Wednesday, October 23, 2024

It’s ten presidential candidates for 2011 elections


Opposition UNIP president Tilyenji Kaunda shakes hands with Chief Justice Ernest Sakala when he filed in his nomination papers at the Supreme Court in Lusaka
Opposition UNIP president Tilyenji Kaunda shakes hands with Chief Justice Ernest Sakala when he filed in his nomination papers at the Supreme Court in Lusaka

In what appeared would be probably the highest number of contenders for plot one for this year’s 20th September polls, the final contestants are down to 10 compared to eleven in 2001.

Although 17 parliamentary candidates had earlier indicated they would battle it out through the ballot for state house this year, the filing in of nominations closed on Friday with only ten candidates.

Of the seven out of the race, some failed to raise the 2-hundred pre-conditional numbers of supporters, while others pulled the plug at the eleven hour for various reasons but largely due to inability to raise supporters or K10m presidential nomination fee.

The filing of nominations which started on Sunday 7th August, closed Friday 12th August at the Supreme Court in Lusaka, and saw duly nominated presidential candidates also declare assets.

Chief Justice Ernest Sakala has officially announced the names of the party leaders that have successfully filed in valid nominations at the close of the period as:

Candidate Party

1. Tilyenji Kaunda UNIP
2. Edith Zewelani Nawakwi FDD
3. Dr Fredrick Mutesa ZED
4. Elias Chipimo Jnr NAREP
5. Hakainde Hichilema UPND
6. Ng’andu Magande NMP
7. Rupiah Bwezani Banda MMD
8. Charles Milupi ADD
9. Michael Sata PF
10. Godfrey Miyanda HP

Political parties whose candidates pulled out of the race failed to raise the required number of supporters are:

11. Dr Cosmo Mumba NRP
12. ZDDM
13. Bishop Steven Mwale PRP
14. ZCP
15. RCP
16. ZPP
17. UNP

Bishop Stephen Mwale’s PRP had earlier requested the Electoral Commission of Zambia to defer the party’s filing of presidential nominations from Wednesday to Friday, which was granted.

But by close of nominations at 16 00 hours on Friday, PRP still failed to raise the required number of supporters and crashed out of the race.

Other parties fell through due to what appeared to be technical issues such as similarities in symbols and cited lack of time to redesign and circulate the same to members countrywide within six days of in of nominations, and later on campaigning ahead of the polls.

With the three political parties: ZPP, RCP and PRP that were scheduled to file in their presidential bids on Friday unable to meet numbers, the Supreme Court enjoyed quietude all day till nominations closed at 16:00 hours after the last candidate PRP finally pulled out.

Chief Justice Ernest Sakala thanked all candidates who have successfully fined in for the presidential.

Justice Sakala has also thanked cadres for their peaceful conduct during the nomination period which begun on 7th August, and commended the media for their cooperation.



  1. It looks more credible than 17 oops. Now go out in the fields and stop suing one another. This goes to PF which is in this habit of taking every small matter to court even when they know too well that the matter will be dismissed. Just go out and campaign, courts wont give you votes. 

  2. This is not good at all. ECZ has lost 70Million Kwacha. These people should be fined to pay ECZ. There is verbal contract with ECZ. Milupi has got too much money as well. 35Billion is lot of money. Milupi and HH = 80Billion Kwacha.

  3. You people up there in Zambia, did PF field for all the 150 seats and all wards. Please give us the information as Post online and Zedleaks where we get first hand info are never updated these days.

    • Iwe ngwele check lusaka times it has list of candidates for all constituences for PF nichani unkala under a rock or kapena uliku state pen!

  4. Litunga, let us put matters into perspective. The last time I checked, which is last month the Kenyatta family in Kenya were worth $1.2billion. How is that for money? But then again these guys have been in business for a hell of a long time compared to us Zambians.

    Oooh, I almost forgot that’s K 7,360,000,000,000. Yes, in Africa. Kenya.

    And they are not the only Kenyan billionaires.

    I have no news on South African blacks. Please google richest Africans if you want the answer.

    • South Africa’s Patrice Motsepe featured on the Fortune 500 (Top 500 billionaires in the world if you are wondering)

  5. Litunga and Bakulu,

    I think your are a bit lost. These are not the richest people in Zambia but the presidential aspirants. It doesnt mean if your a presidential candidate then that dictates that your are the richest to start comapring to other rich Africans. We have simple shop trader that buy 10,000,000 million dollars of just sugar every week and make over 20% profit and these are jsu small fish in the country. I any case you just trying to put down your own country so so sad and shame on you.


    • My argument would be, with all the mineral wealth why dont we have indigenous Zambian billionaires, but again we are shy of empowerment we prefer giving our wealth to foreign investors

  6. Sorry about the types english is not my first language. Am a Zambian truck driver in Australia getting 2400 AUD ever week after tax, what about you????

  7. Chipimo, for the media hype was almost a casualty himself….he struggled to come up with 200 supporters.We might as well say ten candidates. Surprisingly, Mutesa had more thanenough supporters to support his nomination. This race will be interesting.Lets wait and see.

  8. 7 & 8.

    What company as i don’t believe someone so lowly skilled in English could pass a strict Australian mine site O.H&S safety audit.

  9. I didn’t know that the party so called PF is composed of homosexuals. Oh, what a disaster !!!!!!!!. A God fearing zambian should not vote for a satanic party cos this can bring alot of unexplained deaths in our beloved country, zambia.

  10. The status que must change for the 80% poor living below the poverty line Zambians. They have been in this situation for the past 20 MMD years despite Zambia producing billions of dollars in minerals. We have to chase these MMD looters. Time for change

  11. Abraham Lincoln once said….”Nearly all men can stand the test of adversity, but if you really want to test a man’s character, give him power.”….. So we have ten job applicants. Given power, some of these aspiring candidates would do more harm than good.

  12. Only two people are actually credible in this election the current President and the PF president the rest are time wasters or just want to make up numbers.
    Looking at the present trend in Zambia it’s more likely that RB is winning this election, with all due respect to Mr Sata, RB has more chance Nafuti Nafuti 
    Tonga tribal party has no chance whatsoever HH just give it up

  13. Zambians are a very tribaly bigoted people and this is manifested in their voting patterns at every election. Mark my word, Banda’s foreign stigma will haunt him at the polls, the winner of this election might be one you all least expected to win. It will most likely be a candidate that is from a province fielding the least number of presidential candidates. Whoever it will will curve out less than 25% of the total vote.

  14. Well there you go bull shit. You forgot to put the word with. So useless you are yourself. No wonder you are in useless WA full of Zambians with Aids. Come to Queensland and you won’t get a job to unblock toilets with your forged papers. It doest matter and am doing so well at TAFE and you will never get paid what am paid

  15. With this long list of presidential candidates RB unfortunately will be the winning candidate because the opposition is divided. very greedy quacks who have selfish motives. You will never see plot 1

  16. “Tilyenji Kaunda UNIP
    2. Edith Zewelani Nawakwi FDD
    3. Dr Fredrick Mutesa ZED
    4. Elias Chipimo Jnr NAREP
    5. Hakainde Hichilema UPND
    6. Ng’andu Magande NMP
    7. Rupiah Bwezani Banda MMD
    8. Charles Milupi ADD
    9. Michael Sata10. Godfrey Miyanda HP”

    At least five of these candidates claim support from Muchinga Province. Basopu, don’t kubeba. RB apita kudala. Pa Fwaka is history. chwee chwee chwee chwee chwee . Politics and Strategy bane. PF Kaponyas start organizing petitions for the mistakes you created by abandoning the pact in preferrence for don’t kubeba. Vote RB chwee chwee chwee

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