck and if you enlist me, I’ll help you with the fasting

  24. **==**==**== From Hero to Zero, Plenty TO nOTHING!!awe bane,how can kunda say that when the national basket has been full of late,i cnt understand or everything has been exported? eeee, kuti wapena….

  25. Ba lusaka tell me something Are you a lady nangu nimwe ci guy cinandi? please tell me so that i can put you on the list of potential candidate,nacula pafula.

  26. It is sad to note that Kunda is now admitting that govt lacks strategy on national food security. A responsible govt will not wait to see its citzens die of hunger and only then announce that they ‘ve some plans to mitigate hunger.

    It is even more surprising that this is the same period we had a bumper harvest and already we’re starving.Surely, what confidence can we have in such a govt.

  27. Ok I will give it a are a very beautiful,lovely,se…um um er er er sensitive,gal.hope Iam right coz if iam wrong I will end up collapsing.

  28. 10 wasted years under thief FTJ. 3 or so years wasted under Bwezani. And many more years to waste after 2011. CRY THE BELOVED COUNTRY.

  29. Lusaka.Ok I will give it a are a very beautiful,lovely,se…um um er er er sensitive,gal.hope Iam right coz if iam wrong I will end up collapsing.

  30. Lusaka tiuzeni naimwe napapata,I can make some travelling arrengements.please just tell me dont leave me in suspense.

  31. It is official, I am a woman. My sex change operation has been done successfully and am pleased to tell you that I like the way I look and feel. Wow, why did I wait so long?

  32. Matworld-Nice guy!, my bro just tell Baby c that you are feeling her and you would love to be her dude. Baby C also you know what the bro want from you so you can also take a step and help Matworld. He needs love

  33. Lets not pay attention to cheap talks.we want actions.lets wait and see,easier said than done.where is this economy going,fuel and mealie meal prices still going up…DONT just make news,make constructive news,not ivo vima cheep talk vamene mwayamba. wotch out for the peaceful demo…

  34. hello mwechalo…..nishi kunda alelanda???? These guys i am afraid will start consulting sangomas for the problems they are facing. They are really stuck they cant move forward but one step forward and two steps backward. surely we are in UNIP 2. Guys if we are not carefull, Zambian will be barried soon…i mean all of us will be dead. He fired Magande who new the wisdom of levy on finaces….awe twanaka….elo bonse belemoneka fye utuba. Utupuba tweka tweka rulling Zambia. Why should we be ruled by such dull people???? :-w

  35. #76

    I couldnt agree with u more.. I think we need to go back to the drawin board soon and decide who it we want in power next. If we have to be led by such a government again…I tell u we’l be heading for a Zimbabwe situ. We need fresh blood and young people with dynamic ideas next in power! We cant keep havin recycled politicians and think we are movin forward! Come on guys!! Its time to wake up! Could someone also please explain to me why the US$ is foreva goin up? I really dont understand the gimmick behind it… :-?:-??

  36. Lusaka, Baby C, Girly, Mat…whatever, you’re filling up the lines so fast with yo chaffing. # 53 is right, go chat at life style.

  37. I was walking home last night when I noticed an old drunk staggering along the road. He passed a woman who was walking a young child. “Lady”, said the drunk, “that’s the ugliest kid I’ve ever seen. Damn, that is one ugly child!.” As the drunk wandered off, the lady burst into tears. Just then, a mailman came to her rescue. “What’s the matter, madam?” he asked. “I’ve just been horribly insulted” she sobbed. “There there,” said the mailman, reaching into his pocket. “Dry your eyes with this tissue, and here’s a banana for the chimp”

  38. #81.I will definately do that my dear.MgNaAlg5(Si4O10)3(OH .welcome please tell me the name of your compound in that name of yours.yesteday we ended up naming you Chemical Ali.

  39. #78 Girly
    I think by them sidelining Magande and embracing all sorts crooks was the beginning their curse and nation at large. He may not be the right person, but I guess it was good starting point.

  40. #86

    I always actually believed Magande was the best man for that position…now we are feelin the impact of not havin him there! 8-|

  41. #90 Did you just wake up from the kind of sleep that a guy called Rip van winkle (or something like that) had? We will organise the whole cabinet for you. Just sit there and tell us what your dreams where.


  43. The best thing the Zambians can do. For those who have land to plant, let them do so. For those who can fantasize, let them pray for Jesus to redeem them like FTJ is doing. The guy is a hypocrite. Our brothers and sisters are dying of preventable disease in our hospitals. The guy is praying a safe trip to and from RSA hospitals using our money. This is why I hate capitalism.

  44. Biggest problem we have in Zambia, and may be in all of Afruca is that we lack management skills. Planning and all that stuff are the domain of managers. We lack managers. Period.

    The current hunger situation is not new. The nation has been their before. But we are always fire-fighting. We seem not to learn from past experiences so that we do not suffer from the same thing againg and again.

    We see this everywhere – hunger, lower copper prices, electricity generation, etc. We just seem to lack brains!!!! I am sorry guys. These things frustrate me.

  45. Since I cannot afford a bag of D compound @ 250K, I think I will join the demostrations. After all its a free country we live in!!!

  46. We r all frustrated by the mediocre approach to issues of governance. The African continent will thus always lag behind despite having all the resources(ingredients) that r needed to make it in the world. The whites can go to sleep for another 100 yrs. When they wake up they will find us in the same position!!!

  47. yeah, let the villagers eat mangoes and amasuku…………because when we say change, they want chitenge and sugar………..aleni mangeni sugar


  49. we want to see action not just the words.hope this time these are not just promises.wake up and give the people what they need.

  50. There goes another liar giving false assurance to the Zambian people, Getting big salary increments at the expense of the poor people.

  51. The best way to fight poverty is to start the fight at an individual level before it is a contigent battle. If Zambians will sit and relax thinking that the Govt will alleviate the hunger situation because inspectors have been dispatched in the field then they will starve to death..

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