Saturday, July 27, 2024

Adoption Act being abused by Child Traffickers


Out going Child Care and Adoption Society President, Reverend Moses Banda, has disclosed that the child adoption procedure has been grossly abused.

And Mr. Banda has said that Zambia will not be used as a front for child trafficking and other vices that violate the rights of children.

The organization has since called for strengthening of the law against child traffickers and those that abused the Adoption Act.

Mr. Banda said adoption had been grossly abused and his organization was determined to make amends and improve the handling of adoptions.

He called on Zambians not to leave adoptions to foreigners but to take a leading role in adopting the Zambian children.

Mr Banda said this at a press briefing held in Livingstone today.

“Adoption is free for all and there are a lot of children in transit homes who need to be adopted. Zambians should adopt the children and avoid minding the long legal process,” Mr Banda said.

He bemoaned the influx of orphanages and transit homes that just thrived on sending children out of the country.

“We need to ensure that children are adopted for decent things other than abuse,” he said.

He said there is need for government to improve the standards of transit homes and childcare homes.

Earlier, the society elected new office bearers who included Richard Chella as the national president.

Edwin Mbulo will deputize Chella while the national treasurer is Mwembe Kaona.

Committee members are Mwape Mushili from Livingstone, Peter Chishimba (Mpika), Agatha Litebele(Lukulu), Bethwell Chikota(Kabwe) and Gilbert Mubanga from Ndola.

Others are Mary Phiri, Vivian Njovu, Robert Munkombwe, Jocelyn Sinkolongo, Macdonald Chillepa and Freda Mukonka from Lusaka.


  1. we applaud the swift reaction by authorities to stamp out the child trafficking that has been on the increase.Africa has long since been a source for “supplies” and the stories that are abound on international news networks makes very sad reading. the level of abuse out there is horrific and our courts are encouraged to hand down the heaviest of punishments to those found guilty of this perpetuating this trade!


  3. I believe that the majority of people who intend to adopt children have very good intentions for their future.
    No one can have a 100% way of verifying the crooks from the honest ones.
    In Austria,a father abused his own children in his own house!!Some parents in Zed im told are now resorting to covering their own children in the hope of becoming cured.
    Give the kids a chance abroad if possible and don’t impose a blanket ban.

  4. What is wrong with you people. Why would anyone think that those of us trying to adopt would want to abuse our children. We want to adopt because God commands us to care for orphans in their time of distress. Americans are good people. All children are God’s children wherever they are in the world. So if we are all God’s children then what is wrong with adopting a child from another country. All adopting families from the US are screened thoroughly. We have to have child abuse clearances, FBI clearances, State Police clearances, and a social worker has to conduct home studies for three month’s to make sure a child is going to a good home. You can’t even have a minor violation and ado

  5. And what do you mean don’t give them the innocent one’s. So do you all place different values on your own children in your country? Sad. I would gladly take and raise on of your least. We are adopting to help children, we don’t care if you think they are throwaway’s. They are all God’s children. And even though they may be nameless faceless worthless street children, they are by no means nameless and faceless to God our father.

  6. And one more thing. American’s weren’t child trafficking from Zambia. The country’s social workers were the one’s that were fraudulent. They would tell American’s that the adoption laws had changed and that it only took three weeks to adopt. They would charge American’s around 2 thousand US dollars and come to find out they were telling the judges that the Minister was aware of the adoption and it would be finalized. So don’t start pointing finger’s without knowing the whole truth.

  7. Yeah why dont they adopt the street kids instead? Maybe our streets will be ridden of them, than trafficking. ANd once caught they should serve the longest jail terms in ZAMBIA. Ku chimbokaila

  8. The more and more comments I hear from Zambian’s towards foreigners, the more I start to wonder why you declare yourselves a Christian Country.

  9. I am disburbed by some of the uneducated comments above. I am an Afrian American currently involved in the adoption process. I find it interesting that such bad comments are made about foreigners adopting from Zambia, but Zambian’s surely aren’t adopting any children. What is the harm with foreigners adopting, or should we let them continue on the path of starvation? True statement for comment #11 that you “call yourselves Christians” and have so much “hatred and bitterness” towards adoptions. Before you make a negative comment about those people trying to help, look in the mirror and ask yourself what is tne name of the last child you adopted!

  10. Since you all think American’s are such terrible people and not worthy of much, I thought I would share with you how much we care about Zambia and your people. Here is funding amounts for this year that the US will be giving to Zambia alone.

    About the Embassy
    U.S. – Zambia Partnership
    Recognizing that Zambia has the potential to become one of Africa’s leading free market democracies, the United States Government has focused considerable human and financial resources on areas critical to Zambia’s development.


    Zambia is one of 15 countries selected for assistance under President Bush’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief, which will provide a total of $15 billion to these

  11. To the Americans, the comments by the zambians should not even be anything to worry about. This is how Zambians post silly comments when they know that they are doing that anonymously, and i think it shows how shallow they are in their minds too….

  12. Americans, you dont even have to waste your time to reason with them. just do what you think is the right thing to do. in zambia, if you adopt a child, you face alot of challenges from relatives and friends. everyone discourages you, and laugh at you ”foolishness” to think of adoption. and the same pipo again are saying the foreighners who are willing to adopt shouldnt adopt. were then do they expect they kids in foster homes to be? just stay there without a family? thats being unreasonable!!!

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