Saturday, July 27, 2024

Rumoured conflicts in PF not real, the provincial party structures are sound and intact-Kabimba


PF Secretary General Wynter Kabimba,Northern Province Minister Freedom Sikazwe  and Provincial Treasurer Chomba Chipili shows a  party symbol to the delegates after he officiate at the Party Provincial Indaba in Kasama
PF Secretary General Wynter Kabimba,Northern Province Minister Freedom Sikazwe and Provincial Treasurer Chomba Chipili shows a party symbol to the delegates after he officiate at the Party Provincial Indaba in Kasama

Minister of Justice Wynter Kabimba has said the rumoured conflicts were not real as the provincial party structures were sound and still intact.

He however, said there was a camp based in Kasama that wanted to hijack the PF led by outsiders who are not functionaries of the party.

Using a proverb in his native language Sala, Mr Kabimba likened the faction trying to hijack the PF to a small dog following an elephant which despite persistent barks could never attract the attention of the elephant.

Urging the PF party leaders to ignore the said camp, Mr Kabimba said the party would not be rocked by individuals with self-interest and attempting do so would be at their own peril.

“No one is bigger than anyone in the PF. We are all equal. If anyone is bigger…maybe in kilogrammes because on the political stage we are all equal,” he said.

At the forum, Mr Kabimba thanked delegates and party members for their self-sacrifice which had ushered the PF into office. He said others were now considering PF as “sweet” party because of their hard work.

Asking them to remain united, he warned party members who were encouraging the creation of parallel structures to desist from the habit.

[pullquote]“No one is bigger than anyone in the PF. We are all equal. If anyone is bigger…maybe in kilogrammes because on the political stage we are all equal,” he said.[/pullquote]

“We will not entertain individuals trying to usurp elected party officials as it is against party policy. We will only deal with recognised party functionaries,” he said.

Though the party was on an aggressive recruitment drive, it did not mean the displacement duly elected officials.

Laying the tone for his expectations on the operations of the party, Mr Kabimba said since the PF was now in power it faced great challenges and relied on the unwavering support of party members in Northern Province.

He expected outstanding discipline and sacrifice because it was the culture of indiscipline that made MMD lose the last general elections.

“We need to insulate the party against auctioneers. PF is not attending an auction of positions to the highest bidder,” Mr Kabimba said.

Basking in the elation of the PF’s victory in Mufumbwe, the PF secretary general said the MMD was still struggling to re-organise itself while the PF continued to grow because of eth discipline among its ranks.

He also prodded the forums’ delegates to look for fresh blood for the party’s upcoming leadership that exhibited the qualities shown by President Sata.

“Mr Sata embraces everyone and puts people first. So look for another Sata. I have known Mr Sata for 30 years from the time I was Town Clerk in kitwe and later Lusaka. I know the values he stands for and handed down. Very few people know him like I do.

“And even though you (delegates) speak the same language as him, he trusts me more than you,” Mr Kabimba said.

He told the delegates to continue mobilising and recruiting leaders for the next generation that believed in the same things as the president.

He however, said he was happy to see the good attendance at the forum which showed that the party was solid and doing well.

The consultative forum was also attended by Northern Province PF MPs all of whom were present with the exclusion of Alfredah Kansembe and Mr Mwamba.


  1. Kaibimba you must watch your mouth, you are not equal in the PF not even on political ground, stop deceiving yourself. You are not elected by anyone and you do not represent any constituency. So how can you consider yourself equal? You have a bad record of failure everywhere you have been, it is high time you calmed down and sober up! Stop the nonsense and tame your mouth!

  2. Attacking GBM in his Kasama backyard. Ati maybe u a big in Kilo’s and not in the party. Oweeee.

    Kabimba 4 – GBM 0.
    We await the second half.

    But Kabimba why waste so much time attacking GBM who was NOT even there.

    Ati abantu banmo from Kasama want to hijack PF…..

    Kabimba went to unleash a salvo at GBM.

  3. We all know who is bigger in kilograms. GBM will respond by saying, ‘this shadow boxing is not for feather weights’. The saga is getting more interesting especially with the president’s non-intervention.

  4. hahaha!!!! quote of the day “No one is bigger than anyone in the PF. We are all equal. If anyone is bigger…maybe in kilogrammes because on the political stage we are all equal,” Please pf get to work and spare us the comedy

  5. Bembas insulted in own backyard…….’you can speak same language as Ukwa, but f**k off, he trusts me more than you!’    lol

  6. the battle is getting hotter and hotter every day .This tells me the king cobra won’t stand in 2016.These guys have some information.

  7. Its normal for people not to like each other at a place of work.Seriously,do we get along with all our workmates?These people,Wynter and GBM, are just being human like the rest of us.It is not a must that you must like your workmate.They are workmates as ministers,they don’t need to be best of friends just because they are ministers.The so called friction is very normal in any working environment thats why the president has left them to sort themselves out as adults.GBM just met his match in Wynter as he is used to bullying people.

  8. ” I have known Mr Sata for 30 years from the time I was Town Clerk in kitwe and later Lusaka. I know the values he stands for and handed down. Very few people know him like I do.

    And even though you (delegates) speak the same language as him, he trusts me more than you,” Mr Kabimba said. Kabimba was actually telling the Kolwestans that, no one can succeed Sata who does not know him as Kabimba does. No Kolwestan will stand as PF president in 2016. This is the message, it is clear. Thank you Kabimba for correcting the situation. VIVA Wynter…VIVA.

  9. fred mmembe and kabimba ve launched a senseless cold war with GBM a thing they ll soon come to grief over. Its now clear kabimba is a belligelent and quarrelsome fella. Why attack your fellow leader like that. Times ve changed kabimba, its not like the days you were lusaka town clerk and sylvia deputy mayor. You made life for john chilambwe who was mayor very difficult.
    Soon kabimba you ll be gnashing your teeth if you on attacking people to impress fred mmembe.[-(

  10. fred mmembe and kabimba ve launched a senseless cold war with GBM a thing they ll soon come to grief over. Its now clear kabimba is a belligelent and quarrelsome fella. Why attack your fellow leader like that. Times ve changed kabimba, its not like the days you were lusaka town clerk and sylvia deputy mayor. You made life for john chilambwe who was mayor very difficult.
    Soon kabimba you ll be gnashing your teeth if you on attacking people to impress fred mmembe.

  11. An Emirates A380 with over 500 on board has blwon an engine after taken from Sydney International. Pilot managed to dump fuel gurn around and make an emergency landing. Thank god. Thats the biggest passenger aircraft on this planet.

  12. Pamenso ku vimba, this Perpetual Fukry should really come to an end in Zambia. Only one year in and you have started with succession wrangles.MPY!! Fulfill your campaign promises and execute current and previous GRZ policies diligently and maybe we’ll consider you. Pamenso

  13. we want development and not quarrels. please develop zambia. no wonder we are a less developed country. can pipo atkeast try to be civil with each other.

  14. wynter is supposed to relinquish the post of Party secreatry Gneral if he intends to be Justice minister. he is busy palnning fights instead of thinking and strategising on how to ipmrove the judiciary. i have now seen why many pipo opposed his two positions.

  15. kabimba we know you are hurt because GBM turned your gay proposal down but please just pick up the spilled beans and move on time is a healer in time you forget about GBM and you find someone even BIGGER in KG’s as you put it than GBM. Be strong Wynter i know its hard to find GAYS in Zambia especially with the body size of GBM (balloon type) but you not alone as Mmembe is already comforting you.

  16. Teti ba Wynter ba yumfwe. You spoke the truth, these people want you to tell lies , noooo, you are the man of truth. Ba GBM mwandini just resign from PF and join MMD then re contest your seat on MMD ticket tuka basepa icibi.
    And why is ba Sata not doing anything about it? Just know that tapali icenu.

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