Saturday, June 1, 2024

Warriors supporters riot


Kitwe referee Gladys Lengwe was on Saturday forced to abandon the FAZ Super League Week 4 match between Kabwe Warriors and Choma Green Eagles 20 minutes from time when home fans rioted at Godffrey Chitalu Stadium.
Eagles coach Justin Chinama confirmed that the match was called-off at the time his side was leading 2-0.
Warriors supporters are reported to have pelted assorted missiles on the pitch after Eagles scored their second goal in Kabwe.
The irate fans directed their missiles at club head coach Wesley Mondo whose side has collected only one point from the opening three matches.
Adamson Mulao opened the scoring after 50 minutes before Junior international Spencer Sautu doubled Eagles’ lead on 69 minutes.

This match will now be referred to the FAZ disciplinary committee.

“We were leading 2-0 when the match was called-off so we are hoping for the best. We have no problem with what happened,” Chinama said

Equally Eagles came into this match with one point from the opening three games.


  1. unruly behavior not condoned in beautiful zed football.the same chaps stand to lose if them warriors are banned from playing home games at ucar.eagles will definitely get the 3points and warriors should expect some disciplinary action.

  2. …..fingers crossed…..hope no one gets a LIFE ban this time around. Seem to be FAZ favourite verdict….

  3. Dont even call them fans. They are thugs. Fans watch the game Win or loose. Let them go back to division one. Imagine if this game was on supersport and zambia is biding to host continental games?

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