Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Kabimba will never be PF presidential candidate – Chama


PF secretary general/ Justice minister winter kabimba delevering his speech during the independencs celebrations theme hard work and unite in mongu yesterday
PF secretary general/ Justice minister Winter Kabimba

Suspended former Patriotic Front Lusaka Province chairperson Davis Chama has charged that party Secretary General Wynter Kabimba will never be a Presidential candidate on the Patriotic Front ticket, in what appears to be a sustained war of words between the Kabimba and GBM camps.

Mr. Chama has told Qfm News that PF members will not allow the party to be hijacked by people who recently joined the party like Mr. Kabimba and current Lusaka province PF chairperson Geoffrey Chumbwe.

He has categorically stated that PF members will not allow newcomers to destroy the party.

And Mr. Chama has challenged Mr. Kabimba to immediately discipline Mr. Chumbwe for publicly attacking and subjecting a senior member of the cabinet to public ridicule.

He says Mr. Chumbwe has personally attacked Defence Minister Geoffrey Mwamba and that his line of attack is similar to that perpetuated by the PF Secretary General and Justice Minister Wynter Kabimba on his fellow cabinet minister.

Mr. Chama adds that the statement in yesterdays Post Newspaper attributed to Mr. Chumbwe as having said that Mr. Mwamba will never be President of Zambia makes sad reading and is a confirmation of the division being created in the party.

He says he is aware of Mr. Kabimba’s plan to bring divisions and frustrate the founding members of PF and bring in their identified Presidential candidate.



  1. If you live in a glass house dont throw stones. timely warning to Kabimba and his colleagues HE is watching dont take him for granted that he considers all is fish that comes to his net. one day christmas Kabimba will be reduced to nothing. we are watching you guys dont fool yourselves in the name of being loyalists members and dont buy our patience. timely warning!

  2. These selfish pricks must keep quiet and solve their issues internally once and for all. WHy do they always have to rush to the media, do they really understand the power of the media? The media helped bring down the MMD govt and now it is happening with PF but this is too early for them to start fighting about who can be president and who cannot be. It is a pity that even people like Chumbwe can publicly attack GBM a senior member of the party. As much as we understand that GBM may not be presidential material, it is also wrong to attack him. I really feel sorry for the PF has their exit is drawing closer by their own misfortunes! 

    • You are sorry…sorry!!! Over what? I like it Jackle, let these thieves kill themselves now so that come 2015, we shall saulula buyo..

    • @ Ba Zambia ndamibona li hamotive mukati mwebo. You remind me of the little tonga i learnt while working in the rural areas of Mumbwa.

  3. Mr president can you sort out this winter, GBM issue once and for all your silence is not helping at all.To be honest by now i thought you will have created dual carrageway up to kabangwe from emassdale like the makeni chilanga road also bypass chilanga from behind zamim turnoff to join shimabala.join shimabala to airport turn off join kabangwe to shimabala, communication is key to development get the cash by increasing shares in the mines even a 15% is enough for all these of action we need to see movement not infighting.

    • That’s too complicated for PF to understand, break it down hahahaha. We only know bus stop business easy to operate- ” kasama eyo, abaleya mongu kwa hae, chipata bali siliyas”! Not ifyo fyama dual carrageway!

  4. low grade reasoning coupled with the absence of cells in the head that leads to such utterances of never never and bitter. Mostly perpetuated by pf zealots whose vocab just moved a 2 kilobyte notch high. Thats all. 

  5. Mr Chama?? Are you god to say so? Only God knows!! Why cant he bcome a president?Why cant yourself bcome president?Anyone can be a president…….

  6. What a party? The divisions amongst themselves have become their preoccupations and one wonders how the country they are supposed to lead and serve benefits from this trash. Well, one of them has already made it clear that he is in politics to get rich.

  7. we want elections next yr. lets not allow these comedians reign for 4yrrs more. I hear that life size snake was moved from farmers house to plot 1. 

  8. this is so annoying,what kind of a president do we have? y is he so quiet? i think mr sata is a zombie president…he cant simply comment on this issue just because they helped him get into state house..mwanawasa turned on the pipo who helped him because he had the heart for the people and wanted to develope this country..the one we have now is being controlled by the real president…don membe

  9. Beautiful weather here in Glasgow and going for a meal at lunch with Nick and his friends Paul, Steve and his wife
    This is life, thank you all for your prayers


  10. Enjoy the drama. The President MUST sort out this issue so that these ministers get to work for once. If not dealt with, it will affect a lot of issues. For example, at their offices right now their subodinates are not at ease because their boses always look angry and aggressive. Shoulting at workers because that is how it goes, you have to release your anger on frustration on something or someone. So, the more PF delays to deal with this the danger for the whole nation and the result will be NO Development.

  11. This Mr. Chama also, he condemns the other man while he does the same on Winter. So, who is who here? Chama = Chumbwe. The chaps are the same, they have all insulted their ministers.

  12. @Mushota#10
    You are sure of what you are alleging,hey? Tell me that you are merely acting. Mushota get over it because you will never be trully happy with that man. All that you doing is to suppress the past bad experiences you had with typical Zambian men. Believe it or not, your underlying frustrations will surface and catch up with you. Sweetie, what you need is real love from a man who understands Afro-kink hair and there is no substitute for that. Those psychological traumas which you experienced at the hands of those losers made you lose hope and trust in black men. Trust me it is not over until I say so and I am the one holding the key to your happiness not some pretending lying jerk

  13. HH is the man, we need sanity & integreity restored in the country. They will be a protest on 15th Nov. 2012 by the Upnd supporter in Lusaka, cant wait to join this noble case.

  14. Mr Sata should manage his cadres and sit them down than watching hopelessly held at ransom unable even to make a statement since this insane PF in-fighting. Zambians are waiting for delivery of services promised during the campaign before elections. Cage corrupt PF ministers who go about as if untouchable with the law. PF govt is infesting corruption in the whole nation with its incompetency to manage the national affairs.

  15. @Mushota#10
    Hi sweetie, how was your day at work? And or you didn’t go to work and ended up wasting your precious time following Nick. I hate him a lot because he is using you and on top of that he knows that you are educated. He is after your savings and your life insurance policy. Mushota look around and ask yourself honest questions. Does he truly love you and how does he react when both of you argue. Does he ocassionally resort to racist name calling? Does he compare you to other white girls as in habits or as in looks, aesthetics ? Do not lie every couple fight every now and then. Tell me the simple truth because I am the caring type. Enjoy your youthfulness and preserve it for the right one

    • Hey #20 just mind your own business. Zambia has so many ladies find yours instead of salivating for Mushota. Stop being a low life.

  16. No man has the rite to tell another that he/she will never be president. Only God and us the majority Zambians can say that. Not one person speaking on behalf of all us, twakaaanaaa!!!!!!

  17. GMB lost to Lubinda in 2006 parliamentally elections.GBM stood on MMD ticket.PF was founded in 2001.Kabimba stood on PF ticket in 2006 and lost.In 2001,Kabimba together with Masebo was a member of RP (BY’s Party ) What i am trying to say is that neither GBM nor Kabimba is a founder member of PF,But kabimba joined PF much earlier than GBM.

  18. #18 clement please just stay at home. your leaders wont join you instead will be glued to radio and flat on ZWD for updates on how you being clobered and gased by ZP (Zabwino palibe).  Same evening HH and SATA will wine and dine while you are nursing bruises. Get busy and work on your life.

  19. Splinter Kapimbe is planning to split! … Iwe naiwe EX ZIT #21, God doesn’t vote – it is the majority of Zambians who vote. There are people who have pissed off Zambians and they are yet to taste elected office if at all… Don’t mystify a simple process…

  20. And that old greaseball Veep has the audacity to claim that civil servants are frustrating govt efforts when its themselves frustrating eachother

  21. @21 ka ex zit, can you be specific about which god you are on about? The one u worship in the bottle stores or the many other gods of the many religions?

    • God is the chooser of leaders and nothing happens without God allowing it, u cant see the role He plays???? There is only one God mind u?? U call a ka wen u cant even lift me??? U hav to be a John Cena or Shemus to have me lifted….

  22. Sorry for detracting everyone from the issue at hand here, but I can’t help but mention the silly presidential poll in the “Zambian nkoloko galu” site (Z/W?D). I was following that poll and what used to happen in the past few days is, if you tried to vote or see results, it will just go “Loading” and it will not display any results until this afternoon. They are a bunch of jokers and it’s just interesting to see how small brains reason… I wonder who they think they’re fooling!

    • Hahahaha, I went back to watchdog to see an updated poll… guess what, it say “You voted for this chioce – Hakainde Hichilema”. These guys are total jokers coz I’d never vote for HH… not even in my wildest dreams. Simply shows that Sata’s votes on the poll have been given to HH and those reflecting as Sata’s are in fact HH’s. Total nuisance!!!


  24. For starters, the notion of always running to the media for any comment should stop immediately. This Chama chap is speaking on whose behalf? There’s a good reason why he is currently suspended.
    Secondly, the people will speak (vote) when the time comes. I see this trend in the PF party and government of people being insecure. Why should you lot start worrying, bickering, pointing fingers and making presumptuous statement about who will be the next president. How quickly you all forget that, it’s the promises you made during your campaign that got you elected in the first damn place! Take nothing for granted and concentrate on building the country. I am always amazed at the amount of time our politicians spend throwing mud at each other. I find this behaviour appalling!

  25. PF yayamba bwangu ama succession disputes, Yangu Eeee! You know, What PF does realise is that tuleloleshafye! let them concentrate on real issues. We need constitution, poverty alleviation ,employment, among other big things. Ba pf mube careful sanafye, muzalila monga boza. Ask MMD. We want action and not silly squables

  26. Who ever wants to be a president is welcome,but i think to avoid the media misleading our people we need to learn on what was happening in usa.
    We need a person who can debate wisely and tell our people what he can do for our people.

  27. This dull lawyer cant never be president.He is a womanize,who has destroyed a lot of young womens lives.Maggie Bwalya had a good job with Barclays at Kasama brach.Bcoz of selfish man’s ego to destroy young ladies,he promised her heaven on her.”Ati u will stand in Lukashya,u will win and u will be
    MP”.Maggie quit the job.To cut the story short.Maggie has been left in cold suffering with no job after using her be is foolish Kawimbe.God will punish u kawimbe!

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