Saturday, July 27, 2024

Last wkend/week in pictures



Esther Phiri trading punches with Lely Luz Florez during the WIBA and IBO light welterweight unification bout at Mulungushi Conference Centre last weekend


Esther Phiri barely broke any sweat against Florez on her way to picking up the vacant IBO crown.


The Colombian boxer being attended to by her Coach


Hastings Bwalya fighting against Zimbabwe's Sila Mandela the at Mulungushi International Conference Centre.


Kennedy Kanyanta celebrating with his children after a knock out win against South Africas Zolile Mbityi whom he knocked down twice in the fourth round to win the vacant IBO Inter-Continental Super flyweight title.


Lusaka dancing troop Zubani moto performing during the 2010 National Social Watch report Launch at Mulungushi Conference Centre


Some of the 22 treason accused persons after appearing for mention before principal resident magistrate Aridah Chulu


The 22 treason accused persons getting into a police truck after appearing for mention before principal resident magistrate Aridah Chulu


Women for Change Executive director Emily Sikazwe during the National Social watch Report Launch at Mulungushi Conference, with her is Lucy Muyoyeta.


Robert Simeza and his counterpart John Sangwa at Magistrate Court, the duoare representing Lusaka business man Rajan Mahtani in various cases.


Preident Banda congratulating Iranian Ambassador to Zambia Dr Mohammed Pournajaf after he presented his credentials at State House


United Party for National development(UPND) chairperson on Foreign Policy Prof Clive Chirwa during press briefing in Lusaka.


The new building for National Road Fund Agency(NRFA) that was commissioned by Minister of Finance and National Planing Hon Situmbeko Musokotwane.


Minister of Finance and National Planing Hon Situmbeko Musokotwane(left) with Dr Anthony Mwanaumo touring the new building for National Road Fund Agency


Lusaka business man and former Finance Chairman Rahjan Mathani with lawyer Mumba Kapumpa at the Magistrate Court.


Former president Dr Fredrick Chiluba with Zambia's first president Dr.Kenneth Kaunda after they attended the launch of the Sixth National development plan at Mulungushi Conference Centre


Chiluba with Information minister Ronnie Shikapwasha after the launch of the Sixth National development plan at Mulungushi Conference Centre


Africa direction dancing troop performing at the launch.


Permanent secretaries holding the sixth National Development Plan during the launch.


Lusaka Queen Mary's avenue(now church road) taken from Ridgeway looking east,September 1933(courtesy of Robert Mkandawire)


  1. #17 I don’t believe what I am seeing. Ronnie was one of the guys that tore Chiluba’s credibility to pieces during Mwanawasa’s pursuit of the nation’s wealth plunderers and now to see him almost prostrate himself before Chiluba is incredible. Damn, these Politicians!

  2. @ #5, Politicians have no morals at all. This shikapwasha uttered mountains of bad words against Kafupi but see the hypocrisy in his eyes.He is a traitor to the Zambians and need to be chucked out of leadership this year

  3. pic 20, how do we know that is queen lmary avenue? I can not even see any signs of road.

  4. LT Picture 20 may be a copyright breach because I am sure it is taken from the Northern Rhodesians web site. Please check it out.

  5. @ Mo Taim you should have stated you post in this format, congratulations Esther tsunami punch Phiri. Zambia’s greatest ever boxer and athlete. Blessings prayers for our lady and sister. Then below :-

  6. Congratulations to Kennedy Kanyanta for winning the intercontinental belt and Hastings Bwalya for fighting and opening up for her ladyship Esther Duchess Phiri. It was a good day for Zambian sports on Sports results with Aron Gumra ( remember that show ? ).

  7. Good morning,

    Great day for Zambian boxing indeed. Well done folks! Keep hitting them hard and make sure that you get your punches worth in money. Save that paper stash for the hard times. You’ll need it.
    A lot of boxers have ended up as broke as a church mouse after their glory days were over.

    pic #13 isn’t it a bit ironic that there seems to be enough funds to construct such oppulent office buildings but obviously no funds for the construction & maintenance of the roads?

    pic #20 Gee whee.. Lusaka really looked bare in 1933. More of those old pics please.

  8. Mulungushi conference center and Lusaka international airport should have been the ones to look like the new building since they bring money through international conferences,visa and landing fees.That new house will only be a user of funds not a generator of funds.

  9. # 20 That is indeed Lusaka Queen Mary’s Avenue. I remember that ka tree and I’m sure most of you do. Its the 34Th tree on the left when you are heading in a south easterly direction from the Fire Brigade.

  10. #18 blessings do you really have that extra-ordinary memory to nail down every detail you see or are you just pulling our legs?

  11. Picture 8 – Oh snap! A fellow Man Utd fan nabbed in treason case.

    On a serious note though does the RB led government really think these guys (even a 90 year old shikulu) are capable of serious treason?

  12. Blogger 19 you have too much time on your hands. You went to count those trees on Church road?
    And you were counting in the wrong place at the fire brigade. You should have been looking east from rigdeway hotel

  13. # 20 – it could have been nice if LT inserted a present day picture of the same location for us to compare and contrast. nice pic

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