Saturday, September 21, 2024

Jonas Shakafuswa arrested for assaulting six PF cadres


Jonas Shakafuswa
Jonas Shakafuswa

UPND Katuba Member of Parliament Jonas Shakafuswa has been arrested for allegedly assaulting six Patriotic Front (PF) cadres during campaigns ahead of by elections in Mangango.

Mr Shakafuswa who is currently detained at Kaoma Police station is said to have raided the PF camp at Mwanambuyu Primary School in Namafulo ward where some district commissioners and other party officials were staying and assaulted the cadres.

Western Province Police Commissioner Lombe Kamukoshi and PF campaign manager, Obvious Mwaliteta confirmed the arrest of Mr Shakufuswa in separate interviews in Kaoma today.

Ms Kamukoshi said the opposition MP had been charged with assault and malicious damage after he beat up the six cadres and damaged property during the fracas.

“We have arrested Mr Shakafuswa and is currently in Police custody and is facing charges of assault and malicious damage to property,” Ms Kamukoshi said.

Mr Shakafuswa’s arrest comes two days after Vice President Guy Scott accused UPND leader Hakainde Hichilema of fanning violence in Mangango.

Mr Mwaliteta said the violent situation in the area had worsened from the time Mr Hichilema and Mr Shakafuswa arrived to campaign for their candidate.

“Mr Shakafuswa and Mr Hichilema have been at the centre of all the violence, they are not like their friends like Garry Nkombo who is campaigning peacefully,” Mr Mwaliteta said.

“He raided our camp in Namafulo today with his cadres and started beating our members. Unfortunately even innocent villagers were beaten and as I talking to you, they have fled the village.”

Mr Mwaliteta said the PF had been campaigning peacefully and was by today organising themselves with the help of the police to ensure that the people came back in the village.

UPND national coordinator Batuke Imenda also confirmed Mr Shakafuswa’s arrest.

Later Western Province Deputy police Chief Lackson Sakala who is currently in Kaoma said the situation was under control.

Mr Sakala said officers were on the ground to thwart any potential violence and assured that peace would prevail on Tuesday as they cast their ballot.


  1. PF and the police have started the tricks which they displayed in Livingstone. This story is not true. There is no way an opposition camp can go and raid PF a party in Government. GOD is great!

    • Desperation at it’s best for sure. Is this not the same Mwaliteta who accused Garry Nkombo of murder and locked up HH in Livingstone? And when the truth came out, who was the instigator of the violence? Yes, you guessed right PF. These thugs think they can use the same trick twice….

    • This is a stup!d lying story,, How can a lone man Shakafuswa walk into a PF camp and beat the sh!t out of 6 full grown PF man??,,, unbelieveable!!!

    • @ndobo,
      Wahesu I agree with you, the story simply doesn’t add up, it’s simply the continuation of the PF lying episodes. They are capable of telling any lie without shame like the mother of all lies that Sata is well, fit and working hard when the man is in constant pain.

    • @Ndobo, Shaka-Fuswa is ni nshimbi, 6 strong PF thugs beaten in broad-day light, and their gang-leader Mwaliteta runs away. Shaka Shaka Shaka Shaka!!

    • The true version of the story is that Judge Ngoma instructed PF cadre to attack the UPND camp. When PF cadres went to disrupt the UPND, thats when the UPND and villagers reacted and chased the cadres. Judge Ngoma was firing while running away from the UPND camp.

      Shaka will be a free man very soon.

      The question is why did Mwaliteta and Judge Ngoma go to the UPND camp? If it was not to instigate violence then what ?

      Cadres who wanted to set the bridge alight, have not been charged why?

      Mwanya ba police .

    • PF are like their incapacitated Serpent. Conceived and born out of violent families and culture. Mwaliteta needs ku mu shapa with Pafa ya Kubu. The same applies to Kabimba and that accounts clerk at the toilet Post masquerading as a journalist. And we can also include the Jaribu niece of the Serpent masquerading as a Police woman.

    • The six PF individuals are law abiding citizens. Therefore, when that animal shaka nonsense assaulted them they went to the police. Well done PF for following law and order and not resorting to vigilante behaviour.

  2. How true is the story from PF side? Ho can the beating of six people by one man cause the entire village to relocate? Something is not making sense here

    • The problem here is you can’t tell the difference between who is violent whether PF or UPND, UPND should have gone into the place with a tone of peace and refusing any form of retaliation whatsoever. MMD is not an exception because of their violent past. May the peaceful party win now and in 2016. God bless Zambian and all advocates of peace.

    • Your PF from Bauleni baponona lelo kuli Shaka, where was you gang-leader Mwaliteta?
      We want to watch Shakafuswa vs Mwaliteta on ZNBC live.

    • But if the pipo in Mangango will vote for UPND, then this WILL CONFORM that its actually the PF party which is violent and NOT the UPND.
      Sata is known for his violence e.g. in Chawama where he himself used pangas to kill or try and kill those that opposed his MMD party then. He calls himself as KING COBRA or SERPENT which most of you professed CHRISTIANS know represents the Devil and His real name only lacks N to be SATAN who is a rebel from heaven.
      Any sensible and logically reasoning person can tell and knows that NOTHING good can come out of such a character. Morally, spiritually, socially, culturally and even politically a snake and characteristics thereof are never associated to good behavior, how come NOW some pipo want to think Sata and his PF can be good. PF killed in L.stone…

  3. Don’t really think highly of this Jonas Shakafuswa man……..In a way he deserves what he is getting …KARMA. But then PF, did the man really assualt six PF cadres?? Sound like hollywood where the hero beats the villians and is never beaten back. But then again Shakafuswa isn’t Arnold Schwarzneger or Charles Bronson (in their prime days….he’s more like Doug in King of Queens….lol

  4. Politics can be likened to wheel rolling slowly. UNIP 1964 – 1991 turned 45 degrees, MMD 1991 – 2011 also turned 45 degrees, and it looks like PF 2011 – 2016 will turn only 11.25 degrees for one good reason; leadership crisis.

    • You are right my dear. I have also observed that PF is a power hungry which if not correctly handled will lead to blood shade because look at how important issues are being exaggerated today. They promised many things to do for the nationals but then today are just stories of pipeline, visibility studies, etc. Talk of what development mentioned by PF, only Northern Region and other parts of the Country are left in shambles.

  5. Shakafuswa was also at the centre of violence in the Katuba bye election. Is it by coincidence that the same is happening in Mangongo? I am beginning to think that UPND is sponsoring this violence after all they have the Mapatizya formula to their tribal tag.

  6. He is a hooligan and should just be locked up. UPND should see the type of people to take for electioneering. Even in parliament he behaves like street kid. Let him face the law.

  7. That chap Chakafusha need to be taught a lesson,ba police bane were is the police I used to know of the 90s….lets sort out such useless job seekers. Such fools must just be made to dis…. come on bane ba task force. He is making your work difficult, we used to have men like Myangulani may he rest in of no nonsense. These so called politicians must not use politics to hide there thuggery if you are a criminal you will remain one. And some of you electorates how do you vote for such characters? Mind you in case you did not know these are the people you call law makers. Can Shafintu make a reasonable law apart from one in support of criminals…

  8. @china, zed patriot and ndobo above, shame on you. You just can’t accept that Shakafuswa is a thug. No matter wrong is perpetuated by UPND, you will always come to their defence. The same Shakafuswa caused pandemonium in Katuba. He hates PF with a passion and of all he hates bembas. If it was PF who had bitten up people, this time they would have been 100s of bloggers hurling insults at PF. What can happen if these thugs came to power? I was UPND, but I have since switched to PF. They call PF panga family; so them would be Paya PF family. The same UPND sponsored the I.diots called Tonga for Oarth. What rubbish

    • Ndobo am told is a jobless fellow and a dependant on his wife and hopes HH will find him a job. Find a life my friend rather than your useless UPND vibes.

    • Mwaliteta, Sata, Kabimba and Mumembe are not only thugs but criminals. How can a normal President pardon a gun wielding criminal like Judge Ngoma? We still remember the PF murders in Livingstone by a PF Minister and MP Mwaliteta! You are not going to muddy the water again. We know your methods. PF is a tribal and criminal GOVERNMENT. We Want Our Country Back!

    • @The One
      look my brother, lets take away cheap politics here,,, violence is not health for Zambia,,,but look at he story above,,, Shakafuswa walks into a PF camp and assults 6 people for no reason or causes and walks away without no injuries on his body,,,,really??,,,, the story does not make sense one bit, brother,,, THINK brother, dont be brainwashed with hate!!!,,,

      i have been watching you for some time trying to attack me, i will tell you one thing talk for yourself,,, if you depend on your grandmother wife or clean toilets at mcdonald or you had to be gay to live in the USA, dont assuming everyone is going through the same thngs you are going through… leave alone!!!

    • @The one.

      Truth be told here. SATA is dead. PF is now feeling the heat in Magongo after lying that he was going to appear there to boost PF. How can Shaka go to a useless PF camp infested with Lusaka criminals and beat up 6 cadres? Only a f00l like you would believe this fake story.

      Such a lie can only be believed by dull, uneducated and illiterate PF cadres. Thats why Kabimba and Sata chose to use you lot because you are dull to argue with them. Whatever they say you do without questioning. Even if Sata and Kabimba told you beat up your father and mothers so that PF can win, you PF f00ls would go ahead without questioning.

      Kabimba and Sata calls you useless, dull, indisciplined, illiterate and uneducated for a reason.

      Mwanya time will come when all of you will called to…

  9. All those disputing that Shakafuswa cannot beat up PF boys alone, you don’t know Shakafuswa or you are pretending not to know him and you are deliberately avowing to recall his historical past. Shakas has always been known for violence, stop defending the indefensible. How many times has Shakafuswa been arrested for assault since he joined politics? He is very unpredictable and behaves worse than a hooligan, some people even education has failed to make them wise. How old is Shakafuswa in UPND? Isn’t it only recently that jumped ship and joined UPND? Has he always been UPND? Plus Shakafuswa ni njeke bad! Teo uwaibile motoka, bamukaka nokumukaka? He is lucky he is politics, otherwise Shakafuswa would be in Mukobeko by now if he was ordinary citizen. Kantu kakwe aletekanya.

  10. We know that PF have come from that system, history has it from its formation. Why is it that where PF is winning there are no quarrels and fights but where PF is losing fights are present and this to me gives me a conclusion that they are bloody hungry to get the position.

  11. Is this the kind of Politics UPND wants to start playing? Shakafunswa is one violent guy who believes he’s above the law. His days are numbered.


    • Don’t say Shakafuswa, reason well. Can you tell me something about Mwaliteta’s bouncing into PF in Livingstone? Where is that Murderer who went on and accused UPND as killers and how the case has been dropped no one knows. Do you think we are so forgetful that we can ignore PF hallucinations?

      Mwaliteta is half muntu half muzungu and very soon he will fly out after 2016 because the murder case in Livingstone will follow him up.

  12. UPND and Mapatizya formular at work….these guys are violent.If it was in those UNIP days,the man should have been well disciplined by Police and was not going to repeat it next time.He is confused with Cow dung.

  13. I agree with you 100% Shaka’s Krall. That Shakanonsense (Katuba MP) has a reputation for:

    1.Sleeping with prostitutes at parliament hotel
    3.Bribery( Bronson and Darton)
    5.Domestic Violence
    6.Murder ( Bronson and Darton accomplices)
    7.Has blood on his hands
    8. Recruits criminals
    10. Poor education and below average intellect
    11. Celebrates the death of men his has murdered
    12. Theft
    13. Stealing constituency funds for personal use and entertaining prostitutes
    14. Lenje rif raf- not of royal blood
    15. Poor command of lenje and english
    16. May be immigrant and not authentic lenje
    17. Conspires with corrupt lenje head men at 10 miles and 15 miles
    19. Spreading HIV

    • Learn to debate with a level head devoid of misplaced emotions and innuendos you can not substantiate. Shakafuswa may be a politician but he’s also someone’s parent who deserves respect. Would you be happy if someone made similar allegations against your father?

    • Job 13:13, I do not debate with anonymous cowards. All 19 facts can be corroborated. It is your opinion that does not come across as objective. Shaka nonsense deserves no respect. Justice has finally caught up with him and Zambia will be a better place. In regards to that savage being some ones’s father, the police have done his children a favour. Call social services. Their father is a despicable human being and that is a FACT.

  14. Don’t blame LT…They are professionals who are objective unlike what is fabricated daily on some online so called…..which u want to promote here.Evey day they defame Sata and people no longer value it. Your manure cow dung website is very biased and even a grade one pupil can see.

    • @Mary you are right. Some of us are blocked from posting comments on the Watch Dog because they have a selected panel of pro UPND bloggers who are employed to insult anyone with dissenting views. Sadly these same fellows have flooded Lusaka times with their UPND trash of insults. They are very backward and primitive. That’s why Mwanawasa called them bums (amatako) that will always remain behind the human body.

    • Iwe Sata defames himself. Why do you people try to defend the indefensible? By the way what on earth is Judge Ngoma doing in Mangango? This thug was given a job in ZESCO and he gets paid for doing nothing like his boss. How can a country go forward with all these thieves on tax payers heads?
      we need a change in Zambia and the sooner it comes the better for all. People have to earn their living and not this PF game.

  15. If Shakafuswa caused violence in Katuba, how come he has not been charged or convicted? He is not even appearing in court as far as I know save for the time he was summoned by Police. Are the law enforcers incompetent? So you guys think he was going to be spared if he caused havoc in Katuba? With PF’s love for by-elections, Shakafuswa would have been locked up by now for the the Katuba offences, with view of nullifying his re-election.

    • He is out on bail. You know where they law releases you after your lawyer says you an a man of fixed abode and wouldn’t run away you will make yourself available when required? Yep that kind


  17. I am UPND and 100% in support of HH. But as a party we need to tame Shakafuswa. We must recognize that one of members has a problem. His language and even the build up to the campaigns showed that he intended to do this. My advice to my national management committee, let Police deal with him first, immediately he is released we also charge him for disorderly conduct as a party. I hope I will see leadership here, I repeat I am fully UPND and proud of my membership. No defensive positions, how did he go to the other peoples camp


  19. UPND is now a violent party? amazing what smoke dried cow dang can do to a feeble mind. no wonder we cant allow such hoodlums and cow feaces into state house. (HH) control your oxen

    • Tell your afflicted and incapacitated President that state House is not a Hospice. Only an 1diot would believe anything that comes out of murderer Mwaliteta’s mouth. and don’t even mention the jaribu face that is Sata’s niece the so called kamukoshi. Who gives another Human being a $tupiti name like Kamukoshi?

  20. We the people of Kaoma will teach UP and DOWN a lesson.They beat up our Chief,broke vehicles and have imported Mapatizya formular from Kalomo.We shall vote for either PF or MMD which are peaceful parties.

  21. Violence from MP’s must not be tolerated in a democratic country. Disagreements should be debated peacefully. This Katuba MP must be arrested and charged if the allegations are true.This will be a warning to all MP’s regardless of political affiliation, who abuse their position and let power go to their heads. This man has done nothing for his constituency since his election. He has pocketed all the constituency funds. Before his election the finances at the constituency were available and in order. Because of this man’s corruption the money has be stolen.

  22. But shakafusha is so dull guys. And the UPND has kept this liability? I can fore see UPND losing this seat coz they have become so violent. The guys are so desperste and are trying by all means to disrupt the elections. Please you cant win through violence bo UPND.

    Jail this man before he becomes a terrorist. Shame on shakafusha and UPND.

  23. @semeki how can you say Mwaliteta is half muntu and half muzungu? Will define the two words Muntu and Muzungu?
    See also Ubuntu.
    As someone mentioned already Shakafuswa vs Mwaliteta let them debate in Lenje. X

  24. How possible is it that one person can beat six people without them retaliating?If the police were impartial,they would have arrested Obvious Mwaliteta and the PF cadres,

    • The six PF individuals are law abiding citizens. Therefore, when that animal shaka nonsense assaulted them they went to the police. Well done PF for following law and order and not resorting to vigilante behaviour.

  25. Mwaliteta itole we all know very well that he is a criminal . who does not know this thug . just because he is in a ruling part now has become an angel ‘God is watching .



  27. The question we should all be asking is, what were three DC’s doing at political party meeting. The story even mistakes them for cardres.

  28. Livingstone incident at it again. Police be professional and not politically biased. Let the campaign peacefully. How can an individual raid a camp and beat them all?

  29. pipo sometimes we need to think properly even police officers have eyes to seee wat they can call an assault. we all know our zambian law no matter who started the fight as long as you hav assorted or killed someone you jst have to be arrested. let shakafuswa be dealt wth no one is above the law, he ll come out if not guilt

  30. Please ba 21:15:39. Don’t cut me short. Let me remind people about Shakas the butcher boy. He was in MMD when he terrorised women at the parliament motel where he called himself a hero. Now who says he can’t do it to others? Especially there in Mangango. He is a beast cage him up.

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