Thursday, September 12, 2024

Government to repossess all land acquired corruptly in the past 10 years


Lands, Energy and Water Development Minister Christopher Yaluma

GOVERNMENT has embarked on a countrywide land audit which will result in all “irregularly and corruptly” acquired land in the last 10 years being repossessed by the State.

Government has also warned that it will prosecute and dismiss any officials from the Ministry of Lands found to have been involved in any illegal land sales.
Land, Energy and Water Development Minister, Christopher Yaluma, said in Lusaka yesterday that the land audit was, in the long run, meant to enable Zambians easier access to land.

“We have just started some random land audit. We are, soon, going to embark on a countrywide audit to ensure that all the land that was irregularly acquired in the last 10 years is repossessed. “If there are officials from my ministry involved in these irregular allocations, we shall ensure that they are prosecuted and fired instantly,” he said.

The Minister has since called upon members of the public to provide information of any irregularly or corruptly acquired land.

He said it was the Patriotic Front (PF) Government’s policy that all Zambians should benefit from their natural resources like land.

Meanwhile Mr. Yaluma has said that Government was working towards ensuring that Zambians access oil products like petrol, diesel and kerosene at affordable prices.

He said government was looking to find alternative fuel sources that would supply the commodity at a reasonable price.

“We need to cut off the middlemen because that is what is making fuel expensive. We want Zambians to get better prices for diesel, petrol and kerosene,” he said.

The minister also revealed that the PF Government was reviewing the solar geyser programme that was started by the MMD in collaboration with Zesco Limited.

He said while the solar geyser project was being used as a political gimmick by the previous government, it could help the country save on electricity if well implemented.

“We are reviewing the project, if well implemented and not as a political gimmick, the project can help us manage the electricity shortages and even enable us save power so that the country could even have excess,” he said.

Before the September 20 tripartite elections, the MMD embarked on a solar geyser project, which was targeted at densely populated residential areas. The project was launched by former president, Rupiah Banda.
[Times of Zambia]


  1. Extend to 20 years. Why just 10 years. Some land has houses. What are you going to do? Reverse the PF led council land allocation in Lilayi.

  2. Yes, yes, yes…………..Grab land from former ruling party cadres…and from those who bought land from them. How can you buy land from a cadre? You are not serious

  3. The best is advise the plot owners to follow the normal procedure and nomalise the does not mek sense you grab the land from someone who is ofcourse zambian and you alocate to another zambian who in my view wil have a favour from your side.think twice we are all zambians

  4. Hon Christopher Yaluma that will not solve the problem of land ownership. The best you can do is normalise the process and stop witch hunting and dont forget that PF will not be in power forever.There are alot of things that needs restructuring in terms of land acquisation in our country. Pf should not take pride by wasting taxpayers money but going back 10yrs to audit land. PF should instead carry on where MMD left and put in place a mechanism that will be transparent. Then what has been happening at the Lands Dept is corrupt acts and this in most cases involved senior govt officials and politicians. PF was voted into power to clean Zambia and that is reason MMD was kicked out of office coz they stopped listening.

  5. Is this the way forward for development in Zambia? Everyday being excited by the irregularities in the previous government. When are we going to hear developmental strategies for the next five, ten……. years?

  6. Like the people affected will just sit there and take it? This will just get bogged down in legal wrangles which wont go anywhere. Sounds good in theory but will be very difficult to implement.

  7. The govt should take back any land acquired illegally without any reference to a time frame. This is a sill.y policy from this govt. In your Bemba language you ‘say umulandu taubola! So what are you scared of in having no time frame? It also seems like whoever ‘reorganised’ the govt Ministries must have been high on weed. Lands and energy? Local govt and Environmental protection? Why the heck didnt you just put lands, water development, environmental protection , wildlife under one Ministry called Ministry of Environment?. Anyway what do you expect from half-literate kaponya chaps!

  8. Yes kindly begin with Munali, the fomer Lusaka City Mayor Mike Mposha had aquired alot of illigal land.One is now a car park in Kaunda sqare stage i and he went futher to personalise land donated by UNZA for a Community Police Post.He is still in possession of the title deeds.Law enforcement officers must move in right away!!!!

  9. I hope PF councillors found to have given themselves several plots of land will also be treated like everyone else. Let’s also make sure the process is credible and not a scheme to simply transfer land to connected people. As someone pointed out, the best thing will be to simply formalise the process in some cases. What if someone acquired land properly from someone who didn’t acquire it properly? Is it fair to take it back from them?

  10. #13 Because you are pf kaponya and therefore unable to think, I am not surprised you miss the point I am trying to make. But what can you expect from a Bemba supremacist such as yourself?

  11. Phew!!! Stop witch hunting please. We want progress. This is an excercise in futility or you want to re-distribute land to PF cadres that did not get positions. Just regularise and streamline the process of acquisition and ownership. There could be special cases were people could have been treated extremely unfairly. That needs to be looked into. Displaced families etc. We still have plenty of land in Zambia, the only problem is proximity to certain facilities e.g water, schools, heathy, roads, rails. Otherwise every person of the 13 million can get 500,000 square metres. Zambia is still sparcely populated by these statistics. This is not yet Gaza, Hebron, Jerico or East Jerusalem

  12. PF dont be stupid. In your 90 days have already advertised plots? Its only cadre who has interest for people becuase he gets land and sales at a cheaper price

  13. @Bishop Fimofimo. How do you know I am Bemba? Aha ha ha ha ha ha!

    Keep hurting son! I am Lunda from WP. Toot toot toot!

  14. which land are you going to grab..just get some pieces of land from those bazungus who have most opf their land just reserved for Mazabuka area,Chilanga area and kafue..

  15. I salute the Minister for taking that route. My plot was grabbed by very violent MMD cadres in independence area opposite sos village and later sold it out to some lady. I tried to reason with them by showing them offer letter and payment receipts from Min.of lands but they rubbished everything and threatened to dicipline me. I had to run for my dear life.
    why should my plot be legalised to an iligal occupant when i the legal owner is there with legal documents?. Bwana Minister, please teach these mmd cadres that it pays to be a law abiding citizen. God bless you.

  16. Yes there is need to investigate the land deals. For example there is land in Lusaka’s Chalala area belonging to an orphanage based in Chilenje which is still raising money to build and a relative to former president Late Levy Mwanawasa and a son to a former PS Late Mr. Duncan Kaona have sold houses and now sold the land belonging to the orphans together with the former Executive Secretary of the organisation. The poor orphans have no where to go but relatives of bosses are benifiting because of the influence they have

  17. There is land in Ibex Hill which was illegally given to MMD party cadres by William Banda, in an area called Kalale; further, there is land in Lusaka West, which was also illegally given to MMD party cadres. Please repossess this land and give it back to their rightful owners. And where do we report these illegally acquired land issues to?

  18. This has been long over due….thank God and thank you PF I can’t beleive this is happening now i know Zambia is really lead by the right people…..People should come out and point out all those that have got land illegally and by corrupt means

  19. I dont know whether this will happen in Barotseland if it is found that the Litunga gave land to an Induna illigally.Zambia our land.

  20. wow. no wonder Mugabe was in the country. How about farmers? Seems most of the affected are residential.

  21. interesting that they picked the last ten years and sata was not in government then, make the process better and get back the land from the last  15 years……………..

  22. I currently reside out of the country and would like information about who I can contact about illegal allocation of my land in Lusaka. Over the years several attempts have been made to illegally acquire my land and I have just been informed that houses are being built on my land. I am very dismayed about this .It should not be happening at all. I have my title deeds and the ministry has the records on file so I do not understand how those people were able to get as far as they have. They insist there are no records at the ministry of lands.Please give me some information about how I can go about with this issue . I would also like to know who I can contact within Zambia police and the ministry of lands to report this.

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