Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Sata orders enquiries into Zamtel & Finance Bank


President Michael Sata has ordered investigations into the sale of Finance Bank and Zamtel.

And President Sata has directed Justice Minister Sebastian Zulu to determine how the sale of the two institutions was conducted.

President Sata says the Justice Minister should produce a report of the findings within 30 days.

Mr. Sata says a lot of Zambians have suffered as a result of the sale of the two institutions.

He says Zamtel and Finance Bank were very important institutions in Zambia to be sold within a very short period of time.

President Sata was speaking at State House Friday morning when he swore in his new Cabinet.

The Swearing in ceremony was attended by First Republican President Kenneth Kaunda and the traditional leader of the Ila speaking people Bright Nalubamba.


  1. Former Zamtel MD (Mukela Muyunda), now saving as ZCCM INVT holding CHIEF exective should be made to answer the charges. The ***** sold Zamtel for a song and was immidiately given another job at ZCCM by rupia.

  2. Oh and H.E MCS please dont forget to set an enquiry into the creation of Zambia State Insurance Holding Company fire all the boards and the Group MD you will be shocked at what went on…we were telling these people now let the games begin

  3. Village Boy, tapali ukotuleya apart from going to a better Zambia under the man of action H.E M.C.Sata. So far so good and forever more so great under Sata. Now we have a president and i can assure you this man will leave a great legacy.

  4. eya lelo dora ,rapid banda, fundanga,situmbeko mwakakwa bamambala as for dora since she loves sex she will realy miss the staff whilst in prison and fundanga mwana no brandy is allowed but only utujirijiri utupita pa gate thru pants.job well done man of action cage them bamambala

  5. im hopefull those that are doing the 90 day countdown are equally taking note of the events and will update the lusakatimes readers of there compilation at the end of 90 days.Zamtel and RP capital,Finance Bank,Napsa and buildings society,Napsa and meanwood,remind me of any.awe pakaaba,iyi yena ni damn good!


  6. I would like to urge the PF government not to allow Mathani’s Indian cronies to return to FBZ if the transaction is reversed. Those chaps used to mistreat Zambians. The Indians had turned the bank into a conduit for siphoning money to India and other countries at the expense of Zambians.

    • If the political will is there, no one can ill-treat a Zambian. I tell you if you have ever been to Botswana, you will see how a foreign investor (Mukwere kwere) cannot intimidate or ill-treat a Mutswana; Its all political will. If you are a dad, and you are protecting your kids, surely we would know that these kids are well protected, and we cannot play with them. The previous government was so soft on such issues. give the company to where it belongs and if the mistreat you, they are punished!! Simples

    • this guy is a racist even indigenous zambians treat fellow zambians in a bad manner,what about all the money which was stolen during the day and swiss bank accounts.were they were used to do shopping in switzerland ,suits and crocodile skin designer shoes,this hatred keeps you people in the compost heap.educate yourself and become enlightened

  7. This is what we wanted sir. You hav a human heart thou pipo thot the other way round. Mwabombeni mukwai. i hop that those stealin govt. property should stop. this govt is a govt of action. it will nt lie idle see poor Zambians bein robbed in day light. Mushota u ar quiet. we miss u.

  8. We’re going, heaven knows where we’re going. It will be hard we know and the road will be hard and rough…………………we will get there!

  9. Number 1…you comment is on point….they should start from the court cases and not reverse the sale of zamtel….lap green has invested so much in the company so far…whats important is to probe the people who were involved in the sale…e.g…SOFT BUMS

  10. hey! wonders so shall never end. so ZSIC Holding is holding yet more malpractices? Lets follow those events leading to the formation of ZSIC group of companies. VIVA PF! infact i here the current board has been planning buy a number of ZSIC assets using unconstitutional means. Viva PF government please Prob this MD and her deputies, no-wonder they were distributing MMD campaign materials so tha MMD can retain power. Ir………n, Mb……a, Ha……n, KUYABEBELE

  11. MMD was a very dirty party and many will go to jail. Mark my words, Dora Siliya, George Kunda, RB and his sons will go behind bars

  12. Yes this is good. Instil some fear in these good for nothing bosses. They thought Zambians are docile. Yalula! But be watchful as some of these guys may escape to other countries. Just keep an eye on them. Search anything flying. I end here.

  13. Shikulu sata ,ala pyanga………this is what we voted for…viva ….PF……viva sata. We want you to leave a unique legacy.Dem belly full, but we are hungary….shame to you MMD

  14. Surely,these boers are a waste of time.They do not understand prudential matters .Honestly,they came with an evil intent to come and destroy us.
    Take my word,two wrongs do not make a right.

  15. Mr. Sata says a lot of Zambians have suffered as a result of the sale of the two institutions. I cant understand which people are suffering because of Zamtel which was not making profit but milking the coffers of Zambia and workers were not paid on time the service delivery was bad compare what  it is  now, when we start thing that what mmd did was wrong then we about to fail

  16. Come and See what Sata is doing. The Chinese will not be chased be will be told to do the correct things. The Indians have started increasing salaries before they are even visited. Please keep watching him.

  17. @12 Capt Solo – Mathani donated large sums to PF campaign and one of the promises was that they will return Finance to him. that is why Mathani is coming back “home” against his doctors orders.

  18. These are men at work. President Sata,Ii wish you had taken office shortly afterZCCM was amputated, sold off, and money from the proceeds “privitized” by those in power. We would still have kept those hundreds of young men and women ZCCM spent thousands of dollars to train, who are now plying their trades all over the world,except Zambia.

  19. Unfortunately, when you say 30 days a report should be at my desk (without understanding the task at hand) – you will receive a report and it will be erroneous — and you will make decisions on erroneous information. Mark my words – this style is not going anywhere. Right now the President is making decisions without the input of advisers (who are they?). Running a country is not a trial and error type of experiment. We want this Govt to succeed – but it needs to be methodical.

  20. Very good Mr President.

    I’d always thought that there was something fishy about the sale of Zamtel and now Finance bank.

    The whole process was flawed with bids from India, Nigeria and Libya and then sold to Libya for a song. No mercy should be showed to anybody found wanting in respect to the sale of the two instutitions.

  21. I personally hate Sata. no mater how much efforts he puts on anything. he will never be my choice. and if iwas in Zambia i would not have even voted for him

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