Sunday, June 2, 2024

Chipolopolo’s dismal performance dissappoints fans


Zambian Soccer fans have expressed their displeasure at the Zambia national team’s dismal performance during the 2010 World/ Africa Cup qualifier in which the desert Foxes emerged winners by 1-0.

ZANIS sports reports Zambia Voluntary Soccer Fans Association (ZAVOSOFA) patron Peter Makembo saying this in an interview today.
He said Zambia wasted a lot of chances to win last evening’s match.

Makembo however says the national team played well despite not scoring goals adding that they should remain focused.

He advised the Herve Renard’s technical bench to consider including other foreign based professional players each time they are playing against a strong opponent.

Makembo said Zambia’s chances of qualifying to the 2010 world cup in Group C are now slim because they are third on the table with four points.

Algeria is leading the Group C table with 10 points followed by Egypt in the second slot with seven points.

Zambia has four while Rwanda with a pantry two points only.Zambia will meet Egypt and Rwanda in next month in October in the on-going 2010 joint African and World Cup qualifier.

ZAVOSOFA has also expressed disappointment by the Algerian government who allegedly denied entry at the Mustapha Tchaker stadium in that country to some Zambian soccer fans who wanted to watch the match Zambia and Algeria.

Pastor Makembo stated that it was unfair for the soccer fans to be treated in that manner when their mission abroad was to go and cheer the Chipolopolo Boys or the National Team. .

He stressed that Zambia accorded them a special treatment to the Algerian soccer fans when they played the two in Zambia in July, this year when the two teams played at Konkola stadium in Chililabombwe on the Copperbelt.

He accused the Algerian Football Association of demoralizing the Chiplopolo boys and he appealed d to that country’s football governing body to look into the matter as this development frustrates both the players and the fans.



  1. Ba Makembo naimwe, tamwaishiba ati tu Zambia tumakula???some bloggers here were busy saying fyonono fyonono ….we will win, but tell me what happened..

  2. We are a hopeless nation. We run things in our own country like its for other people. Leadership has no ambition and all we do is justify our failures. mediocrity is our second name. Excellence bapongoshi. we laways think that someone out there is so much interested in our country that he will come and develop it for us. Its very sickening to have mediocre minds at the helm of leadership everyone. Just to give an example of how follish we are as a nation, we organised a friendly with Ghana and so much taxpayers money spent but what do we do? we dont show up as team we want to assess but field hopeless boys. I have never heard anyone asking the people responsible to account for the wasted money.

  3. Its time to change leadership everywhere sport, economics, social konsefye. Sometimes i feel we deserve the leadership we have because how do these thugs called leaders get into positions if we dont want them? I am tired of living out of my country because things are just too bad. I know some of you (bancekelako, bapompwe mushibilansala) are saying things are ok. Umwana shenda atasha nyina ukunaya. We are a century behind in terms of anything that could be called meaningfull development. Our roads are worse than countries ukwali nkondo.

  4. It beats me that after spending so much on the preparations of this game, the s.i.l.l.y boys are coming back empty handed, not even a ka point! K1.3 billion gone just like that and forgotten.

  5. Well said Dr Panado. 45 years after independence we still do not have a decent stadium and we expect miracles to happen. Shame on our selfish leaders.

  6. When you read this story it shows how apologetic we are even when we are being unfairly treated. As usual we are expecting someone else to help us be treated well. Life is tuff and has no space for cry babies.

  7. We were lucky not to have lost by a huge margin,to expect to win away to a team that is so prepared with known intentions is living in self denial.We may not even qualify to the africa cup for obvious reasons,we are a finished lot

  8. FAZ need to suck their pride. Kalu is big headed and same apply’s to the coach. We need action and not reference when on duty. **** the boys.

  9. Can we have the marching orders fro kalusha Bwalya and his clique. these gys have plundered enough its time to try others. hannif adams was much better than this team of Celebrities.

  10. Dr Panado,

    I feel the same pain you have expressed here. And you have rightly put – mediocre. All angles. Political leadership aside. We hardly have what we term term a Zambian value system. For example, I have attended workshops where instead of a junior being sent to attend a workshop where such a person can contribute effectively in the deliberations, an executive/ or director in a ministry is the one who attends and instead of staying for the entire period of the workshop s/he has to excuse her/himself to say s/he has another important meeting after only being there for an hour or so. If it is a two-day workshop, you only see them later in the afternoon of the last session to collect fuel allowance.

  11. Zambia is a failed nation all round. There is dead wood in political leadership going all the way down to FAZ because they feel they are indispensible and not answerable to anyone. Just look at how Kalusha and his executive miserably failed to organise the team for friendly game against Ghana in London recently. It was such an embarassment and reduced Zambia into laughing stock. Just sack Kalusha and the entire FAZ and replace them with men with a passion and dedication to football. Zambia has lots of talented people to revive the sport.

  12. I have nothing wromg with the way Renard is trying out players its better the prevoius way of using same failures. i think we can put up a strong and consistet team at the africa cup.

    what we need to do now is kick out Kalu and his team we need a new way of running football in our country

  13. Iwe makembo, even Algerie wasted a lot of chances. zambia should learn to win games at home first and not cheating themselves that they can collect six points in north Africa when they had nothing from a game in chililabombwe. Infact Dr Panado has rightly put that we need complete over haul of our leadership especially in politics and sport. The current crop of leaders especially in these two areas are there to fatten their pockets and have no heart for the country. remember we were supposed to host all africa games but have failed because of the same hopeless leaders. malabish…….

  14. And as if that is not enough, organisers of the same workshop would not even tell you or provide a report of what has been done following resolutions of the workshop itself. For organisers, ifit is a donor-funded programme that is money well spent and they would proudly present it as target achieved in their end-of-year reports. We think we’re being clever yet it is gross idiocy.

  15. This thing of saying our team was mistreated by the host’s officials is ALWAYS being mentioned and that officals have been directed to look into the matter but nothing and absolutely nothing is ever done so please just shut up! Lies lies and lies atase bakolwe!

  16. we cant develop in any department, as we are just ruled by the same people from 1964 till date.i dont know why we zambians dont realise this. everywhere around the world things are changing, but in zambia we are either at 1 point or going backwards. it pains that we pretend not to know the origin of all our problems.

  17. You Bloggs stop, yuping about rubbish, it’s not Kalu fault or Faz, we have a shortage of top quality stikers, it not just zambia that are dealing with this problem. if we can’t score then we can’t win , simple.

  18. Ba Kelvin, but why is it that other teams are able to score even 1 goal. It is not just having top quality players, a lot is involved: FAZ, Football management in Zambia, Funds, etc.

  19. Who is shocked at this result, I am not. 11 of us commented last week and told the team to enjoy their holiday in Algeria; and to inferiority comlex driven Zambians Arab nations are always stuck up like that. Balitumpa, female body inspector we have greatness in Zambia Amon Simutowe, Esther Phiri, Nawa the female golfer; thinking of it our women are bringing us glory e.g the Nachula sisters. God has blessed Zambia it’s up to us to move with him.

  20. Somebody had to win that game, but it certainly didn’t look like Zambia. I still feel we shouldn’t cry so much about the money spent. To cut costs maybe our team should have gone to Algeria by Tazara, carried bunz groundnuts and cassava and slept in military tents outside the stadium. We must go back to winning wayz convincingly at home then hope for a good rezult away.

  21. We are not a football nation, we are a corrupt nation. Our founding father Kafupi taught us to steal not to play football. His professional goalkeeper Rupiah Bamba is the number one fan for corruption. Anyway the only good thing is that Tetamashimba is a dead ma****er now.


  23. Some optimism amounts to stupidity! When did Zambia last qualify for the World Cup? Its better they are out now so that we do not waste any more money. Can we concentrate on things we are better at like Accounts, Ubuloshi, Corruption and Bututu?

  24. Tiyeni uko imwe. Do expect Kalusha bwalya to go in and play? We have have no players of Kalu’s caliba. Kalu was never substituted in his captain’s carrier!! Namupwa ba Katongo!!!

  25. #24,

    Bravo…………………. Well said. We are a truly blessed nation & some of the sentiments we are saying about our own land are down right SHAMEFUL.
    Any nation gets a leadership that it deserves. God helps those who take the initiative.
    Lesa twafweni,Amen.

  26. #21 Kevin, – First of all I cannot make sense of what you are trying to say, what do you mean by ‘stikers’ and ‘yuping’? And overall you seem to contradict yourself when you talk about the ability to scre or not to score.

  27. If only these guys could see how we sweat to make the money bangasha,they cud proably get serious. Ala tulacula kumacito ifwe! Elo batuputwila huge taxes to be squarended by the useless futbol team. Twanaka nama blunt bullets! And to think we might nt make it to angola,shame on us-no shame on them…

  28. #21 we have failed to develop because of pipo like you. You don’t want Kalu to be blamed because he is no longer playing after missing that penalty which cost us the COSAFA cup in our own backyard? Since he came in as FAZ president, what programs has he put in place to improve the so called “stickers”? Nothing! He is more of a celebrity who spends all his time in SA. Tell me his residential address in Zambia. You can’t manage football by remote. Lets be real. Munaile is busy with the NCC. FAZ is being run by Eric Mwanza, a mis-match and public mis-fit.

  29. The problem with our country is that we are not concerned with how we spend public funds. Fyaboma but who is boma or who suffers if the so called boma does not perform. Boma is not RB and his hopeless ministers but all of us. No single Zambian should be allowed to dictate our destiny . An accountant or economist would agree that there is no meaningful return on investment in soccer. Why do we continue investing in it? Look at our mines, they have been run by all sorts of characters called investors or infestors. They ve done nothing to improve our country. The road to Luanshya mine 4exa is a clear indication that fools were running the mine because they could not even resurface their own road but we expect such to care about our bros and sis working 4 them.

  30. 4 how long have we run mines on own? Do we need these mediocre infestors to do it for us? PLEASE PEOPLE I LOVE MY COUNTRY. We ve no reason to fail. We ve human resource, land, mineral resources, water, excellent rainfall, excellent soil for farming but what do we ve as Zambians to show for all this? when you travel to other countries you wonder why other countries are doing so much better with 10% the resources we have. Zesco, Lusaka and Shit Company they cant provide basic services with all the power stations we have, rivers everywhere you look but no water. Countries like Botswana without rivers ve water running 24/7 and power all time. Potholes, we cant even put posters to warn motorists. Its actually more logical to put warnings like “no potholes ahead” coz thats what is uncommon.

  31. I dont want to say much about our sick leaders those in hospitals or dead. The question is Can we honestly say these people whose future is highly questionable can have long term future plans which they wont even be part of? I LOVE MY COUNTRY PLEASE PEOPLE LETS GET BACK THE COUNTRY FROM THESE THUGS ITS NOT TOO LATE. The bible says “what does it benefit a man to own the whole world but looose his soul”. My own translation of this is also that “WHAT DOES BENEFIT A MAN TO STEAL ALL PUBLIC FUNDS AND LEAVE EVERYONE TO DIE IN POVERTY”. How do you enjoy wealth in the midst of beggers , disfunctional services, drive an expensive car on pothole rds etc. M COMING TO VOTE this time around.

  32. Just so everyone knows i want to make a correction; we have “NOT” failed or we are not out of qualiftication yet. Yes its a stretch and unlikely but its not head to head as stated by Zamfoot but goal aggregate this time around. Let me put all of you up to speed. The scenario for zambia to qualify is if Rwanda win in Algeria (unlikely) and we beat Egypt by atleast two goals (possible). Then it would go down to the final Day where it would be a three way race for most goals scored or Algeria needing at least a draw in Cairo (unlikely). So although we are most likely not making it never say never coz who knows Rwanda Still are in the reckoning for AFCON and may just put the fight of their lives in Blida for three points. Its a stretch but there is still a chance that the three teams all…

  33. I wish to make a few observations and recommendations to all those who follow our Zambian football closely. I have delayed in making my contribution after the loss, so that ‘reason can rule over anger’. It should be a known fact by now that all of us ‘REAP WHAT WE SOW’, to reap a good harvest, anyone, family, community, a nation needs to plan everything from start to finish. Our country has lost direction in alot of areas including football. This direction starts from families upto the top most person in the whole country. Recommendations to improve football: 1) All Schools should deliberately call for trials to those good footballers who have certificates but not qualified to G10, for 5 years you will see the results, 2) introduce football academies, allow them to take 6 subjects only

  34. Continued from above;
    This should be a well planned project with the aim of seing the results not now but in ten years time. If it so happens that it will take ten years, then as a nation we should qualify to the 2018 world cup, for brazil 2014 should just be used as a learning phase so that we are not very dissappointed when we dont qualify, but main target should be 2018. On the other hand goverment and business community must come out and invest in building good stadia in all provinces. Lastly lets encourage young girls and boys to play ichiponbwa and other sports, unlike what is happening these days all kids watch lots of TV, hence nepofu nashifula. Atleast I have a plan for zambia and am starting with my former school, what about you?

  35. #44 You have raised some positive points…however, the critical issue lies in the quality of sports administrators/mangers/coaches etc. While the introduction of academies-football might be good an idea, the question of sustainability looms! This is the problem with our sports programme. My feeling is that our Govt. should initiate links with established sports club that should work at grassroot level i.e. in schools to supplement P.E. and offer specialised Physical Education e.g. football after School -as Out of School Learning Activities. Then in return Govt. can provide funding for training the coaches/mangers for the Clubs. This is sustainable and its a win-win situation either way. What do you think?

  36. Natives! you are over reacting. Madness is doing the same thing and expecting different results, Zambia has been doing the World cup thing from the beginning of time and the results are consistent. For those who expected a different result, I don’t know what to say.
    On the other hand, Rwanda has 1 point that should make us happy?; where do we place countries like Zimbabwe, Botswana, Swaziland and a lot more? They do not even dream of going to the World cup at all. Let’s not bash Zambia to such an extent. Climbing a tree and ululating that Zambia is cursed simply shows the kind of patriotism we can expect from the so-called Zambians. This same negative vibe is beyond simple words, it’s psychological to anyone listening and it is part of the Zambian fiber because of people like you…

  37. First i want to say that you should not be dissapointed of your team at all,Infact you should be proud the way they performed….I have the at most respect for the Zambian team and Zambian football,They played their hearts out and they come up short,The goal they scored was legit and clean(No offside) and it would’ve been a different out come in the game.Be proud of your boys fellas!!! GOD BLESS.

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