Sunday, January 19, 2025

Zambian Journalists demonstrate against continued harassment


Journalists during a protest against harrassment by political party cadres in Lusaka
Journalists during a protest against harrassment by political party cadres in Lusaka

Journalists from different media houses and media institutions in Lusaka yesterday held a peaceful demonstration against the continued harassment and intimidation by sections of society.

The Journalists who displayed placards and banners with messages,”abashi intimidation, Save the media, Journalists need respect among others, unsettled security personnel in their attempt to calm and sympathise with the journalists.

This was during a petition presented to government over the continued harassment of journalists by political party cadres.

Presenting the petition, Media Institute of Southern Africa (MISA) Zambia Chairperson Henry Kabwe condemned harassment and violence against the journalists saying that the harassment should not be tolerated it is capable of becoming uncontrollable.

Mr. Kabwe demanded protection of journalists from the police because journalists are merely doing a noble cause.

He expressed hope that government will comprehensively study the petition effectively and in a conducive manner for the good of this country as far as information dissemination is concerned.

In response, Vice President George Kunda said the media is exemplary executing its duties diligently to informa the public but sounded that some articles issued by the media are provocative.

Mr Kunda reiterated government’s commitment to addressing hooliganism against media personnel in the country.

He said government is equally disturbed about the continued harassment of journalists by political party cadres saying government condemns all forms of violence and harassment of media personnel.

Vice President Kunda said there is need for journalists to work in harmony in the interest of developing the nation and media growth.

MISA (Z) members, Press Association of Zambia (PAZA) members, Zambia Media Women Association (ZAMWA) members, Zambia Union of Journalists (ZUJ) members and Post Press Freedom Committee Chairperson Webster Malido were among the people who attended the petition presentation protest ceremony.

Others who attended are Journalists from the Zambia National Broadcasting Corporation (ZNBC), Zambia News and Information Services (ZANIS), Zambia Daily Mail, Times of Zambia, Mobi Television, Muvi Television, Yatsani Radio, Radio Phoenix, Qfm Radio among other public and private media institutions.

Information and Broadcasting Services Minister and Chief Government Spokesperson Lieutenant General Shikapwasha, Home Affairs Minister Lameck Mangani, Permanent Secretary in the Office of the Vice President David Sampa and senior government officials are some of the officials who witnessed the petition presentation ceremony.

On August 6, 2009, a Lusaka Magistrate Court granted an MMD cadre K3 million bail for harassing and assaulting a Post Journalist Chibaula David Silwamba and Times of Zambia senior reporter Anthony Mulowa.

Lusaka Magistrate David Simusamba slapped a K3 million bail on MMD Lusaka Province Youth Chairman Chris Chalwe for assault.

Chalwe, 42 on another count is accused of having assaulted the duo who are journalists.

Facts before the Court are that Chalwe on July 29 did assault the two Journalists causing occasioning actual bodily harm contrary to Section 248 of the Penal Code Chapter 87 of the Laws of Zambia.

The court adjourned the matter and it comes up in court on August 18 for mention while trial is expected to commence on August 28, 2009.



  1. Its a pity that Mr Rupiah runs away each time there is a crisis. It would have been better if the petion was handed over to him.

  2. But you guys should also stop sensational journalism.especially you guys from THE POST your quest to tear RB down will have very serious repurcussions.the way you have taken up the war with Rupiah is unethical.even a kindergaten pupil can deduce have even abandoned other serious matters just to concetrate your war with Rupiah.what you are forgeting is that being a national president and a political party president he has a big following of sympathisers who are now frustrated hence what you are receiving from their much as we have resigned to see RB depart as soon as possible,unethical journalism should not be accepted in a developed society.what is bemusing is how suddenly hardcore brutalist like sata are now the source of your news.have you forgotten him or you are…

  3. In the meantime, the Globe Trotting PRESIDO is out of the country on an unknown mission.
    He should be voted the most widely travelled President if there is such a title.
    The president has no care in the world.
    Well, he was awoken from slumber by the cabbage was he not?

  4. Meanwhile Chalwe, et al must stop issuing inflammatory statements against journalists and any well-meaning Zambians as failure to do so puts the peace and security of the country at greater risk of deterioration into anachy and lawlessness.

  5. #1 I totally agree with you. Each time there is a crisis RB passes to the buck to GK and it appears GK has no strategy. Even this petition by the pipo in media needed the attention of RB. Cadres think they own this nation and can do whatever can do under the sun. I doubt if this harassment will ever come to an end. They pretend to condemn cadres violence but on the other hand they encourage them in the name of the party.

  6. LEADERS at all levels of our society should inculcate a culture of wholesome traits such as loyalty, honesty and industriousness not what is obtaining in this era. There is alot of hell in this country.

  7. #1 Deja Vu, you should know by now that RB’s interest isn’t Zambia. His interst is bashes and he will go anywhere where there’s a bash. He’s got that UNIP bashes hangover.

  8. I urge all print and electronic media personnel that if GRZ will not do enough to curb harrassment and violence from MMD thugs as promised by His Hon Veep GK. In order to continue informing us positively, entertaining us and uncovering dirty being swept unde the carpets of power. Since life is a gift from God thru ower parents, IT IS ONLY PRPOER THAT YOU DO WHATEVER ITSV TAKES TO PROTECT YOUR LIVES, INCLUDING TAKING UP DEFENSIVE SPORTS SUCH AS MARTIAL ARTS. I COULD NOT BELIEVE LAST TIME WHEN I SAW EDDIE MWANALEZA RUNING FOR HIS DEAR LIFE AT CITY AIRPORT. JOURNALISTS should brace for more tough confrontations with those in power. OUR POLITICAINS ARE THE SAME BE IT IN RULING OR OPPOSITION. They u are there as their PR officers. Give HH or KC chance to rule he will charge at you more as well

  9. #2, The Post are doing the right thing-informing the people on what is going on in the gvt such as stealing, nepotism, corruption, etc. The other papers will not dare say anything against their pay master(s) for fear of getting fired. Hence, you should appreciate the service that is rendered by The Post under this brutal government.

  10. RB cannot solve the problems he likes others to solve them and moreover this is a very serious case that need his attention as the head of state.

  11. @ 11 I think Akapondo has a point.There is a difference between investigative journalism and vengeful writing. When a paper uses its influence to fight personal battles and take out frustrations on others then you have to question who is being served. I feel worthy news is being sidelined in favour of all sorts of nonsense on Banda. This govt is very petty and so is the Post, they are like-poles and so they repel! One will have to get wiser than the other if this embarrasing fight has to end. As for all genuine journalists, bravo to you, continue fighting for your freedom,it’s a worthy fight.

  12. At 42, you are no longer a youth. Upper limit age for a youth is 35 years old. Let the MMD youths elect a youth 35yrs or below to be the MMD Provincial Chairman.

  13. # 13, Eiffel, yes the reporting is slanted, but it is not up to the govt to choose what is written in papers. The readership regulates the media. If people are not interested, they not write or buy such papers. I am just concerned that govt finds offense in criticism and attacks those that criticize them. If the Post is biased, what would you say about the Times of Zambia and the Daily Mail? The biggest problem is that Zambia is turning back into the UNIPist Socialist State were everybody is under control by the govt. If one thinks one paper is not serving them, don’t buy it. Others that feel served will relish and read it. That is how free markets operate. People by nature like watching two people or teams fighting, hence the Roman Gladiators, Boxers, UFC, Tapout, Soccer matches, etc.

  14. #14 Zulu, do you mean the Post is silent? I did not know that media means the Post. Are you eliminating Times of Zambia and Daily Mail from being considered as media? The problem is that your govt and most of you are so focused on the Post that you have since stopped reading the other failed outlets such that you want to have Mmembe write praises. At this point I would consider Mmembe a genius such that his paper has dwarfed the other forms of media to near extinction. Now the`Post in Zambia is like Surf for washing powder, Stork for Margarine, Bra for every breast cover, Colgate for every toothpaste.

  15. # 16Kalo2020,
    I totally agree with you my bro/sis. some people don’t understand the importance of having a private media in the country sometimes I tend to think that it is for the benefit of the general public especially taxpayers though this thinking might offend some people like engine, Mr. Capitalist , Akapondo, etc. I think its high time we realised that development in Zambia is mainly a product of strong government opposition.
    imagine what country Zambia would have been without the opposition parties as well as the Post.
    imagine that everything you buy from the media is a product of time, dailry mail and ZNBC.
    I can assure you that even Levy could not have done what he did.

  16. There is no journalism in Zambia. Hre is what I mean. 1. Journalists in Zambia report things when they come out in the open. This renders them useless. We need journalists who dig out facts before they become public knowledge. Most of the times they report what the politician or leader says. Who cares what they say. The people care about the story behind the story. The truth of what is happening. 2. The journalists in Zambia do not have investigative prowees. They depend on press conferences where speakers say scripted speeches sugar coated with what half truths. We do not see journalists storming people for information. “Efforts to reach so and so for comment proved fruitless”, or “So and so was not available for comment” id a common phrase in our papers or TV news. Where are the

  17. journalists? They are many at the protests. All these cannot reach somebody for comment? 3. Most journalists take sides. They are not principled and would like to cross their rivers at the slowest and weakest currents. They do not take risks, they are not united. They do not involve their readers. Todate I yet to see or read a story where the masses are involeved. The thoughts of the public to be heard or seen on TV and read in newpapers. The invovement of people that matter: clergy, lawyers, businessmen, housewives, fathers, mothers etc in to the matters of the society. What happened to the story of Dora Siliya? Is it still affecting us? Yes! She is the Minister of Education, educating Zambians that you can be corrupt and still continue in leadership position. Where the teachers

  18. interviewed or asked about their reaction..I did not read anything. Stories hang and they are thrown away without closure. If journalists are harassed, i mean if all the Zambian journalists are harrased by the government. Express your feeling in the paper and TV. The government should feel it in your writing and reports. Your weapon is not protesting in the streets. Your weapon is writing about how you were harrassed. If the editor does not print it, let him go around and collect the stories by himself. If he fires all of you. There are other means of reporting, together all journalists make up a strong team. Now stop being babies and act like journalists. Write the truth to BBC, CNN, etc. Send you videos to them. Use the internet. Create blogs. Today there are many avenues of getting your

  19. stories out. This is not the 1960s. The moment you start behaving like journalists, you are going to be respected. As a journalist, you have to earn the respect and not claim it in the streets with badly written signposts. Move with the times. Move with the technology. There is only one thing that would make the Zambian Journalists to be respected: Report objectively. Do not support the governament just because they pay you. If one day journalists will bring down a corrupt government, the next will think twice before behaving badly and will respect the power journalists have. Think about things the government should do and ask them why they are not doing them. Then journalism becomes relevant. You report their campaign promises but you do not follow up in your breadcast. Think about it….

  20. This is the most digraceful president Zambia has ever seen! He will leave that office a disgrace. I just hope who ever assumes office will cage this disgracefull president. Disgrace is his name and title! Zambia did not vote for this president thats for sure.

  21. #4-Shimaster2. Ati shani muntu wandi.Uli mwana CB naiwe te.U have reminded me of Bagdhad (kwa Sinya) and ku Biafra ( Chipulukusu)

  22. Zambia needs serious prevailing prayers. There is something going on in the spiritual realm that only those who are walking closely with God can discern. Ephesians 6 :12 -18 . The battle for Zambia will not be won only by Physical methods such as Peaceful Demonstrations, Speaking out, law suits, task forces, blogging etc but mainly through spiritual weapons 2 corinthians 10:3 – 6. Can someone start a website for Prayer for Zambia, that is the only hope we have right now just to turn to God otherwise whatever is happening in the natural is so frustrating and depressing. God cares for the future of Zambians Jeremiah 29:11 and we have to pray it through and claim thses promises. God bless Zambia as he is our only hope during these trying times in our Nation.

  23. Organizers of the International Great Lakes Regional Conference have not yet received confirmation on whether Sudanese president Omar Hassan al-Bashir will attend.

    They say they will only know on Sunday.

    The conference is on-going at Mulungushi International conference centre in Lusaka.

    Zambian vice president George Kunda opened the conference on Saturday.

    But the presidents are expected to start arriving in Lusaka Saturday evening and continue flying in on Sunday.

    Is it in order for the Vice President to open the conference where is the President, bloggers kindly advise.

  24. What a mess. Don’t blame RB blame the Zambians who voted for him. I would not be surpised if he wins again. Voting for RB is a refelction of the Zambian society, it is equally rotten. No apologies!

  25. #16 & 17 Kalos2020

    Kanshi naiwe walikwatIsha amano chilumendo. Some people on this blog are so daft that they fail to realise how hard the Post has worked at building and selling its brand to make it what it is in today’s Zambian media.


  26. On “Mr Kunda reiterated government’s commitment to addressing hooliganism against media personnel in the country. He said government is equally disturbed about the continued harassment of journalists by political party cadres saying government condemns all forms of violence and harassment of media personnel.“, why is it that the political party MMD’s name is omitted from the above journalists by [MMD] political party cadres?

    Let the MMD leadership which does not seemingly include Vice President G. Kunda condemn their cadres’ hooliganism against journalists and other Zambians with opposing views. This can be best done by MMD acting president Mr President RB Banda even if he went to South Africa for medical treatment when journalists present the petition…

  27. #s 1,5 7etc Reflects lack of deep thinking. You mean to say that the great majority of you guys do not see some value in the President’s travels? Presidents interact for various reasons. I will not think for you, just give you a hint: Look around you, read and see what is happening on the international stage.

  28. As for the Post, in its current form it is no longer worth a comment.
    They have even sacrificed somebody’s beloved wife for their selfish political ends which they want to disguise as press freedom.

  29. #28 New Zambia, you have answered your own question, haven’t you? You said that the Presidents are expected to start arriving in Lusaka on Saturday evening, didn’t you? You may exercise your brain by answering what Vice Presidnet Kunda opened!

  30. Maesrtro RB has condemned the thuggery of the MMD cadres on the journalists who are now facing the full wrath of the law. Infact the president condemned the violence as soon as it was reported. I have not heard Sata condemn the PF cadres who beat up their fellow party members this year. The reporters were allowed to march freely and without any hindrance from the police or other authorities. I dont think that the govt should curb press freedom but at the same time we must be able to see that currently, Mmembe is acting in his own self interest not in the interest of the country. He is not objective. All of us in one way or another have to be accountable for our actions and that includes politicians and journalists. Whether you like Banda or not, the poeple of Zambia voted him into office.

  31. NATIONAL Union of Communications Workers (NUCW) Ndola branch chairman Mwepa Chilyobwe has refuted assertions that the partial privatisation of Zamtel was supported by all workers. Reacting to NUCW president Patrick Kaonga’s statement that workers were the first to get the news of privatisation of Zamtel, Chilyobwe said that was not true because the employees were left out of the whole process.
    “As the Zamtel workers, we have never been given a platform by our union where we could air our views but we were surprised when we read in the Daily Mail newspaper dated August 5, 2009 that we were of the idea of partial privatisation of the company. Our president Mr Kaonga is not telling the truth because we have been left helpless after the [planned] partial privatisation of our company as…

  32. Our president Mr Kaonga is not telling the truth because we have been left helpless after the [planned] partial privatisation of our company as workers,” Chilyobwe said.

    He said the national union did not consult the workers on what their views were regarding the partial privatisation of Zamtel.

    “We were not asked on what our suggestions were or maybe the solution to the current problems the telecommunication company is facing, what the percentage of the partial privatisation would be, so the statement by Kaonga that he made to the newspaper was unfortunate, misleading to the nation and did not reflect the view of the workers,” he said.

    Chilyobwe said it was important for union leaders to get views from the workers and present them to the government and management.

    “We are…

  33. Chilyobwe said it was important for union leaders to get views from the workers and present them to the government and management.

    “We are in a position of helplessness now as workers have lost faith and trust in the union leadership. The poor leadership that exists currently in our union is unfortunate and does not have our blessings,” said Chilyobwe.

    Last week, Kaonga said Zamtel workers were the first to get the news of privatisation of the company because they were not only stakeholders in the company but also Zambians.

    Kaonga’s statement came in the wake of President Rupiah Banda’s announcement that the government had decided to offload 75 per cent shares in Zamtel to a strategic partner while the remaining 25 per cent would be floated to the public through the Lusaka…

  34. Kaonga’s statement came in the wake of President Rupiah Banda’s announcement that the government had decided to offload 75 per cent shares in Zamtel to a strategic partner while the remaining 25 per cent would be floated to the public through the Lusaka Stock Exchange (LuSE).

    However, several stakeholders have opposed the manner in which the government is handling the privatisation of Zamtel with others calling for the immediate release of the valuation report on the company that was carried out by RP Capital Partners of Cayman Islands, which was single sourced by the Ministry of Communications and Transport to undertake the exercise .Zambia needs serious prayers.

  35. Why are LT readers such sensationalist drama queens? Reading some of the posts above, one would think that Zambia is worse than Somalia or Afghanistan.

  36. 37 Kalembo kanga greetings. Following your “Maesrtro RB has condemned the thuggery of the MMD cadres on the journalists who are now facing the full wrath of the law. Infact the president condemned the violence as soon as it was reported.“, can you please quote for me the exact words that Mr President RB Banda used to condemn MMD cadres for the thuggery they did on POST and Times of Zambia journalists.

    To the best of my knowledge Mr President RB Banda simply said cadres, but cadres from which political party please from his (President RB Banda) mouth?

    As MMD acting president, and not Zambian President, why hasn’t Mr President RB Banda pushed for the suspension of MMD youth chairman from the MMD under its NEC to show that he doesn’t encourage and support thugs?

  37. 37 Kalembo kanga greetings. Following your “I have not heard Sata condemn the PF cadres who beat up their fellow party members this year“, I have equally not heard PF self-appointed leader Sata condemning his PF’s cadres but this is not a problem as PF is not running GRZ and PF cadres did not beat anyone at the Lusaka International Aiport in full view of Zambia Police high level officers.

    On “t think that the govt should curb press freedom but at the same time we must be able to see that currently, Mmembe is acting in his own self interest not in the interest of the country. He is not objective.” Leave him alone and let God give him his reward on judgment day as you clearly will never change his way of thinking. Defeat him by truth and works.
    Matt 6:33

  38. I do not have the quote but RB and his cohorts have said that they do not support the violence. Again, the demonstration was carried out without hindrance so what more do you want? As i have said the perpetrator of the violence is facing the full wrath of the law. So we should let the law take its course. This shows that Zambia is a lawful country and not some anarchic state that is being portrayed in some circles which in fact does more harm to the country than good. As many people have said regarding Mmembe – he would have more credibility if his criticism of the govt was not based on his own personal interest. If you look at the way he vilified Sata during the 2006 elections, it begs the question as to what sort of man would now be supporting the thug he described then.

  39. Like I wrote above just leave Mr mmembe and his POST Newspaper alone following your “As many people have said regarding Mmembe – he would have more credibility if his criticism of the govt was not based on his own personal interest. If you look at the way he vilified Sata during the 2006 elections, it begs the question as to what sort of man would now be supporting the thug he described then.” Since the only way to defeat him by producing truth and public appealing works, just form your own Newspaper and then publish the truth in it and even show his character too if you like as opposed to trying to argue about what he must write to please you.

    Every human being does things according to his personal interest as I do also because of following God’s law.
    Matt 6:33

  40. Thus, avoid contracting BP or possibly having a stroke/heartattack by letting Mr mmembe support Mr Sata MC (Grade 2/6, unknown) as he is doing and never mind about his past attacks on Mr Sata as Mr Sata is a human being who might have talked to mmembe possibly that he has changed for the better from his previous bad behaviour. Actually, whatever the case, Mr mmembe and Mr Sata a individuals who have the capability to choose who to become friends with regardless of the disposition of those friends-to-be.

    Check out the Zambian Constitution on freedom of association. I hope this will help you to stop thinking that you can control the way any one human being thinks and chooses to do things.

    Have a blessed day as you wake up to reality and reflect on the above.
    Matthew 6:33

  41. True, Sata may have changed. However, would it not have been expected for the Post to let us know why they have changed their stance regarding him? In that way they would actually be doing a public service so some of us who are yet to be convinced of Sata’s credentials might also be persuaded to support him. Again, I would have been more inclined to support Sata if he had condemned the violence perpetraded by his supporters. You are right, PF is not in govt now, but surely all those seeking public office should adhere to the same standard? It is almost as if you are saying that he can be a violent thug now but when he gets into govt hopfefully he will change. Violence where it occurs should be rejected regardless of who is carrying out.

  42. My friend, following your “PF is not in govt now, but surely all those seeking public office should adhere to the same standard? It is almost as if you are saying that he can be a violent thug now but when he gets into govt hopfefully he will change. Just vote for the person who will be appealing to you when time shall come for you will never achieve the issue of everyone following the same standard. Just look at us called Christians with the 10 commandments to follow faithfully as a same standard, but how many worship God, our Creator, on the Sabbath Day as expressed in the commandments apart from SDA church christians?

    All I am indicating to you is that Sata MC (Grade 2/6) will do what he can as an opposition political and PACT leader but is not in GRZ.
    Matthew 6:3

  43. My friend, on your “True, Sata may have changed. However, would it not have been expected for the Post to let us know why they have changed their stance regarding him? My answer is it would not have been expected for “actions speak louder than words” and all you have to do is notice their support for him.

    Again, if you do not like what the POST and mmembe report just read other media or better still open your own Newspaper to offer the Zambian public your standpoint on the events happening in the country. This is better than complaining for being a complaint writer and talker will never change the situation for you.

    Thus, do something for Zambians and Zambia so that your actions can be noticed to especially with regards to your preferred.

  44. Given that the Post is influencing the Zambian political landscape now to which as a Zambian i am also party, I feel that it is my right to question Mmembe’s motives and actions. Your suggestion of opening my own newspaper is facetious. Not everyone is in a position or has an inclination to open a newspaper but that does not mean that those that do should not be accountable as to what they publish. I dont read the Post but its effect on Zambian life does have a bearing on me as a Zambian who cares about the future of my country. We often criticise politicians for being self serving so perhaps so why not criticise journalists who are creating tension in the country simply because they did not get what they wanted from the government?

  45. On “Given that the Post is influencing the Zambian political landscape now to which as a Zambian i am also party, I feel that it is my right to question Mmembe’s motives and actions“, kindly stop complaining and do something to influence the political landscape by yourself.

    The POST is doing everything possible to take food to their families and so your complaints will not help you.

    Have a good day.
    Matthew 6:33

  46. At age 42 years Chris Chalwe, as someone else has already pointed out, is no longer a youth. He is one of those Zambian men that are leading a purposeless life. He should get a life not venting his frustration on innocent journalists. A few months in jail should help him to act his age.

  47. #54 That is the tragedy of this nation. You remind me of a street vendor selling food items at the peak of the cholera epidemic. When asked whether she was not aware that her actions were fuelling cholera she responded that she needed to feed her children (never mind who dies from the disease, as long as I can feed my children). To go further with your argument on Mmembe, all criminals (including murderers) should be released from prison because they were only trying to feed their families.

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