Saturday, September 21, 2024

FDD President Edith Nawakwi to feature on live BBC Africa Debate this Friday


FDD's Edith Nawakwi
FDD’s Edith Nawakwi

Forum for Democracy and Development FDD President Edith Nawakwi will on Friday the 5th of June 2015 be featuring on the live popular BBC program, BBC Africa Debate.

The monthly program which features African politicians and business people among others to discuss pertinent issues affecting the African Continent. The debate will explore tough decisions and competing priorities faced by Africa’s leaders ahead of the United Nation UN climate negotiations that will be held later in December this year. Ms Nawakwi will also discuss how best the continent’s energy requirements can be met without impacting negatively on the already existing climate change challenges as well as whether renewable energy is the answer.

The opposition leader who is a graduate of Imperial college in Energy Economics was the country’s first Minister of Energy and is the only woman to have served in that capacity since Zambia’s independence. Nawakwi is credited for developing the Zambia’s Energy Policy.

With a passion for renewable energy Ms. Nawakwi believes that there is a direct link between the impact of climate change and poverty. She believes that poverty reduction in the country and continent at large will lead to more acceptance to renewable energy by the masses.

The debate will be held on Friday, 5th June 2014 in South Africa Cape Town and will be broadcasted live on BBC radio at 19 hrs.


    • Brilliant, we could not ask for a more capable representation. Look forward to listening in.

  1. This is within her realm. She is articulate, she will certainly fair very well. All the best Edith.

  2. Hope she will not divert from the topic and start attacking HH because sometimes this girl forgets that HH is her fellow opposition leader-just like ka Chipimo who is older than he is suppose to be.

  3. This morning I watched HH on BBC. He was being asked many questions that he failed to answer. Like how did he acquire his wealth? He don’t want to answer that question why?

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