Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Zambia to commence the talent identification


The national sports council will commence various sport talent identification and capacity development programmes across Zambia for 2011 the all Africa games.

ZANIS sports reports that a steering committee on talent identification has been established and is chaired by the chairman of the national sports council Matilda Mwaba.

The committee is under the endorsement of the ministry of sport, youth and child development aimed at spearheading the planning process.

And Mwaba said the committee has established the financial and material needs for implementation of the talent identification programme for the 2011 games.

Mwaba noted that the committee has recommended the platforms at which associations will be present to identify athletes with the talent they are seeking which include ball games, rugby, contact sports and athletics among others.

She pointed out that standard forms for recording of vital information on athletes selected has been developed and a data base is being established to store all the information on athletes that will be flowing in form the various disciplines.

Mwaba said the first events at which talent identification coordinated by her committee will take place will be on the 21st to the 25th of June 2008 in Chongwe, Lusaka and Chingola districts.

She said the talent identification and capacity development programmes will be beneficial to many Zambians beyond the 2011 all Africa games.

The ministry of youth, sport and child development has contributed a total of 1.4 billion kwacha to help with the talent identification exercise.


  1. Talent development does not only mean soccer. I am pretty sure this is what the whole thing is going to end into. In fact, it does not confine itself to sport but other areas including comedy, juggling (spllng), other arts perfomances such as traditional. And simply new innovations.

  2. No, Zambia does not need a “Sport Idol” programme. It needs a sustainable national sports development programme. Where have they been? 2011 is barely 2 years from now. AND Who is going to be the ‘judge’ on this talent-search sports ‘audition’ when we haven’t had any meaningful local talent for donkey’s years in any other sport may be apart from judo and football. We are in for a huge embarrassment all ‘brewed’ at home by us. What a shambles!! Okay, here is a more realistic deal, let us concentrate on making sure that the hosting bit of it will be world class, with fantastic facilities and services…and a jovial local audience. That way the world will have something positive to talk about!!

  3. I hope Matilda will ingage competent people and make the whole process very transparent finacially and talentwise. She is one of those old seeds who had even contributed seriously to the underdevelopment of the sports council of Zambia due to personal interests. I hope now she is born again after having had been almost squeezed out of the council by Nyirongo when she was sports minister.

  4. ….yah just don’t go the “typical Zambian” way of recruiting relatives only please who don’t even have a drop of talent in them. Believe me, Zambia has got a lot of talent out there and you don’t even have to look harder

  5. there you go again trying to raise a healthy flock of drunkard sportsmen.OK fine, but think about those sportsmen in villages not only dwellers.peace

  6. there you go again trying to raise a healthy flock of drunkard sportsmen.OK fine, but think about those sportsmen in villages not only urban dwellers.peace

  7. there you go again trying to raise a healthy flock of drunkard sportsmen.OK fine, but think about those sportsmen in villages too and not only urban dwellers.peace

  8. Guys sports talent is not nurtured in 3 years! You cant start looking for talent now for 2011. Its too late. This should have begun some five years ago at the least so that the 13 14 15 16 year olds that you identified then will be in their early 20s and at their peak with their training. I think we shall be the worst hosts of the All Africa Games regarding performance.

  9. spot on #10 why is it that our preparations for such events leave much to be desired i cant believe this? searching for talent now? all these former sports stars the matetes and the like are also useless they should have been in the forefront addressing this problem abena matilda nabo god knows what has been preoccupying her mind but i also blame elias mpondela because he was their when zambia was chosen to host this event infact this event was his brainchild he should have started a long time ago.

  10. Starting preparations for anything just a day before the event takes place is a normal thing in Zambia. Just rewind the time and you will see that whenever theres olympics schools organise pupils few months b4 the olympics take place, even politicians start compaigning few days b4 elections in the form of giving free beer, food ifitenge, house plots to cadres, etc. After elections and they are in power, dishing out those freebiz end. Preparations are supposed 2b throughout the seasons. Zambia fortunately/unfortunately has been chosen 2 host 4 teams during 2010. The question is how many stadia has zambia built so far in preparation 4 2010?

  11. Mwalifi temwa ifayaku panica! This thing should ahve started even 5 years prior, you just going to embarass the country. First the infrastructure is not ready and then this is when you want to start identifying the talent. Um………….you never cease to amase me! Any way all the best!

  12. zambians are not indisplined, sports should start at home when kids are very young,infact in schools upto college level it should be made compulsory and somewhat examinable so that as they are donating those books they should think about footballs,nets and other sports utilities and also revamp the school gyms what is the ministry of sports/education there for? they have been singing this song since forever,immorality/indispline and poor performance at school/sports competitions is on the increase among pupils and students and sportsmen because of lack of equipment in gyms,instructors and a proper sporting background.

  13. Well, Maltida i like the idea being born. Youth & sport ministry has done it well in recognising that for the zambians because mostly after a certain age in zambia our country you can be recognised for sports issues unless you are from coppernet where sports in clubs is seeming to be good somehow. But Maltida are you involving thirty to forty years people in this 2011 all african sports to be hosted in zambia? please help me,,,, i like your artwork of the most billboard.

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