Saturday, July 27, 2024

MMD youths give NEC 14 days ultimatum to sort out internal party divisions


FILE: MMD cadres
FILE: MMD cadres

MMD youths in Lusaka have given its party leadership a 14 days ultimatum in which to call for a an urgent national executive committee (NEC) meeting to sort out the deepening wrangles that have rocked the former ruling party.

The youths have threatened of serious demonstrations if NEC fails to call for a meeting to iron out the differences within the 14 days ultimatum.

The youths wants MMD NEC to hold an urgent meeting to address issues of the invalidation of MMD president Nevers Mumba, National secretary Major Kachingwe’s expulsion and the alleged dual citizenship of Dr Mumba.

They further want NEC to also touch on issues of finances, expenditure and allowances.

“We demand the following: discuss the so called MMD repentance, we want the NEC to make it very clear on the boundaries between the new MMD and the MMD that we know and we belong to.

“We demand that a Quorum be formed. Infact all NEC members must attend” read a statement signed by Lusaka Central Youth Chairperson Jacob Mtonga and Kabwata Constituency youth Chairperson Lesley Chikuse.

Mr Mtonga and Mr Chikuse further demanded for minutes of the NEC to be made public to them and that NEC should deliberate on the issues without being emotional and following the party Constitution.

They said as youths, they did not recognise any suspensions and expulsions in the party until such a time when the full NEC meeting would be held.

Mr Mtonga and Mr Chikuse charged that the failure by NEC to call for a meeting and iron out the wrangles within 14 days would result in youths taking the matters personal which would attract serious demonstrations.


  1. Call them names but their demands are valid – Holding a NEC meeting is the only way -Nevers should follow the MMD constitution if he has to advice pf to do the same – his dictatorial tendances and shortcuts will not help the once mighty mmd party in any way.

  2. lawlessness slowly creeping in the once mighty party. every jim and jack is his own boss who can order anyone around and this and that at will. nonsense.

  3. These are PF and kachingwe’s militia no genuine MMD can do such a thing Let the corupt pipo like Namugala and others leave MMD just like Namulambe did SATA has allowed such nosence to be happening in Zambia he is not ruling with authority..sometimes we’ ll d ask why did Mwanawasa die at a time when we needed him? we need a president BRIG. GEN MIYANDA is a man.


  5. Currently there is no discipline in both the MMD & PF. Ultimatums, accusations and counter accusations, name-calling, expulsions of each other and violent evictions from office have taken over. Zambians are being short-changed by own leaders.

  6. and yesterday Lusaka MMD women led by Provincial Chairlady went to demonstrate at muvitv. its like Nevers is losing control, sometimes dictatorship gets you farther way from your goal.
    if they don’t sort this out ASAP, goodbye Mwadya Mweka Daddy

  7. we are waiting for Nevers to come back to the pupilt. pastor just forget about politics let politicians handle politics and pastors to hundle spiritual matters

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