Sunday, June 16, 2024

Probe Team for Zambian Airways saga set up


Three law enforcement agencies have constituted a team to investigate alleged financial irregularities in dealings involving Zambian Airways.

The three are the Zambia Police Service, Drug Enforcement Commission and the Anti Corruption Commission.

Acting Inspector General of Police, Francis Kabonde, says a probe into the operations of the airline follows official representations from the Forum for Leadership Search, members of the public and political parties.

Mr. Kabonde was speaking at a joint media briefing in Lusaka on Thursday.

He also disclosed that the opposition Patriotic Front has officially made representations to his office regarding the payments made to food suppliers by the Ministry of Home Affairs.

He also said investigations into the leakage of government confidential documents to the press are progressing well.


    • I hope you say this with sadness. Leakage of govt documents is good provided such documents compel government to account and provided such leaked documents are not school exams. This is what the old post was good at. Lately, the post has taken a different dimension (doubtful ethics) in canvassing for one sided opinion on national issues. Still we need a paper that will have a single motive: Inform, educate entertain.

    • This is very sad. People should be happy at the woes of the post! Their days are indeed numbered and they are numbering them well. Viva The Post. Long live the Post. Digging deeper, forward with the nation.

  1. ZA was privately owned?its not a probe but settling & silencing each other in public over differences.what will happen if airline produces debts owed by the gvment.DEC,Police & ACC are public institutions not run buy a ruling party.In my oppinion a private firm was to take charge all i see is bootlickers probing.

  2. The first bit against anarchists has begun. There should be a line between holding men to ransom and using the mighty power of the pen. Flip flop endearment and support to some parties by some papers have neither been based on clear policy changes on the part of these newly befriended parties nor previously known political and moral behavior of men behind these parties. And if this is the case, ulterior motives exist within such papers. We must patiently wait and see where all this leads to. I personally think our country needs strong leadership that does not succumb to parallel governance.

  3. Remember, the truth shall always triumph, no matter how much it takes. I think zambia’s biggest enermy right now is culture, and the difficulty is that culture is a living organism that is so had to transform. God bless Zambia

    – don’t forget that the government is one of the major lenders to the Zambian Airways. They have a responsibility to let us know how the airline used that money. The thing is the airline closed under very suspicious circumstances. Any businessman will tell you that. The only way the airline could have avoided this is not to borrow from government, and may be this is a lesson for other private companies. As a private company if you are fond of misusing company funds, avoid borrowing from govt because you will be made to account. FULL STOP!!

  5. Good job GRZ. Let us wait and see what will happen as we wish the POST, the Undereducate’s current mouthpiece ans Imagebuilders, and other ZA shareholders well.

  6. 2.1 Big mule do not worry, membe is not the omega and amen of news. We can always ask LT to manage the post until a decent membe is created again.

  7. The veil of incorporation for Directors is lifted if there are genuine suspicions of criminality while running a company. 1} ZA is alleged to have used monies collected on behalf of the airport authority for other operations, NAC was not a vendor in this arrangement but entrusted ZA to remit the funds paid through them when passengers purchased tickets.
    2} When applying for millions of dollars in loans, ZA declared that the sharholders were a group of 5-7 companies including the Nchitos with about twenty something % and a US company with about the same. PACRO records now show that the airline is about 50% owned by the Nchitos and the shareholding declaration looks fraudulent at best.

  8. I WONDER WHY THES GUYS THE (DEC ACC AND ZP) HAVE TO WAIT FOR GOVT OFFICIALS TO TELL THEM TO INVESTIGATE SOMETHNG ,THEY HAV NO SHAME I THOT WEN THEY JUST HEAR OF SOMTHNG THEY SHUD B 1ST TO B ON THE SCENE? Why did they hav to wait Dora’s tribunal to stat ths case? Am sure they bn smarter pipo who v tried and failed to NAIL Fred MEMBE am sure rupiya is headed 4 great embassment here !

  9. mmembe has done a commendable job for zambia,but that is not say he is superhuman.of late he has diverted the editorial policy of the post from fair reporting to it that suits him.what the post stands for now is not what the founder journalists like jowie mwiinga,chris chitanda, dingi chirwa stood for.they unearthed scums but reported them objectvly without malice.the post reporter of today reports like some rumour monger telling a story at a chibuku if the post is choked by debt no one will be blamed but mmembe himself.out of greed he has driven this once prosperous newspaper into will be interesting to see how he gets out of this.

    He is now expossing his ignorance and dullness at its highest level. We are aware that this ZP,DEG and ACC are acting under his secret orders. WHERE IS THE TASK FORCE?? Accept your weeknessand learn. Thats the only way you can become strong and powerful.

    • Do we honestly expect a thorough investigation to be conducted to probe financial misappropriation, gross tax evasion and sleezy dealing at ZA, with the calibre of our investigative wings..? We may need to consider bringing in external forensic investigators to work with our guys, otherwise it may just be an acedemic exercise….

    • And one wonders..

      After these thorough investigations and including probable external forensic investigators complete their tasks.. nothing will happen..

      Look at Kafupi, walking scot free!

    • Mama Zoe,
      Once you see something happening against corruption and the rot , that is a positive step torwards it. Akale such things used to be swept under the carpet and that was it .. dead end.. pronto!!Transparency is actually talking about the issue in the open and hope all will see the end result in the long run. This govt, I have no kind words for them,.. but can we just give them a chance to kick all their big toes against hard stones first?? (bazipunthule first or balasiweko na myunga first thouugh ba vala nsapato)?
      If they are involved in the saga bazaululika, end result ya transparency..Unless if they execute witnesses…

  11. Bwana President Bwezani, there is nothing wrong in bailing out private companies to preserve jobs for your citizens. USA is doing it> Just concentrate on real issues otherwise the three years you gonna be in power will be a total waste. I pity the rural people who gave Bwezani the vote or some one voted for them!

  12. ZA as a company is owing money, the directors should been given chance to explain what happened and how they expect to resolve the issues at hand, the post should not have been allowed to hoodwink the whole world just because they are an interested party. what they should have done was to explain to the government the position of the airline, not to peddle in innuendoes to hide the facts, unfortunately this has backfired and innocent people will suffer all because of the super inflated ego’s of a few individuals at the post.

  13. This is utter nonesense! You need Financial analysts & forensic accountants to examine the operations of ZA not ba Indie Bwana.
    Any somebody got to make allowances,this whole thing aint going nowhere.

  14. In my letters to the post editorial i have always advocated for the removal of Mmembe from the editorial board. The gentleman has lost the moral obligation to be at the helm of the Post. Remember LPM had problems with Mmembe to the extent of accusing him of having presidential ambitions until Nchito intervened and a marriage of convenience/deals was created. My advice to mmembe is to retire from the post and let qualified journalists take over while he waits to join Singogo at chimbokaila

    • I presume Mmembe is not qualified because he exposes the corruption and rote in govt eh? According to your weired logic a qualified journalist is one who ignores corruption in govt. You know what my dear Zambia is a kleptocracy. It is in the top 10 of most corrupt African countries and 17th most corrupt nation in the world. Zambia really deserves the poverty it is wallowing in. It is said that countries deserve the leaders they have. It seems people like you are in a struggle to shut up those who may point out evil in our society.

    • a good journalist is one who informs pipo on the goings on fairly and squarely, im in no way saying the public media is up to this challenge, but this does not mean that mmeembe should deny pipo the luxury of making informed decisions by not telling the whole truth but by merely pickng a few aspects. he must learn to tell the story as it is, not what he thinks pipo want to hear, hence the pipo attacking the wrong individuals, in the meantime the problem or the rot still goes on. let us call a spade a spade not a garden tool. mmeembe must not make that distinction for us, we must learn to make well informed decisions.

  15. They are just wasting time. Simply lock her up and throw away the keys. Preferably in a male jail. Coz the convicts in there will be able to go for weeks without food as long as they have her and you will be a ble to save those food rations.

  16. Remember watergate?An FBi agent leaked the information to the press because he new that rotten things were goin on. Sometimes for the good of the nation ,leakage of information is necessary. As for the Post for all their mistakes , I feel that they play an important role in fostering democratic principles. We should not allow a situation were we have all media instituitions in the country reporting favouarably about the Government. We need a Devil’s Advocate to constantly challenge our principles, values ,ethics and most importantly they we are Governed. Doesnt mean their always right , but they do force us to stimulate our ways of looking at things

  17. The POST- Mmeembe saga continues… bottom line is; Mmeembe has always had external influence ( remember that Euro Ambassodar/friend ? ) we need to be honest with our selves and look at what is in our best interest as a country.We have challenges as an African is everyone else.
    If we love our beloved Country, then we need to give constructive criticism/solutions and this goes to all of us being it a Politician, Journalist or Professionals etc.

  18. Criticism builds,but the formulae being used in this saga of ZA & Post is very bad.The devil you know is better than the Angel you ve never seen.A debt of $29m has a string of neglegence on Nac management.We ve to known that post has employees at hand,260 workers laid off at ZA .Learders shudnt be emotional as potraited by president.

    • I am in support of companies being owned by Zambians like Fred M’membe in the name of the POST, Nchito brothers and so on, but mismanagement should never be entertained. In fact using the POST Newspaper editorials to force a leader like the Undereducate to be Zambian President with the sole aim of securing financial debt relief from the GRZ is a wrong, very bad and terrible practice.

  19. In the article called Prez RB said ” I will not be compelled or be forced by some queer people, and underline the word ‘queer’… I will not move against the press because they have a major role to play in the development of this country. But some media organisation wants to control this government.” So who is the President refering too, is it Fred Mmembe who is ‘queer’ because RB is talking about the Post and Mmembe himself when he said that. I thought fred married Mazoka’s daughter? What’s the truth? I have heard these stories that Mmembe is queer but how come when he is supposed to be someone’s husband? Ululali Nkani yawama.

  20. Has someone or I am I the only one who has noticed that the POST of ten years ago is not the same POST of today. Somewhere, somewhat and somehow along the way, Mmembe lost the plot. He started writing things that were way beyond comprehension. Is it the case of become too big for one’s tiny boots? Anyway K180 billion ($30 m) is too much to write off for one company only. As a tax payer, I demand that this money be accounted for.

  21. I hope this won’t take several years like the joke trial involving Chiluba. RB must realise that if he dares to shut down The Post, the EU and USA will pull all economic support from the country’s budget. The Zambian economy will sink so fast that it will make Zimbabwe look like heaven. Remember that one of Chiluba’s mistakes was to take on the Post and the donor countries.

  22. Corruption should be fought at all levels.This country is poor mainly due to corruption.This has been worsened by the ordinary Zambians’ docility.We are too docile no wander politicians take advantage of us and can do whatever they want.So we should be thankful with what the post is doing at least it is helping us in some way to expose this very bad vice.This is not to say Membe is perfect. At times the guy tend to be too arrogant and disrespectful.

  23. Sad indeed. no leadership in zambia. the moment you start setting up tribunals for things that can be handled by the established law enforcement agencies, then just know that once again we are on auto pilot. I wouldn’t expect much leadership from a senile 72yr old man leading a pack of sick bootlickers. maybe ,we should set-up a tribunal to run the country while we are at it! I really miss KK, he is the only leadership we ever had. After him, we had a horny thieving populist midget followed by a man with half the brain and now, i am mauless!!!

  24. Anyone who indulges in anger at the same time suffers from temporary insanity. Rupiah Banda became insane when he got angry and fired his two deputy government ministers. Be wary of anger, for you will be punished by your anger and not for your anger.

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