Wednesday, October 23, 2024

RB hails Chipolopolo as he promotes Chris Katongo and Dennis Banda


Zambia National Team - Source BSkyB
Zambia National Team - Source BSkyB

President Rupiah Banda has applauded the Chipolopolo Boys for the splendid performance that the team exhibited at the on going 2010 Orange Africa Cup of Nations ( AFRCON )in neighbouring Angola.

President Banda said the Chipoloplo Boys demonstrated improvements in their entire style of play adding that this is the first time in the last 14 years, went past the preliminary round of the Africa Cup of Nations.

The national team was eliminated in the quarter final elimination by Nigeria.

President Banda was speaking at State House when he hosted a luncheon for the Zambia National team in Lusaka, today.

The President called for improved standards of Soccer and other sports disciplines in the country.

He says government fully supports any imitative that is aimed at reviving sporting standards in the country by encouraging the Private Public Partnership (PPP) to invest in sports infrastructure Development.

Mr Banda stressed that the current soccer fund raising Team Committee which is made up of members of the football fraternity, the cooperate sector and government will also be strengthened.

He said this Committee will focus on securing funding and logistical support for the National Team towards the 2012 Africa Cup and the 2014 FIFA world cup.

The president also thanked the cooperate world for the tremendous support that was rendered to the National Team.

Meanwhile president Banda as Commander in Chief of the armed Forces has with immediate promoted skipper Christopher Katongo and midfielder Dennis Banda, to warrant officer and to sergeant, respectively with immediate effect.

And FAZ president Kalusha Bwalya said he was pleased by the performance of the Chiploloplo Boys and valued the support that came from the head of state president Banda.

Mr Bwalya said this signifies the commitment that the team has shown to the continent and across the world.



  1. Celebrating a loss:o Nonsense!!!!! A reward for amakula? Unbelievable!!!:o We went there to get the cup and we didn’t. We got our A double S kicked out!! I would suggest that all national team members at least have a first degree before they can be allowed to play for the country otherwiwise, we are forever doomed:((:((:((

  2. How about hosting the Africa Cup of Nations in Zambia,Angola has been ravaged in war for a long time but they have managed to host it,we are considered a power hse when it comes to football,that coupled with the peace and a population that knows no politica,tribal or regional boundaries when it comes to football, and a president who loves the red carpet.its not like zambia will have to foot all the bills for whatever new infrastructure to be built,FIFA and AFCON organizers pump in lots of dollars, lots of jobs,economic engines spin faster,lots of investments in hotel industry etc etc.we are not that poor are we. i dont know how success is measured in zed,but bowing out of a competition in quater finals is not good enough sorry,we can do better than that

  3. Smoothcriminal,
    Angola has concensioned over US $5 to 10 billion worth of her oil reserves to f China for sports infrustracture development in the country with another US $ 20 billion for road development.China is building stadiums in exchange for oil. Do want Zambia to concession its oil reserves or Copper for stadiums too instead of other infrustructure developments?

  4. LT am very sure you can get a more recent 4to of the Chipolopolo. If you dont have resources to take your own, you can get one from google image search search results and just acknowledge your plagiarism.

  5. Thats why Zambia will take time to develop.Honestly how do we celebrate a loss,mwabikapo na lunch.Ukutemwa umusheto! Words were going to be enough.We are encouraging them to lose or to end in the quarter finals if we continue overpraising them for playing well.We are supposed to praise them or give them lunch when they come out second.Ubulili !

  6. Fellow Zambians,Let’s not discourage our players,who expected them to perform to that standard ,after all the camping period was short and it was done only in South africa when most of the teams camped in Europe,any simple improvement should be appreciated no matter how small it may be.
    Thankyou chipolopolo

  7. Veteran,
    i know you have some connections from Nkhwazi hse and mmd networks,but unfortunately i work with well researched and verifiable data, not innuendos,otherwise thanks for that infor,btw, we dont have oil in zed to make concessions with

  8. This showering of a lozing national futbo team with praizez, money, a heroez wellcome and state banquet, would rate very highly on BBC’z “Only In Afrika” competition.

  9. We were in front of their goal so many times during the game but it seems our team is allergic to scoring, why is the captain being promoted in the army when he was unable to inspire the forwards to at least kick the ball on target, I have never seen such foolishness

  10. LT,you are very out dated, for sure TANA is not part of the team that went to Angola but is in your picture, why cant you get the latest picture so that pipo like me who have not seen mboola can have an opportunity to do so.Please show us the latest chipolopolo picture.

  11. yaba!!!!! some of you guys are so negative, kwena! you cant any good in people. Our team inspite of the loss has done much better that they have the last 14 years. I cant remember in recent history, watching zambia play so well. With the exception of mweene’s blunder, we looked quite the great team. The soccer pundits that were commenting on the games had the highest praise for our team. We are ranked 86th in thw world playing top 30 opposition, surely the guys did something right! AMAKULA??? Ala Iwe ! and you call yourself a fan??? noone of you losers would get out of bed for themoney these guys are paid to appear for zambia. And with fans like you its no surprise they cant rise to higher ocassions. MUCHINJE!!!!!!!!!!! LEAVE CHIPOLOPOLO ALONE!

  12. Moderator, smooth criminal and all the other haters please get a life! I guess you get a kick out of bad mouthing the national team but you missed an opportunity to be civilised and acknowledge that after 14 years of being booted out in the first round at AFCON, we finally managed to reach the quarter finals again. Any sane Zambian soccer follower would acknowledge that this is an achievement worth celebrating because it signals that our football fortunes are on sound footing. Let’s be patriotic!

  13. Comments reserved. But Chris Katongo needs to be told that he should never, ever sign a piece of paper, cheque or contract as:

    Christopher Katongo W.O

  14. What about the coach? was the plane too full to accommodate him? what is he still doing in Angola? or has he been snatched….

  15. Spendid performance?Oh my Gosh!As a head of state does this oldman know what he talks about.I would never ever qualify that perfomance as splendid even in my drunken mode.Some poeple even get promoted for performing badly. Now i know that strange things only occur in zambia.I cant imagine myself getting promoted for performing badly at work . :(:(

  16. Losers! thats what i will call all those people bad mouthing Zambian football. And you dont even strick me as fans thus you have no right to even speak. ‘Us’. and by that i mean Zambians, are very proud of the Chipolopolo boys and we can forsee a bright future for our players. Did you even take the time to watch the game? Ya, i thuoght so,… you did not even bother.. It really pisses me off if Zambians can say such things about their own country even if you dont live there anymore. ATTA!! For me i say well done Chipolopolo Boys and Zambia has your back so practice hard and next time do better…we now know that you can do it.. Good job coach… PROUDLY ZAMBIAN!!!!!:)>-:d/

  17. Interesting comments. But doesn’t anyone who expected to Zambia to win the Africa Cup need his/her brain examined!! If they were hosted to a presidential luncheon after they beat South Africa in the group stage of the other Africa Cup then of course that would be rewarding failure. The point here is that our team for more than a decade has been an underdog, not expected to go anywhere or do anything. All that changed at this Africa Cup. The goal was to reach the Quarter Finals and we did just that and so it is indeed time to celebrate. Having travelled to three African coutries during the period of this competition I could hold up my head high as people commended our splendid performance. We have rekindled the passion of the old days and YES it is time to celebrate….!!!

  18. Hmmmmm…………..thats nonsense,you lose to weak teams like Nigeria and Cameroun and you get praised for that.No wonder the inexprienced coach has run away.That just shows we have nothing to offer:o:o:o:o


  20. Zambians must have the longest memories in history!! It must seem like only yesterday that Zambia would get through to the ACN semi-final on a regular basis. It’s been 14 years since Zambia managed to get out of the group stage and we’re moaning and groaning that it’s not good enough!! Come on people, get real! This is progress!! Its a massive step, we topped a group with other teams containing players from Europes best leagues! On paper Zambia should have finished bottom, thats the truth! Face facts, Zambia have players playing Division 2 football in Europe at best so to run Cameroon close and Nigeria closer is a massive achievement!
    Zambia need to build upon this so that in 2 years time Zambia get through to the Semi’s! We need to take a step forward!
    We’ll celebrate for now!

  21. That is a bag of nonsenses, i agree with you the moderate one…I have not been on this parts for quite a while…be lest assured the Spectator is BACK! the coach can go after all we have beefed up his CV, so he is going to get a job with a “BIG TEAM”!LOL!

  22. For those who need us to pump sence into them,well listern.Zambians are not celebrating a lose or win. we are celebrating an improvement! and it has been 14 years for christ’s sake… can’t you feel the weight? Zambians please, this critisizm of our own not being good enough is embarassing. we should be ashamed.. i can’t even imagine how you represent your country where ever you may be. And as for the coach, I personally feel he has made a wrong turn, and by this i dont need anyone to tell me what they think is right. He has managed to put Zambia back on the map and given up. that does not say much abt his career.:-? He restored a sinking ship and abandoned it?. Cn’t trust him with anything..

  23. why not honour the chaps who won cosafa under 20 in south africa? why not promote real soldiers who have been to peace keeping missions in sierra leon, sudan, kosovo and other dangerous areas. This man RB needs serious advisors.

  24. Well done boys.You made and are making Zambia Go Global!!!.Here,I have never been proud as a Zambian before in my life.Iam receiving accolades from all angles (Russians are like),all cos of the Zambia National Team.You are the Copper Bullets for Real.KEEP IT UP!!!!!

  25. Zambia’s ACN record for the last 10 years!

    2000: Qualified for the finals, did not progress past the first round
    2002: Qualified for the finals, did not progress past the first round
    2004: Did not qualify
    2006: Qualified for the finals, did not progress past the first round
    2008: Qualified for the finals, did not progress past the first round
    2010: Quarter-Final

    Let’s celebrate!

  26. # 4 veteran u are right in away i.e. Angola giving up billions of dollars of PetroDollars to the Chinese to build stadias used to host the Africa Cup Of Nations. China also sold guns to the rebels that killed Adebayors Togo officials and an Angola Driver.

    Now u ask Smoothcriminal if he wants Zambia to concession the country as well? Well I will answer you, Zambia has already concessioned the country to the Chinese, check Luanshya, Chambeshi and their planned China town construction, Kafue, Kamwala shops and other places even soweto market they are busy selling Nshima. Zambia sucks

  27. sensible countrymen, just leave these ungrateful ingrates alone. all they see is darkness in their lives, all they think is darkness….. and you don’t expect them to behave otherwise. they will never appreciate anything in their sorry lives, so just quit trying to explain anything to them
    i would appreciate though if they keep their darkness to themselves
    as for herve, i sympathise with his position but would encourage him to restrct his emotions
    quitting now would be like leaving a house half built, after all the toil: why start it in the first place
    besides it will just be rewarding these myopic arm chair critics, believe me there are hordes of them all over africa and it may well turn out you land yourself in a worse of environment with respect to this behaviour

  28. I’m a bit puzzled about these promotions and the merits they are based on. I take it Chris Katongo and Dennis Banda are currently serving in the army. And that they have been promoted in rank , in the military , after having performed well in a game of football. Is that the situation ?….If that is so , then what for the merits of government promotions?
    This is very much ‘old skool’ type patronage being exhibited by our presido , a bit like the way cash and goods are openly handed out to people when he’s on walkabout . And he has a degree..!……:d

  29. What a bunch of hypocritical ungrateful losers!! Before the tournament begun, none of you fools gave Zambia a chance! You ALL expected Zambia to finish bottom of the group with the hope that we could atleast draw with Gabon as our best result. Yet, the boys outplayed all 3 teams and finished top of the group, ahead of the Indomitable Lions!! Then completely ouplayed Nigeria before going down via cruel penalties. ESPN rated Zambia’s game as a team as being the best at the tournament, Mbola has been rated as one of the best defenders! Yet with all these accolades, you dare insult them and call then under achievers??? Take your negative attitude and shove it! Good work chipolopolo, you did us proud!!

  30. # 23
    You missed the point which made you question about other players. PLEASE READ AGAIN YOU WILL FIND THE ANSWER TO YOUR QUESTION … or the big brain at work (Kanjimaano) can simplify to you.

  31. You know thus considerably in the case of this subject, made me for my part believe it from numerous varied angles. Its like women and men aren’t fascinated until it is something to do with Girl gaga! Your personal stuffs great. All the time handle it up!

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