Saturday, July 27, 2024

Chief Justice must go, says SACCORD


Chief Justice Ernest Sakala

THE Southern African Centre for Constructive Resolution of Disputes (SACCORD) has said the resignation of Chief Justice Ernest Sakala would restore confidence in the judiciary, which is currently suffering from lack of confidence.

In an interview in Lusaka yesterday, SACCORD information officer Obby Chibuluma, however, said a comprehensive evaluation of what had gone wrong in the Judiciary was desirable.

“As much as we support the calls for the reforms of the Judiciary, we must, however, be careful that we do not erode the people’s confidence in this very important arm of the Government. While there are some bad eggs we still have many professional people in the Judiciary.

“Resignation of the Chief Justice may be part of the solution to help in restoring confidence in the Judiciary, though there is need for a comprehensive evaluation of the problems in the Judiciary which must be undertaken,” he said.

Mr Chibuluma said caution over the reforms in the Judiciary should be exercised because many people looked up to the courts for justice.

“Many Zambians are before these courts hence we should ensure that we protect the credibility of the Judiciary as an important arm of the Government, especially in a democracy,” he said.

And a lecturer in the School of law at the Zambian Open University (ZAOU) Buchezia Mwalongo said the entire judicial system should be reformed.

“Every institution in Zambia is corrupt and we need to reform these institutions but this will have to take some time, we can remove the Chief Justice then what. What we need is to reform the entire system,” he said.

Mr Mwalongo said the attacks on the Judiciary were not healthy for the country.

“For me, I think reforms are necessary but we must be cautious with the manner we undertake these reforms,” he said.

Pressure has been mounting on the need to reform the Judiciary to restore public confidence in the Government arm.

[Times of Zambia]


    • He lacked confidence in stamping out corruption in the judiciary situtetion. 2. How will he work with Sata, the man he refused to shake hands with a year ago. 3. Overstayed and too old to continue holding this position. Mchenga out…. Sakala out < New change

  1. Why should the CJ resign? Because the job seekers at SACCORD and Father Bwalya says so? The man has only days to go. Allow him to serve his contract atase.

  2. The Chief Justice has presided over the judiciary during a period when very controversial judgements were made. In some cases. Therefore, the buck stops at him, he may not ba bad himself but he must atkle responsibility and bite the bullet. Otherwise at th rate things are going, his position may not be tenable, for too long!!

  3. Let the man serve his contract and retire. There is no reason for him resigning, he needs just to heed to what the people are calling up to him to do….reform the judiciary system and speed up cases.

  4. PF led NGOs at work. The problem is not with the CJ but the governance system in the country. Obama once said “African doesnt need strong leaders but strong and independent institutions. Zambia will remain sick as long as the governance system is not looked into. Zambians stand up and get up and fight for what is right. Today is the CJ, MMD and the like.Life for what it is, tomorow it maybe u or a relative. Lets fight for what is right not a poltical party.

  5. Why should Chief Justice Sakala resign?Fred M’membe used to write very degrading comments about Michael Chilufya Sata.Why is the Post not being lined for banning?
    SACCORD should feel ashamed of themselves.Just because Sata has given Lee Habasonda a job then they have to join the chorus of asking an innocent Chief Justice to resign.Tell us just one count of misconduct the Chief Justice has committed but not the nonsense hand shake issue!

  6. CJ allowed himself to be used by the politicians in the name of RB and Kunda, he literally abandoned theZambian people and followed instructions from state house. Chiluba was acquited following the word from Kunda and state house, who lost ,the people of Zambia.All was about corruption and renewal of contract. CJ resign time has come.

  7. We need to be very careful as a nation the sort of precedents we make. Posterity might judge us harshly for we seem to love emotional and not very well thought out solutions to our problems. the chief justice is not representative of our judiciary. We might as well ask all the judges to resign. The best thing is to reform and transform systems. The judicial system, adminstrative, even our parliamentary system needs to be transformed. These petty and cosmetic solutions will take us nowhere.We cant just rely on individuals to perform bcoz we might not always pick the right people.

  8. Calls to have the CJ to resign are uncalled for. The judiciary is not the only arm of government that is inept. We can not have a situation where NGOs and certain powerful media houses will be influencing all important national decisions. Can someone tell me what wrongs he has committed to call for his resignation?

  9. It appears that a club of evil men have re-grouped and are networking to frustrate Chief Justice Ernest Sakala. Remember recent sentments raised by (1) John Sangwa, (2) Fr. Frank Bwalya and now (3) SACCORD information officer Obby Chibuluma. This is the same axis of evil that openly supported PF’s Sata. The timing is undeerstandable. The same people will seal their lips if President Sata suddenly got out of State House.

  10. # 15 Ba Kamwendo. Who are these people you are naming? Bwalya, Chibuluma, Mwansakapeya, etc. While reforms are needed at the judiciary, the call by some of these people is highly questionable. Wait for a Bemba to take over and your minions will celebrate to ensure they plunder at will. Project where we are going, you may slow down and think again. You believe rumours come from without, people are hurting and other sections of Zambians feel sidelined. Advise your govt more rumours will continue. Where there is repression people stand up for their rights.

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