Saturday, July 27, 2024

Levy’s recovery process cheers doctors-Chituwo


Minister of Health, Brian Chituwo today told parliament that President Levy Mwanawasa, felt some sharp chest pains before he collapsed on June 29th, this year while on duty in Egypt.

Dr. Chituwo said in a ministerial statement presented in parliament today that at the time he suffered a stroke, Dr. Mwanawasa was having a meeting with a senior Angolan government official in that Egypt.

He said although the President collapsed and suffered a stroke, he maintained his cautiousness and was taken to Sharma El Sheik hospital where he was operated upon.

The Doctors at Sharma El Sheik hospital described the stroke as severe. Dr. Mwanawasa was then evacuated to Percy Military hospital in Paris, France where he was admitted in the Intensive Care Unit (ICT).

“To date, President Mwanawasa remains admitted to Percy Military hospital in the ICU and he is receiving the best medical care. He is improving gradually,” he said.

He said physicians attending to the President in France were happy with the recovery progress.

Dr. Chituwo however said that the recovery process for conditions of stroke was slow.

He has since appealed to Zambians to remain patient, strong, prayerful and optimistic that the President would fully recover and return home.

“The healing process may be long due to the nature of the illness,” he said.

Dr. Chituwo told Members of Parliament (MPs) that the Doctors in France would make a comprehensive brief on the illness of Dr. Mwanawasa after the current treatment and medical plan was completed.

And the Minister of Health paid tribute to Egyptian President, Hussein Mubarak for calling on specialized doctors and staying with the first family at Sharma El Sheik hospital when President Mwanawasa was taken ill.

He also thanked French President, Nicholas Sarkozy for his support when Dr. Mwanawasa was flown to France.

Meanwhile, Dr. Chituwo said during questions for clarifications from MPs that the decision to evacuate Dr. Mwanawasa to France instead of London where he was taken when he suffered his first stroke in April 2006, was arrived at after consultations with doctors in London.

This was after Kabwata Patriotic Front MP, Given Lubinda asked why the President was flown to France instead of London where he was treated in 2006.

In April 2006, Dr. Mwanawasa suffered his first stroke and was evacuated to London where he was treated and fully recovered. The stroke was a mild one, meaning it was not life threatening.

Dr. Chituwo further explained that Percy Military hospital was renowned for treating health conditions related to strokes.

He explained that the minor operation that was carried on Dr. Mwanawasa to improve his breathing was a tracheotomy which is  an incision through the neck into the trachea to assist breathing when the upper airways are blocked and a craniotomy which is meant to facilitate brain surgery.

He was answering to Mandevu MP, Jean Kapata and Chingola MP, Joseph Katema who wanted to know what type of operations were done on the President respectively.

Dr. Chituwo said government was putting in place measures to ensure that the President continued to receive proper care when he returns from Paris.

The minister paid special tribute to Zambians for their unity and prayers during Dr. Mwanawasa’s absence from Zambia.



  1. “Dr. Chituwo told Members of Parliament (MPs) that the Doctors in France would make a comprehensive brief on the illness of Dr. Mwanawasa after the current treatment and medical plan was completed.”

    Why didn’t these thick head MPS ask WHEN the current treatment will be completed so that we can have a mark in the sand to look forward to. Yaba!!!!!!

  2. Hi bloggers, we seem to be getting to that stage when there will announce that elections will be held in three months, to me my experience with people a tracheotomy which is an incision through the neck into the trachea to assist breathing, only speak by keyboard speech and little self up keep so we are as the Post say wishing for the best and expecting the worst fellow zambians

  3. Thanks for the update Dr. Chituwo. It looks like we will have to do without LPM for a good length of time. Now what is the way forward?

  4. This is the best report so far & i hope that soon the French doctors will give their report as they promised,initially they said it would take about 40 to 90 days to make a proper assessment,hopefully it will be soon so that necessary plans are made be it the Chief Justice constituting a board after cabinet asks or whatever they decide so that insults to the first family especially the first lady can stop,she has been a target of verbal abuse by thickheads who think she decides for the French doctors,it would be nice to move on soon so that we see who our next President will be,let’s see if voters are awake now.

  5. It is time to move on…if these people really love Levy, they should allow him step down and allow him to reculperate away from the public glare.

  6. This is the first resport that is closer to being candid since the stroke debacle. Reading between the lines of Dr Chituwo’s informed medical opinion, one cas see that our President is in a serious serious condition… Craniotomy is no joke especially in terms of someone who has already had a stroke.

  7. The Drs in Egypt described teh stroke as “SEVERE”.. Surely that should leave us without any doubt that LPM needs to rest. We should be kind and let him rest and not hold on to being the ‘absentee’ president

  8. its trick and sadning news,the longer the healing process for our Levy takes the more our national treasuries are looted by these selfish ministers,so its our national prayers that levy recovers soon then we see the way forward.

  9. Best report so far, He has put it directly that that the process of recovery may take a LONG time. So we should not expect the to be back in office soon. Is there a political interpretation of this?

  10. This is to inform you that with effect from 2008-AUG-31, all passenger vehicles aged more than 5 year shall not be allowed to be imported to Tanzania. This development is a result of the regulations which have been issued under Government Notice No 218 published on 2007-OCT-26 known as “The Transport Licencing (Road passenger vehicles) Regulations, 2007”

  11. This is the first sensible report that gives an indication were we stand. Not that Mulongoti idot who issues statments like he is addressing bus conductors.

  12. The same old news.Nothing new has come out of Chituwo’s mouth. Waste of time. I believe LPM is under so much stress to recover quickly such that he wont recover after all. Like some comment above, let this man step down and recover at his own pace. Power is sweet but you cannot be there forever. We all have only one life to live.

  13. This is not old news, this is new. Let the country move own, LPM still has a Honourable place in Zambia, God willing He will recover and retire soon so that He take his place among Honurable past presidents in the Country.

  14. Chituwo learn to explain clearly what you mean when you say the recoevery process of Levy is cheering Docs. To what extent is that recovery cheering Docs? And may we also know the extent of severity because from they way it has been put one thing is clear indeed that our man is permamnetly damaged and it is even unfair to continue having him as our President. Best option for now whether we like it or not is to be told in no uncertain terms by those who really know the sitaution at hand that it is time to brace ourselves for new fresh elections. Full stop.

  15. Poor Mwanawasa, I can’t imagine the pain. Maybe God shud relieve him and let him rest. I thot he was going to come back but know I am doubting. We can’t know, may be balishika nokushika. Coz the updates we are being given are fa

  16. It is quite clear that LPM will not be in any condition to run teh country. The best we can do as a country is give him the best possible care while at the same time looking at the way forward. We need an able person to run the country. In saying so, we are not belittling the contribution LPM has made, but in fact appluding it and saying that he needs to rest.

  17. The report by our Health Minister has somehow shed light on the condition our President. From the look of things it seems the President will not continue his official duties even when he comes back because he will have speech and breathing problems which will eventually demand for total bed rest. Now from our legal learned friends in such a situatin what is the way forward so that our Treasury is not rooted more.

  18. #2 precisely, when is the medical plan ending, the only thing is that atleast there is a medical PLAN as opposed to the constitutional “reasonable time” so I take it the medical plan is time bound.

  19. It is good to hear sensible information from the “stable condition and steady recovery story” We can only wish LPM quick recovery as he goes through trying moment.

  20. Shouldnt this be a reason for Cabinet to start the recommendation process to have the succession plan in place? Surely our dear LPM needs a good rest. He has done the best for this country under the circumstances.

    And indeed reading between the lines you can tell that Chituwo, probably for ethical reasons, can not say it literally, but the message he has for Zambians is that, Mwanawasa’s status will never allow him to come back home soon, and when he comes, he will still need to continue recieving medical care, implying he may not be able to carry out his duties in a long time, if ever.

  21. #15 PUMBKIN HEAD
    what is this you trying to say about TZ and 5 years and stuff whats all this crap got to do with this topic of LPM …get with the program.

  22. Caesar, spot on. I think it is reason enough for Cabinet to look at the best possible way forward. In this case there is only one way forward: to commence incapacitation proceedings. This will allow LPM to rest in peace (no pun intended) and be looked after, while the country moves forward and looks for solutions to some of the challenges that confront us. But this requires selflessness on the part of those in cabinet. The question is, are they willing to put country before self? The answer is a resounding no, however, there is hope yet, as the days of absolute power are slowly crumbling

  23. if he is still in the ICU, then LPM is still very sick and he must be helped to step down. he cannot continue getting a salary for just sleeping unconsciously in the ICU

  24. LPM fell ill during GRZ duties so wether you like it or not it is our civic duty to ensure that our El Presidente is well taken care of .that includes earning an income ..
    What you would be saying is that once out of office our presidents should fend for themselves …dont be a clasic F head .
    In developed countries they call this employment insurance being paid while sleeping in bed recovering from a work related injury.

  25. You are right Kambole, the way I see it, those currently holding power will do anything possible to make sure this process is derailed. But honestly speaking, am sure if LPM himself was in a state to speak, his wish would from the nation would have been to let him rest.

    But from the recent unfolding events, even a dump person would notice that some people are busy working in the background to see how they can maximise on their pockets from the national coffers before finally announcing the President’s incapacitation. And those are the main ‘enermies of the state’ at the moment.

  26. I hate to say this and as much as i like Mwanawasa, I dont think he will make it through that stroke, Reading the 1st ladies interview and this update…..There is nothing that can give you hope.

  27. The truth has finally come up!! Teta mentioned that MMD should find a candidate but hey!!alas,the maffias threatened to sort him out.Too bad LPm coz you will never be presido again!!quick recovery and God bless.the search is on!bravo Chituwo!!

  28. The doctors who treated Levy in Egypt said the patient was in comatose and they had to stop blood into the brain. They succeeded in doing so and saving Levy’s life. However Levy was still in comatose on his way to PARIS and from Chituwo’s ministerial statement appears to have remained so to the present. We must definetely forget the levy presidency and Cabinet has no choice but start those proceedings.

  29. Lets move on as the first lady implied, Am now watching the opening ceremony of the olympics. Waiting to see Zambia match proud and free. Move on Zambia

  30. it is about time that we were told the truth as a country. It is clear that there is noway he is coming back as president so it is about time we started proceedings to ascertain his health status. the government and certain sections of the media both sate and private should be ashamed for participating in this conspiracy of deceit. What happened to the once fierce fourth estate? we need alternative media as th internet is not widely accessed in Zambia few will see this story.

  31. Let’s not start innuendo here,Chituwo was simply asked a question & him being Health Minister & a medical doctor answered the best way he can & this was meant to answer the many questions people r asking not that he’s trying to tell us to read between the lines,everyone that has seen the President has made it clear that he is seriously ill & only patience & prayers to God will give us a miracle however it’s only right that Cabinet waits for the French doctors to give their report before asking the Chief Justice to start the process we are all now looking forward to so that Levy recovers peacefully & in private.

  32. Very soon a decision is going to be made now that Parliament is back in cession. I THINK THE MINISTERS WERE WAITING FOR PARLIAMENT TO RESUME.

  33. 39, that is not funny, Nkonkomalimba Kafunda died a while back. That is not funny suppose his brother or sister sees that, it will break their heart. Stop that nonsense and respect dead people. I think Mwanawasa is very ill, he must step down.

  34. Dr. Mwanawasa was having a meeting with a senior Angolan government official in that Egypt.

    LT check your grammar before you upload stories….waht do you mean by that….. Egypt?

  35. The Ladies on the picture in the post looks like tourist not like pipo nursing a patient. So the wife and his relatives of levy have already moved on (1st lady is studying for her future & children) why cant the country move on for the good of the country and its pipo.

  36. The sad thing is that right now it is the pathetic cabinet that has to make a decision to convene a medical board per Article 36(3)of the constitution.the 90 days within which to hold elections only begins to run after parliament by a two thirds majority decision endorses the Board s findig of inability to continue.Since most minisers r in cabinet bcoz of LPM they would rather let status quo remaina as they dont know wat the future holds

  37. what does the Post say about LPM’s condition. They have a reporter in France, according to the picture attribution. Has Amos Malupenga written anything from Paris?

  38. The issue of take over and continuiety in state when one is not well is a sign of lack of consideration and unzambian attitude. I do not think there is a constitutional crisis (unless one is waiting for an oppointment promised or awaiting LPM) in which case his non availability would be an issue. ALL things being under the Sun the truth shall be reviewed and the process of the next GOV shall commence but for now we pay our respect to a Man who is pain and needing all our prayers and support. No wander a lot of us chaps when we are sick our relatives start crying over our unuseless property the syndroms are on this site!!!

  39. How can a person who is ‘heavily sedated’ (wwwdotznbcdotcodotzm/)and in ICU for the last one and a half months be said to be recovering? And the doctors are happy with the progress with the recovery? In essence, LPM has been in an induced coma ‘after recovering’ from a coma, and that is ‘good’ recovery? Can Medical Doctors help me understand the context of this recovery?

  40. VEEP has to just be very bold now and declare that a way forward has to be mapped because our beloved LPM will be in no condition to work even if he comes back…lets give the man a break, he has done his part but the country cannot be stagnant…check out how the kwacha is behaving now…investors are not sure what is cutting…

  41. Pipo come on lets be patriotic. From my understanding the situation could have been sever because of the medication administered during the first stroke.Are you aware of blood thining medication which prevents clots from forming in the brain to avoid a stroke? If this was what was given to our leader then he could not be operated on as he would have died from bleeding becoz he blood would not have been able to clot. Thats why Paris was chosen because renowned leaders have been admitted there before. Lets just all forget about our own aspirations and pray for the father of the nation. Remember next time it might be you. Amen

  42. Is this news for today or 1st July?

    Its for first July!!! Have we gone back into time!!!

    Let the Doctor tell me news not history

    Tired of Va same same!!

  43. Chipi Chipi LPM’s sickness does not mean his wife and family are supposed to be gloomy 24/7. They are allowed to smile especially knowing that our God is Jehova Rapha. The God that heals. Don’t be so hard…It’s not the end of the world for them or for us

  44. johnbull, i think you may have misunderstood some of us….no-one is wishing LPM ill…far from it…we are all praying for his recovery because I for sure believe in a God of miracles but the point is lets not hold the country to ransom…we need our economy to continue ticking and that means we need a president….indeed it could be any of us, but surely I doubt you want the economy to take a nose deep when there are proceedures that can be followed to have a leader and let our president rest and recover?

  45. When are people going to learn to speak the truth? Am sad by whats going on and i dont know who to believe.Thank God, time will catch up with them. Zambians are good people but when they decide to react, they will be suprised. Ask Kaunda, I was there in 1991.

    Even Rigging the elections will not work.

  46. From znbcdotcodotzm
    Levy is stable, but heavily sedated
    President Levy Mwanawasa is said to be in a stable but heavily sedated condition in the intensive care unit of Percy Military hospital in Paris, France. The Minister of health told parliament that the president is responding to the treatment and care plan, designed by the team of specialised doctors. Brian Chituwo however, indicated that because of the serious nature of the President’s illness, the healing process may be long. He said the president is making gradual improvement in his healing.

  47. Dr. Chituwo also assured the Parliamentarians that Dr. Mwanawasa is receiving the best medical attention possible.The minister said ZAMBIANS have no option but to remain prayerful and united during this trying moment. Dr. Chituwo said the doctors have pledged to issue regular updates based on the reviews that will be done from time to time. He thanked the governments of Egypt and France for their support during President Mwanawasa’s illness. Several members of Parliament wished President Mwanawasa a speedy recovery when they individually rose to seek points of clarification. This was after Dr. Chituwo’s Ministerial statement

  48. Ala bane LPM ngabfwa muka bikapo bani?this is going to be tragic,honestly LPM has tried better than kafupi.
    Those talking about recovery his improving please stop educating the educated,3 X stroke taba pusuka.

  49. #30 That is being stupid! are you telling us that if you fall sick you must be removed from the payroll!

  50. We can courier HH’s brain to France. We can remain with an empty head here.

  51. As much as i feel sorry for the president, i still feel that our president needs to rest from politics and presidency. The way Dr Chituwo described his condition, it’s in the best interest of the president and the nation that he steps down and allow a transition to new elections.
    Otherwise it will be deadly for him to come back to the office of the presidency. This is a demanding job.

    Wishing you God’s blessing LPM.

  52. One thing Chituwo gave out this morning was that LPM was sedated. You mean he has been unconcious since a month ago. I seriously fear for his life as other secondary issues might set in. The nobble and right thing for this cabinet to do is seek medical advise (board) to advise if LPM is likely to work agin (on medical grounds). The numskulls are however to greedy and wont move. Thats why we need to put pressure so they move. We start this afternoon at 5pm by honking and then we will put more pressure after that until they move..and in the name of Mandela..they will move..

  53. #57 I agree with u JehovaRapha is in control and he heals, but i didnt say the 1lady is supposed to be gloomy 24/7, but that she is suppose to show care even to outside world in her conduct. Why is it that everything come to the stand still in the country if its not the end world. What pipo are doing is pronouced prayer or urging others to pray/fast while they are getting fat&fater every second and not actual praying.

  54. Politics of appeasement. No one is brave enough to bring the subject of ‘succession’ for fear of losing their jobs. If Chituwo’s words is something to go by, LPM is not coming back to power, at least not in the next few months. I wish (God forbid) Sata had not reconciled with LPM; he would have already started making noise

  55. #57 i think they’re just now very used to seing him in that state, remember this is not the first stroke the old man has had,that is just an opinion!

  56. Think u Dr Chituwo for your information.
    I think all of us on this blog should be able to understand just what doctor Chituwo means when he says “because of the nature of the illness recovery may take longer.”
    This is a clear indication that LPM is not coming home anytime soon.
    Its time to chat the way forward before we loss investors due to the continued uncertaininty.

  57. The update from Dr Chituwo does surely indicate that our LPM is still ill. It does not look too good for our country. He has indeed played a vital part in the affairs of the country and it will surely be sad not to have him back at work. Whats important now is to move on and let him rest even if he was to recover to whatever extent. That office has a lot of pressures. Otherwise get well ba Levy

  58. This is good news. Meanwhile lets support LPM and pray to God so that he can cancel and extented the expiring date for our leader. Dr chituwo has given us the some prayer points 1. Pray aganist the spirit of Death 2.Pray so that he can be removed from the ICU 3. For quick recovery. With God him alone all things are possible never a sickness he can not cure never a problem he can not solve.





  60. ala nga wasanga bana mayo tenshaling their hubbies in UTH you cna cry (forgive my bemba, i dont know much of it and neither do i know any local language yet am Ngoni)

    Moleen in an apartment just going to view LPM morning and evening is better off. ala they sleep in the cold at UTH, no water, nothing. for her she cna even study

    why cnat this govt provide hospitals like percy

    anyway, whether in percy or uth, bonse tukafwa, and God will judge those in leadership for being selfish.
    ha ha ha ha
    i laugh at those who attempt to buy life, supported by machines, not knowing that we all have one destiny
    we will all die and machines do stop working. no matter how we cna tryto cling to power

  61. What a waste of time discussing this matter!!!

    New topic!!!


    BLOG ON THIS ISSUE: Why are pupils chased on the day of writing tests or exams instead on the day of collecting results?

  62. I pose this question to the MINISTER of EDUCATION and should change some policies:

    Why are pupils chased on the day of writing tests or exams instead on the day of collecting results?

  63. #82 unfortunately, those are things that come with the conditions of service of the President, even if it was George Bush, the same situation would have prevailed. Look, #82, it also makes me a bitter person that when my brother was shot, they had to drain blood from his lungs using an empty Mazoe container, it pains me that I lost a brother in 2002 in UTH because of counter infection after an operation, But at the same time we should not fight those whose incomes and conditions of service allow them to be so confortable even in stressful times like these, what we should fight are the individuals that put them to enjoy these conditions and that is us, who said VOTE MMD in 2006. But I hear u.

  64. #89 she used to be HeadMaster (mistress) at Chibelo so you are rite, she is mean looking like your teacher.

  65. Zammbians r a coward bunch.LPM is not coming back in 1 piece if he pulls thru.
    Can we have elections soon & move on.Levy is still in ICU & somebody is claiming “Doctors r happy with progress” Bull…. in ICU since 29 of June & somebody is happy.

  66. #87, the results can be collected with a simple favour such as 20,000 kwacha or sex whichever is higher in value! LOL

  67. #76 Go and drink fanta mukando( Chibwantu) you who drink the normal fanta only in hospital when you are sick! Sikuba!

    #81 musuku wa laho, HH is a family, briefcase president.

  68. Dr. Chituwo said government was putting in place measures to ensure that the President continued to receive proper care when he returns from Paris.

    I guess the government is probably planning to bring him home in his present condition.

  69. Levy is still in the ICU and it’s more than 5 weeKs in the ICU This translates that the man is still very sick and we are not even given the time flame as to when doctors in france would make a brief on the illness of levy due to the type of stroke. The first stroke was mild, the second one is life threatening and this is the reason why levy was flown to france. “Bane” politics aside, let this man lead a private life. although adopted mulongoti is scared of loosing his Job. we don’t care.

  70. Iwe Mwiinga..mwati ulabomba nangu ulasambilila…all the time bloging..bloging..this site will not put food on your table..go milk the cows or something..ala…amano kwati HH…

  71. LPM is coming back as a cabbage. Moreen is busy studying fo her MBA IN Parish. Presdential materials pliz intensify your compaigns. Family tree members are scared and can keep the cabbage for a long time for survival purpose. No more morals let the costitution lead the situation. We need to move on. No more family trees and puppet cabinet. Thoes who have plundered will be proscuted and get ready.

  72. #82. zig zag
    Which money have i ”eaten”,my father & mother did not send me to school & qualify to become a beggar,i am my own man,with my own job,successful business,wife & children to take care of so i ain’t some teenager dependent on the first family infact currently i don’t reside in Zambia but i am Zambian born & raised in Zambia.I am only showing sympathy because Maureen is disrespected by many on this blog by insinuations that she’s been telling doctors not to switch off the life support machines as if that is the truth but we all know that is utter nonsense.Some chaps are even saying she’s enjoying in France just coz a cameraman asks her to smile for the photo session.

  73. #103 maybe its issues of access to the net why he is always on the net or it is just that he enjoys discussing issues what do you think, is he so intrusive that it is beginning to irritate you or it is the usual Pull Him Down (PhD) syndrome that we are known for, and anyway that makes us unique as zambians, Pull Him Down (PhD) if I were you I would have asked, how do you manage your time and I would have given you a low down about time management, I can be off the net and be gossiping the whole day and you would think I am being productive, just get a que from me mate(s).

  74. #106, Jowie died sometime back, but to answer you specifically, I am not, and please do not even plead to be saved from vulgaries, I am not cut out for that, I am sure you genuinely wanted to know.

  75. Zeddy who knows maybe u residing outside teh country , well eductaed, but its thru you taht corrupt govt money is passed through,,,ha ha ha ha
    we know these things.. u dont haveto justiify. i have followed your blogging and you have close connections with moleen and them…now its pay back

    to every action, there is an outcome. so grieve and grieve, help moleen grieve as she enjoys luxury in paris, enjoying and having fun, grieve with her
    we have all grieved, so no need to be sympathetic, after all we are all human. but just that with you, time to enjoy is over.
    its over over
    kwasila ayenda
    kulibe kubwela
    mulungu mwine…

    aza tenga LPM

    why why why? oooo why why why

  76. …..let me ask an honest ill feeling…as a matter of fact my ans is NO..NO!
    Q1….blogers do you want LPM dead or alive…..i want him to leave because i would also want to live….do unto others what you would like to be done unto you…long live LPM

  77. #87, it cud have been better if u had asked your headteacher whilst in grade 6 or 7 coz am sure that’s when u were chased.

  78. awe shuwa lesa atwafwe
    mulungu atu tandize

    and in Tonga…..what do tongas say?

    look at them, they are sleeping, ngombe illede
    wake up, go vote for your HH. in mongu its Sikota – u gusy kicked us out.

    ok, jalichibotu

    bye bloggers

  79. Get back and get busy in your businesses, jobs, studies and families doing what adds tangible value to your lines of life.The Country is at peace and all systems of Government are fully functional.VP is receiving the usual Executive office 3 times daily briefs from the security chiefs and national security Council with detail from every province and district to the best national interest. Keep praying without ceasing God is working in manifest of his deity and Glory to fathom all pharisees praying death.If healing takes long,its God’s will. No one could force God.Patience is a virtue we must all learn.All parties should start preparing for 2011 when we are voting.God bless our land.

  80. whats bad about the first ladys picture in the post newspaper in paris surely does she look like a tourist dressed in a national attire? You are so petty for nothing you are behaving like a witch mulekwatako imitima yabuntu ubulwela tabasala chaona muzako chapita maba chilipaiwe. Mwanawasa has given zambia the best and that should be the basis for sympathising with the family!

  81. It shall come to pass one day and yes we will know the truth mean time lets see who should take over because balebi bayashi

  82. 118

    the song comforts me whenever i loose a dear one

    i bet moleen and fmaily should find comfort in this and many encouraging songs and also words and gospel songs and most of all in Bible and in prayers

    God will comfort them
    they have lost or will loose, Zambia will loose LPM but we will replace him

  83. zambians come to congo we dance, stop grieving. music is laughter to soul and will send LPM in peace to his resting place

  84. This blog has been spoiled by recent bloggers who just make postings for the sake of it. Please guys, let people with humour contribute accordingly. Viamba too much ba fana imwe…….

  85. #8 ba guy likes public life thats why he officiates even PTA meetings he doesnt see the need of spokes persons.
    #91 its sad that your brother was lost under such sucumstances.lets be realistic your brother died due to negligency n lack of equipment in the hospitals like #86 put bonse bakafwa.that is why LPM and his chola boys(mulongoti) should improveour hospitals imagine him in UTH with the smell there.they run away to percy and morning side were you find alot of our drs in these places.thats our tax and we have the right to complain and demand the right services.dont justify that he is intitled to as president,you are intitled to good health just like much as they deserve so do you

  86. let mulongoti get sick and the zambians should refuse him to fly out then youll see how he will talk in favour of improving our health systems, can you imagine how much we could improve our hospitals with the money we send these chaps to other countries with.they should be coming back to smelling UTH and i hope high cost will be full so they can go kuchintu bwingi.they also use mazoe budiza on them just like other people have seen their loved ones die then they will wake up. they are to selfish to even think.
    TETA`s statement is very true that LPM is not in condition to rule but his mates threatened him as they know yazanda and no plan B.chituwo plays good boy 4 position in next gvt.

  87. Mwanawasa’s sickness is a wake up call! We have a lot of money inZambia . What do we do about windfall tax? Lets invest it in medical equipment so that when Levy comes he canhold on a little bit longer. It is otherwise dangerous and we may not be able to evacuate him to Paris as concord jets are no more.

    Instead of increasing salaries for Cabinet Ministers we should invest into medical equipment which can not only save Levy, our economy and many other people after Levy! Think people!!

  88. Just been going though the constitution. It seems it is silent as to how long we should wait before the medical board is established. I am afraid we are likely to wait for a very long time while these guys loot.

  89. its like your brother for the second time breaks his legs and hands but you force him to go underground to be frank those forcing LPM to continue working in that state dont love him atall.he has indeed worked and no one will ever doubt..and he needs to move away from that stressing job.we will forever look after him just as we do to all other former pres.but my worry is that some ministers want to root.

  90. #46 Caution your observation seems to be closer to the truth!Dr.Chituwo said LPM’s recovery will take a long time given the nature of the illness.Every learned medical person that I have asked concerning a haemorrhagic stroke has said the same.It was clear from the onset that there was no way we should expect LPM to return to duties,soon.This delay in moving the nation forward (i.e. replacing the president by the laid down proceeedure),is very suspicious.In whose interest is it to delay the process of replacing the president?In whose interst is it to keep Zambians and the international community in suspense?Can someone answer these questions,please?

  91. Bravo Dr Chituwo. You have given us a credible report so far. There is no need for anyone to continue speculating. We now have been told the truth.It is unfortunate our president suffered a severe stroke.
    The question to ask is ‘in a situation like this, what should the country do to move forward legally? What does the constitution stipulate? can lawyers help please.

  92. A craniotomy is a surgical operation in which part of the skull, called a bone flap, is removed in order to access the brain. Craniotomies are often a critical operation performed on patients suffering from brain lesions or Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), and can also allow doctors to surgically implant deep brain stimulators for the treatment of Parkinson’s, epilepsy and cerebellar tremor. They are also widely used in neuroscience for extracellular recording, brain imaging, and for neurological manipulations such as electrical stimulation and chemical titration.

    Human craniotomy is usually performed under general anesthesia but can be also done with the patient awake using a local anaesthe

  93. I have been looking after a patient recovering from craniotomy
    and believe me the healing process is long. some body will have to start learning to walk with help of physiotherapy. The other complicating issues are some conditions like hypertention and in case of our president the history of a previous stroke may complicate/delay the healing. I believe we are in for a long wait especially if our government want the president to recover fully.Some people say patience pays.

  94. Guys, i am a nursing student here in America and i know what a tracheotomy is. It means that the president has a tube connected to his trachea and it protrudes out through the neck.

    If it has a fenestration it means that he is able to speak but not clearly, if it does not then he can’t speak at all.
    To maintain it, the tube has to be suctioned over and over again to remove secretions.

    A trache can be temporary or permanent. Since the president had a severe stroke, i would like to believe that this will be a permanent one.

    I have witnessed the insertion of a tracheotomy and i would not call it a minor surgery.

  95. It is amazing how diffirent people perceive a thing different. Some are happy with Chitumo’s statements, while others are unsatisfied. Nevertheless, we need to progress as a Nation. SADC has done away with Levy as its president. Let us do the same by getting a new republican president. I know it wont’t be easy, because the ministers are not assured a ministerial spot in the next administration. Levy a feel you. Maureen I can tell from your body language that your hurting. As for cabinet, start looking for another day job.

  96. thanks for enlighting us # 143. Number 143 how long would someone with a severe stroke take to recover? If u don’t have an immediate answer ask your Professors there and get back to me please i have to know

  97. You risk wearing out at the hands of the MMD.This a moral, ethical and constitutional dilemma too hard to stand out on the opposite side.No much push allienates you from sober society destroying oneself politically. Many cultured Zambians will deem noise makers as callous misfits to the christian national values.No one wants to ruin his political life over an impossible game.This said, MMD will reign upto 2011 while consolidating its position for another victory.Many will grow tired and poor from the next two years of rhetoric and unproductivity having given own lives to 24/7 blogging like Mwiinga.MMD is making money with their protege as emerging leaders in schools & professional programs

  98. This is maturity on behalf of government.Whoever is running the affairs should be given credit.I have once more a belief that Zambia has always have intelligent people.Their are there,they just need to understand that when one in position to save his country must save with country at heart and pity of others.Shallow minds rout when they see an opportunity,shallow minds uplift wealthy,shallow minds fight for positions.But great minds makes a difference within the position they find themselves in,they look at life and understand it,they believe in their hearts of hearts that life is part of the earth and on their journey they take nothing from earth but leave behind on it a name.So in every…

  99. Freedom of speech on this blog does not mean that one has to sink so low to the extent of using the french language as in most cases above. ‘Take a breath before posting anything on this blog’. As for the owner of this website, please do not forget that a complaint from the Zambian government can have this website closed. If you are an ICT person, you will be well versed with this. “No one is above the law”. So a wise man said.

  100. continued from#148…situation they fight for good to prevail and so in their right hand they hold a lamp to shine not only for themselves but even for others.Therefore every information must be taken as it comes with good wishes for our president and hope to move forward as a nation even when it will not be Mwanawasa to carry as through the remaing three years.Though when recovered no sensible person should allow Mwanawasa to resume office,we must be helpful and allow him to rest.This is the time our fist lady Mrs Mwanawasa should practice her true role as the house wife and forget about being first lady for everything has time.God bless.

  101. The release by Chituwo in simple terms means LPM is still very sick. The writing is on the wall-going on 2 months in ICU. I agree with people who say as a nation we should give him the rest he will need to recover. I don’t think it will be in his best interest to come back to public office after throat operations.

    The French- Percy Military hospital won’t pull the plug any time soon.. They are getting paid.

  102. #149 tell dem! Too much foolish talk a gwaan here. You nuh see seh de situation crucial? Some a dem tink seh a party time dis, better go on your knees and repent. Who de chat fit, is dem we a chat. Judgement!


  104. The time to debate LPMs presidence is over,people the man wont ever be in that chair again,we can bet a million bucks,MMD chaps are punks who do they think the zambian people are,do they think the can hold us for a long time waiting,SADC region wont,MMD please stop lies,remember what happened to former israels pm,we know the real situ

  105. After reading these blogs Iam scared! Just waiting for a miracle to happen!I brace myself for the worst and hope for the better. Hope the presido pulls through!!

  106. After such long illness, there has never been a ruler up to level of a chief who has ever taken full responsibility of its chiefdom or government. How do want your next president, Chituwo, present the status of your former president? Mulefwaya afulame???

  107. Stable than Sharon…..????????What kind….lets move on as someone in ICU for a month or more can´t rule and has no idea whatsoever watta gwan.Chief Justice,what is the next move?

  108. Why are some bloggers so apprehensive about Mwiinga, surely for one not to know that Jowie is late surprised me and speaks volumes about our reading culture. Please could someone define hardwork and why you think Mwiinga does not have food on his table coz of LT? This forum has been very educative and would be sad if bloggers used it to pursue tribalism and trival issues. Dr. Chituwo has told us the truth and let the law takes it course! Lets use this to educate, inform and entertain one another as abana ba nsansa. Ndalumba nobuloongo nyoonse!

  109. And now that its certain the presido is no coming back to rule, what next? The MMD is in crisis. no president no vice. That is the more reason why we need to put things in order. The MMD should have had the vice now you see the problem. On the national level, Mwanawansa has tried. The MMD may disintergrate.

  110. Ok, a much better update 4rm Chituwo, unlike those 4rm Mulongoti & his boss RP! It’s pretty obvious that Levy will not return to normalcy anytime soon (if at all…). So what nxt, who holds the key for the way 4ward? The list of hopefuls leaves much to be desired, Katele, Sata, HH, Miyanda…? hmmm, God save us…

  111. how can an african woman claim to be looking after her sick husband,’No HER unconscious hubby’ have time to do her masters ,go to book stores to look for books ,what is on her mind what kind of a mother is she.i would be scared to even take a bath , fearing that i will find my dearest hubby deceased.ISAMBO LYAMFWA TUKALONDOLOLA SHANI

  112. This update doesn’t do much.Clearly,Levy will be a long while before(dare I say if) he recovers.A deeply sedated president,still in ICU,probably unconcious-just like the former prime minister of Israel Ariel Sharon-who made news 6-8 months ago(when he collapsed while on official duties) but to date he is ‘heavily sedated’-he equally had some clot in the brain-after a stroke.We don’t know whether he is dead or alive.Possibly academically alive but technically dead-just like Mwanawasa,I’m afraid to say.Our president is just predsident nown on GRZ paper and not of the country and he now will never be able to take up official duties,whether we like it or not.

  113. I think this government is stoking up unrest in future as it continues to paint a rosy picture of Levy’s health when indeed it’s looking rather cactus and prickly for that!There should be a process of handover and constitutional guidance.I’m sure constitutional Lawyers should be able to give guidance on how to replace our incapacitated president LPM.I’m afraid,it’s not good news.

  114. We hope for the best for Levy. You have done well for this country & brought back credibility that we once lost from our international partners. One can never be all things to all pipo but you have done yo part & hope in the event of someone else taking over we will not be taken years backwards but that we will elect someone that now has proper managerial skills/vision to stir this nation to another level which you may have lacked. “One tills, One sows & yet another waters”…….

  115. 168 Tunfweni. Pliz dont look for your deceased loved ones here. grow up Chimbwi. this is not a site for DEATH NOTICES.

  116. I agree with other bloggers so far,after such a long sickness,no chief no government leader can effectively deliver their duties,thats why i said the reason they are giving up SADC means Levy wont lead anymore,why do we continue whispering,coz mulongoti and his team still wants us to chill and believe that the Man will lead us into the end of his term,remember 90 days as the bible of the nation says,90 days

  117. lets face facts here, we will even see the progress of this little resourceful nation, appoint a medical team which will look into the matter of our president if he can continue or not…and if he can’t then we just have to find a solution. we have very educated pipo in this nation but i just dont understand y nothing is being done as yet…we are just going in circles here, loking at todays headlines…ba chituwo and his collegues synonyms to tell us just one thing “The situation of the president is not fine”…you look in the television you see how old pipo are carrying water in rural areas long distances and yet these greedy guys are increasing their salaries, SHAME ON THE CABINET, SHAAME

  118. Nobody holds the key to the way forward.It is every one of us.No one again must ask that what is next for it is foolish to do so because we do have the constitution which we,us Zambians have put in place to guide us.Every Zambian and only those who really count themselves as Zambians must jerously understand now than ever before what the constitution says in such situation as this word by word and jerously protect the meaning.The way MMD handles this will make them rule for another ten years.But if they will all be selfish and fail to submit themselves to one person with constitution powers to act and lead them ,they will bring problems first to themselves and then to the rest of us.

  119. It’s very worry some for us who are out of the country on LPM.
    May the almighty deliver him from illness.
    However we decerve to know the current situation and the way forward.Greetings to you all at home.Stay strong.

  120. A quote from Mail and Guardian Online“Let us all clearly remember that by the serious nature of our president’s illness, the healing process will indeed be long. Presently, he is in a stable but heavily sedated condition,” Chituwo said.
    means Levy is still in an induced coma.

  121. Ala mulebako serious at least for all of us your brothers and sisters outside Zambia. some of your comments are disheartening. Now tell me #8 or something mentioned the first lady’s interview where can I find it so I can read it myself? Muleke noku shobana its not fun, love and miss you all. Goodmorning from rainy Melbourne.

  122. Semantics…..stable and heavily sedated and we still sit and wait for him with the tracheostomy incision to come back and lead us!!! Am I missing something here?
    And what pray tell are we waiting for? Thats why they are awarding themselves pay rises, and shutting down the Universities, and soon I guess fighting over who takes over what!!!

  123. #82 & 107, Please spare us from your personal differences. I thought this blog was meant for constructive contributions.

    #124 & #137, Former Iraq information minister was Tariq Aziz and not Chemical Ali.

  124. #146,

    Stroke is a disease that affects the blood vessels that supply blood to the brain.

    A stroke occurs when a blood vessel that brings oxygen and nutrients to the brain either bursts (hemorrhagic stroke) or is clogged by a blood clot or some other mass (ischemic stroke).

    When a rupture or blockage occurs, parts of the brain don’t get the blood and oxygen they need. Without oxygen, nerve cells in the affected area of the brain can’t work properly, and die within minutes.

    And when nerve cells can’t work, the part of the body they control can’t work either. The devastating effects of a severe stroke are often permanent because dead brain cells aren’t replaced.

  125. Ama guys – ze biggi – Levy is coming back and we the analysts will enjoy the good economic management skills

  126. Thanks # 183, Nabalengu, you are such a darling.Your posting on the other side do not give hope. Any way, let us put everything in Gods hands.

  127. basically what chituwo said is that the prz is in a vegetative state, period. what remains now is for the vultures to continue plundering until the next govt.

    i wish mwanawasa had listened ti miyanda in 2006, this probably wouldnt have happenned. presidency is very stressful all those half dead muthas like sata should think twicw b4 venturing into this portifolio

  128. Really,how much more plainer do you want a medical doctor of Dr Chituwo’s standing to explain to you guys so you can see the reality of things? Wake up and chart Zmbia’s way forward.


  130. Abakali bakali, inshimbi ninshimbi……remember guys this is not the first stroke LPM has suffered, he had one in 2006 which he fought and imaged victorious. Considering the foregoing track record, i have no doubt what so ever that he will do the same. He is a fighter, inshimbiii, an overcamer thats what he is. It is in his blood to win and coming back. And when he retains there will be firing and hiring. Mwapya ba katele..

  131. Iwe # 93,

    what you should know is that the more a person strokes-out the worse the situation. I know that there are miracles and i pray for him to recover, but also leave room for disappointment.

    Of course he will recover but i doubt whether he will be fit to carry-out his presidential duties with a trache sticking out of his neck.

  132. #197 I support your point. I love Levy but sure he’s not the only one who can lead Zambia. Lets be real and replace this guy.

  133. Hi,
    Its always easy to say than to act.The thing is plans should be put in place in case of of anything.The fact is lpm is sick and
    people who have been given the mandate to tell the nation about
    his health should not play mouse and cat tricks to tell it all.
    The nation deserves the truth because life must continue regardless.This is a no political allegence issue after all its to the best interest of all zambians.


  135. i think vj has seen sense in tetamashimbas statement that we go ahead and test the constitution to see if article 36 works or not. other wise lets repeal it becoz it is wasting space in the constitution

  136. kwindi iwe, it is obvious you know what the operation is. The thing is not removed (device) it is premenantly managed by family members or a full time nurse for that matter.

    Nayi zanda , how can one be responding well to treatment when he is still heavily sedated?

    We all know the outcome , having said that it is fair to give the whole fiasco 90 days.

    After 90 days and he is still in a coma and no action from our cheif justice would mean we are not serouis!

  137. # 200 -kwindi iwe, it is obvious you know what the operation is. The thing is not removed (device) it is premenantly managed by family members or a full time nurse for that matter.

    Nayi zanda , how can one be responding well to treatment when he is still heavily sedated?

    We all know the outcome , having said that it is fair to give the whole fiasco 90 days.

    After 90 days and he is still in a coma and no action from our cheif justice would mean we are not serouis!

  138. Ba Mbuzi bakamba, not ukuponta sana. mwalimonako kwindi alelemba blog? As of now am studying the whole issue just to equip myself coz am not a medical doctor so am relying on google searches tho am not yet in the light.
    Nga namwishiba answer kulanda fye. pipo may have an idea but not the complete picture.
    I know of certain operations where implants are removed after some time.
    I hope i have made myself clear mwemfumu ba MBUZI.

  139. On the 90 days, its not in the constitution baba ba Mbuzi naimwe mbuya. The constitution talks of the 90 days upon the chief justice presenting a report and certificate from the medical team he appointed to check the presidents health. If the cert and report are submitted to the speaker and the speacker tables it on the floor of the house and the house accents it, then the national assembly appoints a person to act as president for 90 days whose expiry ensues in presidential elections only and if parliament is dissolved within the same period, parliamentary elections take place too.Any way lets wait and see coz article 36 has not worked before in zambia

  140. how much truth is in what Chituwo told parley?i smell a very bad rat …..and hey!!the search begins for MMD!Brian is just cooling us down….LPM is a total cabbage now!on sedatives???that’s serious fellow countrymen..

  141. “The constitution MMD constitution states that in the absence of the President, the vice-president shall act. But since in the MMD we don’t have a vice-president, the constitution goes on to say that the national chairman shall act,” said Mwaanga.

    who is the MMD national chairman ???

  142. corpes/dead cannot rule a nation
    mitembo/wakufa siiteka ziko ayi
    Ifitumbi/uwafwa takekata chalo eyo
    …………….chisi inyaa
    and so on!

  143. Who takes up MMD now that LPM is out of the picture?what do the bloggers say?we need to start flouting some names…..

  144. #129 it costs the Zambian taxpayer US$50,000 per day to keep Levy in Percy Military Hospital in Paris. Now since dr Brian Chituwo says Levy’s healing will take a long time we are going to pay many more dollars for his stay. Already we are talking of US$50,000 x 41 days. If he was at UTH we would have long forgotten and we’d been busy campaigning for a new occupant of Plot 1 but at Percy he is machine-assisted to keep the hope of those asking Zambians to pray. But havent I heard something like that – the bible, prayer and land being colonised? Here it’s constitutional salaries being increased.

  145. Che Guvera Thanks for the info on the constitution. What I actually meant was giving the so called medication to work. I will try and see if I can read artilce 36.

  146. #212 you are telling us that it is costing the Zambia taxpayer US$50,000 per day! Where did you get the information from? Or are you yourself a blaffer like most politicians?

  147. Wonderful paintings! This is the kind of info that are supposed to be shared around the net. Disgrace on the seek engines for no longer positioning this publish higher! Come on over and talk over with my website . Thanks =)

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