Saturday, July 27, 2024

William Banda disppointed with Police over his arrest.


File:MMD Lusaka province chairman William Banda

MMD Lusaka province chairman William Banda is disappointed with the Zambia police’s reaction over the meeting he held with other party cadres. Mr. Banda wonders why the police officers bundled the party cadres in the manner they did when they would have talked to them in a proper manner.

He has since refuted media reports that the party convened a meeting to talk about the Patriotic Front Government’s performance in the 90 days. In an interview with Journalists, Mr. Banda says the party only decided to meet so as to decide the way forward as well as to elect the new district leadership.

The MMD provincial chairman said that it is good that the police have set a tone that whoever meets, regardless of the political party and without informing the police will be apprehended for illegal assembly.

[pullquote]The MMD provincial chairman said that it is good that the police have set a tone that whoever meets, regardless of the political party and without informing the police will be apprehended for illegal assembly.[/pullquote]

On Thursday, warned and cautioned MMD Lusaka Province chairman William Banda and eight other party members for unlawful assembly. Police said Mr Banda and about 20 other MMD members unlawfully assembled at a named eating place between Kabulonga and Woodlands where they were planning to organise people to rise against the PF government, for failing to fulfil its campaign promises within 90 days.

The Police said the group had a closed-door assembly between 10:00 hours and 14:00 hours and refused to answer knocks from plain-clothed detectives who approached them.

And The Human Rights Commission (HRC) has cited the police of having acted outside the law when they detained and recorded a warn and caution statement from Lusaka province MMD Chairperson, William and others for alleged unlawful assembly.

The Commission has since asked the Zambia police service to clarify to Zambians what it means by unlawful assembly.

[pullquote]He clarifies that notifying the police is a formality and is useful if the organizers of a meeting suspect that the numbers of participants will swell therefore pose a security risk.[/pullquote]

HRC spokesperson, Samuel Kasankha says the people who were picked up were not obligated by law to get a permit or notify the police about their meeting especially that it was a small gathering.

He clarifies that notifying the police is a formality and is useful if the organizers of a meeting suspect that the numbers of participants will swell therefore pose a security risk.

The Commission spokesperson notes that the police should slap the arrested people with a different charge other than unlawful assembly if there is evidence that Mr Banda’s meeting was meant to create disorder against the PF government.

Mr Kasankha has urged the police to ensure that their reactions to meetings are undertaken within the confines of the law. He stresses that the Zambian constitution guarantees freedom of assembly.

The Commission has since cautioned the police to be careful not to be seen to be biased against some sections of society.



  2. William Banda should be caged at all costs. His behaviour is likely to incite dunder heads like him against the govt…Police did well to stop that meeting cos these chaps used to do the same when they were in power so why complain. I just hope the next party convention will boot this chap out cos he is a danger even to his ‘own party’. Abash a Chimbwi

  3. At least William Banda is more mature than HH in terms of reacting to politically motivated negative treatment. If it was HH, he could have cried that Sata hates him. Then he would ask all Tongas to cry with him that Bembas hate us Tongas.

  4. BA Maurice mwakula fye umutwe na mano tamwa kwata. Is there a mention of HH and Tongas there mwe mbwamwe. Its not a sin to be Tonga and separate us from the stupid rhetorics you trying to portray. Talk about the issue at hand and if you cannot say anything good then just SHUT your f989890k mouth. Tha article is clear and well presented and yet you turn to bent thoughts. Maaazi ako.

  5. Unlawful assembly? So … no Christmas parties or weddings without a police permit. I thought this is what opposition did, assemble and protest.
    So this is the change we voted for.

  6. someone tipped the police about the meeting, How did they know especially that it was a closed door meeting? Unless someone tells me that Banda is trailed….

  7. William should keep his willy between his legs. The old man needs to rest leave those things to young and energetic people. He cant beleive that he no longer has authrority to instruct carders to grab land from innocent people. You hurt us in actions of grabbing land. keep it between your legs ka nkonte iwe

  8. Confusion is merely rife in PF. The Police action is a ploy by PF cadres entrenched in the Police Force to divert the attention of the people from the Govt failure to deliver development. The PF believes Zambians are easy to manipulate in an effort to forget their plights. However, the picture is becoming clear that William Banda is being used as a scapegoat. Their President thrives on lies. He made a public pronouncement that Nevers Mumba was campaigning to communities of Priests in the Copperbelt when Mumba was actually in Lusaka. Then the new fleet of OP Officers (includidng Fred Mmembe) are misinforming Sata to his peril and consequent oblivion.

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