Monday, June 17, 2024

Forensic audits may take long, AG


 Auditor-General, Anna Chifungula
Auditor-General, Anna Chifungula

Forensic audits into the K27 billion scam at the ministry of health may not be completed on schedule because a number of files are being shared among three other investigative wings.

Auditor General, Anna Chifungula says the probe which was initially scheduled for completion on June 15, may drag on to the monthend.

Ms. Chifungula said a number of files are not easily accessible because three other investigative wings are relying on documents required for the audits.

She however told ZNBC news that the six forensic auditors from her office have sufficient capacity to undertake a detailed probe.

And Ms. Chifungula said she will consult the Ministry of Finance on the possibility of engaging additional forensic auditors to probe other ministries.

She said some co-operating partners have offered to assist in engaging more forensic auditors for broad based probes.

Ms. Chifungula said there is also a possibility of hiring private forensic auditors locally.

The Auditors are currently conducting forensic audits at the Ministry of health where over 32 civil servants linked to the scam are on forced leave.


  1. The sharing of files by the three investigative wings should not be an excuse for audits taking long..Just scan or photo copy and certify them..and make sure the originals remain in a safe place otherwise they will grow legs. These are just lame excuses.

  2. I hope this ain’t no delaying tactics they are playing so that they doctor documents to protect the fathers and mothers of corruption involved. Please go on so that we can register truthfulness and authenticity in our investigating bodies.

  3. Something doesn’t sound right. why not use copies instead of relying on the originals. The originals should be in the custody of someone trustworthy and the copies should be used. What if one of these invetsigative agencies conviniently loses one of the originals does the whole investigation come to a standstill?

  4. Why give files to the police who don’t know accounting. The audit has to be completed and then files handed over to the police for prosecution. Otherwise, I see the evidence disappearing from the files and nobody will be held accountable.

  5. Ann you are not giving a solution. For sure the investigations will take time so what do you suggest? What should be done to complete them quickly? What we want and waiting for from you people is to see those chaps behind bars,

  6. Ba Ann, ni pa Zambia apo, nabamilishamo. That case is over! It will take time to clean up all files and rewriting receipts. Zambians twasebana once-more!

  7. Anna Chifungula is wonder woman. Her hair style says it all.
    She has done a great job in bringing to light the misdeeds of people in ‘power’
    Anna for President – 2011

  8. Forensic audits into the K27 billion scam at the ministry of health may not be completed on schedule because a number of files are being shared among three other investigative wings.Auditor General, Anna Chifungula says the probe which was initially scheduled for completion on June 15, may drag on to the monthend.

  9. Iwe chi Jolopiko, are you trying to carry out a forensic auditing of Levy’s family tree at this atge!!! You are late!!

  10. I thought the Auditor General is engaged through an act of Parliament. She is at PS level. If so I don’t understand why she should consult with MoFNP on carrying out audits in other ministries. If there are coperating partners willing to fund such then just enter into the Ministries. Just tell the PSs a day before that we are with you tomorrow. There are plenty private audit firms more than capable of performing the tasks. It’s about time sanity was brought into the civil service.

  11. Why do all the three investigating wings of GRZ have to be involved when all they could do is second pipo from these wings and form one team and tackle the issue head on.. They could avoid all these troubles of relying on files to be gotten from agency A to agency B. Ba Anna, funyeni mukule uyo, elyo mwala tontonkanya bwino

  12. If thats the case then let all those involved in the invetigations share one office to avoid this excuse

  13. WERRASON #2 good advice. What we want are solutions not Excuses. People are dying in hospital due to few greedy characters who have enriched themselves. Today Doctors and Nurses are on strike demanding for allowances. RB is quiet about the strike action he is Zim enjoying travelling allowances. Just the the other we saw a father who lost his child simply because there was no one to attend to his child in the hospital.

  14. plse all of us we know how zed life and it politics work lets giver here the respect that she deserve she has a great job

  15. Just take your time to we want the victims to receive the punishment which is due to them,but please make sure that the investigation process will bring back the money more than what you are going to use during the investigation process.

  16. I bear with her, > the thing is the criminal proceedings take precedent over the audit, so she is at the whim of the cops

  17. I see Miti getting off free on this issue, his already started pleading with President Banda and complaining that his mother died bla bla bla, does he know how many people have lost mothers sisters and brothers due to lack of medicals in hospital because of the corruption in the ministry of health? How dare does this governement even hold a meeting to discuss wether Mr Miti should be arrested or not? The law ia the law if the man is involved let him be arrested, its not upto Rupiah to dicide who goes in and who doesnt? We really need a new constitution. Anyways thats Zambia for you documents will go missing and nothing will be done about it, Kapoko is really unfortunate in this matter he will be the scapegoat.

  18. The Auditor General is even announcing publicly that the forensic auditing will be extended to other ministries. She must be joking to say that to the public. All files in the other ministries will be worked on or will go missing and the whole exercise will be futile. There will be no evedence to prosecute the plunderers. On this one she has missed it. How do you tell a robber that tomorrow we are going to inspect your home to ascertain whether you have equipment for robbery? He will definately move them or destroy them. As a qualified auditor, you never notify the people that you are going to investigate them.

  19. Bloggers 6, 8 and 19. These are problems which are easy to criticise but not so easy to solve. The investigative wings have to keep document as exhibits, A forensic audit is an administrative act so it is less important, so dont just critcise, seek to understand

  20. Jamaco

    Greetings,who is your lawyer? I have asked coz nowadays you don’t comment coz you first have to get permission from your lawyer which is a disadvantage to us who enjoy your comments.

  21. Anna CHIFUNGULA wat a nice convenient appropriate name! keys are known as “imfungula” in bemba…go open up those “dirty” doors mama!

  22. lets face it whether we like it or not Zambia is full of dishonest crooks and
    thieves masking themselves as men of integrity…..integrity my foot !!!
    What investigations do u need for civil servant living beyond his means and he doesn’t even own one cooperation to support his income. Those fake riches have and will never have any bearing on the countries GDP,
    someone better come up with a method of weeding these guys out, we’re sick

  23. Its primitive way of how Zambian affairs are run.Roy Welensky is better on how He administered the country.Projects are delayed in health because of very few politicians and civil servants.We can not suffer because of few mistakes committed by a group of people.Think twice or else you find our selves in big mess.It pains and regrets to be a Zambian sorry for this.

  24. I dont have any faith in thesinvestigations. Its so funny that ka small thing Ka Kapoko is the one being prosecuted leaving Miti, Maureen etc free. Its a joke of the year. Ka Kapoko a nonentity in this scam has drawn the attention of the world , I really wonder. Let Miti and group go in please. Dont waiste time.

  25. Dr Simon Kamwendo Miti has seven houses at the PHI. Please someone in Zambia, bring this matter to the attention of Graphael Musamba and Rosewin Wandi. Baiba pafula.

  26. miti natampako ukulosha,ba post nabo bali nankwe pamatako the kashiwa bulaya way.the guys are just waiting to pounce on a few information and they’ll drown the guy.

  27. Pls stop wasting our precious time, Kapoko one of the internal enermies is too small in this matter. Miti is one who was approving all payments and should have been monitoring all the projects to ensure resources are channelled to the intended purpose and why is he still at home? it makes everything ball game. God knows really what happened. We are all closily watching the rules of your game and time will tell. Chiluba used to do the same and he thought he was a star yet today he can’t even fly 20metres heigh.

  28. #29, i cant agree with you more, kapoko is scape goat, How can miti complain to the president before he is found guilty? the bembas have a saying ati “akanwa ka milandu kalaibala bala”.So ba miti balelilila ba RB ati babapusushe ko? some people are more equal than others. Poor Kapoko, he is just an over grown kid. Alelekela ama veteran, they are scott free. loleleni, abena miti will go scott free too.

  29. In the Republic of Corruption , the poor are sent to jail speedily where as the affluent go there at a snail`s pace. Justice delayed is justice denied ,even in the Republic of corruption.

  30. On Auditor General, Anna Chifungula says the probe which was initially scheduled for completion on June 15, may drag on to the monthend alright and please do a good job.
    Sokwe kaamuleya katabi (The monkey failed to grasp a branch one day). Prevention is better than cure.

  31. The day the monkey is dying all trees get slippery!! Ba Anna mwebo, even if you drag the issue to clean MMD’s books it won’t work enough. MoH nabasulila kumwela nachipwa…. bagwileni chabe.

  32. Yea ofcourse, we know you will keep on delaying just like the Chiluba case. How many have you arrested or you sending them oversreas till the case cools down?

  33. Any excuse for delay is not acceptable. Who doesn’t know how easy it is to hide information when the powers that be want it hidden. Ms AG herself may have told auditors to change their reports or even refused to accept them. Guys, not all that glitters is gold. She’ll dig up the dirt on some people and get rid of the dirt on the ones really responsible – watch and see. But this is season when everything hidden shall come to light – time for the walls of Jericho and its nonsense to come tumbling down!!

  34. #29 Shocked- You’re disrespectful and should censor yourself. #40 Have you seen these 7 houses? Yes, Im a sympathiser. Why? because I believe in ‘Innocent til proven guilty’, If you think otherwise, thats your prerogative, but lose the juvenile language. This is an issue perpetrated by enemies.. I know this man.

  35. #30 forensic Audit means that even if people try to get rid of information or forge new documentation, it can’t be hidden because, a forensic audit can detemine how long ago a document was actually made n can also determine other anomalies therefore if pipo think they are smart by rearranging things, it will only cause problems

  36. Anna Chifungula should concentrate on auditing the Road Development Agency, the Minstry of Works and Supply and so on. At Supply, Mulongoti has employed his younder brother in a line Ministry when his young brother is far from qualified to do the job. How can one come straight from UNZA and become Head of Corporate Services?? Mulongoti must explain how come his young brother is at Road Fund Agency. Anna Chifungula has an issue with Miti. I think its a personality crauch. But in Zambia, it becomes accrimonius and personal. If there is no evidence of wrong-doing, no need to extend probing. Leave the issue alone and just say Miti was not involved!!!

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