Saturday, July 27, 2024

Katele Kalumba’s appeal case set for 23rd April, 2012


File: Dr Katele Kalumba and Faustin Kabwe bundled in a police car after their sentencing to jail by a Lusaka magistrate Court

An appeal hearing case filed by former finance minister Dr. Katele Kalumba has been set for 23rd April 2012. This is in a case in which Dr. Kalumba who is also former MMD National Secretary and three others have appealed against their five-year jail terms slapped on them for corrupt practices.

Dr. Kalumba was jailed along with former Ministry of Finance Permanent Secretary Stella Chibanda, Access Financial Services Directors Faustin Kabwe and Aaron Chungu.

Then Lusaka High Court Deputy Director of Operations Edward Musona who sat as a Lusaka magistrate handed Dr. Kalumba a five-year sentence with hard labour after being found guilty on one count of corrupt practices by a public officer.

Ms. Chibanda was sentenced to 5 years simple imprisonment on 5 out of the 9 corruption charges while Access Financial Services Limited Directors Aaron Chungu and Faustin Kabwe were also jailed for 5 years each with hard labour.

Magistrate Musona said he had sentenced Kalumba to five years imprisonment with hard labour because he had not shown remorse, repentance and regret over his involvement in the matters before the court.

Dr. Kalumba and others have since appealed against their conviction and sentence.


  1. Why do cases take so long in Africa? This Laptop man would have been coming out by now (with good baheviour in jail-being a wife) in other countries.

    Send in quickly please. Grow a pair guys or lets leave these things alone and shut the courts! Other than chi Chungu who else has served time in Zed.

    Sometimes you agree with Boot Fimo Fimo mwe. The courts are a waste of time. I bet the PF guys should be learning a thing or two from this. Just go out there and plunder like MMD did.

  2. Why do cases take so long in Africa? This Laptop man would have been coming out by now (with good baheviour in jail-being a wife) in other countries.

    Send him in quickly please. Grow a pair guys or lets leave these things alone and shut the courts! Other than chi Chungu who else has served time in Zed?

    Sometimes you agree with Boot Fimo Fimo mwe. The courts are a waste of time in Africa let alone the investigative wings. I bet the PF guys should be learning a thing or two from this. Just go out there and plunder like MMD did. The longer you take the less likely it becomes that someone will go in.

    Chi Liato will soon be a free man proudly walking the streets. Chi Dora ifimata-ko nafichi nobukulu nomba. Jesus Christ twafweni!

  3. Ka Kafupi (hope LPM is still slapping that evil man) found guilty in a certain court, ku Zed ako kalechontauka. Ichiliule chakako chi Regina, sent in one minute, the next she is opening her gob as a very free hule in the streets. Kick the judges, margistrates and everyone else out and shut the courts they are a waste of money. No one is guilty in Zambia.

    someone who steals K6000 is given a suspended sentence. Pathetic!

  4. Ka Kafupi (hope LPM is still slapping that evil man) found guilty in a certain court, ku Zed ako kalechontauka. Ichil-iule chakako chi Regina, sent in one minute, the next she is opening her gob as a very free hu-le in the streets. Kick the judges, margistrates and everyone else out and shut the courts they are a waste of money. No one is guilty in Zambia.

    someone who steals K6000 is given a suspended sentence. Pathetic!

  5. These people are jailed for 5 years and yet they are serving their sentences out of prison and they are fully functioning in society. What kind of jail sentence is this? I think Zambian constitutional law is the waste in the world

  6. Second test for the cobras judicial impartiality, the first was on mpombo the duiker despite good evidence the man was left scotfree and rewarded

  7. Its true shut the courts. are they there only for poor pipo? It pains me to see mpombo on the streets walking freely. Dont argue i know the duiker better

    • But these cases were committed in the RB regime. It doesn`t matter when and who is involved, if we have to fight graft noone should be above the law. PF will not be in power forever, if they are shielding people who are supposed to be in jail, let the law deal with them after they have left.

      It`s not about people you plank!

  8. I am shocked that these thugs are NOT IN PRISON serving terms terms!! What country is this where convicts who have impoverished the nation are having braaiis with their females in their homes as freely as innocent citizens? This is an insult to all of us, the law abading citizens. This is one reason why the MMD as a party MUST be banned from the nation. It created such stupid laws that no decent nation has them!!

  9. The president has now a “formidable team” (Nchito, Mchenga and Malila) in place to dispose of cases quickly, so he said. They must get to work immediately.

  10. Italian Bunga Bunga (Original). Calm down, calm down don’t irritate your blood circulation to trigger BP. We don’t need other COI. I agree with you that when offenders have been convicted need to be in side the 4 square room. An appeal can be made whilst in prison.
    Katele used to be invisible to ellude justice he needs to be tamed in side. All these three plundered Zambian resources and PF govt needs to claw some assets from them. Saviour Chungu too run off using ficticious passport and arrived back into Zambia with a different passport. All these offences are mated with cagging the mambalas and retrieve assets fron him. He was a messenger and blue boy of Chiluba the thief.

  11. Nomba kuti ba kaka shani infumu. What are the subjects saying, do they have to be led by a thief? Ifwe infumu shesu tashikatwa, because they are dignified. Nimba imwe uko kuba bemba, infumu nikabwalala and ama subjects nabo nibakabwalala. what kind of people are you.

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