Saturday, June 1, 2024

NAC against prostitution legalization


National Aids Council (NAC) board chairperson Bishop Joshua Banda says legalizing prostitution will be a misplaced priority.

Bishop Banda however acknowledges that certain countries depending on their culture consider prostitution as a profession.

Speaking during the grand launch of the MUVI TV 2011 season three Ready for Marriage in Lusaka last evening, Bishop Banda said the ability of people including sex workers to reform must not be overlooked.

The NAC board Chairperson who is also Northmead Assemblies of God Church overseer has commended MUVI TV for the idea behind the new ready for marriage; noting that the women involved are vulnerable in their own rights hence the need for assistance.
[ MUVI ]


  1. this news is it a statement or bishop is responding to a statement stated by someone LT could you help me to understand this strory

  2. Ba Bishop Please face facts in your Church there are prostitutes who even work in high offices. and using the money they make to give the church

  3. I beg to differ, making it illegal just leads to a seedy underworld where young girls(boys) end up trafficked and abused. Even the cops are in on the rot; everytime they arrest these young girls for loitering, they demand sex or a blow-job in order to free them! By legalizing it, you bring about transparency and greater protection for those working in this ‘industry’. Let’s not pretend, prostitution has been around before biblical days and will be here long after we are all dead! So long as there are chaps willing to pay for booty, there will always be a steady supply.

    • yep rather legalize and educate… men will always go for ramp whether legal or illigal and women will always provide the meat..lets not pretend here.

  4. Whether you legalise prostitution or not just know that prostitutes will always be there even in church.

  5. Lets recognise prostitution as an inherent part of human life and legalise it. Legalising prostitution will enable miserable souls like me to know who’s a prostitute and who’s not. In this way, I will be able to hook up when in need (which is the case most of the time) or not of my own free will. Legalising will further help protect young fools who are prone to make girlfriends of these hules who hide in sheep clothing. Additionally, Govt will collect revenue from the prostitution industry.

  6. The fact is that this vice is there on the streets let people engage freely and AIDS will go down. Child defilement will decrease

  7. Legalize it so that there s a standard fee for sex,we have been paying too much of late and fees have been inconsistent.

  8. N# 9 You ve made me laugh. RB legalize it together with Homosexuality for PF’s sake. Once you do this Sata wont stand & all PF supporters will vote for u. This is how simple it is for u to win the coming elections.

  9. The pastor is correct:let’s not underestimate people’s ability to reform. I was a drunk, failed in school and later was a conman but I reformed. As a result, I finished my education, got a good job and gave my life to Jesus! It’s possible – I am a living example.

  10. Legalizing prostitution will empower women over their sexuality. They can do it in places where they can have control instead of being picked with increased chances of not being paid for the services, being physically abused or being forced to have unprotected sex. There is nothing morally wrong with prostitution. Not legalizing it causes more harm to individuals and society. Even the rich man of God is a beneficiary indirectly e.g. tithe or directly. Please let’s treat these people humanely when they provide the service and pay them well. This would still leave room to reform for those who can or want to.

  11. Who iz talking about legalizing prostitution? This iz one profession that doezn’t need any legislation, it will be there any way. 

  12. The problem in Zambia is that we are still looking at prostitution as a women’s profession, when in fact there has been an increase male prostitution. When you visit places frequented by tourist like Livingstone, you will find that their are many man-whores than women. These are the men who sell their bodies for sex to men and women. Serious reduction in unemployment levels in the country is the only solution, talking won’t change anything. People have to eat 

  13. Legalizing prostitution means to pay tax they should register to ZRA for TPIN or VAT and they have to issue receipts to their clients and controlled by ministry of health for their health.

  14. yep rather legalize and educate… men will always go for ramp whether legal or illegal and women will always provide the meat..lets not pretend here.

  15. @17 good question, in all fairness how is the tax man going to screw them out of their hard earned cash?? any suggestions??

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