Monday, June 17, 2024

Kalusha says he’s innocent


Football Association of Zambia boss Kalusha Bwalya has refuted allegations that he was paid a bribe by the Qatar 2022 World Cup bid committee.

The UK Sunday Times alleged that Kalusha was one of over 25 African football association presidents who benefited from a US$5 slush fund allegedly set up by Qatar and managed by disgraced ex-FIFA vice president Mohammad Bin Hammam to influence its successful bid they won in December 2010.

Kalusha is alleged to have received US80,000 of which US$50,000 was paid into his account in 2009 and a further US$30,000 followed in 2011.

“Sour grapes. I don’t vote for World Cup bids. It’s done by the FIFA. Executive Committee,” Kalusha said in a statement.

“Don’t think even Bin Hammam was in Qatar bid. I remember we went there for Brazil versus Argentina friendly and there all kinds of people. From Europe , Africa and everywhere.

“It must be a witch hunt by the people who lost the Bid.”


  1. Very cheap answer…. lies will catch up with you. Hope you are learning something from Ukwa. Every dog has its day

    • Can anything good come out of a Bemba? Kalusha is one of them and he is now taking the Bemba expertise (bu Kabwalala) global

    • How can it be a cheap answer. He has told you who votes. How can you bribe a non-electorate in order to get a vote? Does that make sense to you? So then give us your expensive answer timvele Kaili.

    • You can bribe both the electorate and those associated with them or those who have influence over them – it’s a game of constituencies bwana…

    • Why doesn’t Kalusha just tell us if he received the US$80K and the service for which he was being paid.

    • @ANSWER, you are stuck in the cartel era that is bygone – that is why Donchi Kubeba was such a shocker when it rained. It is no longer about constituencies but about lobbies. If the lobby you are bribing is of no consequence this is the result – or if you play your game from the outer circle thinking you will affect the game, this is also the result. A lot has changed. Constituencies no longer exist in the parochial sense that it existed even 10 years ago.

    • I feel pity for Kalu and his past dirty deals are slowly catching up with him .As a footballer you can dribble everyone on the pitch but as a football administrator in today’s world you cant dribble everyone with corruption , lies and dirty deals. This scandal is just a tip of the iceberg and more scandals are yet to be unearthed concerning kalu’s conduct. We have details of his personal account dealings both in Zambia and SA. Kalu will one day have to account for monies relating to the Nike deal,Multi choice TV sponsorship, Africa Cup 2012 bonuses, players match appearance fees for the following friend lies Oman and Brazil just to mention a few. What is interesting is that these monies Kalu borrowed in the name of FAZ are not reported in the FAZ books of accounts.FAZ is not a personal…

    • @1.2 kawalals
      what a load of rubbish u ve mouthed. tribal talk is pure cowdung.
      as for british media, please move on and concentrate on buliding acardemies for your young talent rather filling your amateurish english premier league with foreigners. no wonder england has never won the world cup since 1966. no one with an english name can be coach for your so called big team which melt and look like a third division team in zambia when they are pitted against the big guns in europe.

  2. Kalusha is lying. He is a crook with a big appetite for other people’s money. In a Normal world, he would be fired from his position.

  3. Did he receive the money or not? When a person benefits financially by virtual of his position in any institution is corruption, he is expected to declare this money and give it back to FAZ. Whats the sports ministers reaction to this?

  4. Pure corruption. They never say YES, I got the money because it’s a crime.The British make sure they have concrete evidence before they publish anything. Time to go, Mr. Bwalya.

    • Hahaha you are very funny. You mean UK tabloids that hack into dead teenagers phone is credible?

    • You Sir are one of the factors your country is still lagging. So you still believe in the mythical high ground of the British in this, the 21st Century? What a waste of space you are. Those are sore losers who, just as they hounded your Chiluba for refusing to concede to Blair’s nonsense, will hound and smear anyone with their apparatus. Surely you must be better than that! Now I know why Afrikans sell each other for a pittance!

    • Chachine the British tabloids dig before they publish; unlike our Post and watchgalus here. Just Ask Grobelaar goalkeeper for Liverpool

  5. All the above comments shows shallow and bitter minds towards Kalu. You can not convict someone through the press reports. Since Kalu has refused having not received the cash, what more do you want him to say? Even in court they say, you are innocent until proved guilt, but for Kalu you want him guilt even before the matter takes off. Its not Kalusha’s fault that you are not as successful as him for you to hate him to the bones.

    • You are so right #5! Just because someone is accused does not make them convicted of the crime. Especially, with the way the media is in the business of cooking up stories in order to remain in business, I wouldn’t be banking on them as the main source.

    • You’ve just exposed your shallow mindedness and a lack or critical analysis. Kalusha has not refused receiving the money. He is just a accusing others of sour grapes. Where in the article has Galu said he did not receive the money. The chap is guilty of corruption. Don’t defend a thief just because you love him.

    • I believe your rebuttal would have been best served by responding to specifics. This blog space is dynamic such that what you thought was ALL comments is quickly overtaken by events. Live in the future! Your sweeping statement is so passé!

    • Kalu has NOT ‘refused having not received the cash’ (sic). Read the article again and then blast the shallow minds!

    • Man , you are so right!!!

      So many of us refuse to be successful at being crooks!! We leave that to you & Galu!!

  6. @UMWAUME,i hear you bro. people comment on things they do not even understand.The British are bitter because they lost the world cup bid to a much less footballing nation (Qatar) and are out accusing people and football federations who don’t even vote. Namibian FA president has already responded and am happy his letter was on point.
    Kalu’s success in the game and administration of football should not make most of you guys so bitter that you wish him death,others are even saying he must be fired,by who?Bambi ati what is the sports minister saying,what do you want him to say?This is a football matter and no politics are allowed. Do not bring back RB mentality in Zambian football again.

  7. Do your research before u make shallow comments.. Non of the African FA bosses cited are on the voting panel, except for Issa (CAF president) and he has already responded. The european FA’s especially the english has been against Qatar hosting the World cup, more over Bin Hammam and Jack Warner another one cited who have had the guts to attempt standing against blatter for fifa presidency.. Bin Hammam was given a life ban before the last elections but it ws dropped and now that the elections are looming around the corner, if he is found guilty he can’t stand, so the only option is blatter or platini..

  8. And this is the same paper that said the 2010 S.A world cup bid had irregularities, and again the European FA’s and the English FA where up in arms about the security in S.A and the weather!! And they want the Russian bid revoked..

  9. Emails do not lie the proof is there and mind you it is not the British but some one from FIFA sold that story to the paper, that money went into his account and you expect him to say yes? Some of you zambians you support *****s who are very corrupted.

  10. ….I have read the article twice over I don’t see where Kalu denies receiving any money from Hammam….lets separate the two theories….those who are trying to overturn the Qatar bid….and Kalu receiving money from Hammam for whatever purpose..
    The guys bringing up this issue are fully aware that African FA Presidents do not vote for world cup hosting bid….they are trying to build up a case with Hamman…to establish how corrupt and influential he was/is. Our focus and interest is to follow up the allegations….. ‘did Kalu receive any such monies….?..if he did, was it personal or had to do with FAZ..?…has it been reflected in FAZ books..??..forget about Qatar bid for now…..that battle is for other people…we are not interested

    • That’s a valid point. The bid for Qatar is irrelevant here, but the point is whether Kalu received the money and the purpose of the payment. If it was for FAZ did it reflect in the FAZ accounts or not. Yes Kalu is a successful person, like other people have said, but here his credibility is in question if this issue is not handle well.

  11. @scrutiinizerer,
    Exactly my point. Let us all reason behind kindergarten Math. Linking receipt of money to the voting right is a trick to avoid the question and the relevant question here is corruption, not necessarily the right to vote. Remember they are always boasting about the so called ‘football family’-it may turn out that Bin Hamman, as all crooks do, was casting his net wide. He also had to bribe those who could put in a word for Qatar to voting family members. Otherwise why would he give money to a nonentity who was simply low on cash? And no we are not ‘bitter’ with Kalu we are simply requesting for accountability and transparency for an office(Footaball House) which is significantly funded by tax payers.

  12. In Zambian circles, we call what Kalu is accused of getting as “logistic money”.
    You mean if Kalu was part of the team campaigning for Qatar to host, then he shouldn’t have received the money for logistical use? Come on fellow Zambians, this British guys are just now confused with a lot of issues the economy as well and are against any other country doing better than them. Zidani, made a lot of money during the campaign for Russia to host, why are they not following him? Kalu has his own wrongs but on this one I don’t think he is wrong.

    • @difikoti,
      Your reasoning is plausible-Kalu may have been engaged as a ‘consultant’ which is completely fine. If so, why is he distancing himself from the QATAR bid?

    • And why requesting for the “logistic money” with such an email? If Kalu was working with them on the World Cup bid, he would have been on there budget ( for logistic money as you put it) and would not have to write such an email to request for the money to use for his lobbying or other logistical issues for the Qatar bid.

  13. @DMACK,
    Agreed there are always cases of sour grapes. I remember the Australian press going bananas as to why the games would flop in SA, Australia having been in the run for hosting those games. The question we must address is did he(Kalu) receive the money or not? If yes, for what purpose? In whose interests is if for the world’s favourite game to be played at temperatures above 40 degrees Celsius? Obviously not for the spectators(even if the venues will be air-conditioned) and not team physicians who currently are suffering from insomnia. What logic did FIFA see to award and then start considering re-scheduling of games which is likely to throw most leagues into confusion? These are basic questions with no bitterness ,I hope!!!

    • @Namona.. true and neither will it grow our economy in an unlikelihood event that Quatar’s bid is revoked!!!!

    • True… And neither will it help improve our standards of corruption and accountability in our country. And neither will it help improve your image as a Zambian abroad. ( you might not believe this but ask some Nigerians how they find it hard to say they are Nigerian because of the image of their country)

  14. @Namona
    For you, life is all about food on your table or ‘what’s in it for me’? Nothing about values of civic responsibility, patriotism, accountability etc? The main argument here is whether FAZ as an institution, benefited from the $80k that kalu solicited in its name, because it seems kalu actually received that money as he has not denied it

    • 1. No food, no physical energy to do anything. You can be intelligent, have high morals, be highly accountable, BUT if you go hungry for 1 month, all that does not count.
      2. As observed by others, Kalu has no voting powers for world cup bids, hence no influence.
      3. If Kalu obtained the $80,000 in the name of FAZ, I would blame the financier for choosing to deposit the money into Kalu’s personal account. If the Financier was serious enough and wanted to give the money to FAZ, the financier would have demanded for a FAZ account.

  15. The first statement from an innocent person accused in this case by a News Paper in England of that status is to Threaten Legal action…. No word on suing !!

    There is no smoke with out fire ..

  16. Zambians morning to you all.FIFA is looking at building a case against Hammam Bin in order for him not to contest the FIFA Hierarchy.
    Secondly what we should know is this, corruption come in all forms.Fuel,Accommodation,sight seeing,rentals,education,contracts,Bills,visitations ect.Above all hunger all over the WORLD.My question is.What colour is water?CORRUPTION IS A COLOUR LESS ANIMAL WITHOUT IDENTITY ACROSS THE GLOBE.

  17. Okay fair answer Kalusha Bwalya. Now can you explain to us what that money you received was for. Whilst you’re figuring that, can you also explain if FAZ was the beneficially and when you paid it back. The levels of embracing criminals in Zambia are frieghtening to say the least. Kalusha is a well documented crook. This is the same chap who crowded in 2010 S.A. World CUP ticket issues. Can all this be coincident? This is the only chap in the history of Zambia National Team never to have been owed any moneys by FAZ. The reason, because the chap would demand it upfront. As goos as he was as a player, FAZ would have no choice but to sort out the guy whilst others waited. And the ignorant would call that patriotism. Dont be cheated, Kalusha is in FAZ purely for his own pockets.

  18. If you didn’t get the bribe then sue the UK’s Sunday Times. Thief! The Sunday Times claim they have evidence!

  19. Gentlemen money paid into Kalu’s personal account should have been personal, am sure he gets such kind of monies from other people he is aquainted to, The alligation is that he got the money to influence th Qatar vote, the guy does not vote, thats a silly proposal, why pay someone who does not vote

  20. Kalusha’s statement is typical of a man who is guilty. He has not denied the figures and the email he sent pleading for cash as he was broke. Why does he choose to talk about who votes and who does not. One thing we know is that the newspapers here like The Sunday Times are very careful and will only publish such serious allegations after they have done thorough investigations and have gathered hard and tangible evidence. At this time Kalusha should just keep quiet otherwise by issuing such irrelevant responses he will be digging his own grave. What witch hunt is he talking? about?

  21. Surely, in Zambia there is no board or organisation that can probe Kalusha over this issue. How does a board such as ACC operate, are they not supposed to be interested in such a revelation, which seems to have corruption in it?

  22. The story above lacks detail. You journalists should stop giving your readers half baked stories. Please tell us if Kalu says he never received such money or if he says he did receive the money. If he did, what was the money paid for? did he spend the money on FAZ matters? Was the money acknowledged by FAZ or was it a personal bribe?

  23. Great Kalu is always right. Leave my small god alone. Who cares if he received cash or not. If he did, it was a present, but if he didn’t, then the media lied. Kalu can never lie. He is my hero. Viva Kalu. Waikatako wapya. This great son of the soil has fought many battles. He fought the Post, Simaaata and Rupiah Banda of which he prevailed. This means that he is greatly anointed. All the bloggers that are blaming this hero are broke and failures. They can’t even receive a cent from a Fifa official because they are not known. Keep blogging and hating Kalu until you hate no more. Kalu is Kalu and he will forever be a hero to conquer his enemies.

    • i lov u jojo fools will owez talk whilest wisers kip on progressing…zambia lovs u great kalu…n u will owez remain our hero period….n all u fools shut yo traps….

  24. Hmmm, your comment seems a bit spammy. We’re not real big on spam around here.

    Please go back and try again. Thats a new message from ba LT. However, I never wrote anything spammy

  25. Full lishi and dau Kasusula, you dont know that he may have got the bribes on behalf of those who vote…. ubukopo bane tulenashako!!!!

  26. Still too many unanswered questions. FAZ can start by explaining what the money was used for? Bottom line, Kalusha must resign if he’s unable to clear his name from this scandal. How will FAZ have any credibility going forward? Next we’ll start hearing whispers about match fixing; it’s a slippery slope.

  27. Q1. Who is complaining about the said money is it the issuer or receiver
    Q2. Was the person in question eligible to vote?
    Q3. In whose account did the money go to? If its in a personal account, why should it be labeled as corruption.
    Q4. What is the relationship between the issuer and FAZ?
    05. How did we know this person

  28. Final question is the owner of the money complaining about the said money? If not then lets get something progressive to discuss about unlike these selfish people who always want things to go their way.

  29. guys reason with yo brain,do u know that if a president what to steal he will use a minister/permanent secretary/juniors to avoid direct transaction but hiding behind some’s shadow and stealing nowdays is group work not individualy.that is de case in court with RB.even de CAF used their juniors to get money from this muhhamad through de 25 african football association presidents who don’t vote to blind de whole FIFA governing body can de whole 25 african countries juniors presidents be involved in this scalm,this was a well planed move guys.

  30. zambians we owez wnt 2 talk wthout n condem pipo even tho we r nt 2 sure of wat is hppening,do we even knw how FIFA wrks or operates?n y do we even wnt 2 start callin great kalu all dis nonsensecal n stupiditie names?it jst shows dat we dnt respect our hero’s in our own nation shame 2 us hnestly…4 me kalu u will owez be a zambian hero untill death…i wish u great kalu all de best in life n greatness in yo future so dat zambia can go fether in football…indeed u r de greatest ever in zambian football az in all…God bless kalusha…….viva!!!!

  31. I dont see why we really need to know whether kalu received the money or not. It doesn’t matter if he did or didn’t, the thing is ,it wouldn’t change a thing because Kalu did not vote and not eligible to vote. If he voted we would have wanted to know whether he truly got the money , how much and what was its use. Unless they are saying Kalu was bribed in order for Kalu to bribe the bidders. The information that we have on the email from the UK Sunday times does not have that information…May be this whole thing is not about Fifa corruption but planning ahead to disturb Russia from hosting the world cup as part of the “isolation” the west are talking about. In order to affect the Russian economy. Which the west are trying so hard though but with no real results.

  32. Thanx guys for your comments/concerns. however let me remind you one thing, money is sweet, and if there is a worst embarrasment ever, its over money. its very difficult for you to understand at the moment. remember there is one person who better understand the all issue and that is God. when i receive money at the same time WHEN corraption is going on, its very difficult for me to come out clean like you are putting it. TIME WILL TELL. if God is love and you are in his image pliz share that little love you have with me by praying for me. i LOVE YOU ALL.

  33. Hi all, interesting comments read the extract from UEFA News below;

    June 2014 GMT: 14:16


    Exclusive: UEFA source reveals bin Hammam was motivated by presidency, not 2022
    ? Published on Tuesday, 03 June 2014 15:00 Mohamed bin HammamBy Andrew Warshaw, chief correspondent
    June 3 – UEFA chief Michel Platini rejected a request by Mohamed bin Hammam to take on Sepp Blatter in 2011 for the presidency of FIFA, INSIDEworldfootball has learned. High-ranking UEFA sources have confirmed that Platini held “a number of informal discussions” with bin Hammam shortly before the December 2010, vote for the 2018 and 2022 World Cups but that these were solely about the presidency and nothing to do, as has been claimed, with the ballot.

    Platini is understood to have told…

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