Saturday, July 27, 2024

Govt urged to expedite salary negotiations for 2008


Zambia Congress of Trade Union (ZCTU) President Leonard Hikaumba has appealed to government to expedite the 2008 salary negotiations and improved conditions of service for civil servants and allied workers before the 2008 national budget comes out.

Mr. Hikaumba told ZANIS in an interview today that negotiations are going on smoothly but emphasised the need to speed up the process.

He assured workers in the country that the Union mother body is negotiating for better ‘perks’ that are reasonable.

And Mr. Hikaumba has said his Union is aware of the old housing allowances in an effort to offer civil servants with new housing allowances.

The ZCTU President assured that new housing allowances are being catered for in the on-going improved salary negotiations.

He explained that delay to effect the new housing allowances was due to the Central Stastical Office who allegedly delayed to submit a comprehensive report to government through Ministry of Labour and Social Services with a copy to Ministry of Finance and National Planning for appropriate action.

He has since appealed to civil servants to be calm as ZCTU was working round the clock to get workers improved wages.


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