Saturday, July 27, 2024

Kafue Gorge power station gutted, 20 people trapped underground


Part of the Kafue Gorge power station has been gutted.

ZANIS reports from Kafue Gorge that the fire is believed to have started at the station’s power control room.

20 people are believed to have been trapped in the underground tunnels of the station while 6 have been rushed to the hospital.

The fire is said to have caused extensive damage to the new plan under construction.

The fire is said to have destroyed the extension of the power station where two more generators are to be installed.

The Fire brigade is currently on site trying to quench the fire and to retrieve the 20 people trapped underground.



  1. Chabipa! I hope this does not mean more black outs.I pray everybody will be rescued unscathed.mwebaishiba ichisunga is the use of ‘quench’ and ‘retrieve’ appropriate in this story?It doesn’t sound quite right to me

  2. I dont see anything wrong with the use of English in that particular sentence! More seriously this seems to be happening all the time to the power stations. Is it a question of poor management as regards maintenance?

  3. Very sad indeed. Hope and trust everybody will be fine. But what happend to fire prevention safety measurez?I fear load-sheding…

  4. # 4 the English is perfect. Both words quench and retrieve have been appropriately used. Now, you can go ahead and use them too.

  5. go back to the experienced engineers now rotting in villages and townships… first it was kariba and now kafue, God help us.

  6. This is sabotage. There is real need to get down to the bottom of issues affecting the power utility. Recently, it was leopards hill, then dublin, before that it was kariba north!. This is hardly a coincidence. Instead of settling personal scores on behalf of politicians, can state machinery seriously investigate these issues. 

    Concerning the use of the word RETRIEVE, i would associate retrieve with bodies rather than the living. If we are not certain that those people are dead then we should RESCUE them not retrieve. Quench also sounds a little informal but hey, my mother tongue is Tonga. 

  7. The Devil Is Trying All His Level Best To Destroy The Country In This Year Alone His Blown Up God Knows How Many Generators Now His On A Mission To Turn The All Country Into Hell By Cutting Up All Electric Power Energy He Wants Hell To Come To Zambia The Confusion That Is Happening In Zambia Needs Serious Prayer.

  8. please LT see if you can give us updates on this sad development….our hope should be that Fire Brigade rescues the trapped people (almost said miners), we can worry about the damaged property later

  9. Latest: 40 workers have died at the Kariba North Bank where the Chinese are working on an expansion project. This according to a ZNBC report monitored in Kafue Gorge where most of the temporary workers affected come from.

  10. Some people are funny. Iwe numbala 12 where is the devil then? Please show me where he lies, I`ll go and sort him out for mother Zambia. That kind of thinking is really black like. No wonder “Mushota” hates blacks.

  11. Last time I visited K-Gorge they boosted to have installed a very expensive Fire Protection System, so what really happened, did the System stop working? Such Systems need to be monitored constantly else the consequences are tragic…

    Most of these accidents can be prevented…

  12. #18, the LT is misleading on the place of the accident. It is not Kafue Gorge. The Chinese who were working at Kafue Gorge moved to Kariba North Bank and took most of the temps from K-Gorge. The accident is at KNB in Siavonga.

  13. Unfortunately, 2 people have died in this fire. We need to review our fire safety regulations. I have noticed that most buildings in the country do not have sprinklers. This is extremely dangerous. These two have been needlessly lost. And lets avoid alarmist statements like the guy above just did. Nkani yamukachasu is dangerous if taken as gospel truth

  14. This whole thing smells a rat. What has really gone wromg at Zesco. Its one problem after another. Last time it was blokage of inlets and some 20yrs back there was afire as a result of overflooding. GRZ should take keen interest there could be some disgrantled elements at Zesco or the current management does not measure to the what is expected of them.Those shows lack of seriopusness on the part of those charged with safety. How can 20 pipo be trapped in the tunnels like that. We are nations of serious jokers

  15. Oh no, not another fire at Kafue Gorge! What with the poor rescue services mu Zambia!

    On the language… I think the word ‘retrieve’ is wrong ‘rescue’ would be more appropriate since those who are said to have been trapped have not been declared dead. Retrieve would have been ok if it was followed by ‘from…’

  16. That is really unfortunate. Let me guess, the Chinese were involved? Do we even have safety regulations in that country? If we do, they are never enforced, especially when it comes to dubious investors.

  17. and yes #12 you are one of these funny people, things go wrong you immediately blame the devil, instead of the real human mortal people who ****** up

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