Saturday, June 1, 2024

Kambwili ready to die for Zambian workers, reconciles with the “rude” Chinese Doctor


LABOUR Minister Chishimba Kambwili
LABOUR Minister Chishimba Kambwili

LABOUR Minister Chishimba Kambwili, who has recently made headlines in the papers, yesterday said the plight of Zambian workers is something he is ready to die for because it is close to his heart.

The abrasive minister, whose statements have sometimes riled sections of the diplomatic corps, and raised red flags among some investors, added that his intentions are not to chase investors.
“Jesus the Son of God was crucified for doing the right thing and people do not like me because what I am doing is the right thing,” he said.

The minister said if he has to “die” to give Zambians a decent wage, respect and a better life they deserve, then so be it.

Mr Kambwili said he feels that he has been deeply misunderstood by people who say he has a habit of intimidating, threatening and even bashing investors during a Hot FM live radio programme called the Hot Seat.

“Those who are condemning me for doing the right thing I am not worried,”Mr Kambwili, a former Copperbelt businessman, said and added: “I have nothing against the investors, it would be useless for me as a minister to chase the investors.”

Mr Kambwili vowed to continue his highly publicised controversial tours as soon as he completes the “paperwork” on tours undertaken thus far.

He appealed to ambassadors working in Zambia to help him by sensitising the investors from their countries to operate within the law singling out the Chinese envoy for his appeal.

“The Chinese ambassador and me had a very good meeting on Wednesday and he has invited me to the acrobatics at Government House today (yesterday) and we agreed on the mistakes that have been made,” Mr Kambwili said.

He also disclosed that he has made up with the Chinese doctor whom he last week exchanged fingers with as both the minister and the doctor got infuriated by “finger-pointing” during a discussion that did not go very well.

He said as a minister, he has the power to revoke the work permit of any foreign investor and no-one can stop him including the President.

He said the President has made it clear: “We want investment and we respect it but not at the expense of beating our people and giving them slave salaries.”

He warned employers, employees and everybody to “watch this space” as he liberates the Zambian labour fraternity from oppressive employers he did not name.

Mr Kambwili has come under fire for various incidents starting from intervening in salary negotiations to berating employers during his tour of Copperbelt companies prompting some anti-donor sentiments at one point.

State House this week issued a statement asking ministers and other Government officials to refrain from issuing statements that are not backed by policy.


  1. this man is a fool? are we at war for him to die. When us using a dull tool it takes alot of effort. this man is very dull

    • @1 pliz be considerate, go and see for yourself what pipo go through in the industries thats when you will come to real you. let kabwili do just that because some pipo wont change without a stick behind.

  2. Mr. Kambwili. You want to die for Zambia. Then die. We will honour you after you keep your words.

    You are treating us Zambians worse than the investors that you are blaming. You are treating us like a fools and illiterates, by trying to make us believe that you are the greatest lover of the country. 

    Alright. We believe you. So die. And show us what you mean.

    We all know you are just a bag of air and as corrupt as any other businessman.  Tell us how did you make your money. We are all ears!!! 

  3. Kwena ba kambwili bapuba kabili cacine tabasambilila (he is uneducated). Who does he think he is to even berate his own president that if he kambwili deports a foreigner not even president can stop him? Is he not embarrassed that the Chines doctor is still in Zambia because the system did not accept the Kamwili way? Let zambians not be fooled as it is these sort of cadre ministers who are destroying the image of pf and Mr. sata.

    • @Sanders. For your own information before you start bluffing, the man is an Engineer. So it does not warranty you to say he is not educated. The man has just got a high adrenaline of been a Minister, which in my opinion should be clipped in some cases. He can be a man of action but that equally doesn’t position him as been a good Minister. As a law maker, he needs to go out there are verify that the land laws are adhered. Those that are found wanting, the police and the courts are there to prosecute other than him taking the law in his own way.

    • He is living proof that academic knowledge is no substitute for common sense.. period.A degree in what and whatever and masters in what and wherever … My b..u…m.

  4. Not even the presidnet can stop him from revoking work permit of investors! this man has he gone nuts? much as he is fighting for our better wages let him tone down on his rantings to investors. many countries are jostling for investors and here we are insulting them in broad day right. Mr Kambwili plise for Gods sake learn to use palatable language and mind your dreaded finger pointing habit, u gain more by using diplomacy. these new ministers need oriatation on diplomacy other wise this country will go to the dogs fo sho!

    • Fergo
      Zambia is not jostling for investors, its the other way round! Zambia has what investors are looking for. You do not find copper, cobalt, emeralds and other metals everywhere! They are in Zambia and are of very high quality! Now the question is; what do we benefit as a country? If even the workers working long hard hours in the mines can not get a descent wage then we are a dull people! We need people like Kambwili to speak for the voiceless! Where on earth can foreigners be acquitted after shooting 11 local people who simply asked for better salaries?!!!!

  5. A Minister pointing fingers! Worse still a minister revoking a work permit because someone points a finger at him in a heated exchange. By all accounts that is bullish and intimidatory. Then he and his President are appealing to foreign investors to come and invest in the country. What a joke!

  6. Why only private companies. what about civil servants/GRZ.Civil servants are poorly paid and work under terrible conditions. It will be good to start bashing the GRZ before moving over to the private sector. By the way what is the role of the labour minister? Is it not to formulate labour policy in the country? The labour inspectors are the ones who are supposed to inspect companies.

  7. Agony is ; threatening a chocholi and not knowing that your Boss and the first envoy to china (kk), have already eating ichisumina mulandu

  8. learn to read between lines you fools.the rights to deport lies with the home affairs ministry which works in conjuction with other ministry not the that is the form of enthasis he is puting but if you cnt understand that at your level, i wonder which school you attended.

  9. As much as I may not like Kambwili and his tantrums I feel he is on the right track when it comes to Chinese so called investors in Zambia. Amb Zhou has the audacity to answer a minister in his country a Zambian Amb could not dare do what he has done. Kambwili you are on the right track on this issue and do not fear those who try to undermine your authority the doctor has the audacity to point a figure at a minister how dare who has he bribed to have such authority in a foreign land, if your country is better then go back to where you come from. We want investors not those who have no respect, if he can have a shouting match with a minister imagine how he treats the workers in his hospital. What a shame, he should have been deported to teach all a lesson that you should humble yoursel

  10. Even a dog can’t come to you if you are calling it while holding a stone in your hands, the same goes with the investors, you are inviting investors in the mean time you are chasing those available unless they are blind and are not seeing how you are treating others, they will not surely come.

  11. Chisimba Kambwili is doing the right thing, we should eat shit because of the chinese? If all we need to survive is food and water, which we have plenty of here, who needs the chinese, they need to comply with our labor laws period. There is no diplomacy there! they need to be told what to do.. .But it must also go to Government too, they also need to change their work culture and renumerations then we’ll have a much more solid fight aganist foreign investors. Go Kambwili Go!!!

  12. So he controls the Ministry of Home Affairs as well,Poor Kenedy Sakeni.This failed former Copperbelt businessman should act like a minister or atleast pretend,am seeing a lot of inferiority complex in these ministers hence their behaviour.So what does he have to say on the 100% increment he gave the health workers and later on to be rebased by GBM.

  13. Sometime in the second term of FTJ a debate arose about what minimumm qualifications leaders should have.I think we should revisit that debate for our only sake because the only rational explanation for this moron’s behaviour is the fact that this is a semi literate asshole.Can you imagine him representing the country at an international labour forum?


    • Mate Spot on these guys have no sense of independence. They think like Servants who think they cannot survive without their boss

    • You are right. Zambians are so domesticated to employment seeking that they will suffer needless abuse just for a pittance. I hope we have more people like Kambwili springing up even among the so-called employed.

  15. Hon. Kambwili don’t be quick to say things, before you think, re-think and conclude. You better tame your tongue. Out of the heart of Mr. Kambwili comes out the truth. The way you behave, defending yourself when you are wrong, your actions and the way you say it, not following laid down procedures and laws in place comes from your heart. Don’t take the words of Jesus in vain when you did not do right. Jesus did not die for such behavour. You are not different from what Dora Siliya did concerning the sale of Zamtel. You are acting at the same level like Dora. Today here you go again defending yourself that the all people miss understood you. It is better to accept your shot comings. It’s good that you have reconcilled. That is a good move. You being rude and Qin being rude does not pay.

  16. I do not regard the Chinese nationals as investors….what have they invested in so far…shops in kamwala selling fake products and construction companies which send money to china. i wont be surprised to find a chinese garden boy becuase these people have just taking this country by storm….and some of you should learn to stand up for your own….whats wrong with what CK style of leadership…do you honestly think that a chinese minister can tolerate such stupidity in their country?…

  17. we have money and knowledge but i wonder why we keep on calling investors to come and run even small bussinesz which we can run ourselves. MMD has realy indoctrinated as with invester sydrome. God who will deliver as. you cant depend on the neoghbors to run your house


  19. Hon. Kambwili you have failed to come up with policies and Acts that’s why you end up fighting employers. You are acting like Dora Siliya. The above article justify that the minister has. I wonder if Jesus would say well done my faithful servant kambwili for handling well labor issues in Zambia

  20. As the saying goes “No one talks about a dead horse because it is dead” If people talk about you then you must now you are at least doing something right. At times i don’t get you Zambians, This man is trying his level best to restore Zambian pride and all you are doing is just complaining, I don’t work for anyone because i don’t want to be pushed around by anyone and so i work for myself even though i don’t make much but at the end of the day, i was not insulted for it nor was i beaten for it. Let us be united to fight for our beautiful country Zambia and help the new government to archive this dream!!!!

  21. Zambians amaze me. They are brain washed or something!!! How can you support someone who mistreats you in your own land. Are we normal? Kambwili is doing what he can to protect us from these SLAVE OWNERS and you condemn him? what rubbish…!! MMD used to loose elections on the copperbelt because miners were largely mistreated by these so called infestors. Wake up Zambians, Zambia is your mother land. You can develop Zambia without infestors. You have a product to sale -Copper. How did KK do it???

  22. You are doing a good job sir and its for a good course, but please do it diplomatically. Because what will be the point of aggressively fighting for our people’s labor rights when they wont have those jobs in the nearest future?

  23.  Ba Kambwili is right. All he needs is to learn to take a more mature but assertive approach. Our workers deserve better from investors. Continue your good work, but don’t get too excited ba Mudala naimwe. So on your next round of trips, you can even leave the media behind – negotiate for your people. Be blessed!

  24. This fool is a racist! Why single out the Chinese? Luanshya was dead before the Chinese! Why did the you not get the Zambian workers to invest? The coal has been in the ground, Zambians have just been looking at it! The land is plenty and Zambians just complain!

    How is Kambwili paying his workers? How much is the government paying civil servants?

    Zambians are lazy and just want to attend funeral? Moreover, most workers are thieves! Why increase their salaries? Where will it come from? Kambwili is a failed businessman and now just depend on the government job!

  25. This fool is a racist! Why single out the Chinese? Luanshya was dead before the Chinese! Why did the you not get the Zambian workers to invest? The coal has been in the ground, Zambians have just been looking at it! The land is plenty and Zambians just complain!

    How is Kambwili paying his workers? How much is the government paying civil servants?

    Zambians are lazy and just want to attend funeral? Moreover, most workers are thieves! Why increase their salaries? Where will it come from? Kambwili is a failed businessman and now just depends on the government job!

  26. son of man #27, it doesn’t matter. How many of you with 10 PhDs can stand up for the oppressed??? All you do is question narrow, theoretical premises without offering anyway out for those that need help most. Stop this stupidity of always trying to equate your inferiority with a call to “education”…

  27. Hon. Kambwili is a very educated minister i was just listening to him on radio 2 ZNBC at worker’s voice program he aticulated issues very well!!! VIVA Kambwili you are the best person for the Job!!! its high time zambians got empowered with decent salaries don’t forget that our copper is depleting everyday and if our pipo don’t benefit from it now then when??? investors won’t leave Zambia they are making good money thats the fact!! mind you the Anglo americans want to come back!!

    • amoalpala on June 22, 2007 Fico feliz de ter participado desse momento historico,apesar dos problemas de engenharia na epoca ter quase destruido o carro.

  28. Wiseman or dullman wateva u’r cod; Rot in hell with yo shallow minded opinion about zambia!! if you are a chinese and you find it did difficult to adapt to our culture Leave us in peace and go back to china where you don’t mourn the dead sha!!!! adapt or Leave!!!!!

  29. Zambians!!!!! I think we would be happy to see Chines people shoot the Zambian , Just like in Alabees gvrt. Nothing was done to the chines. How many Zambians have been jailed in China?????? Kambwili might not be so bright but he is doing the right thing.

  30. kambwili how much do you pay yo workers at your nightclub??? develop good language u r old enough ukaleke ifimasele. but i woudnt u dying for me as a Zambian worker, fwa fast fast mudala…improve on your language for instance, there was no need to say u r ready to die….instead u wud have said u r ready to whatever is humanely posible to uplift the workers’ welfare. and dont point pipo anyhow u r not a king

  31. Ok Hon Kambwili, I will take it that I have misquoted your statement of dying for Zambian workers. I dont want to be deceived like in the case of 100% pay raise for all health workers, I believed you only to be told by GBM that President Sata was misquoted when the announcement came from you. Whatever comes from your mouth Honourable cannot be taken seriously at this point, sorry!

  32. Zambians! Let’s wake-up.Don’t just blame the minister without consideraring the reality on the ground.In as much as we welcome the foreign investors into our country, we cannot and will not tolerate any form of oppression or ill-treatment from anyone, not even the local employers.It is time to wake up from sleep and work for our mother-land.It is now or never.We can’t just sit and watch innocent lives suffering and dying as if that is the main reason they came into the world for. Wake-up, open your eyes, and be realistic.

    • kwena mwebena zambia mwalishupa.bushe bukacha lilali? mwebalelandalanda pali chishimba kambwili have you ever worked ku chambishi? if you dont fight who would fight for you?have you forgotten the sufferings? dont condem for the sake of condeming or jelous please we need ministers who could speak for those who can not be heard. stop insulting chishimba

  33. Kambwili should stop talking of dieing for Zambia but must explain how he came up with a hoax 100% wage increase for health workers. The statement was not a misquote but the labour minister in his usual style of wanting to been as the champion anounced on his own of the inreaments. Let his clarify this issue. its just that in Zambia we are cowards otherwise in other countries this could have sent ripplesi in th work force and labour unions.

  34. Surely the role of a labour minister is to develop labour, wage, pension, welfare and similar policies. All these utterances from Kambwili are nothing like policy. I wonder how well he pays his workers, or indeed how he treats them? My guess is worse the Chinese companies. What incompetence or is that ignorance?

  35. Musa am sure u’r a Pig with a sun scotched skin pigestan!!!! go minister i don’t want to wake up one day to be told by an investor that am leaving coz copper has depleted in the ground like i heard from one that sed copper ore quality in the ground has reduced but he keeps on mining LOL!!!! dull infestor!!

  36. how do you say you are doing what you are for the sake of the pipo of Zed with such insults and harrasmnts? Above that, i dont think Health workers in Zambia represent Zambia…they are infact just a minute fraction. how do you giv 100 percent increment to one section out of hundreds? if u thot twice, u shud have thot thrice maybe.

  37. if working to help the zambian workers, to liberate them from slave wages they have been receiving for a long time makes kambwili a fool,an ***** or a racist then, so be it. i cant believe that we have so many people in zambia who see nothing wrong with chinese investors, they shoot you, rape your daughters, pay you meager salaries and insult you, yet  you worship them as gods. i say fack them all, mr minister continue working the way you are doing and zambia shall be free and respected….. 

  38. Kambwili is the type of minister and leader we need in Zambia. All those condemning him should pose and think for a moment. Do u have the interests of your people at home or u just want bribes at the expense of your own people? Zambians have suffered for too long at the hands of these rude investors. All Kambwili needs to do now is to adopt a methodical and more guided and sober approach towards dealing with these slave masters (called investors in Zambia). Overall, well done Kambwili and keep it up! In Eastern province ‘kambwili’ is a ‘hoe’ and this ‘hoe’ is digging very well. Good job

  39. This man compares himself to Jesus Christ, belittles the President and has no idea of how to behave with Diplomacy. A disaster our new government can well do without.

  40. For those of us who have worked in Zed under crazy conditions from these so-called investors, onwewould understand Kambwili’s approach. Pipo work like slaves and have no dignity at all. I’m with him alllllll the way

  41. Leave Kambwili alone, I am not PF but I think he is the only kind of Minister that I like. All those condeming him have no feelings for the poor Zambian workers who are ill treated by these so called investors and I would not be surprised to find that you are also one of those people who mistreat your domestic workers and pay them peanuts- shame on you! You need to visit most of these foreign companies and see for yourselves how your fellow zambians are treated, you would shed tears- no protective clothing, filthy toilets, verbal abuse, no lunch etc. The problem is that most people have colonised minds thinking only a foreigner can do things better than you or create jobs for you. Rise and shine, you need to be running those companies and create wealth for mother zambia.

  42. Kabwili you are on the right track, don’t mind the haters, most of them have good jobs, access to good facilities and they think it is the same for every zambian. Most of our brothers and sisters are very poor and they would accept any condition just to raise a thousand kwacha to put food on the table. These workers need to be protected and not everyone responds to diplomacy, you need to be confrotational and emotional to drive the point home- it happens in our own homes, schools and even churches. So if you have no heart for the majority suffering zambian workers, go to the football link and leave serious minded people to post on this one.

  43. Stupid comments from some stupid Zambians as usual. Thank you hon. Kabwili, you are 100% right. Who in Zambia doesn’t know that Chinese in Zambia give slavery conditions to workers. I have two family members who used to work for diff chinese companies but resigned becoz of what Kambwili is fighting against. Who in this word(expect some foolish Zambians in Diaspora) doesn’t know that china is the worst violator of Humans rights, including labour laws. FOOLS, tone down and think before you touch your key boards.

  44. Whilst Mr. Kambwili’s concerns may be right, he clearly lacks basic etiquette in handling affairs. His character is too brash and earns him condemnation than a benefit of doubt. I think he is intelligent but brush, and at heart he may be just a shy child hiding under the bed of an aggressive disposition. The ideal is the balance between his extreme brash approach and and implementation of appropriate legislature addressing the ill his sees without having to necessarily rile a confrontation.

  45. A lot of Zambians have been indoctrinated into hating foreign investors. These investors don’t come from their countries to impose themselves on us. It is government that issues them permits if they satisfy all legal requirements. Investment in any country is governed by laws. If any investor breaks the law, let the law take its course. It is okay to be patriotic like kambwili but it matters how you show your patriotism. What we should ask ourselves about these investors that kambwili has confrontations with is whether or not they have broken any law. The Chinese doctor that kambwili wanted deported for being rude to him would have challenged him in our courts of law because being rude to a minister is not an offense that warrants deportation.

  46. I think I support Hon. Kambwili on this issue. The PF is the best thing to have happened to Zambia. Imagine if mmd had won last year’s elections; It would have meant more corruption, looting, stealing, grand corruption, oppression of the Zambian workers by the chinese employers while the mmd pays a deaf hear to this, more kwachas being burried u/ground, etc. I wouldnt have imagine another 5 yrs of mmd misrule. In as much as the PF have made some mistakes in the few months they have been in power, I thing the PF have a heart for the Zambian people unlike the mmd who were only worried about their pockets. The mmd sold Zambia to foreigners.

  47. #14 Pa Zed. Its ironic for most of these comments come from PF supporters masquerading virtuous and well meaning. The farce is that we as Zambians are a laughing stock, unable to master both local and global interaction protocol that casts failure on our human personnel competency to handle such issues. Who has had the last laugh over Kambwili gate? if I may ask. The genesis of the whole fun faire experienced in Zambia currently reflects the type of leadership in power. Yes Kambwili may act like a bull dog but at its master’s command, the dog is helpless if not hopeless. No individual within PF govt or in Zambia can talk back to Sata. This dominance by one person is where we are next to extreme and sweeping powers.

  48. I dont see a reason why u pipo are against Kambwili’s stance on the so called investors. If that chocholi can behave in such a way 2 the minister, what more the employees? Wud u pipo get supprised to hear that some workers are being beaten and insulted almost every day? Kambwili is not doing this 4 himself but 4 the affected employees. If all of u guys against Kambwili were working or had relative working 4 such useless, stupid and selfish investors, u wud be praising Kambwili. Wud any1 of u accept or let yo sons and daughters work 4 a salary bellow K500,000/month 4 more than 8hrs/day whilst being insulted by the boss? What skills do their collegues whom they come with, in this country have compared 2 what they get as salaries. WAKE UP GUYS & FIGHT 4 YOUR OWN ZAMBIA.

  49. All the workers deserve good working conditions. We all agree with that but the way Kambwili is trying to achieve his objective is crazy. Too overzealous to say the list.

  50. But surely the ‘I am ready to die for workers…’, ‘ not even the President…’ statements also show how naive he is. His ambitions, taking advantage of the popular ‘labour issues’ platform however unambiguous a step it might be, for its timing, ARE NAKED. Indeed, the statement from H.E the President chiding ‘overzealous ministers’ is specifically directed at him for this particular reason. Another Julius Malema in the making, with the same fate?

  51. We are slowly being classified as a NOTICEABLE PROBLEMATIC country on the world freedom of expression rankings. Something is going wrong in our nation. Zambia has more educated and competent persons to run the affairs of a nation in a more civilised manner than what is obtaining today. If only PF govt cared to put in place a credible team to help the president run the affairs of the nation without hi cups, Kambwili would not issue statements representing Zambia. There are many within PF that need muzzling including the president. We need a civilised system in place to match up world standards of governance and PF may say they dont need outsiders its their Zambia. Then daily apologies to outsiders will make us look more foolish. Zambia is not an island.

    • koaikenification on April 24, 2010 man i know this might sound like im a wuss but i have a laptop that i watch and i get my gun and BLAST THE TV!

  52. The way Zambians talk you would think that Zambia is the only destination for investment. You have to be real, we need foreign investment if we are going to bring about a change in the quality of life of most of our citizens. Compared to other potential investment destinations, Zambia has many disadvantages including the fact that we have a relatively small population that is generally unskilled. Added to that we are a land-locked country with poor infrastructure. If you think Kambwili’s behaviour will encourage investment to come to Zambia then you need your head testing. Fact is we are a poor country and we need investors more than they need us. The world will still carry on regardless if Zambia’s economy fails.  No point in fighting above your weight.

    • stop insulting chishimba.chishimba is well the way what is learning? if you think he is not educated you are pressing a wrong button.stop being evil

  53. Would also be good if he talked about productivity as well. If I am an investor, why would I want to come somewhere with high labour costs but with low productivity – do the maths I would rather go to India or India where people are skilled, are prepared to work hard and the labour costs are low.

  54. “He said as a minister, he has the power to revoke the work permit of any foreign investor and no-one can stop him including the President. “

    Well this is serious and bordering on insubordination. This man indeed needs to go back to school and has no idea how powerful the position of the President in Zambia is. This chap is playing with fire, I see Sata’s first ministerial firing written all over him


  56. Mwebalesapulula Kambwili tamwakwata mano. You want to show that you are more educated than an educated man. Do your homework before you open your mouths


  58. Hon. Kambwili is right. Chaines ineversters thinks we cant liev wiyhout them, Nooooooooooooooooooo. If they are greaved let them go and mine minerals in Chanchung if they have any at all. Those who are against Kambwili are those frustrated CHAPES who wre eating with the Members from the Mafias Deans (MMD). Vipubaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Alaaaaaaaaaaa! Mufuna banabanzanu azisebenzela nsonga ya kwacha in mutenga nsinde yakwacha, dirt minded cahapessssss!

  59. Take it easy and cautiously minister beware that the Zambian job market is very limited lest robots take over the few jobs leaving many more out on the streets! The investors would have made the much touted investments but leaving many families jobless and hungry! That would mean more mushrooming of shanties and piles of garbage!

  60. For once, we need to begin to support GOOD WORKS by our Ministers. What Chishimba Kambwili is doing is most commendable. In effect, the Minister is merely showing labour officers and factory inspectors who they should handle labour matters. So pliz, those people with negative comments, pliz chill. The PF government need our support on this score.

  61. The minister must also address reciprocity between investor and employee then the general Zambian attitude of laziness towards work before demanding for better conditions! Admittedly there are some dedicated hard working Zambians but it is also common knowledge that most will report for work and expect their problems to be sorted out on day one! 

  62. So let me get this right, he is saying he is just like Jesus now? 

    If this weren’t such a disaster for Zambia, I’d say it gets more and more comical every day.

  63. ka charles uli chipuba cha mwana, this man is trying to serve you idoit and you are there trying to tease him when you yourself you havent done anyhting *****. learn to appreciate we shilu we.

  64. By all means let’s chase the investors righ guys?? Who needs them?? Ministers get I think two weeks of diplomatic relations orientation which we cover in a semester! Having said that, shouldn’t the Hon. Minister be setting clear labor regulations and procedures before he can jump on anyone’s head from a dizzy height??

  65. Iwe Kambwili – Who said anything about anyone dying? In the civilised 21 century no one should die; etiquette and intelligent negotiation skills can achieve anything. Ati ‘ready to die’? Go to diplomacy school & learn . . .NIPA offers these courses mwana.

  66. Gentlemen let’s be serious. Kambwili maybe over the top but someone of these so called investors could not fly in their own countries and want to come and flex here in Zambia. Ask anyone who lives abroad if they behave in the manner the Chinese Doctor did. The law is the law. Even the governor that was pointing Obama the other week was chastised for not respecting the “office”. Chaps at Lap Green have been cut to size, after they grew too bog headed that the laws in Zambia can be flouted. Before you can have a field, you have to clear the forest, that is in the way. Chaps in the civil Service are suppose to enforce the law. But the system is so broken down. Do you expect that calling this chap means the abuse will stop? Keep it up Kambwili

  67. #15 AND #28 guys you have just made my day. I concur with you fellas 100%. Zambians in their right sound mind should not complain about what Kambwili is trying to do. You see the problem is that we have been made to believe that we can only survive if you kiss and investors’ ass…I say no way. We got the resources. If you were in China or Korea for example you wouldn’t do what some of these so called foreign investors are doing in our backyard. Even saying hello to a Chinese lady will get u caged right away.For progress sake, please let’s support the Minister to help improve the labor conditions in this country which are at their lowest in modern times. And when you get meager salaries don’t complain to government… just go and complain to George Kunda or slutty Dora Siliya….!

  68. Kambwili should do the needful and die ASAP.   Zambia will then love him forever.  He even failed to fire the Chinese doctor.  Unfortunately for PF, it is all talk, smoke and mirrors.  No substance, no delivery, no results.  How can a whole country mistake talk for action?!!!!  kambwili can blabber as much as he wants; nothing will happen.  He is playing to a gallery of kaponyas who are busy ululating “ati bauze!”

  69. There is no excuse for presenting an incompetent, rude and unskilled person to our investors. Any Kaponya straight from Lubama Market can do what the honerable minister is doing! What we need are people who can find lasting solutions to the labour problems, not someone bullying people around and making a lot of noise. We do not need another Malema in Zambia. On the other hand the investors should follow lour labour laws. Zambia needs to attract more investments and PF have an opportunity to make a good business environment for all stakeholders.


  71. U people are mad cows this man is fighting for the poor workers andvu call him a fool, I guess u need to grow up and stop commenting for no reason, do u know how mistreated the people working for chinese are ivguess not coz if u did u would have reacted more than this minister did,,, u are big fools and ungrateful .

  72. Well some of you people are weird. Why would you call the Minister uneducated? Does education teach you to mistreat people based on race or gender? When you are in a foreign country respect the Citizens and residents of that country. The doctor is an educated fool and the Minister is a smart elected employee who is doing exactly what his employers sent him to do. mind you, the voters are the bosses and they need to be protected at all times but we the Zambian people should also learn to respect investors and treat them the same way we expect them to treat us.

    F.Y.I The Minister has a higher education degree!

  73. Chimbwili, blasphemy, just a reminder,Jesus already died for mankind. But I don’t blame you, you are trying to do what PF said they’d do before elections, you’re trying to live up to your promises. The bad thing is, you didn’t realise your boss had changed his mind about the Chinese or should I say they have him eating from their palms

  74. John Kolala, you need education too. Don’t you know that a monkey is a monkey even if you dress it in a suit? Education opens your mind to knowledge, etiquet, diplomacy, self confindence, diginity, the list is endless. That is what bloggers have been trying to explain. Your so called minister has no higher education if he has shown you one, it should be from Matero University.

  75. I want people to think of a company which makes money for a week about K267,540,680 and it has only 35 Zambian Employees and 7 foreigners.And among Zambians the highest to be paid is K785,000 and the lowest is K300,000.Now if you multiply K267,540,680 by 4 weeks,how much does the company earn,compared with what it gives to it’s workers who brings such urge amount of money in the company.Is it fair?When will the poverty comes to any END in ZAMBIA?Ground the roots so many people are suffering in our country,but only a few are benefiting and you are busy condeming Ho.Kambwili.Hon you are a BRAVO, fight for us.

  76. I said at the time that it was not easy to deport people. You have to follow the law. Here we are. Kambwili has just learnt that his powers are not limitless.

  77. imwe who is asking about kambwilis education? you with your night sch education, even when you get 6 degrees you are still frozen in your brain, what u know best to do is twist figures to steal.
    leave the man alone, he has the zambians at heart

  78. i strongly support kambwili that chineese doctor he is very you will see how you are going to be exploited because you are empowering will regret insulting the innocent man

  79. RipplesGuy on September 18, 2011 This makes me want to join your fietnss organization, and you don’t even have one in Madison! One of THE best employee group It Gets Better videos and I’ve watched dozens of them! NICE JOB TEAM!

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