Sunday, June 16, 2024

UNIP calls for unity in the country


The United National Independence Party (UNIP) has called for unity among Zambians in the wake of the global financial crisis in order to address its effects on the country.

And the once ruling party has also called on its membership to intensify mobilization in preparation for the 2011 presidential and parliamentary elections.

UNIP Vice President Njekwa Anamela made these remarks when he led party officials and other members on behalf of party president Tilyenji Kaunda at the card annual renewal exercise in Lusaka today.

Mr. Anamela said the current global financial recession calls for all stakeholders to unite and help government find solutions to the challenge.

He said the prevailing world financial credit crunch is a reality that has affected most countries including Zambia which can not be ignored.

And Mr. Anamela has urged members of the party to ensure that they remain united in order to play their role of providing checks and balances to the sitting government effectively.

He said there is need especially for communities to ensure the local leadership is kept in check on various developmental projects government is supposed to deliver.

And UNIP Provincial Chairperson Judith Muteri reiterated the need to mobilize party members across the country in order to strengthen the 49 year old political party.

She expressed confidence that the party will retain back the power in 2011 once members are well mobilized throughout the country.



  1. Its like Iam not the only one who wants unity in our beloved country,please zambian lets unity this year no fighting,attacking each other on this site lets embrace 2009 with peace love and joy.

    I Love you all


  2. No uniting till all Zambians have basic needs, and the national cake is shared equally. UNIP is compromised coz the kaundas are related to Lupiya Banda.

  3. ‘She expressed confidence that the party will retain back the power in 2011 once members are well mobilized throughout the country.’

    All the best UNIP and please do something in line with your words/intentions instead of just filing the news aditorials.

  4. I wish to see a revived UNIP back in contention as an Opposition party worth its salt.
    Problem is that currently,there are two factions between The Kaunda & Masheke camps that need to reconcile before they can move forward.

  5. 10. Makweti-Libonda, great points there, but is reconcilliation the best option or chasing those that are not becoming like the PF way according to Hon. Given Lubinda’s advice is?

    I am just thinking and so, you might find this querry useful too. :-w.

  6. “Condemn Mugabe, president Banda told

    President Banda
    President Rupiah Banda has been asked to state Zambia’s position on the political and economic crisis in Zimbabwe.

    Opposition UPND president Hakainde Hichilema says president Banda should break his silence on the calls by the international community for president Robert Mugabe to step down.”

    Source: ww w. zambianwatchdog . com/ ? p =808

  7. “Mr. Hichilema says late president Levy Mwanawasa showed leadership on Zimbabwe as he made known Zambia’s position on the deepening crisis in Zimbabwe.

    He said Zambia can’t afford to maintain a non commital stance when the people of Zimbabwe were suffering.

    President Banda was born in Zimbabwe in the 1930s. He is currently on a festive break in Eastern province.

    Mr. Hichilema wondered what Zambia’ international policy was.”

  8. “Am paying for my sins under Chiluba -Sata
    Patriotic Front (PF) president Michael Sata has said he is paying back for working with former president Fredrick Chiluba.

    And Mr. Sata has said it is dangerous to have the commander of the army working under contract. Mr. Sata revealed that there are currently 47 senior army officers working on contract.”

    Source: ww w. zambianwatchdog. com/ ? p =825

  9. 15.continued.
    “Speaking on Radio Phoenix Tuesday, Mr. Sata said that former president Frederick Chiluba once said that the MMD will rule for 25 years.

    He said it was only now that he was understanding what Mr. Chiluba meant. He accusedMr. Chiluba of bringing fraud in Zambia and that he does not want to be involved in the fraud cycle like he had been before.”

  10. 16.continued.
    ““I am glad I am paying for working with Chiluba in government. This is the third time I am paying.”

    He also accused president Rupiah Banda of compensating Vernon Mwanga whom he referred to as ‘chief rigger’ by giving him a job as whip in parliament.

    He warned that the government should not take the people of Zambia for granted as they have the capacity to remove dictators.

    “Kaunda was powerful, ruthless, cruel with his mobile unit but the people defeated him with bare hands,” said Mr. Sata.”

  11. 17.continued.

    “And Mr. Sata has said he will not quit politics until all the c r i m i n a l s that have s t o l e n from the Zambian coffers have been arrested.”

  12. 18.continued.

    “He said he would want to know the people who s t o l e the money meant for Mongu general hospital and Mongu Kalabo road construction respectively.”

  13. 19.continued.
    “Mr. Sata said the problem in Zambia had nothing to do with the global financial crisis but internal political incompetence.

    He said that even though he was in government before, he never s t o l e anything and that is why late president Levy Mwanawasa never arrested him for plunder.

    ‘The late Levy Mwawasa threw me in prison on several occasions but not for theft, it was just for political differences not theft’, said Mr. Sata.”

  14. 20.continued.
    “Mr. Sata said if he was president, he would work closely with the Angolan government because that country has oil that can be used to develop Zambia especially Western and Northwestern provinces.

    He said Zambia is not close to any of the countries in the SADC bloc because of a poor international policy.

    Without elaborating, Mr. Sata said Zambia is not close to Zimbabwe but would rather be used to embarrass Zimbabwe.

    He said during the liberation struggle of the continent, Zambia provided shelter and food for freedom fighters from the region, but today Zambia’s currency is the weakest.”

  15. 21.continued.
    “He also said that as long as Electoral Commission of Zambia director Dan Kalale remains in the commission, there will never be free elections in Zambia.

    He claimed that Mr. Kalale was supposed to be fired in 2006 but that president Rupiah Banda retained him.

    He said the Task Force on corruption can still be legitimatised and given specific functions.

    He said government has failed to account for the money used during the funeral of president Levy Mwanawasa.”

  16. 18. So Mr Sata is not going anywhere. I thought he was not going to stand as PF president in 2011. Wont he be old by then?

  17. 22.continued.
    “Mr. Sata said there was no reason for government to fail to get rid of foot and mouth disease after 44 years of independence. He said that the disease has been killing cattle for many years but where it originated from in Botswana it has been eradicated.

    And Mr. Sata said he can not forgive Matero PF MP Faustian Sinyangwe because ‘there is no compromise on discipline’.

    ‘I cant eat ‘chicken and chips with Faustian Sinyangwe and Dan Kalale because it would be corruption.”

    He said he can’t forgive Mrs Sinyangwe even if she apologised because she is expelled from the party not for taking part in the NCC but for insulting the party.”

  18. With this news, can some sensible journalist ask Mr Micheal Chilufya Sata to tell the Nation what his role was in the Third Term Presidential Bid for Chiluba. Please, journalists!

    23. Sarah Jones, on your “18. So Mr Sata is not going anywhere. I thought he was not going to stand as PF president in 2011. Wont he be old by then?”

    I have always, written that the Undereducate, MC Sata, has no other plan in his life except to be President of Zambia even at the Cost of Cheating the Nation. Surely, at 72 and with a history of campaigning for Chiuluba’s 3rd Term including a heart attack, what else does he think he can offer for Zambia and Zambians?

  19. “It bears repeating to state here that it borders on crass hypocrisy for African countries such as Zambia, Ivory Coast, Zimbabwe, South Africa, Nigeria, et al, to rejoice at Obama’s victory even when they are all still involved in various acts of prejudices, this time around, not even against a coloured person but against their own black brothers.”

    Source: ww w. zambianwatchdog. com/ ? p =802

  20. 27.continued.
    “We have witnessed instances in Zambia where the first post independent Kenneth Kaunda had his citizenship withdrawn on the allegation that his ancestry is somewhere in another African country! Similar acts have played out in Ivory Coast and Nigeria (Shugaba’s case). The xenophobic hostilities in South Africa and Zimbabwe are all still fresh in our memories. Africans must be reminded not to expect too much from the presidency of Obama any more than they expected from the presidency of Bill Clinton.”

  21. 26. Engines, impressive.

    Both Undereducate MC Sata and Brig. Gen. G Miyanda will be attempting for the 4th time when they will stand for Zambian President.

    I just wish them all the very best in their aims and activities.

    By the way, the Holy Bible teaches that we must forgive one another but who is MC Sata to indicate that “he can not forgive Matero PF MP Faustian Sinyangwe because ‘there is no compromise on discipline’?”

  22. What was MC Sata’s role in the coining of the 1996 Constitution that blocked former President KK from attempting to stand for Zambian President which was effected by a clause of a Presidential Candidate having to have his/her parents being Zambians?

  23. On MC Sata’s continued claim that he did not involve himself in corruption, let him tell the Nation what really happened about the money which was confiscated from him in South Africa if I remember correctly?

  24. Maestro,
    Forget about Sata for now untill 2011. For the past two days RB has been give us hope. Lets leave Sata in 2008, for 2009 is a year of hope and prosperity. Let go of the past, Sata lost the election and he is not Zambian president at the moment.

  25. Poor King Cobra, still looking for victims.

    He does not to be President to get the thieves arrested. He was in cahoots with Chiluba when these people were planning their Grand Robbery – all he (Mr Sata) has to do is tell us what he knows – NOW!

  26. if unip can get thier act 2gether by 2011,i’ll vote 4 them coz now anything exept matako modification defence(MMD) will do!there goes maestro paste journolisting again.can someone tell me if we have a president becoz that man with a wife less than half his age seems to like chilling a lot. :d:d:d

  27. Ha UNIP re-organising their disorganised confused state. The dinasour is awake. Is NyamaSoya assisting it’s coming back through the back door?? UNIP is a focilised party with a cult following.KK is still that cult leader.Thats why up to now it is being lead by a toothless Kaunda son. UNIP sunk it’s own grave!! I have no hope of it attracting the masses unless it’s character changes4da beta, not in 2011 but now.

  28. Ladies and Gentlemen, here is another shocker. Former First Lady Maureen Mwanawasa will be getting an honorary doctorate degree in Los Angeles,California this coming May. Why she is being honored is not because of her works at home, but rumor has it that they made huge donations to expensive and prestigious Pepperdine University before her husband died. Who is next? Thandiwe and RB? Money is being used to buy honorary doctorates while people sleep hungry in Zambia.

  29. Why should a person cut and paste as if people can`t access those sites by themselves?

    If I can access LT I can as well access other sites.

    WHen the beeb started 606 in 2001/2002, this was common until they put a stop to it.

    Sorry but it is annoying >:p

  30. UNIP is really yesterday’s party. They should just wind down and call in administrators or liquidators as they call them in Zambia.

  31. Zambian Passports
    Please join us for a discussion

    Teleconference Live

    January 3rd 2009
    Time : 11:00 am Central Time (USA)
    Conference Dial-in Number: (218) 844-8230
    Participant Access Code: 853993#

  32. Sata knew the 3rd term bid was not going to work and stayed on hoping he end up being MMD president and eventualy Repubic. Oh I forgot UNIP is finished. Dont even talk about except for history lessons.

  33. Why is unip still allowed to sell party membership cards if it cannot field a presidential candidate to give the electorate a wider choice?

  34. #48, you don’t fight a war you know you cant win. So UNIP were wise as they knew they stood no chance of winning the presidency. Look at how much of a joker Miyanda turned out to be. Politically finished to pulp.

  35. With RB as president UNIP is now a branch of MMD. After all UNIP only exists in Eastern Province. It is just another regional or if you wish it is a mere tribal party now.

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