Sunday, June 2, 2024

Government secures contractor for King Lewanika University


Education Minister John Phiri and Turkish Ambassador to Zambia Ahmet Arda sharing wards during Horizon Education Trust School ground breaking for the Girls Secondary School
Education Minister John Phiri and Turkish Ambassador to Zambia Ahmet Arda sharing wards during Horizon Education Trust School ground breaking for the Girls Secondary School

Government has secured a contractor to build King Lewanika University in Western Province at a cost of K160 million.

Minister of Education, Science, Vocational Training and Early Education John Phiri has said the construction will start in January next year.

He told Parliament yesterday that the university that will provide marine and agricultural training programmes, will be built in phases.

“The university is the realisation of the PF manifesto and we are going to execute the project to the best of our ability,” he said.

Dr Phiri said Dalton Construction Company is ready to go on site immediately after a down payment of 10 percent is made after the 2015 national budget is passed.

Dr Phiri was responding to a question by Sikongo MP Mundia Ndalamei (MMD) who wanted to know why construction of the university has taken long.

Dr Phiri said Government delayed in starting the project due to procurement processes.

He also said that in the 2015 budget Government has allocated K650 million for the construction of universities.


    • Notice the King and not Chief!

      The only King in Zambia, The Litunga.
      It has taken the PF government 3 years and 2 months to source for funds to build King Lewanika University, whilst in Muchinga 2 universities have been erected.
      PF has failed, its only a campaign gimmick to blindfold the people of Barotseland. It won’t work this time around, as the people here in Bulozi consider it as a donation.
      PF and Sata failed to honor their pledge of honoring the Barotseland Agreement 1964 in 90 days of assuming power.
      47 days left till PF are kicked off.

    • PF has miscalculated the building of the University in Barosteland.The people of barosteland are not dull to be bought by this fake promise.Why didn’t they build it at the same time they were building in Muchinga.No alulati ndante.HH will build us a better one in 2016.

  1. hhhhhmmmm We want to face PF as UPND either you give us Sampa or Lungu we will TRAMPLE you. Western has already gripped from your hands.
    You are only remaing with Luapula, Northern and Muchinga and we r coming there.

    Its HH chabbe.

  2. This the news we want to hear not political promises, we can’t feed on promises. We want tangible things. Thanks for securing a contractor!! Action is better than mere promise.

  3. PF its too late for you yo so called UNIVERSITY when you see by election is around the corner forget ablt the VOTES from BAROSTELAND. Can be better to give RB a vote than you FOOLS.

  4. Too little too late, we all can see through your lies, tribalism, nepotism and deceptiveness. Your time as a minister is limited. The power at the end of the day belongs to the people of Zambia and not the lies you have been pushing.

  5. Bravo! Bravisimo! Very well done! The target of university projects in each province is timely. At 50 the country must pull up its socks and get to work.

  6. Who are you trying to f00l, it’s too late. You have cheated the people of Mongu before and you are repeating it. Do you think we are too dull. Sorry bye bye PF, you reap what you sow. For clarity, we are voting for UPND. Please take this as official notification

  7. Very funny. Bribing tactics now at play. The same PF Govt is failing to pay other contractors. Just how dull can these politicians get?.

  8. Too late Chi Maiko Sata, good riddance you have kicked the bucket and continue biting yo tongue chimudal chafwaka. Aluta Continua with Barosteland Independence.

  9. Dalton construction company? What’s thier portfolio like? Are they a local contructor? Tell us more about who these constructors are and why among all other applicants they where selected. Here going forward the people of Zambia will demand transparency. In an election year all of a sudden the money to start this much delayed project appears? Yet you have not paid the farmers. Don’t think you can take the people of Zambia for fools. PF Out! !

  10. Mmmmm, is DALTON an UK construction firm favoured in acquiring the contract by the illegal ‘Acting’ President.

    Why did it not go to Chinese, at least they compete fairly, and do not install a Chinese President into office.

  11. How far has the building of the Mongu stadium reached? Please update us because we have not heard anything regarding that stadium since the late Sata did the ‘sod-turning’ many months ago.

    Hopefully the university story is not another PF 90-day campaign lie that the people of Western Province will swallow hook, line and sinker.

  12. Have you heard that Edgar Lungu is now threatening Miles Sampa over the murder of Ruth Mbandu? Read about it on Zambian Watchdog.

  13. Nonsense before ellections olomwabusha ilyashi ili only foolz will buy this insult we are tired of u pipo u dont have the people at heart atase ka gimic aka

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