Saturday, July 27, 2024



Zambia has approached Ethiopia for support to its bid for the chair of the African Union (AU).

Zambia’s Ambassador to the United States, Dr Inonge Mbikusita-Lewanika is vying to be the the next chairperson of the Commission of the African Union.

A high-profile Zambian delegation led by First President , Dr. Kenneth David Kaunda submitted a letter to Ethiopia Prime Minister Meles Zenawi here today.

Dr. Kaunda, who is serving as Special Envoy to the government of Zambia, submitted the letter cobeyed the letter from President Levy mwanawasa.

During talks with Meles, Dr Kaunda said Zambia fielding Dr Mbikusita-Lewanika whom he described as a suitable replacement for Alpha Omar Konare.

Konare’s term of office expired in July this year and voting is due to be held next month.

Six candidates from Zambia, Swaziland, Gabon, Mauritius, Sierra Leone and Burundi to replace Konare.

Dr Lewanika is also in the Zambian delegation and attended the meeting with the Ethiopian leader in Addis Ababa.

However, Gabon has also made a similar tender asking Ethiopia to support its nominee


  1. Ba Gabon, teti baibwelemofye! Umwana Inonge paliba ukujoba sana. Go Inonge, we are all behind you. Africa will benefit from you so much.

  2. We always complain that most top jobs in the UN and other international organisations go to West Africa. I call upon all Zambians, both at home and in the diaspora to support our own Inonge and where possible to lobby other countries to elect her. VIVA INONGE VIVA!!!!

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