Saturday, June 1, 2024

PF worse than MMD – HH


UPND leader Hakainde Hichilema
UPND leader Hakainde Hichilema

United Party for National Development Leader Hakainde Hichilema has charged that it is becoming evident everyday that the wishes of the masses that voted for change during the last general elections are being betrayed by the PF Government.

In a statement released to the media today, Mr Hichilema said that the change that was voted for is slowly beginning to resemble the old MMD regime.

He said that nothing has changed as the style of governance of the Michael Chilufya Sata led government is worse than the MMD government they have replaced.

Mr Hichilema said that in the previous regime, Zambians were unhappy with the use of Presidential powers to intimidate people and traditional rulers, citing the case when former President Rupiah Banda threatened to revoke the recognition of Chieftainess Nkomenshya.

He said that today President Michael Sata has continued on this wrong path and that he is even getting worse.

The UPND leader stated that President Sata is on record of mocking the Litunga, not long ago, while he recently threatened to revoke the recognition of the Eastern province Chiefs, Chief Madzimawe and Senior Chief Nzamane for merely expressing a view different from that of the President and Paramount Chief Mpezeni.

Mr Hichilema said that President Sata should desist from maneuvers to intimidate and threaten chiefs.



    • Zambia will never develop with Satan in power. The PF administration is full of Matuvi and danda heads. Zambia is in Trouble and soon we will start wishing MMD was in power. PF is just as corrupt as Chiluba was.

  1. HH you are right. Tyrants and economic plunderers have congregated to hijack Zambia to kill innocent souls in a diversity of ways and enrich themselves during the 5-Year term of Office. Indeed PF is much worse than MMD.

    • Be real Man!!!! All else you shall continue walloping in poverty if you think HH has brains. Have you forgotten that HH is in a pact with MMD now? How can he say PF is worse than MMD? UPND under HH has been in political alliances with almost all the parties now if your memory will help u to recall. Dont you see political prostitution in this chap? Amenso mwalikwata nomba tamumona, namatwi nayo balimupela nomba tamumfwa.

  2. Under 5 Bantustan. This boy with his regional politics are now threatening the life of Southern Province Minister Miles Sampa. They are asking him to leave them alone and go back to his tribesmen. With such an attitude I do not see myself voting for anyone with such tribal thuggery. The people of Southern Province are very good, humble and very hard working people. I have lived in Southern Province for years without being discriminated against but now this boy is preaching division.

  3. Zambians, let us relax and not get worked up so soon. Give the new government a chance. Leading a nation is not easy work. Let us go on our knees and pray for good governance.

  4. It is not true that the MMD is better than the PF. For example, whereas the MMD didn’t want the public to know the details of the ZAMTEL/Lapgreen deal the PF has laid it bare. Even you HH was advocating for transparency and now that you’re not in power the PF are worse…wow this is comical and luck of direction,HH.
    You’re just a sore loser and you have a big lump on your throat because you have not stopped crying, regretting why you left the PACT…well you thought MMD was going to continue in power……wooooo and now you have heard of how ZANACO was undervalued…tell us what is wrong about learning the truth? I am sure to you it is a witch-hunt but PF is welcome to flush out the crooks and corrupt politicians and I pray that you are not party to this because you will cry foul play.

  5. HH, just shut up. Leave Michael alone you loser. With this attitude of yours, u will certainly never rule our beloved country. Give the President and P.F government chance 2 rule. Your criticism is becoming irrelevant. moreover, who asked 4 your opinion?

  6. Politicians need to have a code of ethic that is reminicent with their status in society. But suprsingly, people like HH have fallen from superstarndom to villain all because of being power hungry and yearning to rule Zambia at all costs. This is a man who bearly less than a year ago had ”intercourse” with the PF with the veiw of running for presidency only to be booted out of the pact due to his under five behaviour. And now failing to come to terms with reality, that he made the worst mistake of his life for a chance to rule Zambia, He has resorted to all sorts of attacks to descredit the PF. HH go back to the drawing board and partner with young Chipimo who seems to be more of a decent politician than you. May be your fortunes could be revitilised. I rest my case.

  7. HH – In your capacity as an opposition I would like your views on PF’s Education agenda, Investment Strategy, Citizen Empowerment, Zamtel Privatisation reversal, Kwacha debasing , Fight against corruption etc, labour laws, Constitution making process. Talking about a litunga or Mumpezeni is really not in the geberal ineterest of the all country as there are more pressing issues than that. If by your own assertion MMD were that bad, why are you siding with them. Please take on PF on key issues and yopu will win some respect.

    • Exactly.. We have long moved on from those issues and are discussing labour matters and most major employers are locked in a collective bargaining process for 2012/3.. Kambwili and Zambia Federation of Employers were having a go at each other today on the Hot Seat Hot FM programe over labour matters and Kambwili’s visits etc. What are you views? Zamtel etc.

  8. This HH is still barking like a dog, I thought, he came to his senses that , he can and never rule. He is a disaster for the country , shut up like Kunda.

  9. Hh & your small party you did not vote this change but you actually distracted our change, thank God us the people conquered; so have no mandate to talk about our hard earned change. Wat this government is doing is wat we the people want especially the vigorous fight of graft. We demand justice, which can only attained wen us citizens are disciplined. Those 2eastern chiefs are indisciplined. In our Fighting corruption alot of beneficialies are hurt & we as a people who voted for this change love it. Viva MCS

    • idstntbias1 on November 29, 2010 the egyptian units were drag not lift but yes they had a good start and there is evidence they had even found aerodynamics in another example.if you want to get over tsr 1 you need to have a true lift profile

    • dearkrrt on June 25, 2011 I didn’t expect this from 24 hour n. I am impressed. I really wished the it gets better project existed when I was in my teens. It would have really helped me feel better. This is such a great idea, and I am glad that a fitness corporation is coming out in support of it.

  10. Zambia is a Republic. There should be no room for these moron CHIEFS. They belong to the archives or museums. Gvt should grab all land from these ‘traditional leaders’ for purposes of development.

  11. HH please shut up!!!! You are not Zambia, please keep your observations to yourself, we have eyes and yes all people have flaws just like you. Opposition is always talking about the wrongs they see but we can also see the good side of PF. Just like comrade Amayama has pointed out, what do you say. Please close your mouth for once.

    • There’s a difference between fearing something and finding something irritating. Fear is reserved for an encounter with a real threat, like lions for example, whereas irritation is when village pigs are trying to eat your poo while you’re still at it…

  12. HH for your own information PF is far much beta than rubbish MMD. If election were to be held today i will still vote for PF under Micheal so go and reorganise to tribal party(UPND)

  13. yes #18 Mwine. The most feared. Nevers was saying the same that he was the most feared. I think the most feared to me are the majority Voters. HH running a regional tribal party puts him sh!!t out of luck.

  14. this guy is so irritating…please mr High Hickup leave shi micheal alone..bring real issues,we are not interested about mpezeni or chief mwana chimbwali..looser

  15. nothing to defend ba PF, just tell your President to be different. you dont do the same things your predecessor did and you call your self different. thats madness. if RB threatened chieftainess nkomenshya mokamambo and Sata threatens madzimawe…whats the difference……. change should be evident ba kolwe imwe………?

  16. HH,it is time to grow up. Negativistic tendencies will not take you anywhere.What criteria did you use to come up with the word..”worse” describe the current govt? In Moral Philosophy/Ethics, we talk about CAF…(consider all factors)..before making a prudent judgement. Iam afraid your judgement has so many lapses..(pre-mature decision,rash judgement,under-tone of personal hate, generalization fallacy).etc. So, I advise you to to take the general interest of the nation at heart.We are all graduates from distinguished do not cause unnecessary division through improper discernment.

  17. HH you suck… talk sensible things are you so dull not to notice the difference btn MMD rule and PFs rule…at least me am now feeling the sense of belonging to this great nation Zambia

  18. This advice by HH is timely. Zambians let us woke up because Sata is the worst president Zambia has ever had. This guy will mess this country in very bad way.

  19. But he went and met Ala Bee. He has clearly said he is going to frustrate the PF government in parliament. This boy is really not a politician. What a waste of votes in Hai Hai land!

  20. HH is so disppointing. Honestly, UPND should find another leader, Tonga or not, very soon. He’s like the guy that gets the joke last and asks the person next to him when everyone else is on another topic. We have long moved on from those issues and are now discussing labour matters and most major employers are locked in a collective bargaining process for 2012/3.. Kambwili and Zambia Federation of Employers were having a go at each other today on the Hot Seat Hot FM programe over labour matters following Kambwili’s snap Employer visits etc. ZAMTEL was the major issue last 2/3 weeks.. Rebasing of currency as well was discussed.. Where the hell were you? You show up now talking about chiefs/ Litunga/ barotse???? Where were you?? under a rock?

  21. My advice to HH is rise above petty issues. No point involving yourself in matters which won’t raise your profile. It is said that, ‘silence is golden’. Ensure that when you speak, you do not expose yourself to ridicule. Start preparing UPND for the next election. Don’t wait for 2016. Surround yourself with WISE individuals. Some of the characters close to you are immature. Good luck!

  22. Thank you #20 kci. HH can never be the most feared. Never ever in this nation called Zambia. The most feared in Zambia now are the people of Zambia. People power is working big time in Zambia

  23. The PF Govt is doin so well that even people like HH cant come up with constructive criticism. Keep on work Mr Sata. We’re all behind u. Dont listen to these tribalist chaps with no ideas…

  24. HH, hahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha.
    He must be smoking something really strong! hahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahah

  25. all these politicians including Sata should just shut up if they dont have anything substantial or diplomatically intelligent to say

  26. iwe ka HH (Hakainyela Hichisushi) why do you only voice out when there is a small hiccup on presdo but conveniently quiet when he makes positive strides? please criticize objectively and give credit where its due

    • sgro77777 on September 21, 2011 hey buddy i liked fraevitod and subbed:) i would reallly appreciate it if i won the microsoft points thanks<3

  27. HH does not believe that he lost to MCS. You contribute positively one day you may be there who is going to advise you? So dont just wake up in the morning thinking that “I have taken time to be in news I should say something” No think about it first is it productive or NOT? I know you are hurt that you lost and this will keeping hurting for the next five years. MUSAYONDA CHABE BA HH MCS IS STILL IN CONTROL

  28. Imbushi ya muntu iyi, what is it saying?. By the way, we might extend our investigation to the time this wanker handled the sale of Luanshya mine.

  29. HH is right all those ranting cadres who talks before thinking are a dissappointment to Zambians.I remember and like one blogger who said that cadre angadye nangu matuvi ati kaili niba Sata.

  30. Chimbwi no plan! Come on HH, you can do better than that. Every time HH opens his mouth, it’s always negativity. Stop hating.

  31. HH is continuosly proving to the zambian electorate why HE is NOT president! What a waste of a politician. Honestly, he should go to choma and just be a chi farmer! This man had no agenda and still doesnt one…let it go HH, let it go!

  32. I see sum sense in what HH is saying.what do these bemba’s have 2 say bout there president threatening other citizen’sg,can you be realistic you monkey’s your tribal attacks will never take you anywhere.shame on you bemba’s like Tracy Get a life.

  33. Imwe bonse against abakulu ba HH ,u ain’t nothing but bought bloggers.
    Elo limbi kamutufye kamo changing names.

    Tu kaku palata very soon.

  34. “For example, whereas the MMD didn’t want the public to know the details of the ZAMTEL/Lapgreen deal the PF has laid it bare”. Of course PF has laid it bare, but they certainly will not lay bare their own misdeeds. But someone else will in 2016, kekekeke!

  35. Jesus said no one is good but God alone, HH you canot do better than what pf is doing, yes just continue to fight may be you will be the next president

  36. HH has compared PF to MMD and concluded PF is worse. Instead of insulting him, it would help if respective followers argued objectively instead of insulting each other. Those in the neutral would like to hear reasons why PF is better than MMD, or vice versa.

  37. never been a supporter of HH coz of the regionalism assorciated with him. However , what he says here is true and you have to be totally blind to ague. funny how some poeple want to call him loser , finished and all sorts of names. here is mews for you, HH is richer than most of you who insult him can even  dare dream. he will never be finished and he will always be an elite and so will his children , so spare your energies and make constructive contributions. ndiye problem yaba kaponya

    • hh maybe richer, but he well and trully isnt happy. he thinks he can rule people just because he has a few millions? THAT WILL NEVER HAPPEN. people dont dislike him because he is rich. they hate him because he is TRIBALISTIC. grow up and start using your brain mr voice of reason. there is no reason in your voice!

  38. # 12 AMAYAMA. You raise critical issues in the governance agenda of PF govt. HH and his party are not in power to spell out developmental agenda of PF(their mantra ‘Dont Kubeba’). You and PF are better positioned to inform Zambians about Investment Strategy(if any), Education agenda, Zamtel issue in retrospective

  39. We got no money like you but we are too wise for you Hakaivotela Heka.Its only your fault that you failed to be part of our government.If i were you i would have retired from active politics like your papa RB.i understand u are more like him.You got no heart for mother zambia and the poor Zambians.Viva PF Viva HE.MCS

  40. and prospective, Freedom of expression(Threats to traditional rulers of Eastern province), State of immergency in Western province, threats to N/Western province people and death of The Post and threats to On-line news out lets etc. As for economic development Zambians are looking for signs and not time as others advocate for us to give more time to PF govt. In fact PF set time for itself to deliver new Constitution, more money in Zambians pockets, restoration of BA64 and deliver services to Zambians within the now famous 90 DAYS. Zambians didn’t give time limit of 90 days. Let PF govt explain the issues you raise and not HH who is in opposition.

  41. HH is a total failure who has built his party on one tribe. A leader who has not practical suggestions on how to create wealth and jobs for Zambians. That is what we need in Zambia. An opposition leader together with a ruling Government has mandate to find ways how Zambia can move from poverty to wealth. Not a leader who protects past leaders who have stolen from the Zambian people. HH should be removed as a leader. We need Tonga leaders like the late Anderson Mazoka who draw members of his party across the country. We trusted Mazoka not because he was a Tonga, but for his leadership qualities across Zambia. More likely MMD store his votes for president. We voted for him regardless of what tribe we belonged to. Remove HH and UPND will grow across Zambia.

  42. not so long ago, I blogged about the irrelevance of HH, but now he has answered me with a more accurate of the situation in Zambia. If HH could get hold of this type of critism, I would surely give him my vote. This is a more objective critique than the ones he exhibited previously.
    Work hard Hh for my vote and others like me. So far you have scored 1 of 10.

  43. HH please say something sensible do not just open your mouth without proper reaserch just for the sake of news.PF worse than mwadya mweka dadi awe mwafilwa Tongabull.Is this another useless contribution give Pf a break we know you are bitter man you miscalculated iwe naiwe.Jealous down hh be practical you will rule one day copy from Presida SATA fight for ten years chapwa.

  44. The support we give PF even when they shit themselves is what made MMD bigheaded and the results speak for themselves. let those in the opposition do their job to make checks and balances of the Govt’s performance than waiting for five years to correct the mess. I am PF , but I dont want my Govt to be harassing innocent people or make false (salary increment) pronouncements.
    HH continue doing your job (even if you will never be president). Those insulting you are just dull even if they are in the diaspora. They probably all work in nursing homes.

  45. Inspector general of police Martin Malama has failed the Zambian people by creating a lynch mob in our justice system. It is important that lawyers representing Henry Banda inform Interpol that Dr Malama is being used by the current government to expropriate local and foreign capital. Zambia’s civilization is dualistic with one part based on laws and other by institutions underpinned by a free market system but today in our country Malama and his illiterate boss think it is right to destroy these elements of society.  This apparent absence of moral capital from the PF regime will in result in unprecedented economic deterioration and opposition leaders will do well to expose and fight this toxic threat to progress. Great nations are a consequence of their actions.

  46. HH plse just concentrate campaigning now especially to your weakest areas.Yesterday I found your friend E.Nawakwi selling fish pa Kangwa in Chilenje,i guess thats the beginning of her campaigning.

  47. HH just do yourself a favour and shut up. What makes you think you can do wonders to zambia. You politicians are just the same. Trust me if you had to come into power you will start persuing the PF, its always the same thing. Right now you busy pointing fingers at PF. Why can’t you do your work than talking nonsense in public.

  48. Kolwestans use this media without insulting please! We know in your language insults ‘malumbo’ but thats immoral. Respect every leader even those in oposition, thats how you used to insult MCS when he was in oposition now you are praise him, you hypocrites, watch out for hell fire.

  49. Kolwestans use this media without insulting please! We know in your language insults ‘malumbo’ but thats immoral. Respect every leader even those in oposition, thats how you used to insult MCS when he was in oposition now you praise him, you hypocrites, watch out for hell fire.

  50. Without the rule of law, Zambian civilisation would be no different from the civilisation characteristic of the animal kingdom where might is right. So far the despotic regime of Mr Sata has failed to guarantee basic human rights and freedoms to people as enshrined in the constitution and the direct consequence is that Zambia will not attract talent and innovation she needs to break the shackles of poverty and illiteracy.

  51. MCS has a vision for this nation,but his team wasn’t appointed on merit

    I haven’t heard any of these talk about millennium development goals

  52. HH has no brains.Did this chap really pass at UNZA or he was using Mwembeshi? The chap is so dull that he can not see the difference between MMD and PF Government? How shallow his thinking? Even my three year old boy can see that there was extravagance and stealing in the MMD regime as opposed to the current Government. Sale of Zamtel,Zanaco were not transperent, corruption,misrule the list is endless.The reason HH can no support SATA and PF government is because SATA and PF won the 20th September 2011 Presidential and Parliamentary Election.Shame on this Boy UNDER FIVE!!!!!!!!! 

  53. I voted for pf,but am encouraging you HH to continue talking man,i know in public what you are saying can be brushed off but as these guys sit else where they will consider what you said,bravo.

  54. Fellow bloggers, I thought everyone was entitled to his or her own opnion for the cause of mother Zamba! Hr Hichilema is expressing his opinion on governance issues and that is how you can trash his assertions surely? Let’s not let mere hatred for the man blind us to the realities of mismanagement done by the PF government on several issues. The Catholic bishops have issued a pastoral letter expressing their opinions and concerns on several governance issues and no one has condemned them, why only Mr Hichilema? The bishops talked about nepotism and tribalism in the PF governance of this country, and no one condemned them. Mr Hichilema talked about these issues much earlier after ministerial appointments late last year, and he was called names! Cry our beloved country!

  55. # 75 Say something befiting one in a developed country and not reflecting the NEDS currently in power in Zambia.

  56. A British meadia reporting on International Press Freedom Index for 2011/2012 has droped Zambia by four points. Last year Zambia was ranked 82 and since election of PF govt, freedom of expression has reduced by 4 points, meaning Zambia is now ranked 86 together with countries like Egypt, Angola, Cameroune etc slightly better than Malawi or Djibout. Currently Zambia has been placed on Noticeable Problems. As the term refers, Zambia can quickly degenerate into an intoralable state at any time with the trends of governance obtaining in the country.This has far reaching implications in terms of investments in the country. Freedom of expression is akin to conduisive investments. Dictatorship and threats to freedom of expression undermine those in power and apply repressive laws and regulations

    • Muna – this rating was based on obervations for over a period of last year. The rating has dropped because of the way the MMD used the media during elections. Wait until next years review – you will notice that the rating will actually improve. The media is far much freer under the PF govt than it was under the MMD. Be blessed.

  57. hakaivotela heka, what a u talkin about here? Seems its just a ritual or a requirement of you to make a statement , no matter what, to register your presence. The issues you ve raised and the manner you have raised them is below elementary and standards for a person aspiring to be the strongest opposition. Dont preach divition under 5.

  58. The NOTICEABLE PROBLEMS position Zambia is placed on has another dimension to PFgovernment in that the world is assessing Zambia as unstable in relationship to investor conduisive environment which will impact negatively to the gains achieved in the past. This position currently is attributed to the PF govt policies being issued without blue print political manifesto rhetoric. We hope the PF govt will improve this negative image being created by the outside world for the good of the nation.

  59. HH- when time for u to become president will come, u will rule Zambia the way u think will be rite, rite now PF is ruling Zed the way they think is rite, MMD did so , so dd UNIP…fullstop!!

  60. With all due respect to all bloggers’ opinions, I feel Mr Hichilema deserves to have his opinion too. Let not the mere hatred for the man blind us to the fact that there have been mismanagement in governance issues on the part of PF government, and he is just providing checks and balances. The Catholic bishops expressed their opinions on several governance issues like nepotism and tribalism in the PF government and nobody condemned them. Mr Hichilema expressed his opinion on nepotism and tribalism in the PF government much earlier late last year after cabinet and other government appointments, and he was called a tribalist for expressing his opinion. Why should only our opinions matter, what about Mr Hichilema, doesn’t he also deserve to express his opinion too? Let’s grow up for once.

  61. I advise all who do not agree with HH to express their views without attacking his tribe. No Tonga or Bemba or Ngoni or Lala will smile when his tribe is rediculed. Calling a people bantustan and other invectives is surely not a way to convince but a blatant attempt at humiliation. And I have already noticed that Tonga stalwarts are wearing t-shirts written boldly, ‘Bantustan by God’s choice.’ Country women, do not forment tribal hatred. As this is between my two tribes of whom I carry their blood, I speak the peace of God, the fellowship of the Holy Ghost and the Love of Jesus to both my Bemba and Tonga blood!

  62. So are we being told that only our opinions matter, and not Hichilema’s? I mean, the catholic bishops made known their concerns on nepotism and tribalism known in their pastoral letter, and no one condemned them. Why only Hichilema?

  63. #79 Muna Dhekane – Why so besotted with what the british media or any other foreign invester says on the expence of Zambians have said. Shouldn’t what Zambians want be more important than what outsiders would wish for? We need to rely on ourselves to define our destiny. If you embark on being a voyeur like yourselve you will remain a dependant. Zambians voted for PF for 5 years and that should be the time to judge them. In the meantime I would only expect high level debate from opposition but all I hear are issues involving traditional leaders or tribes.

  64. President Serpent Cobra Sata is evil like his looks, treacherous, deceitiful, liar and criminal pretending not to be part of the root and plunder of Zambia. He want to behave like a black Moses yet he is satanic in his deed. Serpent Cobra Sata want to use my chief Mpezeni to settle scores with RB and my other chiefs will not let Mpezeni sink that low to be used. Chiefs Mazimawe and Nzamane were marely advicing their senior chief Mpezeni and it was wrong for Mpezeni to sink that low and used by Serpent Cobra Sata when his council was suppose to discuss if requested by Serpent. Second Republican President FTJ was labelled thieve but never any chief from Luapula disowning what hails from their chiefdom. Mpezeni and Sata must grow!

  65. LOL LOL

    Sata and PF hunt thieves, crooks and looters…
    but you re right to be afraid…
    investigations into privatization of Kagem Mine and incontinental Hotel are coming soon… :-)

    • What does the current Govt have to do with the sale of intercontinental and Kagem?Has intercontinental been repossessed from my knowledge this hotel was sold to some Arab conglomerate some 10 or more years ago as in the case with Taj Pamodzi,Kagem am not sure so make sure you research properly before you spew your ignorance here.

  66. Yes HH if only you teamed up with MMD in the last elections this country was going to be spared from curse of having a fool in state house.
    To all Bembas next elections we shall make sure that no bemba ***** is voted into state house your real under five Chipimo is not spared from this.Your serpent has closed the door for future bemba leaders.

  67. HH is in the opposition and entitled to his views. Analyse what he is saying then respond constructively – whether you agree or not and the reasons thereof. Don’t just rush to attack one’s personality or even insult them (out of no provocation)

  68. HH is very right. A government should not be threatening the very people it is meant to protect. When any government starts ruling by fear, then it’s no longer worth it’s salt. That’s the issue HH is raising here. Unfortunately, most of these bloggers are dunderheads; they can’t reason, can’t comprehend, and are miserably slow-witted. Nifikopo. Blind followers after their blind leaders.

  69. #s1,5,7,8,9,10,12,13,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,etc 86 & 86 all of you mubwato kwena mwabeba kapala. HH cimbwi has a political stigma against 1 Maiko. I respect his views but they are always negative like sh*****t. PF govt cannot suit his thinking, instead he should suit the govt in power and advise accordingly. Tiyende Pamodzi means a lot, we have a long way to go as Zeds, so lets tiyende pamodzi instead of political tantrums. :):(:d:”>:((\:d/:x

  70. Ba HH so you are admitting that MMD was bad Ka. If so why in the world are you aligning yourself with MMD which is bad. It means you are just as bad as MMD so stop right there you hypocrite. Any honest man would distance himself from any bad person.

  71. HH, I will defend your right to freedom of expression. Keep talking. However, the way you talk in politics matters. You can just see from my fellow bloggers very few of them support your stance. Start learning to listen. What you should do is take the PF manifesto – study it and then begin reviewing it against what they have done so far. Tell the Zambian people what is wrong based on those governance and economic principles and explain the alternative. For instance start working on the 2013 national budget in readiness to counter the PF budget so that when they present theirs in October this year you can also release yours and explain to people why yours is better. That is how you win hearts and minds.

  72. chi colour waba pa kanwa kwati chii……nyo ceule lyaku zimbabwe .you can,t see the pf Govt is working.i think ama sushi ya ngombe yalaku fulunganya.

  73. I’m not a supporter of HH or UPND reason being the method he used to ascend to the leadership of UPND and above all being astinking tribalistic, however, on this instance he has a point.Sata was one of the first peopleto condemn Banda when he threatened to revoke chief Nkomeshya’s recognition, is he not following Banda’s footsteps.Check facts don’t be blinded by who is who or from where.

  74. This time around i will vote for HH no matter what!!! its true PF is worse than MMD. Only a fool cant see this. I feel being cheated these *****s.

  75. i really dont see anything wrong woth PF far so good.its really more interesting now to leave in zambia than before,we now have peace of mind because we have a man of action on top.go on pf sort them out.

  76. no matter wat you say HH you will never rule the country koz you are too bitter to be a leaader,zambians ve already shown interest in Chipimo dont you get it??thats why you have more people defecting to other parties koz of your attitude its extremelty wired plz find advisers to pump some sense in your head.wen sata was in opposition he was making sense with his contribution unlike you who just yap.bushit

  77. The Worst part Of This Tribalist`s approach(Hikainde Hichilema_Mental Cripple) is that he has nothing tangible to offer oppositionwise.Every time he opens his mouth what comes out decayed staff nothing to show direction to the masses. Suely of all pressing issues this boy who has never even been a ward committee member decides to talk about petty issues of the head of state `s non recognition of chiefs after all the one and only head of state currently only stated that he may not recognise some beakering chiefs if they do not respect the paramount chief.Shame Ba hikainde you seem to have lost it.It seems you are disgruntled on the fact that after pulling out of the PACT you thought PF would lose,well you had it coming us zambia can never vote for an inexperienced lot like you.:))

  78. its time for Bembas to wake up to reality. Time is nigh. We will start killing Bembas you now. Six months in power you think you will last. Amin went and hid in Saudi Arbia. Gadafi in the sewer you will have nowhere to go. Sata is shiting everywhere.

  79. Sims3fan2000 on December 15, 2010 @remembermorrison I love the ecdlaase ESV but I think I would rather have the denali instead only if it is longer and cheaper gas price and more mpg

  80. Hey!!I??ll definitely have to check out Sean??s post. And I love the idea of blogging about a failure and how you learned from it. I??ll have to do that one soon

  81. people will was have something to say, about anything they see is good or bad maybe it not time to look on the bad side of things yet rather focus on the good side, and we have to also try to see what the government of the republic is such practices.

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