Saturday, July 27, 2024

The Oprah Winfrey show Finale


After 25 years of history-making, life-changing television, Oprah hosts the finale of The Oprah Winfrey Show.

The most famous talk show host has decided to end the show to focus on her production company. Monday kicked off the three-part finale series that included Tuesday’s “Surprise, Oprah! A Farewell Spectacular” at the United Center in Chicago.

Oprah opened her final episode by describing how she got from her start to how the show has gained the success it has today.

The Mississippi native’s show started back in 1983 when as “AM Chicago”  and was later named “The Oprah Winfrey Show.” It was nationally broadcast in 1986.

“I started out with a jerrycurl and a bad fur coat,” said Oprah. The talk show host told her fans how she hosted her first show without an audience . She said she brought in a few chairs and filled the show with staff from the building and people on the street that she “bribed with donuts and coffee.”

Today, Oprah’s show has become one of the most successful talk shows in history. It has made Oprah one of the richest African Americans of the 20th century and she was once the world’s only black billionaire.

“From day one Chicago, you took me in,” she said to her audience in the finale episode. Soon after she started the show something shifted and Oprah said it went from just a job to more. Oprah then told the audience that she always wanted to be a teacher and became one to the biggest classroom, though sometimes she was the teacher but mostly everyone else taught her.

“This will be our last class from this stage,” said Oprah.[pullquote]Everyone has a calling, and your real job in life is to figure out what that is and get about the business of doing it,” she said. “You have to know what sparks the light in you so that you in your own way can illuminate the world. … Wherever you are, that’s your stage, your circle of influence. That’s your talk show, that’s where your power lies. … You have the power to change somebody’s life[/pullquote]

With no guests or surprise for this episode, Oprah decided to dedicate her final episode to sharing what her audience taught her over the years.

She began sharing her most touching videos beginning with an episode involving a woman who felt people’s energy. After the episode Oprah kept a plaque on her wall that quoted the guest and asks each person to “Be responsible for the energy they bring.”

She went on to share other touching moments of past guests including sexually abused men who all first unveiled themselves on “The Oprah Winfrey Show.”

She also thanked her fourth grade teacher Mrs.Dunkin, who appeared back in 1988 too, who Oprah said “first validated her,” and made her feel like she “mattered.”

“You and this show have been the great love of my life,” Oprah said to viewers as the final show came to a close. ”I won’t say goodbye but say, until we meet again.”

In a special episode that aired Wednesday as part of a three-part farewell, a slew of celebrities and even more fans came together to pay tribute to the most famous talk show host in history.  The star studded lineup included Tom Hanks, Dakota Fanning, Jerry Seinfeld, who performed a routine, Madonna, Tom Cruise, Halle Berry, Beyonce, John Legend, Jamie Fox, Dr. Phil, Stevie Wonder, Patti LaBelle, Aretha Franklin, Rosie O’Donnell, Usher and Stedman Graham.

“This last hour is about me saying thank you; it is my love letter to you,” she said. “I want to leave you all with the lessons that anchor my life. Every day that I stood here I knew that this was exactly where I was supposed to be. There was many a day I came to work tired, but I showed up because I knew that you were waiting, you were waiting for whatever we had to offer. That’s why I never missed a day in 25 years.”

Over the course of 60 minutes Wednesday, Winfrey inspired laughter, but it’s also fair to say that she simply felt the need to inspire. The 57-year-old media mogul told her viewers she hoped they would take what she’s given them and turn their everyday lives into their own personal stage, to realize they also have the power to affect and change lives.

“Everyone has a calling, and your real job in life is to figure out what that is and get about the business of doing it,” she said. “You have to know what sparks the light in you so that you in your own way can illuminate the world. … Wherever you are, that’s your stage, your circle of influence. That’s your talk show, that’s where your power lies. … You have the power to change somebody’s life.”

The other lesson the show has taught her, she said, is how important it is to grasp the concept of your own worth. “The show has taught me that there’s a common thread that runs through all of our pain and suffering: unworthiness,” Winfrey said. “We can all block our own blessings because we don’t feel inherently good enough or smart enough or pretty enough. The show has taught me that you’re worthy because you were born and you are here. You’re being here, and being alive, makes you worthy. You alone are enough.”

And, of course, if you want to still hear from Oprah, you can. She said during the finale that her new e-mail address is [email protected]. “It’s the personal e-mail account for all of you,” Winfrey said, adding if there’s something in your inbox from that address, it’s from her directly. “I want you to know that what you have to say matters to me.”

In the end, Winfrey said her departure isn’t bittersweet, but rather “all sweet and no bitter.”

“Every single day I came down from my makeup room, I’d offer a prayer of gratitude for the opportunity to have done this work. To be embraced by all of you, it’s one of the greatest honors a human being can have,” she said.

“Many of us have been together for 25 years. … So I thank you all for your support and trust in me. I thank you for tuning in every day. … I won’t say goodbye, I’ll just say, ‘Until we meet again.’ ”

[Long Island News;CNN entertainment]

Oprah Winfrey has been a great inspiration to Lusakatimes and we wish her all the best in the next chapter of her life


  1. We need people like in the society to inspire others. how nice it is when you go you leave legacy not others when they go, they take other peoples belongings, they frustrate others, steal and do all sots of bad things. May God bless Ophra

  2. “SUDE team is well aware of the latest developments in modernization and automation with stress on economy, efficiency and quality. The products are Pneumatic Actuators etc.”

  3. Oprah has grown big headed bacause of money and a thousand fans. So she decided to challenge God by opening a Church called the O-Religion where she is a goddes.during the launch of her religion she declared…praise be to me!!!! God is not a respector of man and if she doesnt repent ASAP, she will face the wrath of the almighty. Dont just sing praises to Oprah


  5. @ 6 Kate###### You are sport on. i wonder what these other contributers are talking about. They must be pf kaponyas.

  6. ++6 jelous!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! who are you to judge her thats her business with her god. The woman is powerful call it white when its white pliz we begoooo.

  7. #10- Kadoyo google the O religion.

    #11- Joyce , did you say jelous??? oh c’m on!!! there is no need for that, am sure you know it.

  8. What shall it profit a woman if she gains the whold world and loses her soul? The whole show was more of a worship to Oprah. Who cares about Opra in Zed. She came over and made promises which she never fulfilled. Its tru that that she inspired millions. but she needs to repent for inspiring many people into new age worship

  9. #6 You are sport on.Oprah Winfrey is into New Age she once stated that “Jesus did not come to this earth to die on the cross for our sins”. Oprah is literally deceiving millions of people.

  10. # 13…Amen! 14— Chapwa… can you do me a favour by educating #11, who thinks its pure jelousy….???…

  11. Gee some people are losers. I’ve been watching oprah for years and never heard of O religion etc.The woman is very sucessful.Blessed by God.Just give praise where its due.Just because she doesn’t believe what you believe doesn’t make her evil.

  12. everything has its own end! nothing lasts for ever. as human beings we shouldnt forget about God who gives us life and opportunities.

  13. @18 Mosi yanga######Please spare us of this yap yap, what kalijo? she is not even my inspiration and there is nothing she has which is extraordinary. Get a life

  14. “People ask me how I made it? I say a great staff…and JESUS! Nothing but the hand of God made this possible for me, and when I say God, I mean the Alpha & the Omega. The one and only G-O-D” that’s a direct quote from her final show

  15. Kate#6 and others Be very very careful what you read in this day of the internet. The information you are peddling is not true. there is a book called “The Gospel According to Oprah” by Marcia Z. Nelson. That and Oprah’s discussion on God fuelled the suspicion that Oprah would found her own church. Other critics didnt like her review of “The Secret” a book of two cliche concepts; However, Oprah reviews all sorts of books. She has founded no such religion

  16. Quoted from “Though Winfrey herself officiated over the opening ceremonies for the First Church Of Oprah, Savior, located on Chicago’s Magnificent Mile, O, The Oprah Religion does not require or even encourage Church attendance. Instead, believers are urged to stay home and watch services on their televisions. Regular broadcasts will be held every weekday at 11am. An additional service is planned for the most devout, to be called Oprah, After The Service.
    Following her introductory remarks, Archbishop King spread her hands to the heavens, and Oprah herself appeared in the sky overhead, swathed in blindingly white robes and a pair of black leather knee-high boots with stiletto heels…………continued

  17. continued: “Before Her, a mixed crowd of pre- and post-menopausal women shrieked in excitement, weeping openly at the heavenly vision. Several attendees were so overcome that they collapsed in pools of their own urine.
    “Blessed are all who come before Me,” intoned Oprah after floating down to the podium, “and Blessed are all women who come to terms with things! Blessed also is this interesting hand-carved pepper mill; it is one of My Favorite Things! There’s one in each of your gift bags!”……continued

  18. continued…”With a flourish of trumpets from an unseen orchestra, production assistants scurried through the crowd, handing out gift bags to all and dispensing Egyptian cotton towels to the women who had wet themselves.
    “Blessed is My church, enter ye now and view My services on the giant screen flat-panel Sony television within!” Continued Oprah, “Look within yourself, for you can overcome all obstacles when you believeth in yourself! Look also within your gift bag, as you all get a certificate for a free flat-panel Sony television of thine own!”

  19. continued….”With a gesture from Her hands, the doors to the church swept open, and the crowds rushed forth to enter the church as an ivory chariot descended from the sky, whisking Oprah away to her apartment.
    “Peace be with you! Praise be to Me!” she yelled as she drove out of sight.” End of quote.

    We are thick in the period the Bible prophesied will be chocked with false prophets leading many away from the truth.  

  20. Wantanshi, this is the funniest thing I have read so far on this story. You have made me laugh early on a sunday morning. I wonder why the Oprah haters haven’t picked up on this. I can assure you there are plenty who would like to see her fall.

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