Saturday, June 1, 2024

Sata sets up Commission of inquiry into Mongu riots, pardons detainees and renames Ndola stadium


President Michael Sata has constituted a Commission of inquiry into the Mongu riots.

President Sata has appointed Dr Rodger Chongwe as the Chairperson of the commission.

Others appointed to the Commission are Sebastian Zulu, In’utu Suba, Frank Chanda, Senior Chief Bright Nalubamba, Willie Mung’omba, one person from the Barotse Royal Establishment -BRE- and one from the Barotse Land Agreement activist group, the Linyungandambo.

President Sata has pardoned all the people from the Western Province that were arrested in connection with the Mongu riots over the Barotse land Agreement.

President Sata has also pardoned Zambians that were arrested for Political sacrifices such as Judge Ngoma, George Goma, George Lemba and Ashwell Kampengele.

President Sata announced the pardoning today at States House shortly after swearing in George Mwenya Chella as Special Assistant to the President for Press and Public Relations.

Mr Chella was until his appointment Assistant News Editor at the Post Newspaper.

And Bishop for Orthodox Diocese of Eastern States and All Africa Reverend Dr Edward Chomba has welcomed President Michael Sata’s decision to pardon people arrested over the Mongu riots.

Dr Chomba says President Sata has demonstrated true Christian values.

He says that President Sata has shown attributes of a true leader that wants to reconcile all Zambians.

Dr Chomba was speaking in an Interview with ZNBC news in Lusaka on Thursday.

He has called on all Zambians to rally behind President Sata as he leads the country.

President Michael Sata has pardoned all the people from the Western Province that were arrested in connection with the Mongu riots over the Barotseland Agreement.

And President Sata has re-named the new Ndola National Stadium as Levy Mwanawasa Stadium.

President Sata has also re-named Lusaka District Hospital as Levy Mwanawasa General Hospital.

The Inside view of the New Ndola Stadium
The New Ndola Stadium renamed to Levy Mwanawasa stadium



  1. Interesting developments.
    Things are really moving so quickly. Next the plunder of national resources by the rupiah administration

  2. fast fast na chamba kale ukubomba, tuli muli submarine nomba, as it emerges on state house. not bad after all rb would have gotten itoni on the stadium but the initiator was levi. its good to remember him

  3. At this rate Mr President, we run a risk of having a shortage of names by the end of the year. Get on with the business of poverty reduction and job creation in the nation. mwebantu!!

    • Names a plenty mate he can use some from my clan. We still have independence stadium,manda hill, freedom house,state house(hope it won’t be black house) and unza to be renamed. Goodness is since it’s not done by parliament so it’s changeable by the next presido who may call Lusaka airport ” king cobra international airport”.I would be sad if he named Ndola stadium- Dochi kubeba international stadium. 

  4. just wondering,
    Is there going to be anything of national significance that will be named in honour of the late president chiluba.
    He is the only one left out so far. It will only be fair that he be honoured just like others. Besides he was acquitted of his cases by the courts.

  5. Thats good Michael but please go further and make a difference. You are from the opposition and acknowledge these fallen heroes that meaningfully contributed to the democratic process in Zambia though now late i.e Anderson Mazoka, Christon Tembo, Kebby Musokotwane (May their Souls Rest in Piece). These are people who had big Parliamentary Representation.

  6. Man of action King cobra is on a serious move, thumps up for remembering Mwanawasa for New Ndola stadium. Now we have 3 Mwanawasa historical infrastructures. Mansa-chembe bridge mwanawasa, Ndola stadium and Lusaka District Hospital Mwanawasa, bravo. I really miss Mwanawasa he was the best president we ever had. Thanks Mr Sata, you are a true nationalist.

  7. #5 realist, I think I can also see it happening. I can’t help but feel a rush of excitement to see the man working so hard already. Yes, there’s still a lot more to be done but at least he has started… and started off well.

  8. #6 No need to honor thieves, Chiluba brought mult-party democracy yes, but he destroyed his own legacy by stealing from Zambians and made alot of Zambians miserable.


  10. If Sata is indeed a true leader, I think he should also name something after Chiluba and RB. Corrupt as they might be viewed, i think we all agree that there must be even one positive thing they did…or development they initiated. Not that i think that everything should be re-named. 

    • how can he name something after a thief. I didnt like RB but i think he should get something because he handed over power, somewhat peacefully

  11. 90 day will have more money in every ones pocket.. or a cristmas bonus as HH put it since 90 days will clock on 23 rd december. We need a new contitution in 90 days. we need a reduced cabinet not new protifolios in govnmt. the baroste pipo should be given what you promised them.If none of the above happens in 90 days ??????? wanyaaa

  12. Well done Mr President for releasing those innocent men who suffered so much at the hands of Rupiah and his terrorits. We anxiously await the findings of the commission of inquiry.

  13. i ve spent aweek hardly having slep thinking of how best zambia wil be cleaned up,my ares of corn are as follows 1.poor woking culture 2.unequal salries in the civil service .unequla funding to ministries 4.delayment of appointments and retirement packages 5.displinary commission in civil servce is toothless 6.PS appointment of nonprofessional staff breeds corruption and misappropriation of funds and less wok done.Same pipo woking in foreign missions for many years ,why?sweep zambia and clean our beloved zambia

  14. Zambia missed a REAL president with Zambians at heart. Sata is unifying the country by naming airports after UNIP leaders and Hospital/Stadium after MMD leaders. Could RB have ever done this? Hey more is coming Donchi Kubeba!!!

  15. This would also be the right time to give back the Victoria Falls it’s original name: Mosi-oa-Tunya. This is what the people who had lived around the falls called it, centuries before David Livingstone was born. They led him to the falls and what does he do? He renames it after his Queen Victoria, discriminating the natives of the land, who in his eyes did not qualify to “discover” it.

    • Walanda bwino mudala. Although, I think on that one we need to negotiate with Zimbabwe. I wonder how Mugabe feels about our having a white veep by the way ;)

  16. The biggest battle the PF govt has is to change the mind set of Zambians especially towards public property. The work culture is still very poor with chaps reporting for work at 9am and immdieately leave to go shopping, saloon, private jobs etc during working times. Zambia can not be developed through rhetoric but hard work by all of us. Secondly, the consitution needs to be enacted to recognise Zambians who have acquired forein citizenships to be part of the development through dual citizenship, otherwise the country will continue losing the expertise of those in foreign lands!! Please dual citizenship now!!!!!!

    • I couldn’t agree more. Zambians must visit countries like Kenya or Rwanda and see what hard work means. It’s mind boggling to see how the Rwandans, for example, are farming those hills.

  17. How is renaming things development? People expect value addition not these cheap political skulldagery.Things have been build as grants and taxpayers money.This timewasting tactics just shows that somebody did not envisage the task of being President.

  18. By the way how do you pardon people that have not yet been convicted? Just tell DPP to enter a Nolle,Mu Zambia you just applaud anything olo nivaupuba,thats interfering with justice,use your brains for once.

  19. #1 and #7 yes we are experiencing a breath of fresh air. I pray we develop to a point where Zambians shouldnt have to leave home for work opportunities.


  21. How do you pardon a person who is not guilty? None of the Barotse activists pleaded guilty and none were convicted so this should be a nolle.

  22. Please I ve nothing against sata but would someone enlighten me, did people vote for economical emancipation or national re branding? Kindly enlighten me may be am too much in a hurry to have more money in my pocket and see the clean lusaka or may be its just the genesis of political appeasement for the next five years?

  23. So some people at the POST were promised jobs in STATEHOUSE, I wonder what Malupenga and Meembe will get, Its pay back times now

  24. if there is something to be learned from the life of Nelson Mandela is forgiveness and reconciliation, good we doin it in Zambia regardless the motive behind it.
    The honouring of great Zambians is a lil reflection of being  Nationalist, big ups

  25. This is bad. Why are we going back setting commission of inquires again like chiluba error. Its both resource and time wasting. Giving Rodger a job.

  26. Pradoning Judge Ngoma is a great mistake and misplaced Justice.Those guys had bitten former PF a Mr Mwanza if not mistaken in full view of ZNBC Camera at fairview hotel. No wonder the complainant said that the current president was the masterminder of his abduction and beatings. He actually ordered it.


  28. bad predence. some names and structures of national importance should be left to an independent organ, say parliament to do that. it looks good now, but the danger is; the next president will also be renaming the same structures with crazy names. i rest my case.

  29. am glad for i am reaping the fruits of my vote. Welcome home barotseland men. i will wait for your arrival. Might father, you have done it again as you did to the israelits in Egypt. U mulimu yasa tuheleli bana bahao inge ba nyanda. I will praise you at all times. Take control of of Govt Amen.

  30. At least we have alistening President. Thank u for leasing my brothers from uncalled for detation.
    Don’t forget the Barotseland Agreement,visit it and imprement within 90 days as you promised us.**==


  32. CAN SOME REAL LAWYERS PLEASE ADVISE US; CAN THE PRESIDENT PARDON SOMEONE WHO HAS NOT BEEN CONVICTED IN A COURT OF LAW. ISNT THIS POLITICAL INTERFERENCE IN THE JUDICIARY? I thought a convited person can be pardoned after the law carries its course. Maybe he used the wrong word or term.

    • “You are very right. A pardon only comes after you have been convicted. What MCS has done is just to free them without trial just like KK did with Christon Tembo and co in 1990.”
      I have copied and pasted for your information. The President is a man of action but he needs to use the correct words.

  33. Can the president pardon just like that?? Where did he get these new powers from? Not even Former President Rupiah Banda used to pardon like this. He followed procedure.

    It is like President Sata has thrown all procedure out the window and he’s doing what he feels like. The law according to President Sata.

  34. #41, you are very right. A pardon only comes after you have been convicted. What MCS has done is just to free them without trial just like KK did with Christon Tembo and co in 1990.

  35. Whats wrong with naming a stadium or airport after a dead person?Dont we name our kids in name of our fallen heroes even in families?Mashamo ayashani that you people are taking about?
    KK did great things same f Kapwepwe,Nkumbula and Levy Mwanawasa,Grey Zulu,Mungoni Liso,Nalumino Mundia,Fredrick Chiluba..the list is endless in terms of national heroes

  36. Mr President well done, now can you please look at doing the following: Create a legal services commission that is responsibile for appointing Judges to the bench and recommending 3 candidates for the chief justice position where you can choose one, further create a security services commission that will recommend 3 candidates for the army, airforce and police heads. This Mr President will help to remove serious political influence that has paralysed the other arms of government, namely the legislature and the judiary.

  37. Mr. Capitalist, am sure you have heard of “Presidential Decree”. Indeed he has the power to pardon anyone at a drop of a hat as those are the powers vested in the Republican Presidency as per the constitution. President Sata is definitely in his right to do this and the administrative aspect of that Presidential pardon will be done in conjunction with the Ministry of Justice, Home Affairs where the Prisons commission fall and naturally the Cabinet Office to get the documentation prepared and signed off. 

  38. Naming of structures is not dictatorial, bane!!! How many of you have ever named a cat or dog without having a ‘family referendum’. New Ministers get off your backsides and start work. Do not spend time renovating offices and changing furniture and cars!! These are days of austerity!!! Cut all costs!!!

  39. #26 Sata as a person that worked wonders in the ministry of health some years back, believe me he will sort out all the lazy public savants

  40. # 52 stop regressing, just know that it is too late for RB to do anything! The nationalist approach of name changing infrastructures is important, so that we have our history etched in the structures and monuments of our land. Levy Patrick Mwanawasa was unfairly ignored by RB and now we are saying thank you to that great son of this country. For the Lozi detainees, they deserve to go home, they have been physically and psychologically tormented as they watched and heard about the death of their colleagues. Others have even speculated that they were poisoned in Mumbwa hence their deaths. Go well my brothers and we await the outcome of the inquiry.

  41. Donchi kubeba international airport, formerly known as Lusaka international airpot shud be improved. Mukobeko maximum prison can be named FTJ Kafupi prison.At least the future generation will have little problem to remember mr Chiluba.please why we are still in the mode for renaming. Dilamba is not good name for toilets pa zed “bwezani” or ” Dora.  

  42. zo ona iyi ni dnt kulyamo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    GBM ku defence, women wont survive……………………..

  43. Pardoning Judge Ngoma is the same thing as pardoning William Banda. Judge Ngoma is a violent cadre who perpetrated criminal acts which were even captured on camera and shown to the whole nation. What kind of justice is this, if you are PF you are immune from the law? The rule of men at work, more is to come; you will tell me.

  44. hehehe..well done ..pardon all of them yes..and rename all the funny names to useful ones..when are u renaming schools in honour of FTJ and RB..hahahah!

  45. Has Western Province received its pledged Vice Presidency? Could it be this Ministry of Chiefs and Traditional Affairs given to

    a) Cabinet Minister Inonge Wina?

  46. Only those who can’t won’t see no matter what our new president will do for our poor country Zambia. Who just want to see him fall in life forgetting he is just human like us and he needs time to see the financial there left the previous government for development. Good luck Mr. President………………….

  47. am so happy for the lozi detainees we wait for the new cabinet to get to work,i cnt wait for more money in my pokets plus hard work

  48. Am I missing something in this new Zambia or there are alot of kids on this blog?? How does a president who spends two of his first days at work autonomously changing names of infrustratures be called working hard?? If tomorrow he drops dead it means Guy Scott can also simply change the names to whatever suites him. This is a Banana Republic. We want real work to start, not this rubbish.

    • I agree. Iam a PF supporter but this changing of names sets a nasty precedence. Every President that comes will then have his own names. We are bound to have Zambia becoming Zambezia like the Congolese did with their Zaire and back to Congo again. Ba Pulezidenti listen to me lets do things a bit more democratically

  49. keep yourself up to date and do not just look at 1 article.if u have been following the new gvt u will kno that theres a lot goin on and there definately a lot that will go on. development does not come in a is a qualitative process that needs a lot of effort so the best u can do is appreciate the little changes that are going on and hope to see more..which i assure u, u will

  50. There goes my hard earned money paying taxes to pay commissioners! Can we be told the exact terms of reference and there should be a deadline to finish this job not years and years people sitting and no results!

  51. It does not matter whether SATA names anything after Chiluba or RB, or indeed he doesn’t; his naming ceremonies will not subtract from the contributions Chiluba and RB have made to Zambia.
    These things have been there, some for a long time while others a short time but SATA has found them.
    So naming them in whatever artistic way, will not add more value to them than a comedian makes you lough your lungs out but at the end of it all adds nothing to your life apart from merry, which soon desappears.
    What we need is tangible contribution that will live a mark on the soil of Zambia, like the structures he has found and he is delighted to name.

  52. Iam very much impressed to see that none of the defected ministers like mulongoti,chitala and masebo got a ministrial job.This is really change and sata knows very well that he can be betrayed like the rebel MPs so he knows friends just for bootliking but its about values and WORK!keep it up ba PRESDO!

  53. #73 Common Sense, as your name suggests, I would expect you to know that the inner (personal) and outer (social) dimensions of development exist in an interdependent equilibrium. You seem to ignore (or underrate?) the renaissance factor that is linked to nation building. The infrastructure and institutions like airports, stadia, roads etc remain central to the daily life of Zambians and the more we identify ourselves with them, the more they are proudly revered and maintained/preserved in our national life.

    Consider this for a momment: Jews, Moslems, the Japanese, Americans or Germans do not find any contradiction between reverance for their ancestors and the demands of modern life. If Africans have to advance, a decolonisation process must take place – personally and socially.

  54. chiluba liked shopping too much .therefore naming him after the shopping malls will be much better.Manda Hill(FTJ Business centre).another one in the copper belt once constructed. ninshi fyamukwana.Elyo babikapo na Mansa Teachers training college as FTJ teacher training college.

  55. contd. we need to realise that cultural health is the locomotive to national health. If you consider all the fallen empires (Romans, Persians, Maya, Inka etc) – they all crumbled at the peak of cultural decadence – the momment they started neglecting their historic and cultural assets.

  56. They all start well.Think of FTJ the best starter but worst we have ever had too. we need to be careful but so far its ok except the constitutional flaw which i think is very bad to flout

  57. Somwtimes I wonder the thinking of some of these bloggers who are complaining about name change. I am very sure they have flown out of Zambia via Nairobi or indeed Johannesburg. Its just sour grapes as the culprits used to vehemently say Sata will never rule.

  58. #11 I think you need help. Without Chiluba iwe; where wud this Sata be? Even yourself; where wud you be. Thank the man for the good he did. Dont be like Dora Siliya…. nibuchipelelo ubu muleilanga bane.
    Chiluba is a hero – we all make mistakes but shud not only look at the mistakes. Today u can fly anywhere u want to go; people are richer because of businesses and all this was brought in by FTJ. If u were born long before now – you shud remember ZCBC, NIEC stores lines and worse of all the roads and UBZ night mares! Shibukeni bane 

  59. Am disappointed by a lot of you that seems to be impressed by MCS so far who has just been naming places and pardoning people that were not convicted. Since we are now about 83days to the ‘finish’ i expected you his apostles to analyze the team that MSC has put in place to implement the 90days joke and tell us why you think it will work.

  60. and for the Lozis, while as RB sent the police to deal with those dreamers MCS is gonna send an army to crush those that try to disturb peace. You will be dissapointed

  61. Bane, Victoria falls is shared between Zed and Zim. So i guess it will have to be an agreement with Zim to rename Vic. falls. The only way out would be to rename the section of the falls that is in Zed. However, knowing Uncle Bob (Robert)’s stance against the western world, Sata would probably easily convince him to come along at accept to rename the Vic.falls

  62. H.E. Do not forget Nkoyas and Mbundas to be represented in the C.O.I. because the Jan 14th riots where inspired from tribal threats from the so called Lozis so I don’t see how you can leave out the affected groups when looking into this issue. Mr President, you and VP knows that WP is not for Lozis alone so deal with things fairly. We want equal representation in matters that concerns everybody in WP. Please don’t be like MMD which was to close to the BRE at the expense of other Royal Establishments in Western Province. We are confident that this issue can be re-balanced to represent everybody. We are glad that we have rep in your Cabinet but we also need reps in all matters regarding WP. Those who can read this and are close to the PF leadership, please advise the President accordingly.

  63. elo lwanya how do you pardon someone who is not found guilty. This is a clear case of judicial interference, Only a few days old a number of mistakes are showing and i hear willy nsanda has been dropped before he was even sworn in. PF sympathisers mwatuletelela. This president has too much power therefore i guess even WILLIAM BANDA shud be forgiven just as JUDGE NGOMA.

  64. what is the commission for if people have already been forgiven???Another way to plunder resources for pipo like Rodger Chongwe.We all know that the lunga whatever want independence and the BRE want to rule western province Decentralise government and let the sycophants have it not you to start payin pipo $30,000.00 per day

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