Friday, June 7, 2024

EU, Norway donate motor bikes worth K3 billion


The European Union(EU) and the Norwegian government have donated 280 motor bikes worth about K3 billion to the Ministry of Agriculture for Agricultural Extension Officers in four provinces.

The donation is meant to improve service delivery among camp extension officers in training small scale farmers on best conservation agricultural practices in Central, Southern, Eastern and Western provinces.

Making the donation on behalf of the EU and the Norwegian government in Lusaka today, Food Agricultural Organization (FAO) country representative, Nourradin Mona, said small scale farmers have a role to play in contributing to the food basket of the country.

Dr Mona noted that this is why farmers need to be taught different and best farming methods that could assist them in improving agricultural activities in different parts of the country.

He said through having improved conservation farming practices, small scale farmers will be given an opportunity to make significant contributions to the economic growth of the country.

Dr Mona however, urged the final beneficiaries of the motor bikes to put them to good use and ensure they are used on the intended purpose of educating vulnerable but viable farmers on improved conservation farming.

And receiving the donation on behalf of the ministry, Project Manager, Jim Belemu, cited lack of effective transport as a major hindrance in achieving sustainable conservation farming performance.

Dr Belemu noted that this is why the donation will go a long way in not only easing the transport difficulties that were faced by camp extension officers but also improving their operations.

He further assured the donors that the ministry will strive to ensure that the motor bikes reach the intended beneficiaries and are put to their intended use of assisting in encouraging enhanced conservation farming among small scale farmers, thereby contributing to poverty alleviation in the country.



  1. Thankyou EU/Norway – I think battery-powered motorbikes can be very handy in these times of fuel shortage in Zambia.

  2. Intended for good use in the rural areas or we take the bikes back to where they came from, that is the tax payers money and so if the donars comment on the same issue of misusing then GRZ will say the donors need to go through a proper channel?

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