Saturday, September 21, 2024

Seek legal redress- Shikapwasha


Information and broadcasting minister Ronnie Shikapwasha
Information and broadcasting minister Ronnie Shikapwasha

Chief Government Spokesperson Ronnie Shikapwasha has advised people unhappy with the High court ruling on the Dora Siliya tribunal to seek legal redress.

Lieutenant General Shikapwasha says Ms. Siliya has been cleared by the court, and concerns over her appointment as Education minister are unfounded.

He was reacting to concerns by UPND president Hakainde Hichilema and the Patriotic Front over the re-appointment of Ms. Siliya to cabinet by President Rupiah Banda, Wednesday.

Mr. Hichilema said when he addressed cadres in Lusaka, Thursday that it is a fact Ms. Siliya abrogated the public procurement system by entering into a contract with RP Capital without approval from the Attorney general.

And PF National Youth Secretary Eric Chanda said in a statement that the re-appointment of Ms. Siliya allegedly shows political interference in the Judiciary.

The Lusaka High Court on Tuesday quashed the findings of the Dennis Chirwa tribunal that found former Communications and Transport minister Dora Siliya in breach of the constitution.

Lusaka High Court Judge Philip Musonda ruled that the Dennis Chirwa tribunal exercised excessive jurisdiction when it invoked Article 54 sub-section 3 to declare Ms. Siliya in breach of the constitution.

Ms. Siliya was Wednesday re-appointed to cabinet as Education minister taking over from professor Geoffrey Lungwangwa who has been moved to Communications and Transport.



  1. Next time she will be VEEP and president later then RB will be first gentleman.Shame i hope Thandi is joins the FBI

  2. Good advice Minister R. Shikapwasha.

    As for “Mr. Hichilema said when he addressed cadres in Lusaka, Thursday that it is a fact Ms. Siliya abrogated the public procurement system by entering into a contract with RP Capital without approval from the Attorney general“, keep them busy president HH. You current leadership of the PF-UPND PACT shows that you have the energy to sustain the campaign for real change in Zambia, come election day, until 2011.

    However, please president HH prepare a public address to the whole Nation Zambia on how you made your 23 to now 40 Billion Kwacha. I am not happy that the MMD GRZ has not taking any seriousness to probe how you became rich. I need you to do the job for them.

    Have a blessed day you all.
    Prevention is better than cure…

  3. #1, I am with you on this picture. Slap some green on him and you have Kermit The Frog! So Dora has played her cards right, iyi ni animal farm pa Zed….some animals (yeah I said it, see pic above!) are more equal than others!

  4. What for, when we know very well that you control every thing including the courts and judges. you should be ashamed, Ba Rev.

  5. Ba General there is nothing sensible that comes out of that your mouth. If Dora knows what is good for her she should turn down that offer but she cannot see that it is not a wise thing to accept the offer. Anyway this has not taken anyone by surprise because we saw it coming one day or another.

  6. For starters i wouldn’t trust shikapwasha with my dog.Therefore i dont see credibility and transparency in what he says.Its hard to believe what these politicians say because they don’t live up to their words.Ba LT picture yakaena yacimfwa,yalenga umwana ayamba ukulila!

  7. It is very simple to know how HH become rich!!!! First of all, I wouldlike you to take back look the time MMD come to power… As MBA graduate, HH comes from some of the best prevelenged people, it would not suprise me this time his assets are measured at k52 billion kwacha. While at birmiham university,, HH was already employed getting around £65000 per annum. HH invested that money in different shares,,,,it should be noted he staeyed in uk for number of years, while working. when you have shares, that money keeps on multiplying at very good rates along your kwacha is stable. when he came to zambia, as an accountant he joined the compay he always you,,they still gave him shares. The comany he had shared won tenders by then zccm as receivership,,because of the tarck records,,,the compay.

  8. She may have been cleared based on the act under which she was brought to the triunal, but the facts as determined by same tribunal is that she made 7 breaches or violations. So where is the morality, credibility or integrity of the appointing authority? See the breaches:
    • Unlawfully signing the MOU which was supposed to be signed by the Minister of Finance.
    • By signing, she usurped the powers of cabinet which was supposed to endorse and bind this commitment to GRZ.
    • Committing GRZ to $2m (Nkhongole) without tender approval from ZPPA.
    • Committing GRZ to a sum beyond her minisry’s threshold.
    • Abrogating the public procurement act on limited procurement (single sourcing) and evidence shows RP went through her.
    • She signed a different MOU from the one availed to…

  9. Iwe chi Shikas ikalafye,icimona. You think we are happy about the state of affairs pa zed. Wi tutwala mukweshiwa. Fuseki………

  10. For far the pressure by UPND president and PF-UPND PACT leader HH (Hakainde Hichilema) on the MMD is good. I am reliably informed that HH has threatened for a (peaceful) demonstration against the appointment of Ms MP Dora Siliya to be Education Minister, who (Siliya) is expected to be sworn in as Minister today, if President RB Banda does not rescind his decision to appoint her following her recent legal problems.

    With this, I believe that the PF self-appointed leader Undereducate MC Sata is doing a serious job grooming and mis-grooming president HH to hopefully led Zambia as President in future through being the PF-UPND PACT presidential candidate. I will thus wait and see how this double impact will work.

    Enjoy your day – all.
    Prevention is better than cure.

  11. its time the MMD goverment go.. we are just tired of people behaving as though this country is there is.All the govt. dept. are not function properly because of donors who havent funded the budget. The donors have lost confidence in the current govt. The govt. is not intreseted in addressing striking personel. as long as there beries are full they care less.
    my appeal to zambians lets not make a mistake when 2011 cames.. RB need to rest at his farm. the current govt. has no vision.

  12. Shut up big nose and hyphocrite.U cant see that your freind is more that enjoying the woman.We Chipuba iwe.Chimutu!

  13. U chaps are just gealous. i will some be in the class of number one ladies and no one can stop me, am unstoppable not even tambawe benda can. besides, she is too small for that kind of weight but i have managed it well so far. you think it was for nothing that ministrial privileges were not withdrawn? young ladies, make sure you dont just enjoy the act of digging, ensure that you sure the gold as they dig from you.

  14. • Abrogating the public procurement act on limited procurement (single sourcing) and evidence shows RP went through her.
    • She signed a different MOU from the one availed to SG which did not have $2mm base floor sum.
    • On radars, tribunal found she went against Cabinet Handibook especially clauses 8.2 and 8.4.
    • Ignoring legal advice of AG (which she has challenged).

  15. So many Losers on the blog at this time of the day today. All they know is how to insult. I will come back in the night. I will wait for all these Internet cafe bloggers to go home. There has been mature and decent debate by the night bloggers. Let me go and work, see you in the nigh the night crew

  16. #9 awe Kermit the frog is too cute, on the other hand Miss Piggy i could swear she is related to D………

  17. it should be known that it is the overnment of chiluba who sold the company not HH. he was just a simple man but chairing many boards. you can never be rich when you are thief like kapoko, howover, the government or any other individual is free to see or check records with his company or your law efforecement agents to visits and verify,,after all thats why they do exists. I still believe HH will give zambia politics new direction, this explains why SATA decided to call him and join hands!!!!! sata is very sharp politian in zambia and can see this man is different. I would not be suprised if pact decided to have him as a presidential candidate. Also politics is about money,, if you have no money like sakwiba, Nawakwi, miyanda, it had to pernatrate zambian politics.

  18. The ridicule Musonda has brought on trhe Judiciary, has only himself to blame for. Look why didn’t this judge commit this matter to the supreme court. If the consequent judgement would have disagreed with findings of the tribunal, this would be easier to take because it would simply have been taken as a dis-agreement among peers.

  19. 14 KIZITO greetings. On your “It is very simple to know how HH become rich!!!! First of all, I wouldlike you to take back look the time MMD come to power….“, do not worry yourself. All I want it to see the accusations of plunder come to an end. In short, this is a good campaign message to all Zambian Nationals especially those who are skeptical and border on lies.

    So, let president HH clear his name like President Barrack H. Obama did it in the USA for all people to see him addressing the spread lies plunder suspicions by himself as PF-UPND PACT leader to be presidential candidate. This is the gist of the message as the double impact from PF-UPND PACT works for the benefit of all Zambians.

    Have a good day – bro..
    Prevention is better than cure.

  20. when judgement was against this girl, pres’ takes eternity to study verdict, when kangaroo court rules in favor of girl, he makes decision without even thinking. it seems umukamba RB alayatamba ama tan ta ya ka m’popo aka ka sillier

  21. 27 KIZITO. nice stuff. On “I still believe HH will give zambia politics new direction, this explains why SATA decided to call him and join hands!!!!! sata is very sharp politian in zambia and can see this man is different. I would not be suprised if pact decided to have him as a presidential candidate. Also politics is about money,, if you have no money like sakwiba, Nawakwi, miyanda, it had to pernatrate zambian politics.” Great stuff.

    Just wait and see how the double impact from the PF-UPND PACT will work. I hope and trust the come 2011, we will be in a new GRZ led Zambia.

    May the PF-UPND PACT and its leadership succeed in its growth and then strengthen its appeal to all Zambians so that voting will seal it all.
    Prevention is better than cure.

  22. Education is a very important sector in the development of a country. What experience has Dora Siliya got to lead this Ministry in Zambia? What vison does she have? Has she ever worked in education before? What are her records of achievemnet to do with education? You can not put any Tom. Dick and Harry in such a sensitive position like education because of politics….Education is the future of Zambia and you need a person with vision and cares about the welfare of people not a political appointee like Dora…Explain to me RBee why Dora Siliya when we have so many educated Zambians who have a record to suit the poistion of Minister of Education WHY?????

  23. MPONOX why are u acting like naiwe wali towingako ka Ms D.
    chibelo chibelo mwana bama eeeyyee chibelo chibelo chandetelela.

  24. I really dont understand what is happening in Zambia. Its like am dreaming. Is it really happening. God help Zambia

  25. Mwisho Ba Shikas nindo mulukufwaya, I think the position you are in is making Loose direction as a Reverand Such youeven diffen wrong decision to protect senseless Boss ,Plead with your senseless Boss to change you .big Nose ,big liar.big sinner ,or keep quiet on wrong things your boss is doing, for your own imformation your boss is the only senseless leader in the region, look around the region. True or false Shikas don’t pretend. I’m not saying you are a fool but you are behaving like one,sorry

  26. I think politicians have taken the Zambian citizenry for granted. Lets put our heads together to stop this rot. It is likely for the next govt to be worse. The presidence has already been set Military option will make it more worse. What we need is constitution that allows updating as issues come into being. In this way colossal sums of tax payers money will be served. Some of the deliberations and the voting trend in NCC leaves much to be desired. When are going to have a credible constitution?

  27. K’ADOYO ala bwafya ichalo chesu nomba we jus be watching.For real she will undress..Mama G,hw r u?Efyo iya kuli bena DORA…Bena they jus work using the below hahahahah

  28. Ruuney, how do you allow your bigself to be fooled by nyama soya sure, have you lost your senses or its the stomach business? Anyhow, Dodo, has really managed to sex her way up. whats the formula?

  29. According to the latest scientific discoveries, when your nose is big, it allows alot of air which disturbs ones thinking especially when you are in Zed where there is alot of dust which gets to your brain and makes a brain not to distinguish between sense and nosense, I gues Shika needs some nose filters to overcome this problem.

  30. Fellow bloggers, is there anyone with info on how the Merzaf Saga of the early ninties ended? I would be grateful to use it for my litereature review on Zambia in my thesis.

  31. 51 Deja Vu greetings. Is my username better now – sorry to bother you.

    Mwiyi uuzwidda/waku-Musanza = Maestro from the South.

    Prevention is better than cure.

  32. 411 ati Dola was seen at protea chingola on the 6th of june…… and guess who was in chingola before going to chililabombwe for the zambia rwanda game!……maybe she hs a new entry renard…lol

  33. After the game, he spent the night in Chingola. I dont know of any decent accomodation in Chingola other than Protea (If you have been there).

  34. #26 indeed you are a bootlicker. Thats why MWANAwasa fired you. How do you expect a person like you smaggling mealie meal to congo using a diplomatic passport yet you are no longer a diplomat. No wonder you have put your photo there so that RB can see that you are still surport his indiotic policies and bring you back into the system. You guys will never stop amazing us….. 2011 is not long you and your bululuzi like Rev Devil Shikapwaz, Mulongoti, Teta this is your end and bealive me. Mark my word.

  35. Its public knowledge that he spent the night in Chingola. it was even on ZNBC news then he left for Zim-zim and later Cape town. So I’m not sure where the knee problem got worse.

  36. Am sure ba Thandiwe was like “I wont go there, ine chatemwa bola, inkabafye panganda ba Bwezani” kanshi the undresser was already in Chingola!

  37. ifile chitika pa Zed, it is difficult to remain neutral, sex aside…!! This is ver annoying. 7 legal violations and chaps are saying seek legal redress. The ACC and Judiciary are on trial, Kaleza.

  38. wo! wo! wo! Shikapwasha, Iam just from visiting the National Assembly site. Guess what, I checked your Qualification. Your comment is typical of your qualification Bootlicker. Don’t worry though, Ni vwamu blood. Ubu call poll !!!!! Lol!!!!

  39. Icimoona ubukulu kwati pekelefye cula pamenso!! Suppose Harrington appeals and wins the case? What will the world think of Zambia. Shikas, try to pacify judgements made in your favour. We know the business you do better. This is lying, why dont yo uLI E AGAIN and AGAIN, this is the business we know from MMD. Id[ots.

  40. I repeat 7 tribunal findings which are: • Unlawfully signing the MOU which was supposed to be signed by the Minister of Finance.
    • By signing, she usurped the powers of cabinet which was supposed to endorse and bind this commitment to GRZ.
    • Committing GRZ to $2m (Nkhongole) without tender approval from ZPPA.
    • Committing GRZ to a sum beyond her minisry’s threshold.
    • Abrogating the public procurement act on limited procurement (single sourcing) and evidence shows RP went through her.
    • She signed a different MOU from the one availed to SG which did not have $2mm base floor sum.
    • On radars, tribunal found she went against Cabinet Handibook especially clauses 8.2 and 8.4.
    • Ignoring legal advice of AG (which she has challenged). Am still told to seek legal…

  41. #7 Mwiyi uuzwidda/waku-Musanza
    I think you have a point there though it might be seen as politically motivated. During the privatiztion which us the citizens actually got a rw deal HH got rich. If there where proper investigation into the whole process something somewhre would be not right. But its not the point here if HH and Sata feel hard done by they can follow the right channels is there has been judicil interfiarance by government it is through that process that at some point it will come out in the open. This would also help there case instead of always showing so much hatred for those in authority. He probably thinks i have the money the education and everything why not the presidency

  42. Obviously, Dora’s case, her acquittal and re-appointment has caused a lot of outrage but all these insults and personal attacks wont help. Wisdom is knowing how to challenge the leadership. A legal redress by a collective body of citizens is one way to do it.
    I also believe that there is a definite link between success and failure in leadership. If Dora has failed to perform in the past, she will avidly fail her future obligations. It wont be an easy road for her nor for RB in future anyhow since every one is watching their steps more closely. They might just end up crumbling under their own weight by 2011 if they excercise too much political muscle.

  43. politics of I AM THE PRESIDENT SO I CAN DO WHATEVER, is really retrogressive. BWEZANI AS PRESIDENT, knows that, there is tension surrounding Dora so as a leader why RUB IT IN THE CITIZENS’ FACE just because you can do it. IT MAY NOT BE A MATTER OF WRONG OR RIGHT BUT RATHER APPROPRIATE AND WISE which it is not . if he was interested in ZAMBIA TRULY he would at least give ear to pipo instead of appointing her at the first chance, THEN TELL PIPO THAT THEY SHUD RESERVE THEIR COMMENTS ATA. freedom of speech even if i speak stupid things its ok LET PIPO TALK AND HEAR TAKE HEED TO PIPO’S CRIES YASHANI KANSHI MWE BENA GRZ ????

  44. RB has no vision and direction he just enjoying the prevelages.. he won the election because he used to campaighn using levy’s legacy what is he going to use in the next election? which legacy is he going to dwell on?

  45. Remember you as Shikapwasha the BIG NOSE, BY and FTJ you killed the entire KK 11 in Gabon. 16 years down the line no report. Bongo has even died now, what next id[ots. Are you a real Rev? Is you church sex related like the appening in your CABINET? Spare the life of Thandiwe, she is still young

  46. Utuma Courts twaba MMD twalibola. The MMD courts are ruling, The Zambian courts are sleeping. The worldly courts stipulate that innocent until proven guilty. Ba revelend Ronnie, you and I know that God does not allow false witnesses.
    With God sin is sin, whether you do it secretly or publicly. you conscience will haunt you for the rest of your life because yours is a special case. You are still claiming to be a christian yet your dealings are messy. I expect you to call a spade a spade. You ‘re continuously singing your masters song. Learn from SATA. Thats why teti a ipile.

  47. Lt. Gen Ronnie Shika. You never fail to amaze me with your GRZ spokesman. How can you challenge pipo who not happy with the reappointment of Dorika to Education as Minister. Seek legal redress for what ? The result will be the same no matter what it takes.Before even the ink drying up on the judgemnt by Phillip Musonda a presidential decision had already bin made. Sekking legal redress aginst the appointing authority or Dorika. The whole thing is non starter. We are the masses who put you there for 5solid yrs and time will come when you will be going round seeking people’s mandate which you are taking for granted. Mind you inga wu shilikali unakukanga osa panga chongo like an empty time. Time will come. Think how you are going to deal with the AMAGEDON PF/UPND pact. Dont push your luck…

  48. God forgive Rev. Lt. Gen. Ronnie Shika. The man is preoccupied with earthly things, power has got his head as such he speaks the master’s voice. Day of judgement will come coz everything that goes round comes to a stop. Who thought what is happening Iran will ever occur. The power is in the hands of pipo. History repeats itself. You cant rule by cheating day in day out.

  49. My dog not only looks better, but also has more sense than shikapwasha. I can never figure out how this guy got to be Air Force commander!

  50. She was cleared, but not to take back her resigned position. One wonders what really this general is. Is he really a general or just some kaponya. He is asking people to seek legal redress. So he is asking you to either sue RB as President or the Judge. What nonsense is that?

  51. LT that photo scares the hell out of me, is that his best shot inhis album.

    These guys are quick to defend Dora, just how many is she extending her helping hand?????

  52. 77 C.I.A I think you have a point there though it might be seen as politically motivated. During the privatiztion which us the citizens actually got a rw deal HH got rich. If there where proper investigation into the whole process something somewhre would be not right. But its not the point here if HH and Sata feel hard done by they can follow the right channels is there has been judicil interfiarance by government it is through that process that at some point it will come out in the open. This would also help there case instead of always showing so much hatred for those in authority.“ I hear you my fellow Citizen.

    Let both president HH and leader Sata MC tell the nation about their past since the MMD GRZ has failed to.
    Prevention is better than cure.

  53. This mudala is also something else. He just opens his mouth and whatever comes out he goes ahead and says it plizee. At one time I thought Tete and Mike were bad news, but now I have awarded the certificate of senselessness and foolishness to ba mudala ba Ronnie. I hate to agree with terribel grade two teacher ‘s saying “Empty tins make the most noise.” I take off my hat to him, this man sure knows how to talk nonsense. It is sad to think at one time he even used to be in command.

  54. YABA LT please remove this picture from here. Ala Ichimona chachila though the bible says we are made in the image of God awe bane Ichi chimona te image ya balesa iyoo. We read that Rebecca was very beautiful so even God know s the monsters like chimona chabena Shikapwasha…. yaba hope I will not dream it.

  55. there were only two outcomes from the high court appeal by dora: win or lose.
    it’s like flipping a coin at the start of a football match, you get heads or you get tails, and you have never seen any captain cry foul.

  56. #93 Kambongolo. Awe kwena bane mwansekesha.Bushe mufumyakwisa ifi ifishobo?You are funny! Hahahahaha……….!

  57. OK everybody i know we are all upset let us resolve these issues peacefully, not the Madagascar, Iranian or Kenyan way but the Malaysian way. Zambia is a poor country already and we cannot afford violence, it will be very challenging to build our image afterwards. Kenya is struggling right now to build it’s image , in Jesus name we can’t go that way. Yes we are upset but let us find some other peaceful solutions like peaceful demonstrations, asking the developed countries including south Africa to ban these politicians from visiting their countries, freezing their accounts etc.

  58. I wonder is that an artificial nose or its natural. No wonder the thinking comes from there. The chap and his statements comes from his heart and not the brain. You are lucky to be there in that seat had Luckson not died in that accident you would be hiding in church as preacherman to extract a few coins from unsuspecting sheep. That man Ronnie is lucky to be where he is. He got finished, finished.

  59. I agree with Mr. Shikapwasha. Dora was cleared by a competent Court of Law. The problem started when Dora was tried for her conduct unlike if she was tried for some criminal conduct. The Tribunal was not the right mechanism, but the Court in the first place. Let us learn to use the correct law.

  60. Zambia has no justice system to talk about.The justice system is only there to inflict punishment on the poor.The president of Zambia is the justice system,they do only what he tells them.The poor must rise and bring this rotten government down.Big Nose knows too well that the so called justice only works in their favour.I foresee Zambia burning some day soon like some once peaceful and relatively successful countries e.g.Liberia,Ivory Coast,because of these goons you call leaders taking people for fools.

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