Saturday, July 27, 2024

Staunch Kafue UNIPist advises Panji to resign


A staunch UNIP member in Kafue has appealed to party president Tilyenji Kaunda to resign and concentrate on his personal businesses if the party is to survive.

Former Kafue UNIP Constituency Chairman, Boniface Mhango, told ZANIS in Kafue today
that Mr. Tilyenji Kaunda has failed to run the party because he is always in
Zimbabwe doing personal business instead of concentrating on building the party. 

He said there is no way UNIP will regain its former glory when he is always
traveling out.

Mr. Mhango pointed out that a lot of loyal party members were resigning from UNIP to
join other political parties because of frustrations being caused by Tilyenji’s
advisors who are misleading him. 

He said Tilyenji should be blamed for the downfall of UNIP as he has no interest to
run the party but wants to use it for his personal gain.

He wondered how Tilyenji could run the party effectively when he does not know what
problems the party was going through. 

Mr Mhango added that even calling for a convention in October this year is just too
far as members in the lower organs are not happy with him.

He charged that Colonel Panji Kaunda, his brother, was right when he accused him of
running UNIP from his bedroom because he does not want to get advice from wise
people but from crooks who have no heart for the party.

Mr. Mhango said that the party in Kafue has started identifying a leader who will
take over from Tilyenji as he has become unpopular and is not fit to be President of


  1. Why is Tlyenji always in Zimbabwe doing business there? I thought we are told that Zambia has the best climate for business than Zim at the moment. Could it be that he is there to oversee the movement of his father’s billions of dollars while he (kk) plays poor in Zambia? Mhango is right. Tlyenji should resign.

  2. Ba kamocha plizy, People are free to do business anywhere they feel their investment will florish. If you must know where there is luck there is potential for triple digit profits. right now if you can start exporting commodities to Zim you make a lot of money. remeber in Z in the late 80s when people had money but no commodities? that is the situation in Zim. just learn and take advantage of such opportunities and stop politiking. I dont know TJs management style, honestly i dont care. having lived in the 80s the Kaunda name just brings bad memories to me. Thats why i always come strongly reminding people of how much upheavals KK brough upon the Zambian people.

  3. The job of running a party is full time. Tilyenji cant be in 2 places at the same time, although I guess running UNIP must be a very boring job. If these allegations are true i think he should walk.

  4. The misleading headline is because our Zambian journalists don’t proof read what they write before they post them to the web. It is a common occurrence and I wonder whether the newspaper editors are just editors for positions sake or not. If Tilyenji is found in Zimbabwe more, may be he wants to help Zanu while doing business

  5. Why are the die-hard UNIPists washing dirty linen in public!! TJ has to feed his family that is priority number one.They should just re-organise themselves and quietly prepare for their convention.Useless statements such as the one from Mhango are just reminders of the failings of a political party to re-assert itself in the new political dispensation.Sage(2), you are so right when you say the most money is made amidst chaos!!Given a choice between leading the likes of Mhango or making money for my great grand children yet to be born to find and enjoy….the choice is quite obvious!!UNIP will always be there…but the opportunities in Zim won’t be !!

  6. Haboongo Kachasu

    The headline is misleading,fine. Now contribute to the topic at hand.Imwe ba Boniface Mhango, if you see that your leader is a dead log you must take it upon yours shoulders to restructure your party or simply make a bloodless coup. UNIP died long time ago when KK was defeated by ba FTJ in 1992. Its existence is now based on symbiotic repute of well established and sound parties, otherwise UNIP must be totally be history.

    President Vladimir Putin placed strategic bombers back on long-range patrol for the first time since the Soviet breakup, sending a tough message to the United States on Friday hours after a major Russian military exercise with China.
    Putin reviewed the first Russian-Chinese joint exercise on Russian soil before announcing that 20 strategic bombers had been sent far over the Atlantic, Pacific and Arctic oceans — showing off Moscow’s muscular new posture and its growing military ties with Beijing.
    “Starting today, such tours of duty will be conducted regularly and on the strategic scale,” Putin said. “Our pilots have been grounded for too long. They are happy to start a new life.”
    Putin said halting long-range bombers after the Soviet collapse had hurt Russia’s security because other nations — an oblique reference to the United States — had continued such missions.
    “I have made a decision to resume regular flights of Russian strategic aviation,” Putin said in nationally televised remarks. “We proceed from the assumption that our partners will view the resumption of flights of Russia’s strategic aviation with understanding.”
    U.S.-Russian relations have been strained over Washington’s criticism of Russia’s democracy record, Moscow’s objections to U.S. missile defense plans and differences over crises such as the Iraq war. But the Bush administration downplayed the significance of the renewed patrols.
    “We certainly are not in the kind of posture we were with what used to be the Soviet Union. It’s a different era,” State Department spokesman Sean McCormack said. “If Russia feels as though they want to take some of these old aircraft out of mothballs and get them flying again, that’s their decision.”
    Soviet bombers routinely flew missions to areas where nuclear-tipped cruise missiles could be launched at the United States. They stopped in the post-Soviet economic meltdown. Booming oil prices have allowed Russia to sharply increase its military spending.
    Russian Air Force spokesman Col. Alexander Drobyshevsky said that Friday’s exercise involved Tu-160, Tu-95 and Tu-22M bombers, tanker aircraft and air radars. NATO jets were scrambled to escort the Russian aircraft over the oceans, he said, according to the ITAR-Tass news agency.
    Eleven Russian military planes — including strategic bombers and fighter jets — carried out maneuvers west of NATO member Norway on Friday, a military official said.
    Norway sent F-16 fighter jets to observe and photograph the Russian planes, which rounded the northern tip of Norway and flew south over the Norwegian Sea toward the Faeroe Islands before turning back, said Brig. Gen. Ole Asak, chief of the Norwegian Joint Air Operations Center.
    A pair of Russian Tu-95 strategic bombers approached the Pacific Island of Guam — home to a major U.S. military base — this month for the first time since the Cold War.
    Last month, two similar bombers briefly entered British air space but turned back after British fighter jets intercepted them. Norwegian F-16s were also scrambled when the Tu-95s headed south along the Norwegian coast in international air space.
    “This is a significant change of posture of Russian strategic forces,” Alexander Pikayev, a senior military analyst with the Moscow-based Institute for World Economy and International Relations, told The Associated Press. “It’s a response to the relocation of NATO forces closer to Russia’s western border.”
    NATO has expanded in recent years to include the former Soviet republics of Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia as well as the Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland.
    As of the beginning of the year, Russia had 79 strategic bombers, according to data exchanged with the United States under the START I arms control treaty. At the peak of the Cold War, the Soviet long-range bomber fleet numbered several hundred.
    Friday’s war games with China near the Urals Mountain city of Chelyabinsk involved some 6,000 troops from both countries, along with soldiers from four ex-Soviet Central Asian nations that are part of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, a regional group dominated by Moscow and Beijing.
    The former Cold War rivals share a heightening distrust of what they see as the United States’ outsized role in global politics, and they have forged a “strategic partnership” aimed at counterbalancing Washington’s policies.
    The United States, Russia and China are locked in a tense rivalry for influence in Central Asia, the site of vast hydrocarbon resources. Washington supports plans for pipelines that would carry oil and gas to the West and bypass Russia, while Moscow has maneuvered to control exports. China also has shown a growing appetite for energy to power its booming economy.
    Putin, Chinese leader Hu Jintao and other leaders of the SCO nations attended the joint exercise, which followed their summit Thursday in Kyrgyzstan’s capital Bishkek.
    The summit concluded with a communique that sounded like a thinly veiled warning to the United States to stay away from the region: “Stability and security in Central Asia are best ensured primarily through efforts taken by the nations of the region on the basis of the existing regional associations.”
    Putin hailed the exercise — which involved dozens of aircraft and hundreds of armored vehicles countering a mock attack by terrorists and insurgents striving to take control of energy resources — “as another step to strengthen relations between our countries.” Hu said the maneuvers “underlined the SCO’s readiness to confront terror.”
    The exercises underlined that “the SCO wants to show that Central Asia is its exclusive sphere of responsibility,” said Ivan Safranchuk, an analyst at World Security Institute
    Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Alexander Losyukov said the exercise was not aimed at the United States.
    “I don’t see anything anti-American in the SCO exercise,” he was quoted as saying by the ITAR-Tass news agency.
    The SCO was created 11 years ago to address religious extremism and border security issues in Central Asia. In recent years, the group has grown into a bloc aimed at defying U.S. interests in the region.
    In 2005, the SCO called for a timetable to be set for the withdrawal of U.S. troops from two member countries, Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan. Uzbekistan evicted U.S. forces later that year, but Kyrgyzstan still has a U.S. base, which supports operations in nearby Afghanistan. Russia also maintains a military base in Kyrgyzstan.
    Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, whose country has SCO observer status, attended the summit for the second consecutive year. On Thursday, he echoed Russia’s criticism of U.S. plans to deploy missile interceptors in Poland and a radar in the Czech Republic, saying they were a threat to the entire region.

  8. From ZNBC Site
    Malila on London verdict

    Attorney General Mumba Malila has applied to withhold delivery of a ruling in the registration of the May 4, London High Court Judgement that was scheduled to be delivered Friday.
    Mr. Malila told Lusaka High Court Judge Japhet Banda that the state wants to include additional information to the preliminary issues raised by Dr. Frederick Chiluba’s lawyers.
    Judge Banda was to deliver ruling on a motion raised by Dr. Chiluba questioning whether or not the London High Court Judgements are enforceable in Zambia as president Levy Mwanawasa had not issued a statutory instrument allowing it.
    Both state and defence lawyers presented arguments on whether or not the judgement should be arrested in the chambers before Judge Banda.
    Judge Banda has pushed the ruling to August 24.
    The main hearing on the state’s application to register the May 4 London High Court Judgement has not yet been heard.

  9. Well, well, a bit of dilly dallying after all the hoo haa following Smith’s judgement, shouldn’t this have been an open &shut case as Malila made us believe, when he claimed to have been ambushed?? How much time does the state need?? This reminds me of a saying, “Don’t start something you can’t finish.”

  10. OPPOSITION Patriotic Front (PF) president Michael Sata’s name is synonymous with politics.

    But for once Sata or better known as “King Cobra” has shown that he has not lost his sense of belonging; being part of a community, a culture and a tribe, in his case “Bemba”.

    In recognising that his individuality is part of the contingent of the native grouping of Bemba-speaking people from Chitulika village in Mpika district, Sata last week showed his connectedness by leading his family in performing a traditional Bemba Ukwingisha ceremony through which he exposed his bedroom to his son-in-law.

    The ceremony held at Sata’s residence in Rhode Spark brought together Sata’s family and that of his son-in-law, Zambia Air Force, air officer commanding Brigadier General Patrick Tembo.

    Evidently it was an encounter of traditional cousins, the Bembas being led by Sata as captain and Nsengas where Brig. Gen. Tembo belongs, had former Chief Justice Matthew Ngulube as a steward.
    Sata’s wife Dr Christine Kaseba explained that the Ukwingisha ceremony was a traditional process through which an in-law graduates into a son or daughter of the hosting family.

    “This is a Bemba tradition that is performed when the family is happy with their in-law and accept him or her as their own son or daughter. As you know, as an in-law, there are some restrictions which go with it but after this ceremony one is free to mingle around with his or her in-laws to the extent that they are free to enter their bedroom,” Dr Kaseba said. “This ceremony allows an in-law to nurse their in-laws in their bedroom in case they fell ill. It is almost like exposing our nakedness to our in-law and make him feel comfortable with us.”

    She further explained that the ceremony was usually conducted by the bride’s mother and that Sata performed the rituals in respect for his niece, Monty Chanda (Tembo’s wife) because he (Sata) was the only surviving member of his family lineage.

    “It is usually very challenging to unite two families, in this case the Sata and Tembo families. I feel delighted and proud because it is a benefit for the Sata family as they have gained a son. I hope to do more of such ceremonies for the other remaining children,” said Dr Kaseba.

    Brig Gen Tembo described the ceremony as a dream come true because he had been looking forward to being accepted by the Sata family.

    “I feel great because we have come a long way in marriage with my wife…we have been married for 26 years now and it is worth celebrating because it is like a medal awarding ceremony which does not come easily because one has to earn it,” said Brig Gen Tembo.

    Monty expressed her happiness saying she felt honoured by her parents for having organised the ceremony for her husband. She praised her aunt Dr. Kaseba for her motherly spirit of embracing Sata’s nieces and nephews as her own children.
    “I appreciate because this signifies true love for the family,” she said.

    The ceremony began with some of Sata’s family members and friends trooping in for the ceremony in small numbers. Both the aged and young sneaked in quietly amid uncoordinated Bemba songs and traditional drums. Among those that beefed up Sata’s camp was Lusaka businessman Geoffrey Bwalya Mwamba (GBM), while Brig. Gen. Tembo had Kanyama PF member of parliament Henry Mtonga.

    After a sizeable number of Sata’s relatives had gathered, Brig Gen Tembo’s family members arrived, bursting into traditional songs. To show their preparedness the Nsengas paraded some elderly women in front, who showed how they used to perform Moye and Nsongwe dances when they were young. Sensing the danger of being caught unaware, an alert team of Bemba traditionalists blocked their cousins before closing the gate.

    At the gate, the Nsengas demanded to be traditionally welcomed such that the host Bemba group had to drop some money on the ground before they could allow Brig. Gen. Tembo to enter Sata’s residence.

    But they were dribbled by their colleagues. The Bembas intelligently instructed traditional consultant Shibukombe of the day Festus Kakana to disguise himself among the singing Nsenga women before fishing Brig. Gen. Tembo from the group. Kakana acted as instructed and left the Nsenga women complaining that their son (Brig. Gen. Tembo) had been rushed into Sata’s residence without following traditions. As it was a cousinship encounter their complaint was brushed aside and they conceded after waiting outside for few minutes.

    Brig Gen Tembo’s family members trooped in as they sang their Nsenga traditional songs, with some elderly women letting loose their waists. Their Bemba counterparts responded by singing and dancing to the Bemba traditional drums performed by some women seemingly experts in Matebeto ceremonies.

    After some 15 minutes of singing and dancing, Kakana led Brig Gen Tembo and his relatives into Sata’s house.

    In the living room, Sata’s relatives displayed a variety of traditional food for Brig Gen Tembo to sample. Before sampling the traditional menu, a Bemba woman performed some rituals, washing Brig Gen Tembo’s hands amid some Bemba traditional songs. The woman took some few minutes dancing before Brig Gen Tembo, before calling on Sata and his wife to share a meal with their in-law. Sata and Dr. Kaseba knelt down before Brig Gen Tembo and prepared a lump of nshima each, which was cooked in chicken soup, and fed their in-law.

    “Ba Tembo lomba olomwadwala ni gamudyeseni nshima. (Mr. Tembo with immediate effect I can feed you in an event of you falling ill),” Sata told his in-law.

    Dr Kaseba chipped in: “Mr Tembo, you are now my son and you are now free to have meals with me.”
    Brig Gen Tembo reciprocated by feeding his in-laws and later Sata and Dr. Kaseba fed their grandchildren.

    At this stage, Shibukombe Kakana showed Brig Gen Tembo all the Bemba foods and traditional brew that were laid before him.
    After the inspection of the foodstuff, Brig Gen Tembo was made to sample some Bemba traditional brew ranging from Munkoyo to Katubi and Katata.

    After tasting the food, Kakana led Brig Gen Tembo and his family to another house a few metres away from Sata’s residence where they were offered lunch.

    After lunch, Brig Gen Tembo’s family was brought back to Sata’s residence for the last segment of the ceremony, which involved him (Brig Gen Tembo) inspecting his in-laws’ house.

    The procession begun with Brig Gen Tembo inspecting the entrance of the house where he found a parcel wrapped in green leaves hanging by the corner and after collecting it, the Shibukombe asked him to proceed into the house. There was some commotion in the house of both Sata and Brig Gen Tembo’s relatives fought their way into Sata’s bederoom, seemingly anxious to see what Sata’s bed looks like.

    While the inspection was underway, some Bemba traditionalists sung songs of praise for Sata’s gesture.

    Upon entering Sata’s bedroom, Brig Gen Tembo was directed to inspect his in-laws’ bed, carpet, bathroom and wardrobe. After a thorough search, Brig Gen Tembo fished out a bouquet of flowers, village chicken and a case of Windhoek lager. He was later asked to remove Sata’s beddings and replace them with a pair that he had brought with him. According to Kakana, this is in accordance with the Bemba tradition.

    After preparing Sata’s bed with a new pair of beddings, Brig. Gen. Tembo laid two pieces of Chitenge material on the bed, as a sign of respect and appreciation for his mother in-law.
    Brig Gen Tembo was later led to the kitchen, where he also fished out a basket full of foodstuffs such as dried kapenta, dried traditional vegetables and beans.

    After inspecting the kitchen, Brig Gen Tembo’s entourage trooped out. Brig Gen Tembo was made to sit with his relatives and wife. After a couple of Bemba songs, Monty stood up, wrapped a chitenge material around her waist and knelt down before her husband, requesting him for a song.

    Brig Gen Tembo stood up and took to the dance floor with his wife before other relatives from both families joined in, dancing to a Bemba traditional dance. It was the Nsengas who were at pains to march up with their colleagues in responding to the Bemba traditional drums. One Nsenga elder man wrapped his own jacket around his waist to ensure that his waist was vibrating just like those of the Bemba women.

    But it was Sata and his wife who stole the show as they danced to the Bemba drums to the amazement of the invited guests. Sata took a few dancing steps, while his waist gyrated in a Bemba style. For Dr. Kaseba, it was all smiles as she responded to her husband’s advances.

    “I am very proud of you because they are very few people who have lived longer in marriage,” Sata told Monty.

  11. BY the way ba Joze that was another case of misreporting. Sata is not a Bemba. He is a Bisa. The Bisas themselves will be the first to tell you that Bisa is not Bemba

  12. Thank you Dr Kaseba for explaining what ukwingisha means. I have had a field day showing off to my English friends how rich the Zambian Culture is.

  13. Come on guys, UNIP is not going anywhere. It died in 91 when ba Kaunda was voted out.Tilyenji knows and thats why he’s always in Zimbabwe. I would call on all UNIPist to join another group say….PF which is promising.

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