Tuesday, May 7, 2024

LT Update


This is to let all our visitors know that the lusakatimes.com website will not be available from midnight Zambia time to facilitate a major upgrade of the website.

We hope to bring up the site by Saturday afternoon or earlier if all goes well. We anticipate teething problems after the upgrade as this is a major upgrade we shall be doing. That explains why we have chosen Friday night to give us enough time in case things wrong. We hope the ample weekend time will enable us to have the site back to 70% operational capacity by Monday morning.

Sincere apologies for any inconvenience this upgrade may cause.

Team LT


  1. LT

    Just tell the truth. You want to take mothers day! Osanama apa. Ati, “to facilitate a major…katwishi uko”, I know your tricks LT. Naunaka fye. Anyway, Happy Mothers Day!! :)>-

  2. To be honest the numbers are next to zero after five o’clock pm on Fridays. Busy with my blonde.=))=))
    Can’t be bothered with LT

  3. 😕 I get the point. It may be that Blogger will have to register on the Site!! Or upload their Pictures!!

    Its about time we knew who fimo fimo really is :)>-

  4. Morning bloggers
    Good LT. At least people can find other social things to do with their time. Benangu monga bagona pa computer. Some of their children have even forgotten what they look like. What is weekend if people are busy blogging?

  5. 9. 3RqU
    Actually Carnival celebrations continue until next week wednesday!!

    These blondes drink :o:o:o

    Anyways I am a good dude!! Can not let my real one down. Not everything that glitters is a real blonde!! Some just change their hair colour to confuse things. So ine am now specialised to know who is who!!

    So ninshi ni |-)|-)|-)

  6. LT thanks for the off-time!! I was nearly forgetting my
    blonde!! She will be happy to know that she still is in my life :d

    But please fastele fastele with the maintainance we do not want to make more babys..

  7. Zoe, Lusaka :)>-
    Shani bane! Wabufi LT. Ni Mothers Day alefwaya! we know these tricks. Olo kapena ali ku mwezi!:-?, That time of the month.


    Shani mani!
    Abena LT nabasenda leave!

    :o. Kwaliba??

  8. you guys are full of crap, whats this mother’s day rubbish you are talking about, its a system upgrade period!!I advise all of you to use this outage to look for the man we are supposed to call our president!!!lol

  9. Imwe Ba Moze my brother, why do want to bring inside issues pa blogg? Your wife will also forget what you look like if you continue like ka.

  10. Ba Moze am fine,jus dnt knw which site to visit after the ka brief closure,limbi mwamupesha mumala LT mwee fikali ifintu ifi (naughty Ba Moze) Lusaka mama hw u doin?

  11. LT

    Don’t forget to include your contact details when upgrading. This is critical information for us who visit this website.

  12. Goodmorning everyone.

    Many thanks LT for the info. I’m just hoping the new upgrade does not bring a load of complications with it.
    The reason most of us are still here is because it’s a very user friendly site. We appreciate your efforts.

  13. LT, please put a provision for blogger’s photos insteady of the flags.
    Zoe,Jam@co,3qrU and Lusaka
    Goodmorning and welcome

  14. Ba Moze
    Awe tulifye bwino ,hopefuly you are fine too.
    Unfortunately Lt has no substute site,only complementary sites like The Post Zambia and Idle Muvitv site .

  15. Zoe
    Good morning. Hope you Fine.

    G Baby
    Naiwe uli shani?

    Ba Moze
    Ku ng’anda kuli bwino chabe. but ma issues ya ba zimai si yoleta pa website. Even the children will know and start asking uncomfortable questions, waziba ka?

  16. Twalumba kapati. Litumezi ahulu. Twasanta bingi. Zikomo kwambiri. Twatotela mukwai. Twasanta bingi. Thanks for the site. You keep us connected to motherland…Zambeziland

    Offensive names are not wanted. Automatic delete system in your search engine.

    Bless you.

  17. :x:x
    Thats good LT. We dont want what happened to Zamnet to happen to this our site of free speech or rather freedom of expression to be hacked due to lack of updates. Dora my dear let LT update this site so that i can continue to defend you when most bloggers are against you

  18. Its Friday today and all roads lead to Wodwala Inn along Great East Road. I understand there will be ‘panick’ drinking there!!!

  19. Carnival is better than LT :o):o):o):o):o)

    Nine Chale :-c me when the Outage is over!! I will be drinking in a small “Kneipe am Ring”!!!

    LT Please also try to confuse the Numbala l-) issue!!

    Let the one who makes the Entry first start at Numbala 20!!=))=))=))=))

  20. You could have seen immature bulls try mounting cows or fellow males from the head. They often, while in this playing mood, almost break the legs of calves. In this hot-blooded age, they are excitable and like running around, tails raised high, snorting and stomping their legs on the ground. Lets not get excited with LT’s halucinations!

  21. Hai Kasy? I too, mourn the passing of hand delivered flowers and handwritten notes… and the looks of embarrassment on the faces of the men who were unfortunate enough to be in the same office with the girl that got the flowers on Valentine!

  22. A Night without LT!!8->

    Where are we going to meet Guys!!

    For thos who want to stay in tough just in case LT disappear for good let me use this time to forward my email ad.

    pls write so that this will not be the last day we meet here

    [email protected]


  24. Iwe Jam@co, this is just an upgrade. Are you sure that LT will golela (yendelela)? These are signs of dependency. Can I suggest a place to seek help?

  25. #54 Lusaka

    Do not believe the hype [-x[-x

    LT may come back but who says that you will continue to blog?

    It may just be another News Site for you to read. Our comments will then no longer be required.!!

    So mwe Bantu before this happens pls napapata!!

    A Night without LT!!8->

    Where are we going to meet Guys!!

    For those who want to stay in tough just in case LT disappears for good let me use this time to forward my email ad.

    pls write so that this will not be the last day we meet here

    [email protected]

  26. LT

    Please don’t do this to me. 8->8->You know very well that matworld and LT pama weekeneds no chemical seration technique can work nangu ni titration does not work.Please do all what you do to upgrade your system in a shorter perion on time.

    Mwashibukeni Bonse Mukwai?

  27. Yes, if the LT brethren and sistren will be gathered at Wodwala Inn, and if LT may not be back as J@maco seems to fear, might as well gather there. What do the others say? Ba Moze, ali kut Wodwala Inn?

  28. Zoe

    Along Great East Road, after the airport round about and after the road block. Somewhere on your right opposite that Agri flora farm. Kaoneka kachabe chabe but pala diba bad!!

  29. The goodness with Wodwala Inn is that they dont hasle you around over bottles like the bottle picker called Ba Chama at The Place in Avondale. You even have a choice to drive off with your bottle actually. The vimbombo and Nkuku is nice. If you are lucky, you get to see some minister smooching!! in a tinted car>>>

  30. Lady chiza’s legs
    Now what I would give to see some minister smooching in a car that I bought for him. Maybe, just maybe, that may stimulate me to come.

  31. Ati how ladies. Any lady looking for a night out today is welcome. Call me on 094-22. Disgruntled married women are preferred since if she gets pregnant there is already someone to bear the responsibility (Her husband).

  32. Lusaka

    Nika building che ka white. Pali na sign pa road. Not kaja kama pan brick. kaja ni kaba shakers!
    There pa wodwala we drink with Hon. Ministers, Reverends and even Generals. Hmmmm, pali che mwandi. Vimbombo? Ma!!

  33. LT we expect a good site when it comes up. Upgrade must be planned to be carried out smoothly, to improve quality and layout. Why anticipate problems? Dont you have technocrats. UNIPIST mentallity & please stop relying on ZANIS for your 100% stories.I got the PF court case news immediately from my informers in the field,u only got it afeter 24hrs.Improve your act and that silly comment of “Duplicate Comment detected” without you having the comment published should be discarded.

  34. #65 i wil go there one of these days thts after Barn Motel not so?
    Lady Chiza sum names of places,kusangwafye abalwele? The lyks of VJ $-)$-)
    Lusaka check yo mail i hv sent u a good one

  35. 79. Zoe.After Ban Motel if you are coming from Chief Mugwileni, pa mudzi waba kabwalala but before Ban if coming from the greater city of LSK

  36. 82. Matworld.

    Mune it is really bad. At least you have my mail. I will also respond to your invitation to that kama Site you sent.
    Let us wait and see what LT looks like after a face lift!!


  37. 77. Just say if you are interested. By opening your muoth you have just confirmed four things to me. That:

    1. You are interested
    2. You are a disgruntled married woman.
    3. You are so urgly that you think I would not consider you so you propose my sister insted.
    4. Where you come from you thrive on incest.

  38. #44. VILLAGE CONCEPT greetings and thanks cousin for the good reporting back to LT.

    To bama-brazas aba cizyi especially GONENAS of LT, tough luck, but be patient with LT.

    I believe that the update will be very much appreciated by all of us.

    LT, all the best to you.

  39. Abena Jam@co

    I think naine manje nigwamo mwee. 😕
    Need to have an early start to the fimo fimo. Waziba, ka? When you are too drunk, performance is affected. Bye bloggers:)>-

  40. Alpha B*$%£@^. I dont know which part of your body the brain is. As a lady, I was merely responding to this yo message: (Ati how ladies. Any lady looking for a night out today is welcome. Call me on 094-22. Disgruntled married women are preferred since if she gets pregnant there is already someone to bear the responsibility (Her husband).

  41. Ba Moze,

    Performance cant be affected drunk or sober,just Measure yo performance properly :)):)):))<:-p Lusaka i jus sent it to both addresses mama

  42. Jam@co

    Please dont respond tom that kama site.it a long story mudala.they say ignorance has no defence.I didn’t it just happened automatically its a long story mwana ala ninsebana.

    Mudala where can I find Stella? its like everyone is preparing in advance in case LT tabacitile appear bwangu.Iam sure she is beautiful uwasenda Sony Ericsson from that time bali bonse I haven’t seen him pa site.

  43. Martworld
    Ati how Mudala?
    This might be the best time to confirm the wedding date. No room for the desperate and disgrunted triabalist. :d/

  44. 100. Matworld.


    I am getting worried mudala. Hope you are doing fine. So you got to that kama Site by accident ayi? Anyways I will not go there.

    But wansekesha =))=))

  45. Matworld
    Am still waiting

    Ba Moze
    Nice weekend and drink responsibly. What will there be to talk about if you are already drunk when we get there?

    Okay, will check

  46. ama xxchanges between alpha male and lady chizas legs are the ones LT wants to sort out.you guys are putting the guys under pressure with authority.

    zambia is democracy but those in power still have communists thinking,from way back,it’s not their fault.

    did you guys read that post headlined but a distasteful insult as a name yesterday.that sort of thing is unwarranted especially in zambia where elders are still elders.

  47. Okay guys I cease fire. I just felt insulted. I didn’t insult anyone but lady chizya decides to insult me unprovoked.

  48. 100. Matworld.

    Again!! Stella bwalwa iwe!!!!!

    ulya Sony was taking Stella!! I remember the last time we were pa LT that kama night!!

    Nomba Sony has not been around for a while!!

    I just hope he does not find LT like >-)

    after this Outage!!

  49. If you have not yet read Homer’s famous epic, The Iliad and the Odyssey, you are truly to be envied. For, you have a whole treasure trove of knowledge and entertainment waiting to be explored!

  50. Luapula Fish

    Mudala I will do that mudala right away let me just call ba Madam.I will let you know Bro.Dont worry my chief best man.


    I will explain mudala wandi.ala ninsebana.

    No Again,Nomba ati Stella bwalwa?


    Iam know my dear,Actually that is what iam doing just be ready it will take you 2days.

    Lady Chiza

    How are you my friend?

  51. #42 Rashid Jones

    I’m fine, thanks. Just insanely busy this week. I hope the weekend brings some relaxation.
    And what are your plans for the weekend? Are you also joining the others at Wodwala’s? The place sounds interesting, I hope it still exists next time I touch Zed.

  52. How do you all these places guys?
    Ba Moze, its like munayenda maningi pa Zed.
    Matworld, ati bwanji mudala?
    The alpha male,Hi man, where is the Alpha Female?

  53. thats fine guys. do your work. Make it better. We love you …oh sole we like you.

    I like that Ka lady at LT who comes at midnight. :)>-:)>-:)>-:)>-:)>-:)>-:)>-:)>-

  54. thats fine guys. do your work. Make it better. We love you …oh sole we like you.

    I like that Ka lady at LT who comes at midnight. :)>-:)>-:)>-:)>-:)>-:)>-:)>-:)>-

  55. Nine Chale
    Now the name sounds crazy, ati Wodwala as if its for sick people. My weekend will be kwalola mwela.
    By the way Nine Chale, do you know what monks call Bunda’s liga pa Zed? Ask Ba MOze.

  56. its ok for me, since I only access LT during working days. I am sure guys like Jam@co, Rashid, Baby C, Zoe, etc will have to look for something(or someone) else to do. Sorry guys! ;))

  57. KA’DOYO…
    How are you. Its not a problem cause we wil go for Facebook and Wayn.We only support LT because its Zambian though its a site for UPND.

  58. #129 Owe Ka’doyo i equally access LT during working days as i owez become ocupied pa weekend wth kitchen parties, bu nachimbusa so. So tym pa weekend nshikwata

  59. Aah, just as well. No more Mpombo, Shikapwasha and ka Mike Mulongoti rantings.

    Hey, have you noticed, Tetamashimba has gone quite. So quite that we can hear his quiteness.He is very disappointd with RB.My intelligence officers in the field tell me he has teamed up with Katele,Mabenga,Shakafuwa, Silvia, Magande, Maureen to Kick out NyamaSoya. They want the NCC to insert a recall clause for the ruling party to be able to replace him with one of them.

  60. Don’t worry, peoples. After the Upgrade LT will be back better, fresher and sweeter than ever!

    Jmaco iwe stop making bloogers panic..some are already comitting cyber suicide ati limbi today is the last day! 8-x

  61. #133 Mpangula.

    I think you are right, this is not typical Teta behaviour.He could have denounced Dora, George Kunda & Nyamasoya a long time ago when all these scandals came out. Teta has no brakes, this always land him into problems. Something fishy going on.

  62. 3RqU

    Maybe u jus dnt see pay attention,my name on the email address cums as ritzoe maybe thts where u get confused. 😕

  63. #132 Ka’doyo

    =))=))=))=))=)) wasenkesha, Zoe is jus a lady who escaped teenage life 2years ago but its ok hire me i mite know some fimofimo,<:-p

  64. 97. lady chiza’s legs, I wont let myself indulge in a fight with you. Am not in the business of making derogatory statements against fellow bloggers. Not because its not allowed by LT but because its not in my nature to do so. I can but I wont. This is a public blog and I expect anyone to comment on anything but as the saying goes, there is sentiment and then there is banter. I felt insulted by your response to my comment and I think that was uncalled for. Maybe I shouldn’t have reacted the way I did, but the truth is I was provoked.

    I extend an olive branch to you and lets keep this blog safe and clean. There are kids using this site also.

  65. Baby C should have phoned me to tell me she is coming. I would have met her for some dinner or something (on her bill of couse :d )

    Enjoy your weekend guys. I am going for some drinks (on the company bill of couse;)&#41;)

  66. Rashid.

    Mudala wanga ati bwanji?Good to see you pa site.iam fine mudala though that nkhani I told you about yanihika mu pressure.

  67. #147 ati kids are reading and making comments on what they cant aticulate properly,their parents must really take good care of them!!LT should come up with subscription to deter kids from making unsustantiated contributions on important matters,i hope its part of the upgrade!!!

  68. Most of the discussion boards have a provision for submitting suggestions to the improvements of service delivery.
    But I notice that LT staff simply depend on their own ideas which they hope will be appreciated by the public; nothing wrong with that in fact sometimes it works very well in preserving your organosational ethics.
    But I still feel that learning from ideas of other people widens the scope of creativity. I hope that LT will think of putting up an opinion form on this site as they modify their site.
    In any case their efforts are welcome.

  69. Hope your reporting will also improve and the editor should pull up his socks. There are just too many silly mistakes.

  70. Ba L.T Please BAN all the anonymouses, they are the causers of all the insults pa blog.
    That is the mask they use to intimidate credible bloggers.. flush them out please, I am down on my knees, I beg you…. [-o<[-o<^:)^^:)^

  71. mat world shani ba kitwe,how far has the construction of that tramline going like? someone told me it’s being abandoned due to crime on the work by tembisa tsostis’

    say hallo to thandi from teazers for me.say the bloke with the dodgy smile.

  72. #164,
    Honestly even if you want to mind your own business, contribute to the topic to the best of your knowledge, you find ‘CHI ANONYMOUS’ just popps up ‘WITH IRRELEVANT INSULTS’. You end up being tempted to answer back, pantu you are being insulted for no reason at all. Sometimes people/bloggers just hate your name . period. Others its just a way of attacking someone they feel jelous of.

    ABASH ANONYMOUS. [-o<[-o<[-o<^:)^^:)^

  73. LT nishani…ta tulefwaya ukushala tulelanda no ku langulka pa zed.we want to speak for Zambia
    so you should hurry up. the imimbulu boys will take over LT if you dont finsh your work by Saturday.


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