Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Govt happy with construction of Kaputa boarding school


Government has expressed satisfaction at the pace at which the K29bn boarding Secondary School project in Kaputa district is progressing.

Speaking when he inspected the school project, Northern Province Permanent Secretary Mwalimu Simfukwe said he was happy with the work done so far by a Chinese contractor.

The PS also addressed pupils at Kaputa High School and appealed to parents to stop the practice of marrying off their girl children at a tender age.

Mr Simfukwe noted that the number of girls in school was not encouraging and urged parents to accord equal education opportunities to both girls and boys.
He further advised the girls to resist attempts by their parents to force them into early marriage as this would ruin their future.

He said such parents who force their children into early marriages should be reported to relevant authorities.

Mr. Simfukwe said Government was putting up such education infrastructure because it realizes that education is key to national development.

The PS said the Boarding school project, which will take over three years to complete, would accord an opportunity to pupils in far flung places of the district to complete their secondary school education.

He said government was concerned that some pupils from far places were renting houses in shanty compounds because the district had no boarding facilities.



  1. Giving all these construction contracts to chinese is not helping our economy in anyway. I admit that our local contractors are a let down (shoddy works, poor workmanship, late completion of the project, sometimes they don’t even do the job).
    But to we need to completely sideline them like this? I think the GRZ should come up with a delibarate policy of forcing all contractors wishing to get GRZ contacts to partner with locals. In this way, whilst partially finacially empowering locals, there will be not only technicals skills transfer to locals but also “business ethics” culture transfer.

  2. That’s good news but ama chines they dont build permanent structures, please help local contractors as well as it is the only was of job empowerment for the locals

  3. Its the Chinaman building GRZ infrastructure all over the country what has happened to Zambian contractors is it still the issue getting paid and no show on site. This is killing the local construction industry. Mwalimu Simfukwe should not be surprised at the attitude of some parents marrying off their daughters at tender age. The view education is nothing at all coz looking at what is happening with high levels of unemployment nepotism & corruption in GRZ circles how does a poor man’s child get employed. Alot of them had invested so much in educating their children but upon completion there are no returns. Its good the high School is being put up in Kaputa but can the powers be look at curriculum its tailored to for white color jobs only. Look at brother across in DR C theirs informal

  4. where are our local construction firms,will these buildings stand the test of time? zambia dont cry am commin

  5. I hope the Gov have learnt a lesson , there is need for acountability in this Gov, we want to know who spends what and how , where and when. . These should be published for all to see.

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