Saturday, September 14, 2024

Analyse by-election budgets critically – Prof. Anyangwe


An Academician has urged African countries to critically analyze budgets for by-election which he said are a drain of resources for national development.

Professor Carlson Anyangwe stated that resources that are channeled to holding of
by- elections could go a long in developing the country.

He pointed out the K3 billion spend on the recent Kapoche by- election was a huge
amount which, if invested in the constituency, can go a long way fostering development in the area.

Prof. Anyangwe stated that few people enter politics out of conviction and ideology,
hence the increase in the number of politicians jumping from one political party to

Speaking when he featured on ZNBC’s Media Institute for Southern Africa (MISA) Good Governance programme today, Prof Anyangwe implored governments on the continent to work in harmony with the civil society.

He said governments on the continent would not have achieved development to the
level they have without the partnership of the civil society.

“There is no cause for government to be fearful of the civil societies, they are now
playing the role which the political parties and ordinary citizens are supposed to
be taking,” he said.


  1. nowonder you are a proffesor you are very intelligent.Only if we had people like you in government, we would be very developed.

  2. Who money was it from govt coffers or political parties. head will roll if people of Kapoche go hungry this year

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