Saturday, July 27, 2024

Tetamashimba Defends his Position


Movement for Multi-party Democracy (MMD) Spokesperson Ben Tetamashimba has defended his call for the party to start considering a successor to President Mwanawasa as party leader.

Mr. Tetamashimba who is also Local Government Deputy Minister said those opposed to his suggestion want to overcome Dr. Mwanawasa to achieve their own selfish political agenda.

He challenged anyone opposed to his statement to openly state the basis of their arguments.

Mr. Tetamshimba told ZNBC news that some party members are secretly holding campaign meetings with a view to vie for the MMD Presidency.

He also threatened to expose people within the ruling party who are working against President Mwanawasa.

The statement by Movement for Multi-Party Spokesperson (MMD) Ben Tetamashimba over President Mwanawasas successor is embarrassing.

Chief Government spokesperson, Mike Mulongoti said the statement has also caused anguishe to the President’s family.

The President is currently in hospital in France.

Mr. Mulongoti was reacting to Mr. Tetamashimba who suggested that the ruling party should consider discussing a successor to Dr. Mwanawasa.

He advised Mr. Tetamashimba to show humility and stop being arrogant.

Mr. Mulongoti who is also Information Minister said Mr. Tetamashimba as a National Executive Committee member should have tabled the issue before the committee.

He was speaking at a press briefing in Lusaka today.

And women from the ruling Movement for Multi-Party Democracy (MMD) gathered – Saturday at the party secretariat to pray for President Mwanawasa.

The women led by Lusaka Provincial Chair-lady, Rose Zimba also prayed for MMD Spokesperson, Ben Tetamashimba to revisit his position on President Mwanawasa’s Successor.

Ms. Zimba urged the women to continue praying for Dr. Mwanawasa.

Party National Secretary, Katele Kalumba appealed to the women in the party to ignore Mr. Tetamashimba’s remarks.


  1. This is serious division for the MMD in the works here. No President and no Vice President. While wishing the president quick recovery, I think he is to blame for this mess. While did he scrap the post of Vice President and appointed RB who is not even an MMD member. SO while this fight rages in the MMD Rupiah Banda can’t even say anything about it..wonder how effective he can be as a vice president when the center of power lies in the Party. What a mess this is turning out to be. African leaders, learn to groom young ones when you are in power.

  2. Why should they ignore what Teta said? This is something that we will have to face whether our beloved president makes it or not. We all know that he may not be able to go back to work if he recovers. Remember it wasn’t raining when Noah built the ark. It’s always good to plan ahead.

  3. Teta has a valid point.It’s just that some of these cabinet ministers wants to play holier than thou.Come on people lets face it,the president is sick and there are no signs of him able to perform his work properly even if he came out and continued won’t he suffer a third one?Am not wishing him to have a third one just giving him an example.May the excellence get well soon in Jesus name.

  4. This will lead Tetamashimba to diclose the status of LPM, personally i agree with Teta this wizard katele kalumba wants to archieve his own selfish political agenda. GO Teta GO and expose these fools they are busy critising you yet they are busy having meetings in the corner.

  5. Teta has boldly said something sensible for the first time since he entered the political arena. #3 you are right. LPM hand picked RB for his own security just like FTJ did to him (though it bckfired on FTJ)

  6. I am getting bored of reading the same news and the same names everyday – Rupiah, Teta, Sata, Zaza, Maza, Faza… are these the only Zambians running things in the president’s absence?

  7. Now i know that Mulongoti is no longre a boot licker, but an ass kisser too. Surely, are we led by a king for the family to be involved in selecting a leader to succed levy?I think Teta is standing on something the rest are afraid of. Come what may, spending this long time in the ICU with a heart and stroke condition is not gud at all. Those calling for Teta’s skin are cowards like mulongoti who are there just becoz they are lamba/lenje/soli. yaba family tree ilimuchibe pantu we have come with a small but sharp AXE, ready to chop it in pieces.

  8. This scrappy fight will gravitate to provincial, district, ward branch and section levels into markets and bus stations. True blue VS New Deal. Not a good prospect when the party involved is the one that hold the power (ruling party)!

  9. myopic pipo in MMD are busy sulking for levy and yet they have no idea what their boss is going thru. am sure he is still in the ICU and either using a ventilator or still sedated and hence on more than a ventilator but a whole battery of gadgets with pimpi sounds. Ya ICU is a ghostly place. how many people are at his bedside?

  10. Tetamashimba shud not be demonized. few pipo have guts to say what he said and rite now his head is on the chopping board and remember MMD will do anything and even fighting as long as it has a blessing from the mwanawasa family. I am terribly dissapointed by mulongoti, the blind hero worshiper who knows that he will lose his ministerial post in about 120 days

  11. There is trouble in the MMD and need to work on it soon before fire starts.But i still feel anyway that it’s not good timing to put pressure among themselves especially that the chief is away for treatment.This sounds strange to me personally that among themselves someone is wishing LPM quick death bed…..I’m Wishing LPM quick recovery too.

  12. i think teta has some secrets that levy is afraid of and ever since he started opening his mouth, he has never been fired but instead has been promoted

  13. I think the fire may has already been started. Battle lines have been drawn swords and daggers drawn for combat. The entropy can only get worse unless we can get some real good/tactical firemen to put out the flames

  14. I feel great that the MMD is about to break up.Its time we had another party in power.The MMD is not democratic at all thats why they do alot of witch hunting.For the first time since Teta came into politics he has said something sensible!12 million Zambians and you are struggling to find the next leader.No wonder we still have 2 universities 44yrs after independence.Mugabe maybe a demon but he built more than 10.Shame on you!

  15. Fellow countrymen and women, I being an almost fanatical patriot am in total agreement with Teta. All one has to do is take into consideration the simple facts surrounding our leaders affliction.The man has had a stroke, and this is after a series of other health related issues.Government must go on, there is such a thing as continuity of office. if this is to work don’t we all agree that prudent planning should be an integral part of it. LPM’s health problems have been no secret, can’t we be compassionate enough to say BIG MAN YOU HAVE DONE A GREAT JOB, SAVE SOME TIME FOR YOURSELF.

    Zambia 1st!

  16. I dont know whats wrong in Teta’s comments, all he said is suggest to the MMD, wether LPM gets well or not (God forbid) the party needs the succesor to LPM and what will happen in 2011 if they dont choose LPM’s successor now or should we wait for LPM to hand pick one like Chiluba did ?

  17. Channel used by this Teta is wrong.He should have tabled the same, first among themselves and not rush and explode in public just like that.Yes they need to change the leaders and for sure LPM is not a candidate for 2011 no he is not even part of the running Presidents for 2011, so MMD should find someone to stand on the ticket for MMD and who can as well deliver to the people of Zed.This Teta there is right, i support him 110%

  18. At the rate things are happening there might not be any MMD worth talking about by 2011. It may lay it tatters like UNIP is today!!

  19. The MMD has to go with their sick Levy.17yrs of their rotten rule,no housing,no new schools,Zambian is a big supermarket where every person sells something for a living.The few of you who blogging are lucky you know even how to type on a computer.Most people who are kaponyas it aint their fault,they’ve been let down by the 2 MMD governments.Maybe God wants to serve Zambia with the departure of Levy and the end of MMD.

  20. Whats really going on people. I smell a rat in all this infighting. Has anybody got an answer really to where we are headed to. God bless Zambia.

  21. The fact that MMD can not see that their leader needs assistance is what led him to the position he is in now. The Zambian Presidency is over worked. Every is left for him to decide, right now people are expecting him to chose his successor. My favarate President is ill please do not over load him

  22. I can not believe that the first family will take offence to Teta’s call for Levy’s successor! Bushe wamuyayaya LPM? There is a lot of sense in what Teta has said for the first time and we must just prepare for what is coming. Mulongoti and your information spinning tactics, tell us, is LPM in a position to come back to rule us? I agree with Rodger Chongwe that Mulongoti and RB are not telling us the truth on Levy!

  23. It is just amazing how the MMD has run as a party for the past seven years without a vice-president of the party. What does this say about the whole principle of succession?

    The party is really in trouble, but this trouble did not start today. Immediately when Levy abolished the position of Vice-president, he clearly started the trouble that will lead to this confusion with regard to succession.

    As for Teta, he has said something true though, but without the touch of diplomacy. You do not say these things this way. His method is questionable.

  24. There is nothing undiplomatic in what Teta ha said. MMD shape up and continue where our beloved President has left. He would be pleased when he comes out of coma to realise that you have done a good job, and identified someone to continue his legacy. Zambia was picking up under Levy, please do not let him down by bicekering

  25. Hi people!
    I totally agree wit #19. If LPM pulls through this one, he definately has to step down on medical grounds. He’s done enough for our nation and now work is taking a toll on him. It’s time for change!

  26. The MMD is in a big mess and needs pragmatic leadership to solve this quagmire.When Levy left the country for the AU summit,the VP Rupiah Banda was away in Eastern Province so the instruments of power where handed over to Defense Minister Mpombo.Technically,Mpombo is the Acting President and when VP can back to Lusaka and upon learning about LPM`s trepidation, he wanted to assume that responsible of acting president.Mpombo who is Levy`s relative has been adamant not to sign away such a role and this is were the problem lies.
    Tetamashimba is just scratching the surface of a bigger power struggle that`s currently taking place.

  27. Ho!ho!Ho!ho! this is want we were waiting for in this hollywood act, who ever has written the script of this soap is better than steven spilberg. Mulongoti and Teta are both open minded oh! sorry not open minded but open mouthed.

    In the next episode you expect mulongoti and teta to exchange verbal attacks, while the opposition remain quite. HH will continue been quite while sata will come on to consel Teta for his untimely advise. RB will find it difficulty to get into the fight as it is an MMD family issue thereby rendering him irrelevant. Magande and Chituwo and probably other branches from the family tree like Gen Shikapwasha, Shakafuswa will remain mute for a while until they are sure

  28. TEta u have my support 100% Mr Mulongoti u are the most arrogant man in MMD allways opening yo dumb mouth all the time!!!!Mulongoti mulongoti u are a waste to MMD and the government period

  29. Cont#32:
    that LPM is coming back. Chiluba in the following episodes will be urging Zambians to pray for levy while in the dark corner meeting his MMD blue boys for leadership coup.

    General Miyanda in the few days will challenge the Gov to speak the truth on LPM’s health.

    Don’t miss the next episodes.

  30. #31 How can one surround themselves with relatives when it comes to running a country? More revelations are only making this more complicated.Personally I find it very hard to work or run a business with my own relatives.You cannot discipline them when they go wrong and most of them become slack as they take everything for granted.
    I wonder how the British would react if Gordon Brown appointed all the Scotts from clan Mcdonnald in key positions.When are we ever going to move fron this plague? Very sad indeed!

  31. Without a doubt, Teta is right in calling for the MMD to start thinking of a successor, but perhaps the manner in which it was announced was wrong. Teta should have considered the President’s family and the unity of his party before talking to the papers. Notwithstanding, it just shows how much of a rift there GRZ, while Teta is accountable to Rupiah as a minister, in his capacity as MMD spokesperson, the only person he is directly responsible to is in ICU.

    The big question is now how the constitution deals with this eventuality. How soon or late can the president be declared not fit for duties? Can we go on for one month, two months, one year with the president is “stable”?

  32. It is time a law was enacted to bar any president from appointing his relatives in any position.The nation is for all Zambians to enjoy not just a fraction .
    Christine Moonga was fired on what grounds? That she opposed some disgusting behaviour only fit for playboy mansion.

  33. Chongwe is the only one so far to doubt the truth of the State House updates on LPM, the Post are quoting him in today’s paper. I think the LT forum is working.

  34. # 38, you are wrong chongwe is not the only one, i as nostradamus, i hope you understand where my name originates from, doubted before chongwe on this LT forum. Anyway away from that, Katele, Mangande,Shikapwasha,Chilala,Enock, Kabinga are all lurking like hungry dogs for power. thats why they are all condemning teta

  35. I am warning RB and Mwanawasa family. This country is not a dynasty. Dont create acrimony by telling lies and giving us foolish updates. Our president deserve honest and we shall then take care of him.. I dont want to see our Citizen start losing respct to our president because of selfihness of the family tree..Remember, Days are ticking and law suits will soon start flying and maybe demostartions

  36. We are the laughing stock of the whole civilized world.Where in the world do you have a president on life support machines for more than a week and it is business as usual.All what the populace gets is that is stable .What a load of garbage.lts time for the nation to wake up and smell the coffee.

  37. Don’t make mistake you Zambian and vote Sata for President. That will be the big error you never neglect.

  38. That’s teta, he will say what is appropriate for his thinking abilities whether it impress one or not. He is the same character now and before. The truth hurts but a stitch in time saves 2. I don’t trust the katele position, he has a hidden agenda obviously. How come suddenly he appears to like/love LPM with his corrupt cases still in court. There is more than meets the eye. Only time will tell.

  39. “the statement has brought anguish to the first family ” What a load of nonsense.Mulongoti is talking out of his backside.What ever motives Teta may have are irelevant at the moment.The important thing is that he is laying the subject on the table for discussion.And by laying it there he is putting the interest of the nation first.And l can gurantee you there are alot of people in the mmd who are privately cheering him on- I say to all watch this space.

  40. Moono , a lot of people don’t believe the updates. When a well known name says something in a news paper people think he or she originates an Idea. Always read between the lines.

  41. “Mike Mulongoti said the statement has also caused anguishe to the President’s family”. The family Mike is talking about is the extended family LPM appointed to GRZ posts.

  42. I should rephrase that and ask: Who decides and when whether the President is “incapacitated,” or not is it the Cabinet or the Chief Justice?

  43. I knew ZANU-PF was setting precedent,when they could release the Election results for more than a month. GRZ is half way the time span for not releasing the condition of the president.


  45. Concerned, according to the Constitution the Chief Justice appoints a tribunal or something like that, let me read the Constitution and get back accurately, just waiting I wil be right back if noone advises in the meantime.

  46. #32, HH is nopt MMD so you dont expect him to comment counsel MMD over what Teta said on LPM’s succssor.SAta is MMd so he should of course get worried about the currewnt leadership wrangles in MMD or successions in MMD. HH go for it, this time its yours. forget about Prof Chirwa and many others outside the country. Honestly, what does Chirwa know about Zambian Politics?

  47. MMD (Multi Mad Dogs) have shown its true colors when is comes to the leadership structure.It is now time to review their constitution.

  48. TK1 you are right, the only seroius threat to MMD stay in power is HH for now unless someone who can equal HH and his force emrges. HH guys drives a harder bargain and many opponets are feeling his weight, nowonder everyone is talking about him, thtat politcs.He has my vote this time around. HH Nkuyumayuma!!

  49. Teta is right, amen!! Watch out, he knows where he draw his strenght from to have come out strongly like this at such a moment. They should be careful the way they hand le him otherwise he will spill the beans and cause disaster in our alredy fragile politiclal situation.

    Otherwise, at the moment it looks like he is the only one in MMD with guts and virtues!! He stands by with what he thinks is right. I just pray that the debate does not drug on! Spme one has to stop it. If it doesnt stop just know that there is an inherent leadership vacuum in MMD!! Give them 3 days more!!

  50. Chirwa is wasting time if he thinks Zambias came vote for him when all this time he has been absent from home. let him continue writing his articles in the post about the lates Benz, volvo ,Mazda car on the market of which most people on the streets have no interest in. let him prove what he can do to better the lives of many zambians. For HH, at least people have had a feel of him on the political scene and have at one time or the other witnessed his many community projects he has done in the compounds. we need many more presidental candidates to show case there abilities to work for Zambians before they actuallly get into office.

  51. #44, you have hummerd the nail on the head. SATa is not presidential material and is not the type of President Zambia is looking at the moment. the man is tired and should leave Politics to the younger generation, we worked with him in UNIP and MMD and many of us heve since politics to do other things but this man is still there. when is he going to play with his grand children? from my experience with hi, Sata works well under the control of someone and not him being the top most. try him and will leave to regret.

  52. I am watching the events as they unfold with keen interest. “Let us wait and see” – Dennis Liwewe.

    Meantime, I am wishing the H.E. President LP Mwanawasa a quick expeditious recuperation.

  53. Ever heard of “no coment” on a blog? Well, this will be a first. Back home we are being entertained with twenty something minutes of nothing but cadres supposedly praying for the President’s recovery. Its called Better Tv (dont worry, its a new tv channel). I just pray that no one is milking our meagre national resources on the pretext that they are going for prayers

  54. Guys,

    You are seriously misled about Prof Chirwa. He is the next president of Zambia take it or leave it. If you are close to HH or Sata’s team ask them about it. I am aware that a number of us on this blog are well informed and there also others who are ill informed and the only source of info avaialble to them is what the papers or LT feeds them,, and are a good market for speculation & spin. Let end here. Hapyy to debate on secure lines. More later

  55. How about prayers from the SADC community or indeed any comments? Is it the African way of solidarity or its because Zambia is a soverign state? Or maybe ….

  56. #58 Stupid *****!who told you that HH (Hakaifotela Humwine)is a presdo material? Only ba Sata can now get kaputa no even Clive Chirwa. Young man grow up and think like a Zambia.


  57. #58 Stupid *****!who told you that HH (Hakaifotela Humwine)is a presdo material? Only ba Sata can now get kapuna no even Clive Chirwa. Young man grow up and think like a Zambia.


  58. Brethren, let us also pray for ourselves as a nation that the good LORD GOD will lead Zambia according to His Will.
    God is still working in Heaven and He will help in leading Zambia as a country and nation if we ask Him to do so.
    Let us pray that God helps us (Zambians) to be objective as opposed to being emotional over national and country matters of the nature that have befallen us now.
    I reiterate that the President, Mr LP Mwanawasa (SC, Hon. Doctor), should be healed and have good health.

  59. Some of you will wake up and get a rude awakening to find HH (Hakaifotela Humwine)is President of the Republic of Zambia.

  60. Just a reminder about presidential selection and I am sure most of you guys know about this. All Presidents in the thirdworld are sponsored by the system either internally or externaly, this a fact and it will never change!! Pre-independence Nkumbula should have been president of Zed,, but KK carried the day. MMD, Authur Wina was to be president,,Chiluba won. 2001 Miyanda within MMD or Mazoka of UPND were popular to carry the day but LPM dribled them even in the courts. 2006 Sata won on counts,,,but lost by virtue of one province NW,. come 2011 its not HH or the King Cobra. But someone else. Both HH and Sata know this fact very well are praying for a 2009 election to favour there aspirations

  61. Countrymen listen ,teta’s sentiments are right to some extent except that they come at a wrong time, this should have been discussed within closed doors before letting the cat out of the bag .We need to learn from the past gentlemen,i only wish Dr.LPM had groomed some one to take up the button .The problem we have in Zambia is that we usually wait for an accident to happen and then fix the road,we should move away from that kind of thinking ,lets be pro-active.Even though the Dr. LPM comes back he will not be able to function as per expectation,he needs long term recovery.We are highly educated guys so let us reason together.

  62. In case people do not recall, R.B. should have been retired before even the UNIP govt was ousted. I do believe he had actually been sent into retirement by KK after all those years in foreign service, cabinet and parastatal previleged service. So we are not exactly looking at spring chicken either in age or ideas. Most of his peers are six feet down or knocking at that door.Then, unfortunataley, you see him in pictures, he is not exactly a picture of health. Obese. In short, the immediate answer lies elsewhere and we are not prepared.DO we really need to experience the dose of reality other countries have gone thru?I dont think so.

  63. I knew that not soon than later will TETA open his megaphone. Because he knows that the person who is holding dark meetings do not share the same drinking cup with Teta.Tete knows well that the sangoma Katele Kalumba from the university of kaputa is busy holding dark corner meeting to woo support for him to succeed LPM.Sangoma Katele has got very accurate intellengency info from the fugitive Xaour Chungu that LPM will not likely resume his role as Presdo,so the sangoma with the master dribbler Ktoloshi Kafupi are busy organising money to bribe the money angry MMD cadres to back the Sangoma from Cheingi.Very soon it will be DCs in the name of Joshua Mtisa or that rapist Paul Sichamba from Iso

  64. making noise that Katele Kalumba the Sangoma from Chiengi should be appointed to act as presdo as he being the party SG is the most senior member from bashi Chipo.Make my words Zedians.Nomba impindi yatatika eya kulwishanya.

  65. What you do in the first 48 hrs is crucial to solving any crisis. Just like the doctors attending to LPM in Egypt did to save his life. We should have had bold decisions from the Zambian executive arm, on what they intended to do, in ensuring that the current crisis was not manipulated to the extent of false death announcements. Their plan whether followed or not would have put the nation at ease knowing there are people responsible enough to manage the crisis. Now, what we have here is a case of one forward thinker speaking out more that 240 hrs later, only to be dicredited.

  66. The matter seems to have ceased being urgent and requiring priority and has become just another problem that will take time to solve.

  67. ” when the president comes back” quote TETA. This statement means he wishes the president well.Now because some people don’t read and analyze news, they are being mislead by Katele..who most likely has ill motives.. remember this guy has a satellite from chiengi.. France is within his reach…….

  68. This is what I pulled out the Zambian CONSTITUTION

    Article 45 Vice-President
    (1) There shall be an office of Vice-President of the Republic. (2) The Vice-President
    shall be appointed by the President from among the members of the National

    RB does not qualify as VP according to item 2.

  69. Women praying for MMD spokesman..what a bunch of bull crap? they need to pray for their husbands and sons that are lungishing without jobs? this is a very deadly combination: ignorance plus poverty?

  70. I think President Mwanawasa has done a tremendous job but the fact is he may not be able to continue with his duties as our president.

    Teta is being realistic here, its time to face the music. We should start to consider the successor.

    MMD party is not in a position to lead our country, there is confusion in that camp. President Mwanawasa is sick and there is no VP.

    It will be interesting to see how things turn as the power struggle in the MMD continues. Folks brace yourself for the worst as MMD comes to an end.

  71. Ba ne let us be fair.You are sick in bed for weeks and your wife and relatives start talking with your wife to find another man to marry her?This not practice guys it is not fair for ze bigi.We have to wait for him and start fresh talks to change leadership in the MMD.katele, Teta are all finished chaps.

  72. #85 !!
    What a comparison!
    What a bunch of crap!!

    Zambia is not a Monarchy!
    Kings rule for life, Presidents don’t (shouldn’t)!
    Mwanawasa is not King of Zambia!
    Teta is right, Zambia needs a fit President NOW!!!

  73. # 85, your comparison, as much as it makes sense, is rather offside in that here we are talking the continuity of the presidency (the office) and not an individual, which would be the case in your example. The LPM family does not own that office, remember that, and all those attacking Teta should realize that the country cannot be run on sentiment or emotion. What if LPM winds up as Ariel Sharon, do we have to wait five or six donkey years till he recovers? Come on guys, let our politicians spare us this sentimental crap.

  74. Well,well,well! So Teta can be rational at times,eh? He knows that the worst thing that can happen to mother is Chiluba and his cronies bouncing back.Please my fellow country men and women,lets not slumber and let these crooks usurp power.

  75. With all these criticism of Teta, I am reminded of that verse in Proverbs which says “Faithful are the wounds of a friend, but deceitful are the kisses of an enemy”?

    Proverbs 27:6 reveals that a true friend is a faithful friend who cares enough about his friend (who would otherwise be making a decision to do something that is wrong or dangerous ) to wound him, if need be, with words of correction or rebuke, in order to warn him of a costly mistake that would be made. Whereas those who merely want to flatter or show approval of what others want to do or believe, even if they, themselves, don’t mean it ( like the kiss of Judas ), or even if they full well know that it’s not the right thing

  76. Tenta has love for the country,go Tenta save the country from being stranded.Its actually annoying to see pipo we have entrusted to take care of the affairs of the citizens making noise over things which are straight 4wd.What does the constitution say when we are faced with such a situation?Lessons learnt but the harder way,lets put things straight now to avoid this repeating itself.We can’t today start condemning a person who’s advising in the right direction.Quick recovery LPM

  77. Hi
    Teta is very acurate and let us not run from the fact that even when the president get back, he will not be in a possition to work. Those who are condemning him want to put up a mechanism to rig the party elections. Stop demonising Teta and face the fact
    Wishing the president the quickest recovery

  78. Zedians Teta is informing us in advance that the plunderes are reorganing themselves and are in an advance position to seize came what may and the master dribbler is still their chief strategist.So Mulongoti see sense from what Teta said inorder to crush the 2nd comng of the plunderers to life again.Lets us rally the guy TETA Iknow he has never said any sensible thing in his life but this time God has used him to warn us of what is happening in the night time.Remember the plunders used to meet in the nite to plan how to plunder when you me are fast dosing due to hard day’s work so they are at it again.

  79. Folks I wish the President well but for the sake of the nation can someone please answer the question I had posted earlier on, ( #55 Miss Pretty promised to revert back with the correct response, I am still waiting,) I have now added a second one.
    1. Who decides and when whether the President is “incapacitated,” or not is it the Cabinet or the Chief Justice?

    2. When is the process set in motion? Does the clock for 90 days for fresh Presidential elections start ticking when the pronouncement is made that the President is incapacitated? and would a newly elected President serve for 5 years or the remaining term?

  80. Article 36 provides the following:
    1). If it is resolved by a majority of all members of the Cabinet that the question of the physical or mental capacity of the President to discharge the functions of his office ought to be investigated, and they so inform the Chief justice, then the Chief justice shall appoint a board consisting of not less than three persons selected by him from among persons who are qualified as medical practitioners under the law of Zambia or under the law of any other country in the Commonwealth, and the board shall inquire into the matter and report to the Chief Justice on whether or not the President is by reason of infirmity of body or mind, incapable of discha

  81. Continued,,,, incapable of discharging the functions of his office. 2) If the board reports that the President is incapable to perform the functions of his office, the Chief Justice shall certify in writing accordingly and thereupon the President shall cease to hold office.The Vice-President shall perform the duties of the President for a period of 3 months until a new President so elected assumes the office.

  82. Continued,,,

    The certificate of the Chief Justice that the President is, by reason of physical or mental infirmity, and is unable to discharge the functions of his office shall be conclusive and shall not be questioned in any court.

    More later

  83. Thank you reliable source-UK for the clarification, however in the current environment where no member of the Cabinet knows what the medical status of the President is and even if they do know too scared to make a move, who would convene a meeting of the Cabinet to discuss the matter? (on the other hand I may be completely wrong and Cabinet may have been meeting)

    I await with interest your answer to my second question on the time frame after a pronouncement is made.

  84. #85, offside indeed. whendid the MMD party presidency and the Republican presidency become the Mwanawasa family positions?
    As far as your example is concerned i give you a big zero out of 150 marks. ati livingstone, u are a dead stone, with no logic in giving examples.
    Mwanawasa is sick but the presidency is not at all for this post is vested in the constitution.

  85. This just goes to confirm what LPM said about his clonies, they dont read and interpret the constitution. very dull ministers execept Teta the bold one.All those offering prayers are doing so in ignorance. Mwanawasa brought a wizard from kenya, did he confess that when he was prayed for by a bapsist pastor?if so, then your prayers will be assessed by GOD and he will answer in his time.

  86. Fellow Zambians, the truth of the matter is that LPM can nolonger rule Zambia and just as the learned collegues have explained the provisions of our constitution in such cases, the cabinent which is supposed to deliberate on this matter clearly cannot do so for obvious reasons, ‘job secutity’ etc. For as long as we the electorate do not act as a catalyst to demand that they do what is right we shall continue to blog yet no answers come forth. We hold the power, remember 1991 we demanded changed and it came, in 95 or 96 we squashed the third term bid. We can get results even now if we organise ourselves properly. We the ordinary citizens love LPM than these politicians who want to protect …

  87. …their jobs. They do not have LPM’s health at heart and so they will keep dilly-dallying. We need to make them accountable to us their employers otherwise, I see this situation going for months unless we rise up in the peace way as we always do. We are bigger than them all including LPM. United we stand.

  88. #101. Mukaintu I agree with you entirely, the decision makers don’t care two hoots about LPM’s health or the wellbeing of the nation, they are more concerned about loosing their positions and livelihoods. So we as a nation are in a limbo, who decides and when, your suggestion that we as employers demand action is laudable but difficult to implement. My mind boggles at the time frame of 90 days, with all the bickering that will ensue (it has already started) and the struggle for power will the MMD have enough time to convene a meeting, agree on a candidate for President and still have enough time to fight the elections


  90. we need people with courage and balls like Teta.

    let us support Teta because he is into something that everybody is not willing to say. They are all protecting their own turf.

    This is a heads up to what is coming around the corner master plunders are making a plan to surprise everyone.

    We the Zambian people shall decide but watch out!!!

  91. #103 Yes I agree that it is not easy and it has never been and will never be. But as this issue directly affects all of us we must try to guard against this selfish minority in leadership. We need indeed to brace for hard times by not going to slumber at this moment lest when we wake up we find the plunderers calling the shorts. Lets keep vigil and move things in our direction. There is too much at stake so we must unite and force them to listen to us.

  92. Much respect my people, Teta knows more that the average Zambian on LPM condition, we all agree that those of us who have folks and friends in government will want LPM to return to office, they need the jobs, however, if what is being whispered behind closed doors, “fiflyafine ayile ku France ukufuma ku egypt ufyo ali, alepemena paka punda pamukoshi, balelolela 30 days yikwana out of respect for the family, then they make a move” if this is true, then we are just witnessing the winds of change, elyo chi mugabe chifutu sana chimambala chilya, kapena china mulowa ka!! have u guys come across some american website placing bets on LPM’s condition?

  93. As patriotic Zambians we share the platform of thanking mature debaters freely expressing their concerns and ideas on the state of our nation and future.We are oriented to national interest and progressing discourse without preemting any view.However, it is the collective responsibility of patriots to wisper in clarity for all fellow Zambians,Come out of your founded fear:Zambia will never again slide in the hands of plunders come what may. Please lets keep Praying for our head of state and sustainable peace.Everything power instrument and constituency is active and in control.In a Democracy,People are free to talk but this peace is our collective preserve nationally.

  94. Sometimes I just marvel at the cheek of Katele Kalumba, does he really think we have forgotten his witch-craft saga? He is the last person to wish the President well, he is looking out for a chance to catch everybody unawares! He could be using his “Laptop” wizardly to hoodwink us all into choosing him as the next leader. Watch the man, he is a slippery customer!!!

  95. There are times when we have to think the unthinkable and I believe Teta just put into words what we are all have not been bold enough to voice out. My heart bleeds to think LPM may not finish his terms, it hurts too múch, but if is so happens, then it would be wise to start now scrutinising those who would replace him. I pray God it will not be Katele Kalumba.

  96. Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for your wonderful contributions. Teta is very much right that MMD needs a successor, though I’ve never supported this party even for a “second”. What you people should do is to find out what the limit is to declare LPM as unfit to continue, then Zambia should look at other possible leaders like Godfrey Miyanda, Nevers Mumba and Prof. Chirwa etc to take over and not plunderers!!! We need to have a date with destine as a Country. God bless you all.

  97. Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for your wonderful contributions. Teta is very much right that MMD needs a successor, though I’ve never supported this party even for a “second”. What you people should do is to find out what the limit is to declare LPM as unfit to continue, then Zambia should look at other possible leaders like Godfrey Miyanda, Nevers Mumba and Prof. Chirwa etc to take over and not plunderers!!! We need to have a date with destine as a Country. God bless you all. Read the CONSTITUTION..

  98. Zambia should never be an “Animal farm”, where some people think they are more equal than others. Let us guard our Nation and the resources which were God given! Just as a warning, development of a Country requires science and technology which leads to Industrialization, hence Job creation and not, “Tu nthemba” – selling already manufactured products, and then we say, as a Nation, we are developing. NO NO NO NO NO NO NO!
    In the name of investments, plunderers are busy consuming our resources- One day, we may wake up finding that Zambia is in the hands of CHINA. THE PRESIDENCY is bigger than one Man, so With LPM as President or not Zambia Should continue developing.

  99. Sunday Post headline.
    Get down to work, Chirwa urges Govt. Stop mourning over Levy’s illness.
    I say AMEN to that, its about time, work must go on. We can still pray for him, God hears even silent prayers in your offices. Move over Katele with your Laptop. I say Chirwa for next Presido.

  100. #93 you are very right these thungs are regrouping, it is time to make sure they don’t get back as our leaders. Teta go go go expose them.

  101. Why cant they just leave levy alone,katele,Teta and these other gunstars cant rule this country,by the way who is chirwa? This guy sounds to be very creative.


  103. Teta is absolutely right. The state is drifting without direction. There are three centers of political power right now. A leaderless State House comprising Mwanawasa’s inner circle; A leadersless Politbureau of the MMD and a Vice President in office, not in power. As the politicians squabble, the men and women in uniform, whose Commander in Chief is in a comatose state(army, police, airforce,national service corps) are watching events closely. The stituation is truly terrifying.

  104. Compatriots the gods of political succession are at play and Benny Tetamashimba has simply called attention to the role of the gods in the grave political crisis the country finds itself in. Tetamashimba should not be casually dismissed. He raises issues that that are critical to the nation’s political governance. Look at the scenario, Zambia is in and you’ll fail to sleep at night. The state appears to be drifting without direction as three competing centres of power jostle for control. We have the Presidential Palace/State House comprising the inner circle of the ailing Head of State, a Politburo of the ruling party which is tearing itself to shreds, and a Vice President in office, not i

  105. 31, how can Mpombo be acting president when veep Banda was in the country? You only act when veep is out of the country. Please stop coming up with theories that do not make sense. Why are you guys blaming Levy for appointing relatives and close friends like George Kunda to key positions. Bush is surrounded by close friends from Texas. Dick Cheney is a bussiness partner of the Bush family. You would do the same appoint close relatives to defence and other key ministries.

  106. I would like commend Tetamashimba for being honest. Mwanawasa is not indespensable. Moreover, Zambia is not a monarchy. It is time for Mwanawasa to seriously consider stepping down and stting an example in Africa instead of hanging on to power. His health has always been questioned.

  107. #123, iwe naine efyo ndeumfwa ati mpombo eo bashilile amaka panchende.
    tuli kumunga wefwafwa pantu family tree is still ruling. remember how george messed up the fuel issue? now he is defence minister, kaya

  108. #123 again, the american set up is not as easy as u think. every one goes under the microscope and foolish appointments are never condorned but in zed u think of shakafuswa, with questionable character, george duicker and kunda also have questionable character. u appoint based on merit and as long as there is a list of equally competing parties but in the case of LPM, hand picking has brought a lot of misery than good.
    Zambia is not a monarch were certain key positions are held by family memember even when they are incompetent. yak

  109. Imagine mpombo ruling zed while RB is in the back ground. i cant fathom this. can some one confirm pliz coz its like LPM does not trust MMD leaders and thats why its either his family or some chap from another party like RB from UNIP, nEVERS

  110. u know,listnin to the news the last few days makes you ‘sad’ so to say,the only thing we hear on t.v is about how some person/church/organisation is wishing LPM a quick recovery…now our thots and wishes go out to the president and he’s family but,we can’t continue to burry our heads in the sand and pretend that the president dosn’t have a serious ailement…he’s sick n i guess the soooner our leaders realise this,the beta,2 wks n our head of the executive is in a ‘coma’,surley we can atleast discuss whoz next in line coz ultimately,the country will always be bigger than the person n ryt now,we all can’t be held to ransom over someones sickness,i mean jes look at how our economy has shaken.

  111. Fellow blogers where is Pragmatist! Has he gone to be one of relatives at the bedside of his Uncle at Percy Military hospital in Paris – France?

  112. TetaMatako with his big mounth is an STUPID *****, if I may borrow the first presod’s words, he is on record shouting aloud and condenming pipo who were campaining for a post of vice in MMD. It’s becoz of him that the country is in such dilema of having no elected veep. He shouldnt turn around and become the champion of his own making.

  113. The names that are being floated obviously have to be adopted by MMD to be the president of the party, the other parties already have their leaders in place. Think of the logistics involved if say tomorrow the Chief Justice declares LPM incapacitated, according to the constitution a new President will have to be elected within 90 days. I don’t know what the MMD constitution says but I assume that the National Convention of MMD would have to be convened to choose the President of the party, I further assume that at least 30 days notice would have to be given for such a meeting. I foresee many contenders for the post, the resulting battle is going to be acrimonious, divisive and fractious. Who

  114. Whoever wins it will be at the cost of the party there is every likelihood that the resulting power struggle will split the party and losing factions will join opposition parties. So the leader of the divided party will have 60 days left in which to battle it out with the opposition party candidates who would have the advantage of having started 30 days earlier.

  115. am sure the pple in paris are laughing at the zedian beggers. u shud have improved UTH rather than getting those hefty allowances plus costly air tickets.
    the other thing is that probably every jim and jack at his bedside is afraid to sign that machines be switched off, even maureen is afraid coz mwanawasas family will say she killed him. so let them bring him over with the machines and be kept at teka farms rather than adding to the cost of feeding those who ar at his bedside. another buzzy word in zed is at his bedside

  116. The courage that HON TETA has shown for the fist tym is wat we need.some of u did read wat fred m’eembe wrote on his editorial page of course thats ,everyone is discusing about LPM,s health rather condition.Wat Hon TETA has just done is to revail wat the N.E.C is discusin in the dark or pretending to be organising prayer meeting wen they are nt even doin any simpathy.if u luk at those sayin bad things abut TETA are those MPS woho oways knee down to LEVY wen ever called even wen they see levy ,s motor cade.GO TETA GO U ARE ON THE RIGHT TRACK AND EXPOSE THEM IF THE CONTINUE PUSHING YOU.People lyk HON Mulongoti they are quite just know that this is comimng from the top leaders

  117. Mulongoti you are a coward ,if there is a last man to put a last nail in the coffine its mike. please dont overload the big man you are doing more harm than good to levy. VIVA TETA!

  118. Mulongoti you are a coward ,if there is a last man to put a last nail in the coffine its you. please dont overload the big man you are doing more harm than good to levy. VIVA TETA!

  119. People am failing to reconcile how a grown man can be crying on national TV and then tel us that the Presido is recovering satisfactorily.

    RB watch out!!

  120. Teta you are the man, the big man is sick come may life continues we are living in this Exodus the movement of jah people.We do not want people who can cry befor some one kicks the backet,a father who eats befor children,anyway let them continue watering their gardens,jah guid levy & family.

  121. Canada -Patriotic Zambian # 113,
    Under what platform are counting the people on your list to reign to plot one seat? If only all wishes were horses, every dreamer would be riding.Winning election is a three way appeal game:

    (1)-Grassroot political constituency,

    (2)-international audience and internal party machinery alignments.

    (2)-None of those has a congruency in that dimension.

  122. What is happening here has happened in another African state, It resulted in a 21 year rule by the machinists while wishfull thinkers like you gloated over tragegy that their opportunity had finally come.Alas, it turned into a 21 years plus nightmare. Call election now on in 2011, MMD will lock it up again. They will never design it to lose atleast in the immediate future.

  123. Pols 101 #141. This is the reason why we need to establish how long the Country can stay without a President. There’s a limit to how long a President can be outside the Country, whether in good health or sick. You can not expect to have a Republican President being out of the Country for more than 30 days.
    The crisis we have in Zambia is that all those who are trying to brief the Nation are just appointed, and No Minister can displine the other as they all report to the person who is very sick right now. Each one will try to excercise some authority, and this is reason WHY WE NEED TO HAVE A VP RUNNING MATE, who will have a following of supporters and not just hand picket.

  124. Can anyone in Zambia update me on how long it takes the Chief Justice to move in and save the situation, after being briefed by the tribunal consisting of 3 Doctors concerning the incapacitation of the President?

    What does our Constitution say is the grace period for the Cabinate to start investigating the capabilities of the President?

  125. Teta was a little off the point. What he should have said is that Levy PM should be replaced immediately since he will certainly be incapaciated and thus unable to carry out the demanding and stressful duties of a president. The problem with most of MMD is full of bootlickers who are totally disfunctional and mere followers of the president. Take the Vice President for instance, he should have assumed the duties of the president as the constitution mandates him to do so but he seems to be incapable of doing that to the extent where we are hearing about aspects of anarchy. Anarchy because he is allowing anyone in the MMD to get up and start talking about issues that he should address.

  126. Jafypacu, USA # 144,

    Those are absolutely baseless dreams you are living with.There is and will never be a vaccum in the power structures rather than you stunningly seeing a systematic consolidation mechanism.You are in wishful thinking against very complicated political machinists from all shades of human endeavors. Watch the space and vindicate me.There is no wheel that has paused with these MMD.If anything, they have already engaged in Gear 5 to lock up their victory.There is no party or entity that has the leverage to uproot them.

  127. In as much as people want to ignore it,Teta has a valid point. He is one brave man those ‘yes sirs’ should emulate him. People should not think so shallow such that serious matters should not be addressed because the president is ill. LPM would be proud of him coz he’s thinking about the national interests rather than personal matters. Zambians are so scared of the truth.

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