Wednesday, October 23, 2024

MMD cadres beat up journalists


MMD cadres petitioning the party leadership to appoint President Rupiah Banda as party president. This was as the party's secretariate in Lusaka
MMD cadres

MMD cadres yesterday beat up journalists from the Times of
Zambia and The Post newspapers who had gone to cover the arrival of President Rupiah Banda from Uganda at the Lusaka International Airport.

A group of cadres confronted the journalists from various organisations at the airport at the time they were waiting for the plane carrying President Banda to touch down around 11:30 hours.

The group leader of the cadres immediately approached Times of Zambia senior reporter, Anthony Mulowa and asked him to produce his Press pass but he refused to do so.

The cadre then punched Mr Mulowa in the lower abdomen and he was only freed after he produced his Press pass.

The party cadres then descended on photo journalist, Richard Mulonga whom they dragged around and threatened to break his camera until the police rescued him.

Mr Mulowa has since reported the matter to central police station in Lusaka and said he could identify his assailants.

Earlier, Post reporter, Chibaula Silwamba was slapped twice by the same group of cadres before they forced him together with photo journalist, Collins Phiri out the airport.

President Banda condemned the violence by the cadres saying it should not be tolerated.

He said journalists were employed to inform the people and should be allowed to operate freely.

He, however, urged journalists not to be used to fight personal battles but remain objective in the manner they conducted their duties.

Paza president, Andrew Sakala challenged the top leadership of the MMD and police to ensure that the harassment of journalists was brought to an end.

He said in a democratic dispensation, people should be allowed to air divergent views.

ZUJ president, Morgan Chonya said as an immediate solution to the thuggery, the union reserved the right to instruct its members to stop covering the president.

Mr Chonya said this was not an attack on the president’s office but a measure to safeguard the lives of its members.

[Times of Zambia]


  1. Why is it that there are no criminal charges brought against these thugs?
    Does it mean that there is no evidence?
    Ba Post, take some pictures of these characters whilst in the act.

  2. Why do we not get comments from Teta,Shikapwasha or indeed RB on these matters????
    If anything they are behind this no wonder the silence any what goes around always comes around.One day it will be them been kicked and i hope they get a good kicking.

  3. This is a typical case of one blind leading the other…MMD cadres are the most intolerant, ignorant people I have ever come across. They have being led by a leader with no foresight hence this is happening.


  5. Cadres are doing their job, thats what they are paid to do. But people we should learn to be proffessional, this is not a party function. Am sure Diplomats are amused with the Buffoon behavior of the cadres. What a shame!!

  6. whats happening kanshi ba MMD ?? please sensitize your cadres, they should not act inhuman as zambia is peaceful,.Whats the law doing about it?

  7. So RB gave them a go ahead in collecting levies @ city market, then let alone, they ascend on innocent journalists doing their job, this shud come to an end. Teta/shikapwasha what can you utter now??

  8. This is simple as ABC. Just stop imposing yourselves on them and stop covering them.This business of imposing oneself is proving dangerous. These people don’t care.They have the money, power and machinery to retain power. Journalism of insults doesn’t change power play in Zambia. Do we remember how the Post insulted and rejected Mwanawasa’s Presidency until 2006? yet These MMD are still ruling.

    For heavens sake,why do the Post keep gate crashing at gatherings they are not wanted? When you are not wanted, Punish them with a blackout. Stop giving them news coverage. Denying them news coverage is the best weapon of punishing them.We could see if they would get heard by Zambians without the Post.Just fill all pages with Sata said this Sata said that, HH said this, HH said that.put…

  9. Why is RB behaving like a thug. Why are you against the post that you even tell your uneducated cadres to beat people who are doing their job. Where is press freedom?

  10. Put MMD on news coverage sanctions wherever MMD and RB is.Its not worth suffering for.When RB was not on the upron, they didn’t bother going there, but wherever he is they gate crash.You cannot impose yourself where you have not been acceptanced.What is so special in this business of risking own life with gate crashing RB meetups?

  11. What kind of hooliganism is this? they do it because they know they can get away with it.. Politics getting dirty back home….real shame..Thought Zambia is a peaceful country

  12. This business of gate crashing for cook more insults on RB and the MMD which has been declared as a war against him and MMD is dangerous.Its like the MMD isrestraining itself chosen never to allow gate crashers anywhere near them.The million dollar question is why do the Post keep gate crashing at gatherings they are not wanted? When you are not wanted, Punish them with a blackout. Stop giving them news coverage. Denying them news coverage is the best weapon of punishing them.We could see if they would get heard by Zambians without the Post.Just fill all pages with Sata said this Sata said that, HH said this, HH said that.put them on new coverage sanctions wherever MMD and RB is.Its not worth suffering for.

  13. Journalists gather information and disseminate information. They need no invitation unless it is private function. #9 Wapya munzi, I don’t know you would say the same to Fox Channel here in the US. In fact they have a reporter stationed at the White House despite how they report on Obama. Thuggery in whatever form cannot be supported. The government own to unsellable and unreadable papers which will never give the true reflection of what is happening in our country. Look at the blog we get from Senior Citizen (Ben Kangwa), it is really deplorable. Imagine him as editor at one of those papers, what news will you be getting? He will be the one rolling on the ground together with that poor woman at the airport. So, beating reporters in full view of Lusaka police chief (small letters)

  14. Poor cadres…been used like prostitutes by MMD, PF or UPND…to execute evil plans..

    For a peace of chiteng, packets of Shake-shake and they are the reason we are called a third world country…shame..

  15. No 13 Wapya Munzi…………..How can a Head of State be given newsblackout? thats not possible anywhere in the world.Journalists can never be gatecrashers unless its a private function.Bwezani is a public man being paid by taxpayers money

  16. Do not forget that RB has come with his UNIP thugs to MMD. This is typical UNIP thuggery of the William Banda type. Haven’t you heard that William Banda works at State House? And what orientation can William Banda give to anybody apart from thuggery. Like some bloggers have already stated journalists should stop covering Rupiah Banda and his MMD. He is not worthy dying for. And this backward culture of crowds of cadres welcoming the president at airports is repulsive.

  17. After this kind of behaviour then some one will be preaching to me to go and invest in Zambia bu****t that’s why wise be dont get involved in Zambian Politics. I know how these thugus are can be rough. MMD in Ndola used to organise parties for students and these i,d.i.o.t.s would come and pick us from our colleges. ou could not say no or you got really kicked. They dont use brains they use physical power with chamba and shakers in there heads they are upto know good

  18. cont. So, beating reporters in full view of Lusaka police chief (small letters) means the officer is also a thug. Probably I should also accuse him of arming criminals in Lusaka. Journalists, like priests have a sacred place in people’s lives. Without them we are doomed and will never know the truth. We are headed to a slippery slop should we be the ones to abate this nonsense. Even RB himself, instead of just condemning the incidence, he had to qualify it trying to justify the beating of Post Reporters. What logic is that? It is sad that Zambia has been subjected to such mediocrity and some people seem to be seeing roses all over without seeing the thorns on the stem.

  19. why do the cadres go to the airport?? who invites them?? dont they disturb other people who use the airport??? why cant RB stop them from going there?? Do they add value to anything??

  20. Extremely sad situation. These cadres must be encouraged to go back to school and get jobs. Its like they are making ends meets through cardism. In fact cadres must seize to exist. we are in modern times now. can some one right to the president over this shameful situation.

  21. What benefit to the ordinary citizen has Post coverage of RB at the Airport brought?….just way lay some unsuspecting dancers …let them follow their master and new found comrade Sata. I sure would love mmembe to stop covering MMD…..but we all know mmembe is too business minded to do that….i feel sorry for mmembe’s people though….MMD cadres should slap mmembe not these chola boys/girls

  22. I like this war RB is starting with the Post. He will lose. They have the pen paper, he has the ignorant cadres who cannot write or read. Banda is fighting a losing battle. You cannot declare war with free press unless you become a dictator and shut them down. So, which way Mr. Banda? Will you fight fairly or you will use under belt tactics? Cadres, the law will catch up with you and Banda will fail to defend you unless again he dictates to the courts. So, who loses, both Banda and his cadres.

  23. Kalos2020,

    What are you talking about? Journalist to the WH are on acreditation.There is screening there its not a place of every getto jouarnalist.

  24. Tax payers want to know how there money is being spent the other papers will not report only the post can do that. Zambia does not belong to RB and his carders alone he is president for all Zambians so reporters can be infact should be where ever he is except his private matters, if we let him bee then Zambia will sold to chain and finish kaput

  25. Being MMD cadres does not mean they are above the law.So please let these hooligans face the law and let democracy and peace prevail.

  26. The tarmac is for all. The cadres should instead be fighting for a chance to one day lift off that tarmac and be exposed to tolerance, kindness and accpetance. Ubututu is a b*tch.

  27. Am yet to hear RB’s comment on this issue! its every sadt hat no action has been take to stop such. If it was the PF, it could have been a different story with the head of state urging the police to arrest them.

  28. Kalos2020,

    You think you can go to WH to insult the Commander in-Chief? Give me one such journalist or paper that has Mmembe Post version of Getto Jouranalism in the US. The American journalism is practiced with responsibility irrespective of its agenda and sensationalism, fundamental values are strictly observed.

  29. #32, Whoever did? Did you ever see the Post go to the Airport or even State House to insult RB? When was RB ever insulted apart from telling the truth?

  30. # 28 Kelchi,

    I admire your zeal as if you registered to vote this time around or power design has shifted from the ballot to the blog.My friend, we are in trouble, Ba sata and HH are discredit losers too busy with insults in the post when Chi Banda is on overdrive canvassing around the country with old and new voters exercise just closed when we have been blogging 24/7. You think, he is jocking?

  31. I’m tired of being an armchair critic.Could i have names here of selfless and determined bloggers keen to join me in taking over the opposition mantle from these useless retards we have been supporting yet they have been robbing our collective opposition dream with off the caff rubbish talk? I want issue driven opposition game changers otherwise, MMD is reigning for a long haul.The Sata/Hichilema have failed Zambian voters. Its time for an objective issue driven opposition.

  32. # 32, Senior Citizen, I will give you Glen Beck and Sean Hannity on Fox Channel. These two have not up to now even called Obama as President Obama. What are you telling us? With regard to the Post, they don’t even sensationalize but tell it as it is. So, are you in support of the beating of the reporters?

  33. I’m not surprised that the MMD is laughing all the way to the bank and have already sealed mandate for 2011.They are now quitting politics for other things because they find nothing to worry about because we have an opposition entrenched in tabloid insults.This is all when RB is busy fundraising campaign funds and canvassing the country on an declared campaign.Voter registration is over when we are busy insulting in blogs and tabloids.

    Its time for our own leadership and not these tabloid insulting machines.

  34. Are you sure it is the MMD cadres doing this?Open your eyes RB is not MMD at heart.Ready to destroy the ruling party before 2011 as it happened to one of our neighbour.UNIP Please.

  35. # 39, the sad party is that RB has moved to MMD with William Banda has adviser. We are seeing these because of the William Banda who Seinor Citizen and others who support MMD have failed to control. The William Banda Vigilantes are moving in. Soon women will be dancing every evening at Markets seeing Malawi Songs.

  36. The only difference between MMD cadres and Post Journalism is the method of applying their violence. Let them square each other, one using the pen while the other using punches. Its a good fight!!!!

  37. Senior Citizen why dont you just shut up. You MMD are cooking a pudding that you will fail to eat, Zambians are watching and angry. Only the post informs us about how our money which pays for Nguni to protect us is used. Nowander your government can spend 68 million on a cow and only the post reported about it.

  38. Kalos2020,

    Have you ever heard them calling any President even brother Obama a Monkey, Baboon, scoundrel Mmembe uses on RB? I’m no stranger muchalo chino but well grounded.Do think the ethical practices of American media could buy that even for a day? RB has been very soft and tolerant in the history of this country leaving the insanity at the Post as if actors are immortal. Its his level of education and Global level exposure driving this tolerance.I know that Mmembe is very bitter because he has realised that black mailing and insulting RB are not yielding expected result of curving him to be economically exploited the Mwanawasa way.Do you know that it was until ZA was tabled for them that Mmembe called Levy Presid? RB is a typical educated politicians hard to manipulate through pen

  39. This has been going on from the era of UNIP .nd we are all to blame.Right now Greenwell Nguni should be prosecuted for neglect of duty.But the spineless lot that we are he will retire happily

  40. #32 Senior Citizen
    Its good i dont know where you live, i would have squeezed them apples till your eyes pop out, mate you make my blood boil. For now let nurse this lump on my throat.

  41. #22 Denkete, You are talking man! These foolish cadres are uncivilised and lack morality. They are not even real supporters to the so called MMD but are doing that just to earn a living. The one to blame is the President because he is the one who asks them to go and dance for him in the process they beat up our innocent Professinals…alas! If they don’t have job’s or they lack skills to venture into any Enterprise let them (Cadres) join the other smart people who are crushing stones to earn a living. Brown evelopes from the MMD is not a lasting solution!!! And where are these political noise makers in the name of Mulongoti and Tentamashimba(Tatamabornes) why are they quit???

  42. very interesting, hope my peeps can see what MMD really are and not brush all these events aside when they vote again.

  43. Donner countries must stop funding this gvt of thugs. What this leadership forgets is that one day they will not in power and will need these very journalists to have a voice

  44. Following Mr “President Banda condemned the violence by the cadres saying it should not be tolerated… He said journalists were employed to inform the people and should be allowed to operate freely.“, the only way to show me as a Zambian some seriousness over this condemnation is to fire the Police Chief who witnessed the beating but failed to act on the MMD cadres and to also have those cadres that beat up reporters identified and punished by the appropriated system.

    Otherwise, MMD at the full authority of Mr President RB Banda is inciting violence in the country as other cadres from the opposition might think this is the way to do things.

    Be blest all.
    Psalm 16:8 I have set the LORD always before me: because he is at my right hand, I shall not be moved.

  45. Following Mr “President Banda condemned the violence by the cadres saying it should not be t o l e r a ted… He said journalists were employed to inform the people and should be allowed to operate freely.“, the only way to show me as a Zambian some seriousness over this condemnation is to fire the Police Chief who witnessed the beating but failed to act on the MMD cadres and to also have those cadres that beat up reporters identified and punished by the appropriated system.

    Otherwise, MMD at the full authority of Mr President RB Banda is inciting violence in the country as other cadres from the opposition might think this is the way to do things.

    Be blest.
    Psalm 16:8 I have set the LORD always before me: because he is at my right hand, I shall not be moved.

  46. How many times are these innocent jouranilst gonna endure such brutality from the MMD Vigilantes! If it wasn’t for the puprpose of earning a livelhood, am pretty certain there should have been no such torturous endurances! I would be in support of a coverage blackout for a day! Be it from from public or private media. A combined effort. Sady its just a pipedream. No way would ZNBC, Times, Daily would shut off! This act actually stinks cause it was done in the presence of security and defence chiefs! It smacks I should say!

  47. There will be a press briefing at MMD H/Q in Lusaka. Speakers include William Banda, Scorpion Kadobi and Bobo. All Post journalists should be sitted by 09:00 hours.

  48. THE POST also ought to know that this act of thuggery they are experiencing at the hands of these MMD hoolingans is just a tip of what they would receive from the more vicious PF cadres.they should stop proping up SATA as the man and his siblings know violence at it’s will be an insult to intelect to boot out Rupiah and his zealots just to settle for SATA and his band whom i can only liken to the Khmer rouge of for goodness sake THE POST should abandon SATA has their material engine room infact they even know him better than us.they know what he can be when he is vested with a little power.The MMD fools also ought to know that THE POST is the only paper that will stand by you when you are in the cold you need to be good to them.times of zambia and daily mail naba…






  50. was winding up by saying times of zambia and it’s sister paper the zambia daily mail nibamuselela kwakaba.just a day after you llose the elections ninshi fyachinja and you will see were shikapwasha,tetamashimba and mulongoti will be running to for press coverage.

  51. Am so disappointed with the Bwezani led mmd. Why can’t the President just condern the cadres without defending them indirectly.

  52. what else can I say but affirm the fact that we Zambians are so docile and impotent. We have allowed dull and s.t.u.p.i.d MMD thieves to continue spitting on us. Can we really go on like this on the premise of “a peaciful Nation”???. No people enough is enough , let us rise and kick these thugs out of State house. Remember nothing comes without a fight, good things come after a good fight. YOUN MEN AND WOMEN, LET US RISE UP AND MATCH WITH ONE ACCORD TOWARD FREDOM, LIBERTY, EQUITY AND EQUALITY in our country. Let us put docility aside so we fight with valor and bravery. Let us not relent but combine our relentless efforts and vigors as we face the MMD thugs. REVOLUTION 2011.

  53. Kambongolo, You too i admire your fantasy to talk as if you have registered to vote this time around or power design has shifted from the ballot to the blog.My friend, we are in trouble, Ba sata and HH are discredit losers too busy with insults in the post when Chi Banda is on overdrive canvassing around the country with old and new voters exercise just closed when we have been blogging 24/7. You think, he is jocking?

  54. #9, 11, 13 Wapya Munzi, I totally agree with you, these reporters must boycott this president and his thugs, soon they will kill somebody. Rupiah is hard core UNIP and is applying what he knows best, VIOLENCE! #18 Blue Blood you are spot on.

    #26 Senior Citizen, it is amazing how you can display your ignorance on straight forward issues but you may be forgiven because it is clear you chose to see things differently. Rupiah’s arrogance and disservice is irritating the nation and this explains why he surounds himself with cadres and corrupted useless police.

  55. #24 moron ni moron…oh, my bad, i meant Boma ni Boma, wat u’re sayin is just coz the post gives pineapple face (RB) bad press, they shud get beat up? That makes total sense to u? admit it u MMD chaps (Engines, Boma, Senior watever) in your arguments, u’re always clutching at straws coz u really cannot justify the actions of your kinsmen the cadres. how does RB say he wont tolerate violence when at the press conference he practically justified it? # 30, Shimuchita, give a brother props, not once did i mention dude or dudette in my monologue. am i improving or wat?

  56. 24 moron ni moron…oh, my bad, i meant Boma ni Boma, wat u’re sayin is just coz the post gives pineapple face (RB) bad press, they shud get beat up? That makes total sense to u? admit it u MMD chaps (Engines, Boma, Senior watever) in your arguments, u’re always clutching at straws coz u really cannot justify the actions of your kinsmen the cadres. how does RB say he wont condone violence when at the press conference he practically justified it? # 30, Shimuchita, give a brother props, not once did i mention dude or dudette in my monologue. am i improving or wat?

  57. 59 Deja Vu greetings. Of course the figure ziu gave were National as I also put it and you are welcome for the thanks on the Northern Province ones.

    Be blest.
    Psalm 16:8 I have set the LORD always before me: because he is at my right hand, I shall not be moved.

  58. 59 Deja Vu greetings. Of course the figure you gave were National as I also put it and zou are welcome for the thanks on the Northern Province ones.

    Be blest.
    Psalm 16:8 I have set the LORD always before me: because he is at my right hand, I shall not be moved.



  60. #25, Correction please, RB did not start the war with the Post. Every one knows that the hatred started when Magande was not elected as MMD Presidential candidate. I hate the assault on journalists, but we should all have the right history of this situation and why our society has become so polarised.

  61. In the Short term RB was right to be president, but We need a leader now, freedom of expression is not his strong point. I ‘m loosing trust in RB and his thugs. I don’t think he’ll be able to win the next election with out rigging (MMD have mastered this). In north western province, people had voted with out knowing that they did. ( Victor Mubenga was said to have voted but he was in hospital in Ndola on the day of the elections). some MMD guy please explain this one.

  62. #53 …. Come 2011…I will be back home. And for your information I have been voting since 2001. I am not like you guys who just blog and end with blogging, but I am a person who knows all the country -sides of Zambia, who knows the sufferings of Zambians, who knows the politics of Zambia. Thats why this time I want very much to remove MMD-thieves out of office so that a younger generation takes over. Young Zambian men and women are highly enlightened and are above tribe and regionism. They want to work as a unity without any discrimination premised on any dull grounds as we observed from these dull old people.


  63. 1964 to 1991 It used to be UNIP Thugs and from 1991 todate it is MMD Thugs. When is this thuggery ever going to stop?? It was a bit quiet during Levy’s rule, what does this say about KK, FTJ and now RB?

    Mutule!!! Mutulee!!! Mutuleee!!!!

  64. # 65.Nkole wa fimo fimo………..your rants are so retrogressive old man. As much as we appreciate you beeing an MMD bootlicker, we would also appreciate if you became objective in your analysos of the matter at hand. Journalists have been assaulted in the full view of MMD ministers and police commanding officers and the assaulters had the audacity to brag that they were powerfull than the policy. To you nkole its all well and good since you are bootlicking RB. Remember that MMD has no monopoliy of violence, all people have those rights. The time people will start defeding themselves against the MMD thugs is when you nkole will know that ZAMBIANS ARE NOT AS IMPOTENT AND DOCILE AS YOU THINK. Dont take the longsuffering of zambian people for granted NKOLE..

  65. #13,Do you really think the Post would do without news about RB?They can afford not to cover Ken Ngondo,Miyanda or Ben Mwila and their kitchen parties, and still make sells but to be honest with you they can’t afford to ignore RB and his MMD.There’s no party that attracts so much interest to read about than MMD and its intra-party drama for obvious reasons.Just imagine how boring LT would become if they stop bringing stories about Magande,Siliya,Chirwa,Mpombo,Teta,Mulongoti and RB!The Post & Co simply need to revise their tactics cuz with Bwezani & Co it’s not just cutting.M’membe knows why he keeps saying “these are hard times”.Chimo chikafwapofye with a canon camera between the legs and a zampen mukutwi cuz these political thugs are hard!Them they know no police!

  66. My proffession in this country has lost itscredibility because leaders in government dont appreciate what a journalist does. For the police officers and a number of minister who cant even spell their names rightly, to be whatching when journalists a being beaten really makes a sad reading. The same chaps who are beating those innocent journalists every morning run to the street to buy news papers. Who writes what they read? That is if they know how to read?
    Rupiah with his cadres should be punished by stopping to cover him on any functions. As journalists in this country, we shall mount a serious company so that all government functions are blacked out. No coverage. Let the caders start covering Rupiah with his ministers. The man cant even call for the arrest of those thugs. Shame!

  67. I just liked We send an open warning to Rupiah. You have the police and all the coercive forces in our country at your disposal. We are not in a position to stop you in your abuse of these agencies. It is your time. Do what you want. Our time will come, even in death, in our small graves. You will pay for your actions by the POST in their editorial comment today.

    Indeed some former Presidents are facing crimes against humanitz and such crimes can be instituted against anyone.

    I wish President RB Banda all the best in his future life.

    As for the POST, just do what is right so that zou can sell but stop insulting Zambians whom you do not like, please.

    Be blest.
    Psalm 16:8 I have set the LORD always before me: because he is at my right hand, I shall not be…

  68. Kambongolo,
    My bro’,i like your zeal to come and vote,to come and help change leadership to be precise,but if you coming to change leadership my bro’ by putting your vote on sata then better stay where you are boss,dont just come.we’ve had enough in the pan we dont want to jump in the fire.

  69. Rupiah,Mulongoti and the red liped Teta whose lips looks like he’s 4rom drinkin UMUSOKANSOKA not 4gettin da MMD THUGS are a disgrace to Zambia,no wonder da British High Commission is moving its office to pretoria in south Africa,da best dat Rupiah shud do is to step down en maybe the so called peacefull and christian nation can be saved.

  70. By the way, are these violent tactics that we are now noticing in Zambia not the same as those being entertained in Zimbabwe.

    Zambians, let us guard our great Nation from the Zimbabwean Dictatorship violent behaviour. It appears that everything coming from Zimbabwe is not good enough for Zambia and so it is time to claim the peace we as Zambians have always enjoyed even under former President KK s one party state participatory democracy that was simplz a dictatorship.

    As you reflect upon these things and support the UPND/PF PACT to form GRZ in 2011 or any time soon when elections shall be held. I am now thinking that Zambian Citizen Sata (Grade 2/6) may be a better dictator.
    Psalm 16:8 I have set the LORD always before me: because he is at my right hand, I shall not be…

  71. There’s intolerance in all spheres of our society starting from our politicians and their political parties right to the media.Just look at how the Post quickly move in to insult those who choose to hold views divergent from theirs.Just recently some women NGOs were called all sorts of unprintables for not siding with them on the Kabwela issue.Even on this blog just look at how some bloggers attack and insult those who don’t agree with them.Its chaos everywhere!The MMD as exhibited intolerance towards its critics both within and outside its party.The Post has equally exhibited its tolerance to ANYONE who choose to disagree with them to the extent that any enemy of their enemies automatically becomes their friend.It’s sad.

  72. #53 Akapondo dude, u’re damn rite. rite now there is no saviour politically. we’re talkin two deranged chaps (Sata & RB) and rite now its an issue of choosing bwtn two evils tho God help us if its any one of these two.

  73. BREAKING NEWS! Sata and HH have publicly released First Lady Banda’s JULY payslip. Apparently the Ministry of Education still pays her despite her resigning. What’s your take on that?

  74. LT, disappointed in you. These days you seem to report only on palatable things to you – you are reporters so you can commiserate with fellow reporters. But where is the real news??? Kapoko’s case is on – do you have noone to cover it? What I’d like to know is when the PS and directors in charge of admin, procurement, accounts and audit will be held accountable. Well, at least the Post is free these days so we can catch up. Step up and raise your game LT otherwise people will think you’re just a front for MMD!!

  75. Lady Chiza’s Legs , Sign of desperation and failed thinking at worst.Sata should know better as a veteran politician that Thandi in her capacity as first lady is in multi million Kwacha funding.Would she really start drawing a merger ZK 600,000 monthly pay from another school she never even worked? Can they establish what Bank account the deposits have been going into and what details of the payee in the Bank are? GRZ payroll are in the habit of collecting money on Ghost and retired workers.And Sata may just be embarrassed and bruised as bitter and malicious chap.

  76. #91 EASY – Fact is money is being paid to some ones account. Mwana money is never enough. That ka 600pin can help the least related relative. May be to you its pocket money other wise you are defending what you dont know.

  77. #82 Akapondo……who are you to tell me not to come to Zambia? What level of education do you have as to bwe-bwe-bwe at me like that? What authority do you have over me as KAMBONGOLO? Tell me? Next time please refrain from coming closer to me. Respect me as much as I respect you.

    next time dont buy sata’s the height of 91 elections.he had just abandoned kaunda in the 89th minute when every one was gone.he was always at the post giving them false imformation about kaunda including the imfamous sindamisale issue,immediately chiluba became president and he became his trustee he abandoned the post and started calling them names.if this man had zambians at heart wasn’t he going to be telling us the evils chiluba was commiting against us.instead he went to be in the forefront of making laws to fix chiluba’s advesaries.remember?

  79. #88 ladychiza……… The husband and daughter or sole , and wife are both corrupt. Imagine as if she is not in millions she is still stealing K800 000 from poor Zambians. Where are the MMD-corrupt police to arrest her? She has been stealing from poor Zambians indeed. SHAME ON THEM, RB AND DAUGHTER or sole wife.

  80. there should be a media blackout for this hippo RB and his thugs. In this day and age reporters are being attacked for doing their job?
    Chansa should have publised those pictures

  81. Ba kambongolo,
    Iam amazed at how you have found yourself and that fit of are right i shouldn’t come closer to you because i dont even desire to.moreover there is nothing that you can do to me that maestro hasn’t tried to do to me.on your tuntrums about education.we stopped admiring you people with semi qualifications in kaunda’s era when opportunities were matter how many degrees you can hang on the wall i can’t envy you maybe i can even give you a job,to be polite i can consult you based on your qualifications and pay you. So you stop that nonsense of boasting about education.

  82. police where not only supposed to rescue the journalists but also arrest the cadres…what double standards is this?

  83. haha after a long time from LT I have come back no wonder Zambia will never develop with the current state of the politicians and their cadres instead of jostling for development but the expending their shameless efforts on Journalists who inform them the ills of society.

  84. Not too bad compared to Mr Sata’ Scorpin Kadobi’ and ‘Ezther Nakawali’ antics. I think this type of cadre behavour is slowly dying out, we must however recognise that at the height of it there was Sata, the post’s current darling.

  85. Can Senior citizen comment on #88 Ladychiza’s blog.

    #91 Easy, You seem to know the GRZ payroll system very well and are well informed regarding Thandiwe’s payslip. Now instead of going round in circles why don’t you just give us the facts, Sata and HH have displayed their evidence.

  86. Senior Citizen, I thought I was the only one who had trouble understanding your nonsensical writing. Can you now respond to all these calls by the rpogressive bloggers like #102. Senior citzen, wake up and start living because you are truelly living in cook land on stolen little change from those thieving masters of yours.

  87. “He, however, urged journalists not to be used to fight personal battles but remain objective in the manner they conducted their duties.”,From this statement ,its clear that the MMD Cadres are doing this with the blessing of Rupia.May RB’s soul rest in peace.

  88. Kalos2020, please don’t argue with a scambag like Senior Citizen. He is full of nothing but cr@aP!! He is one of those MMD paid agents planted in our embassies and missions abroad to do the MMD’s bidding instead of Zambia’s. You have given him the perfect examples, but because he thinks with his head between his legs, he refuses to acknowledge the truth.

  89. I believe all have noticed by now that LT has made firm decision to be MMD mouthpiece and not report on anything negative about RB. Any reference or mention of the president by his names is now filtered out by LT! How low can you sink LT?

  90. Pipo on this blog, hi all. In every corner of this world you can be, lets face the facts. This is 21st century surely we do not need cadres at the airport dancing for the president. those days of UNIP era are gone.

  91. Imwe bonse i know you have read the post and know the fact that this whole thing happened in full view of Greenwell Lungu Lusaka division commanding officer. Infact, the post reporter shouted for lungu’s help and he decided to look away. Nangu mucite filter ba LT the post is now free so all you guys can go ahead and read! Shamuneni, SHAME!!!!

  92. bung bung bung! Mrs Banda is still on pay role. Without post paper you will not gone get the news. What is the deal of RB & Dora? Could someone shade me light on this two and their friendship. Is the president in relationship with Dora. In Livingston that time Dora quit har ministerial post she was in Livingston with RB in a private room, doing what @ nite.

  93. If you get a mouse and peanuts and you put both in one room, who eat the other. That is what I mean. Is RB enjoying Dora and her red lips? Iwe Ka Tandi wokeup!

  94. Thugs will always be thugs just like a thief will always be a thief. Taking a penny without authority is as much a theft as is the taking of one billion kwacha. So those who steal a penny have stolen and must face the law.

  95. Thugs will always be thugs just like a thief will always be a thief. Taking a penny without authority is as much a theft as is the taking of one billion kwacha. So those who steal a penny have must equally face the law.

  96. #98 AKAPONDO…..what nonsense , you think I am in the Kaunda generation. Heeee man !! how incurably dull you can be. I am a very young man who has worked hard for himself and not depending on favours from others. If you want to consult me in any field of business and economics you are wel come. I will give you free knowledge coz your money is too small for me.

  97. Senior citizen, your ignorance is appalling. Obama has been called a communist, murderer (for supporting abortion), stupid etc by Fox news reporters (research on Rush Limbaugh). Infact Limbaugh has said he is praying Obama fails as a President. Has a linch mob been unleashed on him

  98. Ba kambogolo,
    blow of your trumpet and come down to earth where you belong.bonse tatuli bakote.twapusanafye imisungilepo.imwe mwalisoma mwikala mu diaspora emo mubomba noku fola salary.ifwe tatwasoma but everyday tulapenda.nikwisa mwaikala one of these days i can get a ka flight just to come and poopoo in one of the top hotels in your area nokubwelako same can take me around nkesa milishamo.

  99. What is going on there in Zambia? President Wachimpuno Chikulu seems to be fast asleep while reporters are being beaten up. Where are the police? Banda has proved to be the worst President Zambia has ever had. He has not sense of direction where he wants to take Zambia. It looks like very soon the mishanga boys will take over the running of the country.

  100. KK’s silence is deafening, why isn’t he saying anything sensible other than the AIDS bra bra….

  101. I think jenalists should start moving with knives and screw drivers to protect themselves.Use the self defence tactics and in no time, someone will act for the better.. Why should they be beaten in full view of lusaka police commanding officer and did nothing about it. This is being Stupid and why should Mr. Ben Kapeso say that they have not recieved a complaint? He is being Silly, so unless you complain, its normal to be roughed up in public..I ve seen political violence and so far,only opposition political party caders are appearing in court, MMD caders have never been arrested before…Pure ANIMAL FARM

  102. Journalists being battered and a president just watching and smiling? How amazing. That’s my beloved country – I wonder whether we have any leaders left these days.

  103. The pen is mightier than those blows thrown by those thugs on the loose. Use your power journalists to decampaign that disorganisation out of their comfort zone.

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