Saturday, July 27, 2024

Clergyman confident NCC will produce good constitition


A clergyman in Samfya
has expressed confidence that the National Constitution Conference (NCC)
will produce a constitution that is desired by the majority of

Samfya consistory United Church of Zambia (UCZ) Rev.
Friday Longa said over-the-weekend that he has no doubt
the NCC will come up with a constitution that will stand the taste of time.

Rev Longa made the observation during a public
discussion forum organised by Anti-Voter Apathy to
discuss the way forward of the NCC and constitution
making process way forward.

He said the mistrust some people had expressed
individually and collectively over the NCC were not

He said his conviction is based on the reason that
government has entrusted the refining of the
constitution in a body that has wide representation
and protected by an Act of parliament.

He said another reason is the fact
that in the past, sitting presidents manipulated the
constitution to stifle their political opponents and
protect their interests while in office.

However, Rev Longa said he does not see President Levy
Mwanawasa seeking to use the constitution to stifle
the opposition or serve personal interests because his
term of office expires in 2011.

Meanwhile, a Catholic priest Fr Frank Chibale said the
Catholic Church cannot reconsider its position not to
sit on the NCC.

Fr Chibale said, though he was speaking at the public
forum in his personal capacity, the position of the
Catholic Church will remain unchanged because concerns
raised by the Episcopal over the NCC Act and its
composition have not been addressed.

He appealed to people to respect the position of the
Catholic Church instead of attacking and accusing it
of engaging in politics of antagonism with government.


  1. Longa beware of biting your tongue and putting your foot in the mouth.You may mean well but also understand that a true democratic state demands seperation of churh and state. Your qualifying opinion that LPM has passed the litmus test compared to the previous regimes makes one shudder as to where you are coming from.I hope you realise what your exclusive ecumenical role is vis a vis the state.

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