Sunday, June 16, 2024

They shall come out on the arms deal, promises Mpombo


Kafulafuta Member of Parliament George Mpombo

Former Defence minister George Mpombo has charged that Zambians will one day know the truth about the $100 million arms deal allegations he made against President Rupiah Banda.

The Kafulafuta Member of Parliament says he has left the issue arms deal to Zambians for them to judge in the coming months.

Mr. Mpombo says President Banda knows it deep down that that he has always been telling the truth on the arms deal.

He adds that documents support the allegations he made are at the ministry of finance and national planning and has challenged investigative wings to take up the matter.

Mr. Mpombo explained to QFM News that President Banda is merely jittery because he knows that his time in State house is almost coming to an end.

He further states that it is clear the Republican President is in panic mode because of the diminishing support that the ruling party has continued to experience.

He says time will tell his allegations against the president of are false and cannot be supported.




  1. ebwaume ubo Bampombo. bring out all evidences so that we can prove this corrupt government wrong. Pabwatooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Alipuneme.

    When pressed by Muvi TV last week the same rabid dog said, “i have no proof on arms deal claim”.

    George Mpombo has failed to substantiate his claims over what he terms the failed arms deal when asked to produce documentation to support the allegations.

    According to Muvi TV, Mpombo says he has no documentation on the matter claiming that all the documents were left at the ministry of defense.

    • Did you expect Mpombo to be moving with documents in his brief case? He stated very clearly that the documents are at the ministry. If RB is sure that Mpombo is lying he should open the doors to the ministry so that investigative wings can go and look for evidence.
      Im sure he cant do that because he is afraid that the truth can come out

  3. When asked further whether he has any evidence about the claims he has been making in the recent past Mpombo said it is difficult to prove.

    Some members of the public have in the recent past demanded that Mpombo should produce documentations to substantiate his claims over the 100 Million US Dollars arms deal linked to President Rupiah Banda and his son James.

    Recently Defense Minister Kalombo Mwansa challenged Mpombo to produce evidence of his allegations which up to now has not been produced.

  4. Government Spokesperson Ronnie Shikapwasha has described Mpombo as a pathological liar.

    Lieutenant General Shikapwasha has since challenged Mpombo to report the matter to the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) and publish his claims in the media.

    The Chief government Spokesperson notes with dismay that Mpombo has continued to peddle lies which he has failed to substantiate.

    He has described Mr. Mpombo’s recent sentiments as childish.

  5. Can this man Mpombo Braggadocio come out with facts and not mere gibberish. We are eager to arrest the big-nosed Bozo clown in state house for any offences he may have comitted against the citizenry.

  6. How can a former minister of defence say its difficult to prove and he has no evidence after making an allegation of a US$100m arms deal of which he claims he had meetings with the sellers and even travelled to South Africa. Something is very FISHY…..
    This man might end up in jail big time one day…

  7. This is how you catch liars, “He adds that documents support the allegations he made are at the ministry of finance and national planning” end quote. I thought the documents were at the Ministry of Defense. Now the documents are at the MOFNP?? Mr. Mpombo, if you have evidence, release it otherwise I still think your statements is mere bar-talk gossip.

    This is like the NAPSA ZNBS deal. First the “anonymous” source alleges a Kenyan contractor was single sourced and we later learn Zambezi Consortium won the bid. The Post is now using liars as sources. I cant be surprised if the “anonymous” source is our very own Deja Vu IMO. He is known for making unsubstantiated statements not backed by concrete evidence.

  8. #8 let Mr Banda and all those mentioned in the allegation tell us what “the rabid dog” according to #4 went to do in South Africa as claimed by Mr Mpombo. and the air will be cleared.

  9. It is interesting that those who were at the forefront of some of the most despicable defences of the MMD government are now at the frontier of singing about its impending demise. Indeed Zambia may be progressing towards an Egyptian revolution where the title of the film has changed and the main actor replaced while the story line remains the same and much of the cast retained albeit in slightly adjusted roles…..

  10. Mpombo………..  


    What more….

  11. i have a problem with the way # 3 is analysing the issue, first mr mpombo is not foolish to just wake and make wild allegations.secondly we are all aware were the govt of mr banda is heading to. it is important to first analyse the issue at hand then issue a statement. i repeat mr mpombo is not foolish (ukupunama) it you patriotic who is foolish for failing to understand the type of government we have. we chungwa.

    • Frankly, Mpombo IS foolish, you can clearly see this when you read some of the things he has said in the recent past. If he was smart, he wouldn’t talk about something that is impossible to prove thereby rendering his ‘information’ as mere bar talk – which I think it is

  12. This is a very serious allegation made by the former defence minister which should be investigated. He was number 3 in hierarchy in govt, he can’t make empty allegations. In developed countries RB would have been in very serious trouble and by now should have resigned his position. We are so docile in Zambia that’s why most politicians do not even have bad morals but no morals at all and take us for granted and toy with our minds as if we are children. Even Mutati taunted us that we cannot understand the deal contents of the sale of ZAMTEL, can you imagine. When are we going to demo and take the govt of the day to account for their actions? Are we cowards to demo and ask for answers?

  13. ewe Zambian British@  15
    Did Thatcher resign for the illegal arms to Saudi Arabia or the super gun to Iraq?
    Did Blair resign for the illegal war in Iraq?
    Is Cameron going to resign for his mess in Libya? Or the arms deals he went for in the middleast

  14. Rabid dog for sure………….This political failure should calm down & emulate Lupando Katoloshi,there is nothing new he can contribute to develop Zambia.

  15. This is pathetic and backwards. The chances are the people involved in the alleged arms deal are not working for this poor government, nothing will happen, and the disputes , court to and from involved in these are not worth chasing anyway
    If this did happen, measures should be there to see that it doesnt happen, stop using tax payers’ money going to court, appealing. These people are there so that you and me massages their ego’s and to extend their already fraility polictical career which are ‘has been’s’. I would suggets move forward, forget giving attention to the attention seekers Mpombo, Chitala and the likes and concentrate on how this government can seek to address their shortcoming, or back Michael Sata for a change. Thanks

  16. The only way to eliminate corruption is to eliminate poverty in Zambia. Anything short of this is a waste of time. Many brilliant Zambians have been forced to leave their country and work in America or Europe because they can’t access the opportunities which they deserve. These highly skilled people would immensely contribute to the development of Zambia. The problem is so deep rooted that we need a total paradigm change in the thinking pattern of people. I also think Corruption and population control are related, if we want to fight corruption we have to reduce the number of children born in Zambia, the population causes this vice as well.
    I believe Corruption is something that we cannot wipe out in Africa. All our leaders are birds of the same flock. Shame . Thanks

  17. If Hon. Mpombo has the courage that he exhibits on the strees, let him utilise his Parliamentary privilege to table his claims of RB’s corruption practices in the National Assembly. The Speaker will be obliged to direct the Permanent Secretaries in the Ministries of Defence & Finance to produce the relevant documents for scrutiny by MPs. Alternatively, any MP can table a private members motion to request the Speaker direct both Hon. Mpombo and the relevant Ministries to produce documents on elleged arms purchase directed by the President. However, we wonder if Zambians have attained the political maturity with regards to public debates on matters that border on the country’s security.

  18. No. 18 and 20 agree with you. I have never been your fan but for once you write sense.
    Mpombo is an attention seeker…. a braggadocio
    Chitala with a PhD in Developmental Economics has lowered him self to a Lumpenproletariat living politics of the belly. Need i say anything about other Dr’s in Zambia Dr Sondashi etc
    Then you have people like Mulongoti who thinks Zambia owes him the world.
    They all working on mob psychology which Carl Marx described as the lowest form of political enlightenment. Dangerous for any political system.

  19. There is no smoke without fire. The absence of proof by Mr Mpombo is not proof of absence of misuse or theft of the Country’s funds. I value my Country Zambia too much to brush this issue aside. Let there be and investigation

  20. For Mr Peter Lupando who was recalled from China and now says all bad things about RB saying RB has no original ideas and is only implementing what Mwanawasa left..
    Can he tell us what original ideas Obama has brought to the USA.


    • Lupando’s beefs with RB is being retired on grounds of being old, when RB who is older is still working! The statement on ‘original ideas’ appears to be true, on account of the time RB has been in office. That, however, does not mean RB is incapable of introducing his own ‘original ideas’. Truth is government projects take time to materialise, partly because of in-built bureaucracy. What i find wrong is the habit to personalise these ‘development projects’. If the ownership of these projects was attributed to a political party (e.g. MMD) since these projects are coming from party manifestos and not its leader, there would be no such comments as made by Lupando. Sadly, this practice is across the board irrespective of political party.

  21. If what the Post is reporting that Napsa funds to the tune of US$98M will be used to refurbish Society House and Centra Acardes in Lusaka Central Business District is true then there is something fishy. That amount has been inflated more than ten times. If that huge and new stadium in Ndola can cost less than that amount then there is total plunder. May be the post has overstated the amount. may the guys with civil engineering background come on board and clarify. That amount of money cant be used for such a project. may be its US$9.8M not US$98M. Even if we were to build new structures like Indeco, Findeco, Zimco and Society House combined together that amount is big. Not even Rabol bank paid that for Zanaco takeover. Can someone plz clarify this deal and pipo are sleeping. Its a big kil

  22. Mpombo MONKEY is an embarrassing to his own family. I wish he was my biological father. I was going to discipline him by burning his beards. Let him just face Patrick Mwanawasa jr in kafulafuta.ALL the old folks like Mulongoti, Chitala will go into political graves.

  23. Mpombo is right, all the Rupian rabid dogs barking at him here will one day be shamed when the truth comes out. All those who know Banda and his stinking corrupt ways know for a fact this man will stoop as low as it takes to oil his palms with loot.

  24. But what is wrong this man. So he still feels that he deserves to be President or what? Why all this baseless ranting?

    Even if there was a shred of truth in what he is saying, his approach is certainly self centered.

  25. For the first time Mushota seem to be talking sense. African leaders enjoy insulting each other. Mpombo’s continuous insults on RB will take us nowhere. After all all these guys are made from the same skin be it Sata, RB, HH and the like. These are all African leaders. African leaders are all spineless and selfish. Nothing can ever stop them from being selfish. They would rule for ever if chance allows. For example Gadaffi can kill 95% of Libya and can still be happy to rule the remaining 5%. I end here!

  26. hey Tonga No Hope @17, you should have done your home properly. Thatcher negotiated an arms deal to benefit the producers of the fighter jets (Tornados) which is a British company. The govt promised more aid to sweeten the deal. The UK govt benefited by way of taxation from the deal. In other words, the British were selling not buying like RB so JB could have 10% & the two are not similar. Besides, no dust was raised at the time the deal was signed until much later because of violation of 1966 Overseas Aid Act, sound familiar? As regards the war in Iraq, it has not yet been established whether it was illegal or not, the debate is still going on and as you are aware, an Inquiry has been set up here in the UK, Tony has already been questioned over this. Facts bwana.

  27. # 22 DJ Kaluba, I concur, It is imperative that this issue is debated in parliament and both PSs for MOD and MOFNP be tasked as you have stated. There is noway Hon. Goerge Mpombo can go mad to state what is not. He resigned on principle and decided to hold his peace at that time. When perpetual aggression through the police and other state agents became unbearable Mpombo could not continue holding his peace. Not holding a press conference to resign and put this scandal out their was Mr. Mpombos insurance, but when this could not deter RBishs’ saddistic attitude, Mr. Mpombo had to speak. I repeat, he is NOT A MAD MAN! Wait for the change of government if GOD appoints it, there will be exposure of all manner of corrupt activity conducted and instigated by RBish! Of this I am sure!

  28. Georgie Porgie, indeed if RB & co. are guilty of any wrong doing, the truth will eventually come out (after all “umulandu taubola”). In the meantime, focus on your fraud cases, instead of throwing stones when infact you live in a glass house. You and your late relative, Levy, were not so clean afterall. You allowed Mahtani and Nchito/Mmembe while pursuing kafupi with much fanfare! Hypocrite, who are you to talk about corruption when you couldnt even retire imprest and your ministerial appointment was purely on nepotistic lines.

  29. .
    Fred False Prophet Mmembe, you are really desperate.

    It’s ironic that even the BBC World Radio, Voice Of America & CNN now realised that The Post is run by a bunch of liars. The International Media is being very careful to replicate what the Post reports

  30. The facts behind Mpombo’s real reasons for resigning are more hilarious that many on this thread could ever imagine it to be, pure comedy. But as usual, the Post newspaper have managed to create in the minds of the unsuspecting public credence to Mpombo’s otherwise nonsensical rantings. Put on a scale measuring irrelevancies, Mpombo’s are right at the top. And because governments opponents are busying fishing out for anything juicy enough to mar government, they are ready to believe any trash that a nondescript such as Mpombo spills out, no matter how ridiculous it might be.

  31. In all fairness Mpombo cannot make such claims from without. RB’s integrity rating is very low. Just look at the way the Chiluba plunder cases have been manipulated and am pretty sure many top ranking MMD members are ashamed about it. The only problem we have in Zambia is that we are not bold enough to face people in authority and tell them when they are wrong. State house seems to have a heavy hand in contracts and this is not healthy for accountability and good governance. As Zambians we must fight it and l sincerely congratulate Mpombo for his courage and principles

  32. RB is behaving exactly what chiluba used to behave when challeged that there is corruption in his Govt. ‘Bring evidence’ those were the words of Chiluba and when evidence was brought against him he cried foul that he was being persecuted for declaring Zambia as a Christian Nation!!!

  33. I have no doubt that Mpombo’s puny mind has misled him to rate himself so highly that he believes he is the ultimate visionary that Zambians have all their lives waited for, more so the headline space accorded to him by that ‘once credible’ newspaper that has now unmistakably lost that reputation now plying in the yellow journalism league.

    The damage to the reputation of the Post newspaper is a depressing reality to anyone who has been a keen reader of this media outlet and sadly one which will take more than a change in ownership to begin to repair.

  34. The down to earth thing to do to be able to substantiate these claims by Mpombo is to recall, and if ignorant about, research into what in actual fact led to Mpombo’s resignation from government.

    A tip of it is that, he had gone on leave prior to his resignation and what he found out when he ‘came back’ shocked him and prompted his resignation …

  35. RB became president in Oct 2008, Mpombo resigned in July 2009. That is 9months from the time RB came to power. I don’t know whether the president would have had enough time to understand how the system works and quickly arrange for an arms deal while entrenching his power! 100days of presidency is difficult. Talk about a guy who has jst taken over power thru a stroke of luck!! Come on, bo Mpombo, unless this deal was already going on, I don’t see how this can work chronologically. Someone else might hav started the purchase process and it wasnt RB.

  36. The heavy weight of Mpombos beard is draining energy from his brains resulting in irrational reasoning.

  37. Whether some people like it or not Mpombo will be vindicated one day. Zambia is currently being run by a corrupt regime. One wonders why some people are condemning Mr. Mpombo. Do they feel it is okay for a president of a miserable country like Zambia to defraud his country? Some people heads must be examined! More people must bring out the scandals involving RB and his clan.

  38. Serious media would do a thorough check on the background of its ‘sources’ before committing to rely on the information given. It is only because, the philosophy behind the tabloid post newspaper, is that the majority of its readership careless to examine the authenticity of their reports on account of the good reputation they had deservedly managed to garner over the previous years. In other words, they rely on the belief that people will believe anything reported by them, an assumption far from reality.

  39. Even FTJ at one point asked for evidence when he was asked about corruption!Like they say the rest is history!
    Arms deal information by a former defence Minister who was sent to effect it.
    Your guess is as good as mine.

  40. Dick’s Son Jeleboy is a fundraising chairperson for Zambia Judo Association. Viser recently visited Zambia.. 3 to 4 months ago. He went to the Olympic Youth Development Centre in LSK where he promised that the International Judo Federation would soon put up a state of the art facility..and we r still waiting. He visited RB at State House where he made it clear that they were going to build the facility. So the meeting with Viser is no surprise to mee ..I love Judo and sport in general so don’t get me wrong, but dontch kubeba..Pa Bwato 4 ever


    The US$98million is not just to repair the fire damage but to do a whole new modernisation project which include building new multi-storey offices and parkades.I wish I could access the plans for you – it will be a beautiful “eye catching” development. So US$98m is not too much. You can contact the managing director, +260211224166 for details. Email is [email protected]

  43. iwe aba ume tulefwaya remember what our late president did when he was vp when he saw corruption he resigned so did Mpombo donchi ku beba it is time for change brothers

  44. Since Mr Mpombo has no documentary proof, is he waiting for a court appearance before calling on his witness? I say so, because as Minster then he wasn’t working in isolation at least some of his trusted henchmen should have been aware of this deal. I expect this people to come in the open to substantiate Mr Mpombo’s claims.


  46. u will be killed soon, have you forgotten paul tembo and penza. be careful. if u want to talk, seek asylum first then shout from there.

  47. You Mpombo you where difence minister, so you did not say anything. So if there was a scandal you where the one to be pernalised. And by the way every nation has the denfence force which uses arms, in the of Zambia, we do not manufacture arms so we should by. Ba Mpombo mwabilima saana, ala ababilima tabaya.

  48. I can imagine how frastrated the animal kingdom is feeling that their name MPOMBO is being abused by some human *****!

  49. Initially most of us thought Mpombo was exaggerating the US$100 million allegedly to be used on the purchase of arms for peace keeping until I read in the Post that NAPSA is to fund the REFURBISHMENT of Society House at a cost of US$98 million! Surely this money is sufficient to construct a new building. Here again it is single sourcing that was used. What was the cost of the construction of Society House? The Mbombela World Cup stadium in Nelspruit in S. Africa cost nearly as much at US$137 million. If the Watergate tapes containing incriminating evidence were erased in the USA the chances of the incriminating papers being shredded in a 3rd World counry are 200%!. Mpombo is being naive by thinking that this papers are still there.

  50. If Mupombo has any dreams about becoming a ahigh placed leader again in Zambia ,he should at least respect himself by showing that he gives respect to others.Conteporary Zambians are not like the Independence Zambians among whom wer only 100 graduates. The rest were form five ,fours and form twos with poor grades. Then the army of illiterates. So slow minded people like Mupombo and Mulongoti who became a graduate[evening classes….I do not know the quality of his form five certicate if he has it] only recently,can’t hoodwink this crop of Zambians.We are

  51. Mushota you are also a attention seeker I think. Look at the commotion you have been causing on these LT blogs, you are no better thatn the Mpombos, Chitalas and the like.

  52. Kenneth Kaunda aka KK = Humanism
    FJT Chiluba = New culture (of stealing)
    LP Mwanawas = Government of Laws
    RB Banda = ? (Government of Deals?)

  53. Mpombo is a real mpombo for sure. How does this man continue insulting the head of state? The man is just running around like a headless chicken. Mpombo just shup up and solve your forgery cases. No one asked you to cheat on those funny cheques of yours. You are just inviting trouble. Mpombo should not throw stones when he is still living in  glass house. You politicians are made of the same skin and you cannot cheat us anymore. 

  54. #58 Exactly what I was thinking myself. Also, should have stated the reason for his resignation at the time he left govt.

  55. Mpombo is currently on the ropes. It is a common thread. He is now like a prostitute who was not paid after services rendered so she goes on the inform about the underwear state and other concealables. It appears to me the guy is trying to ‘cushion’ his persecution by pulling in as much as he can to survive. I am doubtful that he is lying; however, I am not sure how far down the path of oath breaking he has gone (though I suppose revealing theft and scandal is hardly covered by any oath).

  56. @16 zambian british, we are not in a developed country but some backward swamp where lies are our educational and moral standards. with the rate at which lies are manufactured in zambia, if presidents were to resign on the whims of our silly politicians then we would have a new president every month. we would probably be so tired of elections that we would simply line up all criminals in prison to take turns as president of zambia.

  57. and can this scruffy looking so called politician please tell us why he did not say this when he resigned? i thought that would have been the most appropriate time as all of us were anxious to hear the reasons why this filthy (sorry for the language) side of politics resigned? as it is this allegation reminds us that this is election time zambian style, didn’t our president in waiting mr sata make the same allegations of KK in 1991?

  58. When Nawakwi said Chiluba is a thief for the first time the whole country said its a lie, but after years everyone knows that she was right. The same will go for AlaaBee the truth always comes out!!!!. Unfortunately sometimes too late more especially in Zambia

  59. Zambia makes a funfair look like a stock exchange.All our leaders have no decency or morals.RB is a corrupt g1t who should be taken out asap.

  60. #17, your blog name is insulting.You are being tribal against the Tongas. Drop it !!!!.

    This is my last warning

  61. Mr Mpombo, you resigned on your own and not pushed. You should have prepared a dosier of evidence before you resigned if your claims were to hold water. You had all the time while still in office and could have delayed resigning to use your office to gather all the needed evidence. Now you look like a fool trying to divert attention from your own corruption cases. You really look foolish and no wonder you had to leave the 3rd office in the land your calibre of thinking and planning could not work in the office. Dont waste the time of the country with empty talk. Come with facts otherwise shut up.

  62. no 69  well put, tell us what you know or shut the F up. Minister of defence has now reported him to the police. Am sure he thought the will be quiet. Next year this man will be seating in Jail

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