Sunday, June 2, 2024

Mulongoti, Mpombo, four others expelled


The MMD second extra-ordinary national convention yesterday expelled former Works and Supply minister Mike Mulongoti, former Defence minister George Mpombo, former Finance minister Ng’andu Magande and Katuba Member of Parliament Jonas Shakafuswa.

In the national secretary’s report, then deputy national secretary Chembe Nyangu proposed that Mr Mpombo, Mr Shakafuswa, Mr Magande, Mr Mulongoti, and a ward councillor in Kafulafuta David Kalutwa alongside Peter Kapamba, a ward councillor in Solwezi, be expelled.

The new constitution gave powers to the NEC to expel any indisciplined member without waiting for the national convention to seek endorsement.

Former national treasurer Suresh Desai also told the convention that the MMD was slowly moving away from the heavy indebtedness following strict rules that it had applied to stop abuse of resources by a few people as the case was previously.

Mr Desai said the party hoped to liquidate the remaining K3.5 billion debt within the next one year.

The financial report was adopted by the convention after it was proposed by Lusaka provincial vice-chairperson Charles Mumena and seconded by Sinoya Mwale, who is MMD Chipata District chairperson.

Rufunsa MP Kenneth Chipungu, who is Sports Minister, proposed the expulsions and the convention seconded by acclamation.
[ Times of Zambia ]


  1. Well, to me this is not news at all. The writings were on the wall that these four would be expelled. The delegates at the convention are people that support RB and not the ideals of MMD no wonder KK attended it. Its UNIP manifesting itself in a different form.

    I foresee these expelled members joining PF and maybe Shakafuswa may get back to UPND. Any way Mulongoti was poached from the defuncked FDD by the our late beloved president Mwanawasa.

    Where are the PF rebels? I thought they would be at the convention? They will be shocked as they wont be adopted by MMD.

    Country Men, what happens to George Kunda now that the VIP position he was sweating for is no more? He remains with no position in MMD, William Banda will be senior to him. Before we know it, he will be demoted as VIP for…

  2. There is no democracy in MMD. Mr. RB goes unopposed and I foresee this happening in PF. Mr. Sata will go unoposed. Is democracy?

  3. Zanbian Democracy at its best, no accomodation of divergent views, so Mulongoti should be pardoned since he was suspended or expelled for going against RB’s annointed Kunda. and now George Kunda hangs in the balance….??

  4. mpombo boyi unjeleleko nshaishibe ciwa uwanjikete pakuku tukana .wabona na joji bamutana umupando nayo mu mmd

  5. RB is seriously rebranding MMD into UNIP check how Ronnie,Mabenga,Katele,Kunda and Simbao will be handled before elections!!!! WE ARE BACK TO UNIP GUYS.

  6. nangu batutamfye boyi mpombo tukeminina kwa lumpuma nangu kwa machiya ku luswishi kabili impindi yafika nafye fye ba lamba tupange party yesu .aba byesu bonse balipangile kale . nemo nkaba president webo ukukaba information minister pantu webo icisungu ulacilabila sana twakulelabila muma big words tabakuleumfwa ba braggadio .

  7. Message for Mpombo and Shakafuswa. It is high time these two gentlemen became principled. The two had exhibited elements of being downright deceptive by criticising their own Party as they dine with PF party functionaries under the cover of darkness. Clinging to the MMD for the sake of getting Parliamentary allowance is day-light thurgery. Let them voluntarily quit their parliamentary seats now to prove that they are principled. The writing is on the wall.

  8. wabona mwaiche wandi mulongoti walichililemo ukusabaila nawe tepapa neye joji bamuchita humiliating ignominious defeat nalabila nemo

  9. This is just a lesson to all our political leaders that these things are not permanent. If you remember the few during LPM’s rule were very fuuny to avoid using the S word. Three out of four of them came from UPND but as soon as they were now walking the corridors of power under LPM, they started being so malicious against Andy. Let them suffer.

  10. the four called for it.Bane mwaya,Mike how are u going to face George?Mwisho ba Mike amatuka mwatukene ba George,lelo mwabona.MMD is bigger than u.Viva MMD

  11. When you go against party rules and ideals, thats what you expect to happen to you. Loyalty is of paramount importance in a political setting. If you have a divergent view and you resolve that issue through established party channels, thats well and good. But if you want to be seen to be bigger than the party, kaput! you are gone. In church circles, its called excommunication. In politics, its called expulsion from the party.

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