Friday, March 7, 2025

IBA Cautions Broadcasting Stations Against The Use Of Unverified Content


The Independent Broadcasting Authority (IBA) wishes to caution broadcasting stations against the use of unverified information and footage.

Stations must exercise due diligence of fact-checking and verification to ensure their programming reflects accurate and credible information. This responsibility is inescapable as misinformation can threaten public peace, security, welfare or good order.

Further, the Authority has noted an apology issued by Kenmark Broadcasting Network Television (KBN TV) regarding video footage from an old event of a purported attack on the 6th Republican President, Mr. Edgar Chagwa Lungu which was used to connect to an occurrence at the funeral of Hon. Chishimba Kambwili’s brothers on 20th October, 2024 in Chingola.
The IBA wishes to remind radio and television stations to adhere to the highest standards of journalistic professionalism, as outlined in Section 24 (1) (e) of the IBA (Amendment) Act No. 26 of 2010.

The Authority remains committed to holding licensees accountable and will not hesitate to take necessary action against stations that fail to uphold their ethical obligations in their programming.

Susen Ndumingu


  1. Wherever Mwamba goes, there goes yellow journalism. Therefore, this man’s reporting must always be taken with a bucket of salt!

    • Mwamba has never practiced journalism even though he may be qualified as one. He has more experience as a political appointee. Yellow politician perhaps???

  2. The incident actually happened. The only thing is that KBN used a wrong video for which they have apologized. Your cadres stoned Edgar’s motorcade forcing him not attend the burial of Kambwili’s brother. Next the cadres went and scattered everything at the funeral house and chased those preparing food. As usual the police were just watching… they actually know the perpetrators… disappointed with the MP who was denying this when he actually witnessed the stoning of Edgar’s entourage.

  3. Today, when everyone is looking for sentimental moments, I cannot imagine a stoning could pass by without a single video being captured.

    • KBN?…Is it that substation fronted by that pigmy who calls himself a Pan-Africanist and his beautiful women presenters as comrades? It is chaired by a failed pastor and a drunken failed diplomat

  4. Surely if stones were thrown at a motorcade, cars would be damaged. Right?
    Yet not one car has been produced showing damage.
    Perplexing, don’t you think?

    • Hence my question and irony of it all. The level of lies spread by Politicians to an edge is stunning let alone sickening. When did things move from “oh this is being done wrong, if I was in the seat. I would do this and think this would be the outcome which would be better for the people in this way, and that way etc”

  5. The hatred for ECL is unbelievable, my God, you chaps he is your fellow Zambian, a former President who built the airports you are now using for example. You upnd are heartless tribalists who will kill anyone who is not from your tribe just like my uncles did to my mother your tribe sister who happened to have married someone who was not from your tribe. You chaps are so desperate & your ending will be sad that Zambians have never seen

    • Why is that you are crying for ECL not being recognized for building the Airport (which obviously is irrelevant) BUT you dont cry for ECL having dished out Millions and bought a fleet of cars which he donated to his kids as a birthday gift?

      REMEMBER the popular call by Kambwili when he said ‘bushe mwe lesa uyu Lungu, mawamufumishe kwisa?” He told us about the flats that Lungu through his family was building…..that was back in 2019/2020.
      So dont bring the “hatred for Lungu” nonsence here. You are manupulating people.

      Just enjoy Lungu`s money wherever you are.

  6. Broadcasting stations that transmit unverified content surely know the generators of such content and are therefore key witnesses in attempts to bring them to justice. Am I expecting too much from these people?

  7. Looks like IBA has now become the police of TV stations, quiet sad of what is happening in this country!! Every time there is something that reduces the fortunes of the UPND gov, IBA rushes to issue statements cautioning media houses even to an extent of revoking their licenses. You mean media houses cant make mistakes? Even other media houses like News Diggers who are an information wing of the UPND have jumped on the wagon!! Really sad to the media industry in Zambia.

  8. Why is that you are crying for ECL not being recognized for building the Airport (which obviously is irrelevant) BUT you dont cry for ECL having dished out Millions and bought a fleet of cars which he donated to his kids as a birthday gift?

    REMEMBER the popular call by Kambwili when he said ‘bushe mwe lesa uyu Lungu, mawamufumishe kwisa?” He told us about the flats that Lungu through his family was building…..that was back in 2019/2020.
    So dont bring the “hatred for Lungu” nonsence here. You are manupulating people.

    Just enjoy Lungu`s money wherever you are.

  9. Is IBA a professional body supervising ethics or a government institution policing the media? Is it a technical standards regulator? What is its regulatory landscape if any? Are all Zambian media represented in the IBA

    • There’s self-regulation by a relevant professional body which often amounts to no regulation at all, and regulation by a state organ. The television station concerned has already apologised for the mistake and the issue stands closed now.

    • Who regulates the aviation industry, the automotive industry, the financial industry , who regulates the manufacturing industry, the pharmaceutical industry? It’s often the state because businesses are often conflicted as the profit motive may blind them to consumer safety.

    • They are supervised by laws. Thats why their professional bodies are in the laws.
      In a democracy, the media is part of governance. The media plays a watchdog role over the three wings of government. It also safeguards fundamental democratic principles, particularly freedom of speech or freedom of the press. The professions you have mentioned play no part in governance. They can be supervised by specific laws.

    • Government executes but doesn’t make the laws. Parliament does. The pharmaceutical or Aviation industry you have mentioned have regulations to protect public health and ensuring professional standards. If an unregistered pharmacist starts operating in your street he could easily poison the community so he has to be regulated.
      Similar media regulation would risk limiting fundamental freedoms including yours as an individual. If government or outside bodies supervised the media this could easily lead to censorship or the suppression of dissenting voices, thereby undermining democratic discourse.

  10. Somebody is indirectly replying to my post. Just address me directly so that I can respond properly. I won’t bite you as long as you are civil.

  11. I prefer and like investigative journalism for justice in reporting. some readers want their questions answered while reading news articles. questions like what happened? when, or whereabouts before the incident? who, with character and behavior (including some past related incidents). how and why did it happen? not forgetting to get answers from each side of the story

  12. Please just go and work forget about politics it will not bring food on the table , remember Weimer Republic, they went through these challenges waist than what we are going through. They sorted out their challenges by engaging in entrepreneurship, that is the way to go.

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