Saturday, July 27, 2024

Kitwe clergyman arrested for defiling under aged juvenile


A 61 year old evangelist of Union Baptist church in Kitwe has been arrested for defiling a girl under the age of sixteen.

The evangelist Elvis Katongo appeared in court before magistrate Denstan Muchaba charged with defiling a child under the age of 16 years, a charge he has denied.

It is alleged that Katongo, who is in charge of Union Baptist church in Chimwemwe Township, defiled a child under the age of 16 years contrary to section 138 of the penal code chapter 87 of the laws of Zambia Act 15 of 2005 and Act number 3 of 2011.

Particulars of the offence are that on 4th June 2011 in Kitwe, Katongo had carnal knowledge of the female juvenile of Kawama Township who is a congregant at his church.

The evangelist currently detained at Kamfinsa prisons was arrested on 13th June 2011.

The court adjourned the matter to June 29, 2011 for mention and also to make a ruling on the application for bail he made.

But the prosecution objected to the application stating that the accused is living at the same church where the victim is also staying and that it is likely that he will interfere with the victim.

The accused said the victim stays in Kawama and not at the church but only come to congregate at his church.

Trial will commencement on June 19 2011.


  1. Why cant Govt regulate the formation of churches ai? Any broke a,,, claim to be a clergyman in that poverty stricken country.

    • Totally agree with you. It’s high time that the government implements what is already in place for regulating the formation of churches.

  2. We have seen some of these preachers raising their hands and pointing at women signalling that they want to make love with them. Watch carefully when they are preaching. And now this ***** difiles a young teenager. Lock him up and throw away the keys. Indeed govnt should regulatethe formation of these churches. eeiiish

  3. People who take advantage of minorz and have intercourse with them are perverts not fit to be free in society. They need serious counselling and constant monitoring since chancez are that they will repeat the offence. In the developed World, like the UK and USA, defilerz, rapists and s.e.x offederz in general are tagged and on check 24/7. 

  4. Zambian Men are Jokes . How one would do such a thing is beyond comprehension, It is for this reason some of us have refused to date a Zambian Man.

    Just the thought of someone thinking of somthing like that makes me sick! A very disturbing story.My fiance and i thinks were just discussing this , and it appaling to say the least. Thanks

    • mushota dont you think you are stereotyping? it would be unfair to our sisters to say all of them who marry white men are in it for the money dont you think?,dont get me wrong this pastor is a pig who should have his gonads stuffed in his rear end but to say all Zambian men are jokes is rather narrow sighted and very unfair,but hey we all have a right to an opinion and if thats yours by all means stick to it but try and keep an open mind

  5. The problem with Zambian men is too much booze, the fail to perform in bed and they resort to these so called herbal roots the chew all day to enhance ther sexy performance. guys come on, u dnt need these roots to perform. come to papa and i will show u hw to go over an hour.

  6. # 7 ba tompweless mushota, which race do you date which is exempt from such vices? Must be aliens from pluto!

  7. “A judge has described an attack on a 14-year-old girl in Melbourne’s west as the worst case of attempted murder possible.

    Michael Hermogenes, 25, of Hoppers Crossing, has pleaded guilty to a string of charges, including rape, attempted murder and arson.

    The Victorian Supreme Court heard he befriended the 14-year-old through a church group, before the attack in May last year.

    Hermogenes has admitted giving the teenager alcohol before choking and raping her and setting her and the house on fire”.

  8. @#7 – Mushota, kindly read blog #16. Maybe it will help you to understand that we know the rote that people like your fiancee are capable of doing.

  9. @#15, #17 and #18 please also read #5… Everyone seems bigoted. If it is not at national level, it is at tribal level. God help!

    • If that was your daughter you wouldn’t say that. In saying that if a man regardless of age abused you daughter, sister etc it’s ok is it until proven guilty? Think before you write my friend.

  10. Ba pastor, bashimapepo, ba Brother, ur a let down, muleisebanyafye, ur are not God’s servants, please ba clegy, mucinje ifimisango fyenu ifyabipa, ifimano fyabupuba muleke. Ninshi ukulashupa utubana utunono please, lesa akamikanda icine mwefipuba mwe

  11. shi mapepo apetite was too much you couldnt find a wife instead you decide to pluck a flower that hasnt even bloomed yet? you lucky castration is practiced in zambia you wanker!!!

  12. Mmmmm…bashi mapepo ubupuba. Now he is going to become someone else’ bitch in prison. Karma is very much alive! I hope he fulfills all his fanatasies while there, thats what you get for raping children.

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