Saturday, July 27, 2024

‘Voter verification should re-start’


A Human Rights advocacy Organization has called on the Electoral Commission of Zambia (ECZ) to re-start the Voter Verification exercise that expires today.

Hope for human Rights and Justice Executive Director Smart Chanda says the exercise should be extended to ensure that more registered voters are captured.

Mr. Chanda has also expressed disappointed at the anomalies discovered during the verification process so far with regards to people’s particulars.

He says an extension of the verification exercise is inevitable if the majority of the Zambians are to exercise their right to vote in this year’s elections.

Mr. Chanda has also expressed sadness at the recorded low turnout of people to verify their details in the voters’ register.

ECZ Director Pricilla Isaacs has maintained that the country’s electoral body will not extend the voter verification exercise adding that doing so will delay the certification of the final register which is expected to be done by July 31st.
[ QFM ]


  1. smart chanda, just fight for human rights and justice in the right place i.e. in pf, e.g. internal democracy. teach mr sata to preach the truth too, that is part of justice.

  2. ba pf cadre smart chanda, we know that this is a ploy to delay the announcement of election date beyond the legal limit so that you accuse rb. aren’t you the same flip flop pf that is demanding for early elections? how can that be done if ecz doesn’t finalise the register of voters? anyway, what does pf know about rules, procedure and good governance? your colleagues managed to mobilize their voters, where were you? we are fed up of hearing pf politics like mosquito noise in our ears. we want to put elections behind us and see what rb has in store for us in terms of development agenda to 2016. no extension period!

  3. before one had their voters card taken those ecz officers would ask you to verify your particulars right their at the registration centre. if you were satisfied you had your card what is this again? ecz channel the resources that you have to sensitising people to vote peacefully and not towards this useless exercise you have embarked on. does it not click to you why most voters have shunned it despite the numerous ads?

  4. And you call the MMD Kabwe Convention “internal democracy”? Do you know what democracy looks like?

    Chanda is right to ask for the verification to be extended so that no one is turned away from the polls through no fault of their own, but incompetent ECZ of yours.

  5. # 1 pf government
    How does Sata come in to this?His name has not been mentioned in the article neither has PF been mentioned.

  6. I hope PF voters have not been left out on the voter’s register. Zambians like doing things at the last minute. The exercise had enough time, we need the resources to finish tarring Lsk roads before elections. MMD has serious voters and they adhere to instructions. ECZ go ahead and finalise the registers. Why should govt be pulled down even on obvious issues

  7. Even if the so called voter verification period waz extended for a life time, there would be no difference whatsoever. So let’s just go and vote – on withe election date!

  8. @4, remove the log in your eyes before you point at the spec in the eye of your colleague. ba pf, surely this is a marvellous opportunity to show voters that you can do better than mmd, that your demcracy is better, by holding your national convention. remember that the copperbelt provincial convention was a dismal flop too? all that we know at present is that pf doesn’t have the capacity to organise a simple convention so how can they you run a complex thing like a national government?

  9. @4, the reasoning of pf is amazing, you are crying foul as if the ecz did not tell you to go and verify? if your voters are turned away on account of wrong details, how does that become incompetence of ecz? looks pf has smelt electoral disaster as wynter kabimba predicted.

  10. It does baffle one that a system (computer or its database) will print a valid entry, just to discover that someones image or name has an error different from the valid card in their possession. What assurity do we then have that the verification will not be flawed in a similar manner if put on the same unstable database which seems to have a mind of its own. Its a tough call to vote with these fears as you never know if you will be allowed to after braving the heat in a queue for 3 hours to discover your John is a Jon Doe with your NRC number.

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